Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 5, 1962, p. 2

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ttjt 2 the stouffvble tbibune tnwdjy uf 5 1962 editorial public school how interested are our young people in politics we do not know if the students in our public and high schools attach any real mean ing to a provincial or federal elec tion but we feel that if all pupils were given an opportunity to delve into the planks of the various party platforms it would give the individ ual a much better insight into the pros and cons of a very important subject such a policy was put into prac tise at the ringwood public school last month prior to the ballot vote the printed program of each of the four candidates in york north was thoroughly aired in the senior room politics under the direction of the class teacher and principal miss bertha crone when every aspect of every issue had been discussed the stud ents cast their ballots we think that this is an excel lent idea and we would commend miss crone for her originality in pro moting such a timely project per haps a similar program was adopted in some other district schools but was not brought to our attention if so we say well done perhaps by the time these boys and girls have reach ed the age of 21 they will have ac quired an intelligent grasp of the poli tical situation and will cast their votes not as father did but as they feel in their own minds is best church vandalism a desire to destroy must be a mental trait that is linked with a minority group of youngsters in every community stouffville has its share of vandals but the town is possibly no worse or no better than any other in this regard vacant homes schools and park property are easy marks and it is often difficult to track down the cul prits responsible last week we viewed an incident on main street that in our books ranks with the automation there is still a place for the human mind in todays trend towards mechanical automation proof of this fact was borne out last week when a stouffville university honour student was failed by a machine the computer arrived at a figure that lowest the stained glass windows in the front of the presbyterian church were the targets and the marks of destruction are plainly vis ible from the highway the act is even more despicable since only within recent years considerable sums of money were spent in com pleting repairs to this building we would like to know just what kind of a boy would do such a trick perhaps he is more to be pitied than criticized not foolproof would have cost a girl an entire school year and except for a doublecheck the mistake might not have been un covered other students in this par ticular university were similarly affected yes some day machines may take the place of men but that timers still a long way off our gas stations ever notice the change taking place in our gas stations throughout the country even right here in town some of our stations are spreading out into the retail goods market more and more it has been predicted that with the manufacture of cars which need service only twice a year there would be turmoil in the service sta tion business they would have to seek some more profitable uses for the space they occupy imperial oil has been leading the way for some time in this de partment offering various items us ually carried in hardware stores across the line in the us this move has advanced much further a service station was opened last month in richmond va with a stand sell- holiday ti schools are out and the two big holiday months of the year have ar rived once more where are you going this summer and when do you take your holidays are two of the most familiar questions one hears being asked the big season for leisure time is here again the dictionary describes leisure as freedom afforded by exemption from occupation or business time free from employment some how ever think the subject is a good deal more complex than this they point out the fact that today some persons undertake leisure time activity as if it were another occupation though not gainful they see men and women who pursue sports hobbies and doityourself activities with an intensity and outlay of energy little different from work time the writer being one of those who enjoys a particular sport quite intensely understands partially what these people mean but we believe that there is a further string to the definition of leisure time not in- are changing ing greeting cards flowers shrubs garden tools sind other sundries re ports say that not only do the sun dries sell well but gasoline sales are up as well service stations and restaurants have been combining for some time and in cleveland one has combined with a drivein bank the future implication of these early successes in the retail line may pose still another line of competition for traditional stores more people in canada are relying on their cars than most people would have considered possible 20 years ago the combina tion of convenient food and variety stores with service stations may prove irresistible to the motoring public of the future me is here eluded in the dictionary version we would add that there is much leisure in change alone true one may ex pend just as much energy as he or she does oh their daily job but the fact that they are away from the daily routine out of the rut so to speak to them affords considerable leisure we include ourselves in this group psychologists say that leisure should be time to think without pres sure to rest to wander aimlessly to take stock of ones life to just plain loaf they believe that the only lei sure is a kind of pause an entry into a spacious clearing where you can look at the forest rather than just the trees they argue that you cant do this when youre out in the car whizzing among the trees we cant argue with this but do believe that what can be leisure to one man would be work for another and that each must seek his or her own recreation or that which relieves the daily pressure something as personal as leisure is difficult to pin down hoi easy to define editors moil june 30 1962 to the editor are we losing our rights as citizens because we are evading our responsibilities it has been said that people get the kind of government they deserve many do not become informed on local national and international events do not vote and are uninterested then they complain and have grievances when it is too late we all suffer because of the general lack of interest and apathy if wc wish to improve and strengthen our way of life each one of us whether we are citi zens or in the process of becom ing citizens has- to play a re sponsible role this may take the form of setting a good ex ample to children instruction volunteer work writing to the local papers expressing our opinion in groups clubs or by radio securing knowledge and understanding and by countless ways which our desire and con science will find each one of us has to work at being a citizen in order to keep what we have passerby mije touffmile frtbutu established 1s a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontario weekly newspapers association aatboclmd a lacoaddu man peraocc dtpu ottawa member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 350 elsewhere s450 l h noun pbbfao us thomas edrtoc ms mdcean urfliooa another saturday sermon all right 4ll fistftll o okt theres htktlttorilsttam beep w g- hi doodle buo- to take you out 10 tu club where youll poke and putr all cvmmauki 8eueve touee auioio bilea ahp sabs puyen plavihgofp the masters j vh1l be trapped rtte 3 hole more opten man another tole omthe couasew voialcoaedraggimc- home too late akdtoo tiredt5tx ahyop tkae chores mu promised to do j johmmycammelp mewev gome to play aall mtue little league ftvs susan is- our rivtcuimghitw hie girl scouts aud im stuck mere uytu viimdow wasun flower bebs pmutukytue screeksjthem r p1sht1mg- the mob attje supebmarmt wflu utrle co keep company go on j i hame fum yjfij the 0oys but ooifr you pare brims- me some of that iftaple sugar as asalme to yoor cbrtscience i sunday school lesson gi i sugar 1 and i spice i ltsmebsa by bill smiley wsamjg it may seem a very poor atti tude when the financial experts are crying blue ruin the news papers are demanding action the prime minister is running to the hockshop and everybody is being warned to tighten his belt but im just about to com mence two months holidays a there will be a short pause here while all my old colleagues in the weekly newspaper busi ness vent their feelings i can hear the cries just as well as though they werein the room of good old bill he deserves it and congratulations old boy i hope you enjoy every minute of it and a few other things never mind chaps i know how you feel and i appre ciate it m but i cant help it just be cause i decided my true voca tion lay in guiding young lives in nurturing the tender plants of our youth in bringing to bloom the personalities of our richest resource theres no need to carry on so a and of course you realize that these holidays are nothing but a nuisance to the dedicated pedant we deeply devoted tea chers feel nothing but intense irritation at this unfortuate summer interruption in our calling caused by the absence of pupils most of us can scarce ly wait for labor day to roll around after all you can get pretty sick of tramping around some old golf course day after day and you can get mighty bored just sitti there in the hot sun drinking beer and pull ing in the bass a a a perhaps my real trouble is that im not used to holidays as any weekly editor can tell you theyre almost nonexist ent in that game in fact i havent had a decent holiday in the last 15 years im like a man who has never been farther than the next town and who is sud denly offered a plane ticket to any place in the world he wants to go hes bewildered hes seared he doesnt know what to do with it a a a because i know its going to be a traumatic experience ive had to do a lot of careful plan ning otherwise i just know id crack up under the pressure of all that free time at first i planned big write a novel take a trip to the west coast or the east coast canoe through al gonquin park but it wasnt long until i real ized that sort of thinking was pure escapism trying as it were to deal with the gigantic menacing vacation with one blow no i had to face up to it there was no easy way out i knew i would have to suffer through every one of those six- tyouu days as they advanced on me in indian file its taken me about a week of hard work but i think ive come up with a creative adven turous approach to the whole troublesome problem the first thing i realized was that id have to keep busy every mo ment with this in mind i drew up the following schedule 3 leap smartly out of bed no later than 10 every morning unless im tired straight out into the garden in bare feet and shorls to read the mall while j- i drink my orange juice half an hour of meditation watch ing the black squirrels eating wifes radishes a walk no driving downtown purchase morning paper and peruse same over coffee in res taurant with prettiest waitress in town walk home under the maples wondering what the poor people are doing today re move beaded bottle from refrig erator detach cap consume con tents slowly lunch in garden short nap in lawn chair while sun passes zenith waken shave dress fulfill afternoon obligation boat ride through islands game of golf fishing jaunt or swim and sunbathing home shower tall tinkling drink dinner served outside of barbecued steak baked potato fresh green beans or young carrots salad coffee brandy read novel under the oaks lulled by sounds of summer evening childrens piping birds lullabies distant band concert sit out until long af ter dark smoking good cigar and pondering ways of god and man go in prepare small snack and retire to study to watch all late movies until all stations off air bed this i know is the only way i can fight off that wild desire to get back into that classroom and manage somehow to get through those two grueling months i can only save my sanity if i stick closely to my program and i intend to do just that provided of course that i can dispose of the dog and cat sell my two children in to slavery and send my wife to visit her uncle in ireland lesson for july s jtebemiah announces impending tragedy jer 113 5s 717 19 si 85 golden text turn ye again now every one from his evil way and from the evil of your doings jer 255 tub lesson as a whole like john the baptist and paul jeremiah was appointed a prophet of god before his birth see chap 15 though bom of priestly descent in the small town of anathoth a few miles north of jerusalem it was as a prophet of jehovah that he served as heavens mouthpiece to the people of judah during the death agonies of that na tion jeremiahs ministry covering the reigns of the last three kings extended over 40 years he lived to witness the exact and tragic fulfillment of his own predictions and probably died in egypt to which land he was compelled to accompany a rem nant of rebellious refugees jeremish is the great prophet of judgment and though he washed his prophecies in his tears apparently his plaintive cries bore very little fruit he has been called the man with the iron will and bleeding heart warning of impending na tional disaster this man served as the very conscience of judah about the only response that he awakened was the ill will of the civil and religious authori ties who cruelly persecuted him in all of his dark experiences however he proved the sustain ing grace of his faithful god the heart of the lesson last week we were consider ing the gracious revival that brought so much blessing in judah upon the occasion of the discovery of and obedience to the recovered book of the law from external appearances this would seem to have been a deep spiritual work however an other view the internal is pre sented in some of the prophe cies of jeremiah which reveal that the movement was tem pered by superficiality upon the untimely death of the good king josiah the fortunes of judah steadily declined like a ship dragging its anchor before the gale and drifting toward some jagged reef the nation fin ally came to disaster at the time of the chaldean invasion it was during those ominous closing days that the prophet entreated the people to turn to the lord from their wicked ness to cling to their religious heritage and to cry the tem ple of the lotd the temple of the lord jer 74 could never be a substitute for real repent ance they mustrenounce their idols and obey the true god jeremiah poured out his heart along with his words for he really loved the people indeed his love was a reflection of je hovahs love it was not recip rocated however and reluctant ly the lord brought upon them the chastisement of the long- threatened captivity there the prophets announcement was fulfilled thine own wickedness shall correct thee and thy back- slidings shall reprove thee 2 19 scratch pads from jumbo size down fro note size the stouffville tribune altona pastor to address cty church service on july 15 the regular meeting of the directors of ontario county federation of agriculture was held at cedar point restaurant beaverton on tuesday evening june 19th the directors at this meeting voted in favour of cosponsor ing with the department of ag riculture on behalf of the org anizations interested in the dai ry industry a county competi tion to select a dairy princess this years competition will be held in conjunction with the holstein club twilight meeting at gray bros farm manches ter the evening of july 10th the first prize winner will re ceive 1800 with second prize s1500 third prize 1200 and each contestant thereafter will receive 1000 the countys dairy princess will be expected to enter the provincial compe- tition at the canadian national exhibition in august the sixth annual worship sponsored by the ontario coun ty federation of agriculture will be held at the old stone church beaverton on july 15 at 230 pm the federation of agriculture deems it an honour to be allowed to hold its yearly church service at this historic site which was built by the ear ly scotch settlers during the years from 1832 1840 this year we will be privileged to have rev d sargent altona as speaker and the junior farmer quartette to lead the singing and provide special music it is hoped that anyone interested in attending will feel free to do so grant wallace opa field- man invited the twentytwo di rectors present at the meeting to express an opinion on the a r d a programme and to 15000 gift for toy collection the 15000 presented recent ly to the metropolitan toronto and region conservation foun dation for the purchase of the famed percy band pioneer toy collection was made by the laidlaw foundation it was re vealed here today by f a wade chairman of the conser vation foundation mr wade noted that the mon ey was donated by the laidlaw foundation through one of its directors r a laidlaw of tor onto the toy collection now hous ed and displayed for the public at the mtrcas pioneer vill age at jane street and steeles avt in northwest metro tor onto consists of more than 300 items it is described by the village director albert colucci as being one of the most com prehensive collections of its kind in north america i mr wade said he hoped the donation would serve as an ex ample to other private citizens and charitable organizations who were interested in the de velopment of conservation he explained that the conservation foundations purpose is to ad minister gifts and donations of money lands and goods for tha advancement of conservation work under its charter the founda tion will be able to invest money under the corporations act and use its funds for the purchase of lands buildings conserva tion research and education as well as the purchase of histori cal articles such as the band toy collection for the mtrca consider ways of strengthening the relationship between com modity groups and the federa tion of agriculture unless some unforeseen sit uation arises this will he the last meeting of the board i of directors until september is tour most date approaching make sure the wedding invitations and announcements are correct in every detail we have a large choice of wedding stationery and offer you thermo- graphed type in various styles we also have printed napkins place cards thank you cards and other supplies we invite you to stop in and see our samples j when your wedding date approaches order your printed supplies at j the stouffville tribune tf they dont wast initials carrel on their om desks they shouldnt have tooght ma hew to print j phone 152 53 main street t

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