Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 19, 1962, p. 2

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pap 1 the stooffviue thioke vmtitf apri xi 1962 editorial hospital having done considerable hos pital visiting in the last couple of years we have been impressed with the varied directions and suggestions placed in hallways and elevators for the benefit of visitors these direc tions are many and varied but they do give some interesting pointers when a person visits a sick friend in a hospital he should try to leave he or she feeling better as a result of the call this isnt always the result particularly with those un familiar with sick rooms some of the gleanings we have gotten from these signs go this way dont sweep into the sick room visiting like a cyclone come in quietly try to be cheerful not gloomy but dont be silly dont be morbidly curious if the patient wants to tell you about the operation or show you the stitch es let him offer to do so dont be overly sympathetic real sympathy will show through and words arent necessarily needed to convey it dont go in offering your medi cal advice or opinion leave it to the doctors dont lie dont tell a sick man he looks marvelous or that hell be out in a few days he knows better thi3 doesnt mean you should tell him he looks half dead be honest but be discreet seeding soon from the looks of the land in this area it wont be long until farm ers are seeding their fields some have already begun plowing our lat est agriculture reports from york county further point up the fact that this should be an early seeding year it all makes one recall of the varied operations which go into this major farm operation each spring theres not only the land to prepare but the seed as well its essential to have clean seed that is all the weed seeds removed contrary to bygone days there are some commercial enterprises which now do this job with modern equip ment and make is easier and quicker it used to be a laborious task being done with a fanning mill which fanned out all but the heavy kernels of good grain it was operated by turning a handle similar to the old cream separator or turnip pulper many a lad has spent weary hours turning the fanning mill while father dumped in the grain and then bagged up the cleaned seed ready for the fields few jobs paid better divi dends however there never was any profit in sowing weed seeds even on the cleanest soil spring fever spring fever is the laziness a man feels in himself all year but is afraid to display until the boss displays it too once it comes out however its catching and it does strange things to mens minds it makes a staid old bachelor want to get married contrarily it makes married men wish they were single it makes the city man take his family for a drive in the country while his farm cousin packs the fam ily into town for a spring set of overalls it makes us wake up early to greet the friendly new day which i3 good and puts us to sleep in the middle of the day which is not so good the victoms of spring fever are many because it is contagious but thank goodness it isnt fatal the truth hurts a recent court case has reminded this writer of an incident that oc curred two years ago during a regular council meeting at brougham in the twp of pickering a ratepayer in attendance at the council session was outlining the attributes of the dun- barton legion and touching in an indirect manner on its operation the issue developed into a rather heated controversy and in the midst of the debate the spokesman posed such a question what do you think of the legion mr i think its a place to go to drink beer shot back the reply x the council chamber was thrown into a state of deep and profound shock the ratepayer threw up his hands in horror sideline listen ers muttered and mumbled inaudible words of protest the councillor later apologized when it appeared certain that his statement was to become an open play in the field of political foot ball the matter was never printed in the press and it died a natural death last month the dunbarton legion was raided by officers of the pickering twp police department more than 200 bottles of beer were seized and the barkeeper was fined 50 and costs in this particular in stance it would appear that the coun cillors apology was quite unneces sary and his suggestion was only too true too much delay adjournments remands post ponements call it what you like but it is occurring with entirely too much frequency in local courts of law we are true believers in democratic prin ciples and fairness for all concerned but we feel that in too many instances the temperate hand of justice is be ing taken for a weekly walk down the garden path remands have be come so common that the ritual con sumes almost as much time as the actual cases that are heard people are being continually inconvenienced offduty officers give of their free hours for nothing witnesses come and go the plaintiff or the accused bide their time some of the reasons put forward in seeking adjournments are so strange theyre almost funny i havent had time to get a lawyer the officer has gone on vacation a witness must be contacted and so on one officer told the tribune last week that a particular case on his departments files had been ad journed no less than fifteen times is it any wonder that our court dockets are continually crowded too few programs of this type the sunday evening television presentation of great hymns is to be removed from the program sched ule of cfto channel 9 according to reliable authority such a move constitutes in our opinion a great loss to the viewing public who over the past months has come to enjoy this feature we would suggest that there are too few programs of this type on television especially on sunday when one would expect such presentations fflle tmifftriil tribune bstablishxd uh a v nolan son publishers uember of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontario weekly newspapers association astbartm cmeamaa wo raitaon vtffti onn uember of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffvilie ont in canada 350 elsewhere 450 ft h nouh nfcktr jas thomas eftor jas mckean acfrering for office supplies and business machines the stouffvilie tribune i look forward with the keen est anticipation to the annual church drive for funds every year i volunteer as a canvasser because the experience provides a capsule commentary on hu man nature concise but com prehensive and i enjoy every minute of it like everything else the drive for funds has been elevated just as the caretaker has be- come a superintendent of main tenance the battle of the bucks has assumed the disguise of a sector project or a visitation or an ingathering but the victims arent fooled they recognize you the minute they open the door just as read- ilyas you penetrate the hallow een garb of the neighbors little girl the minute she says twick or tweet mr smiley i bet you dont know who i am im mary theres nothing new about the church needing money ill lay odds that st faul was telling potential christians to put up or shut up s couple of thousand years ago nearly and he prob ably got the same answers then such as well weve had a lot of expenses this year with the new house and it seems the church is always looking for money and we donate pretty heavy to other charities y know and seems to me that preacher has a pretty good thing free house and all and i aint gonna sign no pledge and a hundred and forty others as civilization has become more complicated the need of the church for money has be come greater maintenance costs were low i understand in the catacombs light heat and in surance didnt amount to much and the rector didnt need a car allowance and the telephone and the organ werent invented yet and sunday school supplies consisted of a stick and some sand then the christians made the mistake of moving to such in clement climates as that of brit ain and that was the end of the infinitesimal budget they had to move indoors and promptly walked up to the ears into a morass of carpets and new roofs and stained glass windows and furnaces and seats and baptis mal fonts and choir lofts and such m as if thai wasnt enough along came this crazy social istlc idea that ministers and their families should eat as well or nearly as well as the rest of us ever since most churches hare been staggering along in sorry financial condition when i was a boy the prob lem was dumped in the parsons lap if he wanted to cat he preached some of the most fiery sermons i heard in my youth were those based on the need nay the duty to give more than twobits a week to the church the minister would wifflbmli work himself into a regular par oxysm on the subject while his flock just sat there and looked at him coldly after this system proved an utter flop and the faithful prov ed as bloodless as stone the new method came into its own it has turned out to be immensely successful church revenues have skyrocketed unfortunate ly what with inflation and the like church expenditures have managed to stay ahead of reve nues until it now costs as much to operate a fairsized church as it did 70 years ago to operate a fairsized town todays campaign is highly organized the male pillars of the church and a few doughty females are wheedled into de claring their willingness to serve there are training sessions a cross between a sales meeting and a pep rally for these volun teers tremendous enthusiasm is aroused this is fanned into a veritable flame by a special speaker who tells the canvass ers how to crack the hard nuts everybody agrees that if every body else gave what he should the church would be rolling- in greenbacks the list of church members is produced it is huge it looks as though therell have to be an addition built to the church by the time the cam paign is over about here the minister tries to point out that it is the missing members soul we are after not his roll but nobody pays any attention when the volunteer canvas sers are in a fine frenzy of un selfish inspiration their own commitment cards or pledge cards are handed out to them if the chairman is on his toes everybody defiantly increases his giving by a buck or 60 cents week glaring at his fellow- workers and right there though not to many realize it is the climax of the entire campaign oh it runs its course like a spent roc ket returning to earth the can vassers are blessed on sunday morning they have a lunch af ter the service and they go out in pairs determinedly clutching their cards and their leaflets to their amazement as the figures are tallied they learn that the campaign has been a complete success shes gone over the top how come be cause they and their fellow- canvassers carried away by the spirit temporarily had increas ed their own donations enough to make the total before they ever went out but its good fun good for the soul and good for the church so im looking for ward to next years campaign sunday school lesson lesson for april 22 christ reigns matthew 28 hebrews 1 golden text worthy is the lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and bless ing rev 612 tes lesson as a whole ever since mans fall he has been the prey of three great un conquerable foes demons dis ease and death one or all of this evil trio has challenged and vanquished every man from the least to the greatest and this despite the breathtaking advan ces of modern science when our lord was here am ong men he fully demonstrated his authority over these three enemies he commanded dem ons cured disease and conquer ed death he was in fullcom mand of every situation when our lord miraculously fed the multitudes with bread he demonstrated his ability to provide for their physical need and when he taught them he displayed the very wisdom of god ah of this established the fact that jesus christ was fully qual ified to be not only mans sav iour but also his king the heart of the lesson among the varied glories of christ revealed in the first chap ter of hebrews is that of his kingship he has an eternal throne and a kingdom of right eousness despite the fact that the lord jesus fully demonstrated his kingly qualifications when here among men he was refused in stead of a coronation man gave him a crucifixion but god rais ed jesus from the dead and ex alted him to his throne there he sits today and the sinner who comes to him for salva tion also confesses him as lord see rom 109 thismeans that he comes under his author ity and thus enters into christs present kingdom being deliver ed from the power of darkness he is translated into the king dom of gods dear son see col 113 there is also a future aspect to our lords reign today only true christians acknowledge his authority the world that crucified him is still in revolt but when christ returns to earth he will take his power and assume his messianic throne there will be glorious worldwide blessing- and the kingdoms of this world will be come the kingdoms of our lord and of his christ and he shall reign eternally see rev 1115 for parents only by nancy cleaver remember jack miner t took to the woods as nat urally as a park hare jack miner writes in his autobiogra phy when he relates that after living in ohio his parents and ten children moved to ontario when at the age of thirteen i was liberated in canada a sportsmans paradise on april 10th canadians recall the birthday in 1s6s of the man who pioneered in establishing canadas first bird sanctuary where artificial feeding was em ployed for his work in this field he was awarded the order of the british empire early in this century jack miner realized the necessity of conservation of our natural re sources he formed one of the first game protective associa tions in canada indeed on this continent his bird sanctuary near kingsville became famous and served as a model and in spiration for several hundred other bird havens in the barren fields of his farm jack miner and his workers dug the hollows for the ponds for wild ducks and geese countless trees were planted as a windbreak and for the use of insect eating song birds in 1909 jack miner began his bird tagging activities when he placed an aluminum band on a black mallard duck this duck was killed in north carolina six years later jack miner de cided to concentrate on banding canada geese on the tags he wrote his address and a verse of scripture during his lifetime he banded hundreds of geese this project helped both the canadian and us governments in establishing strategic bird sanctuaries and in regulating shooting privileges in his public addresses jack miner captured the heart of young and old he impressed his audiences with the value of their heritage of field and for est of wild animals and birds he loved boys and girls and they found it easy to like him and join in his conservation campaign i will never forget his talk to the school students when i was in my early teens at the time of his death in 1944 one of the loveliest comments on the character of the man was made by a girl- who had worked on his farm the previous summer she said i will never think of him as dead he was too nice alive like most men of the out-of- doors jack miner was a truly religious man once he said no man can live in the great out-of- doors and study the creatures which occupy it before man has any control over them and con sider the regularity of the sun moon and whispering stars with out being compelled to believe there is an overruling power he had a real sense of purpose in his own vocation which is shown in his remark back of me fn all my undertakings is god we need more canadians to day of jack miners calibre the first concern of parents is the character development of their children and in this outofdoors man with so little formal educa tion there flourished many of the fine things of the mind and the spirit which we covet for our children jack miners 2 books on current topics and jack miner and the birds may be found in most public libraries his interest in the conservation of our natural resources our sou- water forest flowers fish birds and mammals is some thing we all can claim as our own and pass on to the rising generation it is a fine thing for canada and for the preservation of bird life on this continent that after his passing his sons continued to carry on jack miners work any family making the trip to this bird sanctuary will have a wonderful memory to treasure jack miner is a name every young canadian should know even as his sanctuary is known to the birds as edgar guest points out in his four line trib ute written to the great natural ist while he was still alive from pole to pole the wild fowl have spread jack miners fame the youngest goose in canada by now has learned his name and so to old jack miner this simple thought i pen hes better known in bird life than in the haunts of men copyright editors mail great hxmns exit the complexities of the inner politics and economics of th- musicians union are resulting in the removal from the tele vision screen of one of the finest cultural programs available to us regardless of the pros and cons of the situation which are so eagerly discussed by the in formed to us longsuffering lay men the end result is the loss of another valued live pro gram in the light of the spiri tual victory which the develop ment of this program has been for canadian television general ly we feel justified in taking those measures which are avail able to us in order to preserve it as far as we are able to dis cover credit for the program must be given in its entirety to cfto at agincourt we be lieve cfto may be throwing away a program of real value to them as well as to the viewer the reader has a democratic privilege to make his feelings known indeed if you feel as we do you may have an obliga tion to do so therefore write not abusively not at length but to simply inform those respons ible for the program of your disappointment in its cancella tion we are hoping that con cerned people will make their sentiments known stewards of zion united church cedar grove ont its deplorable that so many people try to get something for nothing says a sociologist yes and its downright lamentable that so many of them succeed in doing so for office supplies see the tribune ifitsworlkhavingitsworlhsavingfor saveat qkbrnk the bank of novfl scotir w adder rolls conveniently boxed in dozen lots at the stouffvilie tribune i 4 i ril a istol dairy faiwoj of canada h

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