ttt 2 the stouffvlue tribune tkursy mjy 24 1962 editarial roller skating at uxb the directors of the uxbridge community arena board have given the green light to a full scale summer roller skating program to commence next month the decision to make the arena a yearround paying pro position has come hot on the heels of a winter gate receipt of almost 24000 ice skating in uxbridge during 6162 rattled over 2500 into the coffers and the committee is con fident that roller skating will be equally well supported although the season will be considerably shorter the stouftville arena like ux bridge has a concrete floor which we feel would provide a suitable sur face for such a sport a roller rink for this town has been suggested through this column on previous occasions but no action was ever taken uxbridge has now taken up ridge why not here the torch and the success of the venture is practically assured if cur rent comments on the project are any indication several thousands of dollars were spent on the installation of the permanent concrete base in the local rink but with the exception of a few on again off again midsummer events activity from may to septem ber has waned from little to almost nothing in this day and age people are always attracted to something new and for this reason we have felt that such a sport could be a newfound moneymaker nothing ventured nothing gained however aside from the financial gain of the proposition roller skating might inject a little sports stimulus into our summer pro gram that has sunk to an alltime low the detergent that soaks out dirt and crime shoes to shine on saturday night the brass buttons will be gleam ing and the shoes will be shining for the annual inspection night of the stouffville and district air cadet squadron no 94 on saturday even ing it will be the second display of precision drill here since the squadron was organized but the first openair inspection sixty young men will take part in a floodlit program to be held in the memorial park local citizens are urged to attend the stouffville and district air cadet program is a proven success here and the enthusiasm displayed by its members and the management is remarkable there have been num erous dropouts along the line during the past two years this can be ex pected but their ranks have been quickly filled by new but willing re cruits the cadets have become a very important yearround function in the life of our community their activ ities have not been confined to one weekly workout every tuesday night the boys are always ready and able to add colour and distinction to any parade program in town they have turned out for us in the past on sat urday evening they would appreciate a similar response from us dont let them down hold back on the reins a little a multithousand dollar expan sion program has been recommended for the stouffville dist high school by the inspector to accommodate the fnflux of student personnel within the next five years the suggested plan would include a double gymnasium one for the boys and another for the girls more modern library facilities with added reading and studybook materials and so on we agree thatthe board mem bers are not responsible for the resi dential buildup in the community and the number of students who come from these homes we agree also that sixty per cent of our high school education construction costs are cov ered in the form of government grants but does not the trustee have a certain responsibility to the muni cipality that he as an individual is appointed to represent doesnt the remaining forty cents out of every dollar have some significance we trust that the stouffville board will give these recommendations their careful consideration before they apply any stamp of approval to the entire plan with no insinuation whatever against the stouffville members we have felt in some other districts that the high schpol trustees have not worked in any close cooperation with council bodies this has led to hard feelings and only tended to widen the breach between the two with school costs already taking a major chunk of the tax dollar it is only right that the source of the money supply should be considered this source is mr john public who must pay the shot either directly or otherwise little mention of tax overhaul of the election campaign speech es we have heard and read to date we have noticed little mention of any major tax overhaul this is one of the important things we think our leaders should talk about and one which would certainly catch the ear of a great many people we realize that it is very diffi cult if not impossible for any gov ernment to drastically reduce its ex penditures particularly in the wel fare field but surely a halt can be called to further increases until rome further stimulus can be given to the rate of economic growth admittedly canadians are not the most reckless spenders in the world but their rale of capital invest ment is blocked to a great extent by the high rate of taxation through taxes on income how many people know that 63 of the governments federal revenue is derived from taxes on income we think this is one of the reasons canadians have failed to 356 will probably drown the water death statistics point out quite clearly that 356 people will probably drown in ontario this year 20 of them will die during july the height of the summer season over one hundred automobiles will return from provincial vacation lands minus one child passenger eighty swimmers will find the shore is fatal ly far away seventy sailors will drown through falling over board or because their crafts are shipping water faster than they can bail ten waders will fall or step into water that is too deep sad tragic facts of our time sad because they tear loved ones from their families tra ffic because most of these accidents need never happen fi- one way to prevent water acci- provide more capital to speed up the economy alongside the heavy tax burden on income carried by canadians take a look at european countries where the amount raised from this source is much smaller and the capital gains have been much greater revenues from income taxes in west germany are only 22 of the government in come norway is 27 italy 26 and great britain 55 at this time when politicians are going around the country making promises that can only saddle the taxpayers with more burdens it would be fine to hear one of them tell the people how all these new millions i are to be raised and not leave us all to understand it is from further in come tax it only stands to reason that if the government wishes to see the people invest more to stimulate prosperity then the government must leave a little more money in the taxpayers pocket to do so and not drain it all off in income lax in ontario this year dents is to follow the commonsense rules for watersafety dont swim out to the centre of the lake follow the shore line at a safe distance make sure your boat is safe and sea worthy and that you and your pass engers wear approved lifejackets keep your youngsters in sight every second they are in or near the water prepare yourself in case an acci dent does happen make sure you in clude a st john ambulance save-a- life course in your holiday plans this is st john ambulance save-a- life week in ontario and instructors are giving free twohour courses in artificial respiration across the pro vince now is the time to learn how to save a life and prove the statistics to be false for parents only by nancy cleaver gjmm 1 sugar and spice noun by bill smiley ktbobh editors mail one of the more disgusting symptoms of approaching senil ity and one which should be resisted stoutly is the tendency to don rosecolored glasses each time we look back at our child hood the other day for example i was about to launch into a col umn about the good old 24th of may you know the sort of thing nostalgic and sloppy all a- bout what a grand celebration the 24th used to be what a pity theyve changed the date to the nearestaor farthest or some thing monday and lost the sig nificance of the original holi day how the kids nowadays dont have the fun we used to have on the 24th and all that sort of thing fortunately seeking a little extra background i asked my wife what she did when she was a kid on the glorious 24th nothing she replied sadly but sensibly i realized that what id been about to write was pure piffle there wasnt any great celebration on the 24th when i was a child it was just a welcome holiday when everybody in town went fishing nobody gave two pins for the fact that it was queen victor- las birthday whats more kids nowadays have just as much fun as we ever did cxcccpt that theyve a little more sophistication a- bout it looking back all i can remember about the 24th is my old man hollering in great excitement get back there you kids dammit get back as he lighted all the best of the fireworks nowadays the kids holler get back there dad we know what were doing as i dither around the circle of bod ies bent over a rocket terrified but impotent in the third place i think its an excellent idea to move the 24th to the preceding monday when a holiday has no signifi cance in the history or tradi tion of a nation at least lets have it fall on a monday and make a long weekend of it long weekends if they do noth ing else help reduce the sur plus population as scrooge put the whole conception of holi days in this country is sorely in need of overhaul im great believer in holidays but ours are as haphazard and unrelia ble as the canadian weather under our present setup they are not only poorly distributed but sadly scanty some of our months are fine in july for example we have that great national holiday that stirs the blood of every canad ianthe first of july august has that deeply significant day of rest known as civic holiday in september we all quit work ing on labor day and october contains the day in which we all beef hcaitily about how far we have to drive to see our rel atives and guzzle turkey thanksgiving but how about that ciumby november thirty of the most dismal depressing days of the year and not a single holiday to lighten the gloom why cant we have a holiday on the 2nd monday in november and call it last call for storm windows day in december the picture is a little brighter with christmas boxing day and only a week later new years day we need them all but long dark and cold loom january and february without a break in either of them we should ram a couple of monday holidays in there in january for instance we could celebrate boy am t sick of this lousy winter day february could be broken up nicely by moving valentines day to the nearest monday and calling it love day at present there isnt a single day set a- side for love which is surely more important than civics or labor we could love our neigh bors our wives our children our neighbor wives and any body else who was in the mood march and april are rather tricky because nobody ever seems to know when easier is going to be but if easter came in april we could have a mon day holiday in march called march hare day we could all go mad with delight at getting through the winter fling off our outer habiliments and dance in the streets in our over shoes and long underwear sort of a carnival effect if easter came in march wed need a special monday hol iday about the middle of april which is the cruelest month ac cording to t s smith we might designate it as april fuel day it would be a suitably joy ous occasion and i have no com punction about bringing it up with an election in the ofilng if the government marked it by donating a load of fuel free to every loyal citizen just enough to carry him through to the first of july when he can let his furnace out that takes carp of every month but june do you realize there isnt a single long week end in june our most- delight ful month and one of our bus iest months on the highways think of the triumph with which our dally napcrs could trumpet fikst june long weekend kills 108 yes wc must have a mon day holiday in june what shall wc call it lets sec june is the month of marriages wc could have a national holiday on the second monday and call it arm istice day stouffville rri editor stouffville tribune dear mr thomas we wish to thank you for sponsoring ss no19 in the eimer safety program every day when the weather is fair we raise the elmec flag to the top of the pole wheie it leminds us to be careful some day when you pass the school we would be delight ed to have you call and tell us of your school days here thanking you again for stait- ing us on the safety program yours sincerely tupils of ss no19 markham by john hoover vernice hoover ruth boyd bon nie chase earl boyd martin steiner gene lewis nancy davis john hoover miriam hoover kaien harper veverly vinnels karen hoover kenny davis cindi davidson debbie cox laurie lewis karen chase margit weitzenbauer paul har per gregory vinnels larry pea cock wayne ham lea pike erie hoover nellie hyland teacher fobt of hamburg excursion trip the first impression of a visi tor is likely to be amazement at the large number of gigantic boats belonging to many nat ions which can be seen at this port withits 23 miles of quay and its immense basins like long deep fingers there are 300 ships there which can be hand led at the same time in 1960 hamburg port was visited by over twenty thousand seven hundred sea going vessels from 45 countries from canadas east coast there came 37 ocean boats and our sailors mav have tied up their boat near a pol ish boat from thi soviet zone beside another european boat or one from africa india or australia ships come from ev ery continent to germanys lar gest port the third in trade in europe there are several i caserns for hamburgs attraction as a poi t it is 62 miles up the elbe river with the best of harbours with only a small tidal range of sev en feet seven inches it is a free port foreign goods are stored without duty and these transit goods escape customs inspection it is a focal point for central europe and in spite of political divisions hamburg is an alleuropean port whose dock workers can toil on lound the clock shifts if necessary to unload or load a ship in a recent day the following boats docked heie 14 ships of european ports 7 from central and south america four from the middle the far east and north australia three from af rica there are thrc thousand har- bour scows tugs and launches and home sheds for all reg ular lines the cranes seem to be of gigantic proportions and are built on a floating base lifting up to 200 tons as well a a thousand level ordinary cranes there are 27 floating docks to service large ships there aie specialized appliances for hand ling bananas citrus fruits trop ical hardwoods markets and auction sales for coffee tea the spices skins and other goods are held from timi to time on our trip we saw immen submarine shelters which were destroyed by blasting after the war it was difficult in the midst of this activity to realize that during the second world war up to so per cent of the facilit ies of this port were destroyed by bombing three thousand wrecks were removed from th harbour the citizens of ham burg can be proud of the vigour and lesolution as well as the courage and technical know ledge they put into their recon struction work with the extra impetus of the european com mon market a new hamburg has become one of the worlds great international centres per haps some day you too will have the opportunity to see hamburg for yomself sunday school lesson dos and donts for your power mower the time is here for mowing the lawn again horticulturists with the ontario department of agriculture suggest that you check the condition of your pow er mower carefully when you are using your power mower this summer dont forget that it can cut you as well as the grass so treat it with lespect here are a few suggestions to keep in mind keep hands feel and loose rlothing away from all the moving parts of the mower if the grass discharge open ing becomes clogged never try to clear it while the mo tor is still running its a suie way to loose fingers keep children out of the area to be mowed and everyone out of range of the grass discharge opening they can be easy targets for fly ing stones and other ob jects dont mow the lawn in your bare feet if your foot hap pens to come in contact with the blades it will have no protection whatsoever never cut down a slope cut along it if you are going to work a- round the blade disconnect the spark plug wire mow- ri iiave been known to re start from only the very slightest turn of the blade the power mower is not a childs toy it should only be used by responsible peo ple who appreciate its hid den dangers and treat it with respect it deserves never leave the motor run ning with no one to look af ter it lesson for mav 27 tests ok our faith matt 614 lk 151132 john 1 the lesson summarized the scriptures declare that without faith it is impossible to please him for he that com eth to god must believe that he is and that he is a tewarder of them that dilieently seek this believing attitude is essential if one is to know the living christ it consists of trustful confidence in him who is able to save the soul by grace are ye saved tluough faith not of works lest any man should boast given the light soil this faith grows as the tntstwoithiness of god is experienced day by day confidence and loving obe dience develop but adversities are are a lso among the divine dealings that cast us afresh on his power when the loid jesus asked philip how they weie to meet the physical need of the great crowd that was hungry beside the lake it was not because he was in any doubt but rather to test that disciples faith would he turn to his lord in the full confidence that he could fully meet that situation alas that philip allowed the difficulty thoroughly to eclipse the migh ty loid heart of the lesson while johns gospel sets out the divine life in christ johns first epistle teaches us to look for the display of the same eter nal life in the christian while the manifestation in us will be less proportionately it will nevertheless be of the same type just as our loid was opposed by contrary foices so will the believer today be opposed his faith will be in conflict with the unbelief that marks unbelieving men the new life is seen in the display of forgiveness grace and gentleness a noted exam ple being the story of the prod igal son moreover it contrasts with mere lip service profession because god is both light and love his childicn therefore will be recognized by manifest ing their own fathers nature this will be seen in the prac tice of righteousness on the one hand and affection on the other every one that doeth righteous ness is born of him every one that ioveth is horn of god and knowcth god seven minutes to save a life by artificial resp water accidents took 1s00 lives in ontaiio over the past five years in 1961 306 lives were lost one hundred and four of them belonging to children under the age of fifteen the majority of these acci dents involved swimmers and parttime sailors and they died because they met the un expected when no one around them was piepaied to help it wasnt that backs were turned on drowning men just that no one knew what to do to re vive the halfdead beings that were diagged fiom the water it takes about seven minuted to he past the point ot rescue by artificial respiration there no time to run for help no time to wonder how to giv nioiitliloinoiitli no time to bungle the jfolgerneilson the time to learn methods of artificial respiration is now during st john ambulance savealife wee it takes only two hours to master the tech niques ot artificial respiration and it costs you nothing but your time two hours that could give you a lifetime ot secure knowledge that you could giv a life to someone near and dear to you if water tragedy should stiikc atha goodwood lite tuuffmlle trrinmr established uk a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontario weekly newspapers association aathortim u cobdclu miq toitflfic dtpu oiuwb member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 350 elsewhere s450 h noun pbw us thomas edrfot ias jbukean athertiiinf slay 17 miss bonny burrows of brougham spent a weekend re cently with her friend miss terry ann ferguson mis reuben may and mis fred baldwin called on mr and mrs earl lehman of pine or- chaid on saturday junior young people arc plan ning a ball game in the park for friday evening come and bring lunch an anniversary weekend will he held at the baptist church rev h g adams a converted roman catholic priest is go ing to show slides and tell of his work on friday may 25th on sunday may 27th at 3 pm rev robert e henderson will speak and the gormley har- monaircs male quaitct will bring special musical numbers the quartet consists of messrs lewis and harold hclse mel henderson and john reesor in the evening the stouffville chri stian mens choir under the di rection of mr lambert stouf- for will lead the singing a cor dial invitation is extended to you mr and mrs ralph faulkner had sunday supper with their daughter mrs gordon jones and family fifth line ucw was held at the home of mrs cook in goodwood on wednesday may dth with twelve members pres ent scripture was read by mrs cook and lesson thoughts by mrs a ncsbltt mrs pew and mrs elson mng duct in the garden the next meeting is to be at mrs garfield ben- may 17 mrs albert foster attended the united missionary conven tion held at vineland this tues day as a wms delegate mrs w mcbride and eileen from whitby visited sunday afternoon with mr and mrs david tran mr and mrs ellcs melton lloyd and marion had sunday dinner with his parents mr and mrs james melton in burkcton mr and mrs john williams and johnny had dinner on mo- thers day with heri parents mr and mrs joe tran and family mr and mrs ed macaioney spent sunday afternoon with the carruthcrs family on mothers day mr and mrs murray dunkeld entertain ed their family to sunday din ner including mr and mr james loree of toronto mr and mrs donald dunkeld and dougie and bcrnlcr mr and mrs clifford dunkeld susan and heather mr murray jones and mrs grant jones mr and mrs lloyd turnbull sons garry and brian from oak- vine mr and mrs ken walters toronto spent mothers day with their mother mrs gcitie hoover and vern mis gicn draper called on her mother mrs zellcrs at the home of mr and mrs bernard burncll at clarcmont on sun day birthday greetings to mis joanne draper who will hav a birthday may 9th speedy air travel is being used more than ever before jn this election campaign victory may be based on the survival ot the flittcvt netts home at 815 on june 33 mrs mclnancy of toronto cbc taped a record to be used on summer fallow program on monday may 28 at 830 sever al ladies were interviewed on topics concerning farm women mr and mrs george baldwin and children mrs fred baldwin and mr and mrs wm may paid a surprise visit to mr and mrs reuben may to help celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary may nth webb school parent teachers hub arc holding a bake sale at the vegetable stand of mr and mrs frank hcndy on friday may 18t h mr larry coatcs of scar- boro spent the weekend with mr and mrs john w maye