business directory accountants john c wyl1e fia licensed public accountant acditok office eeiidence mylie acre muselnian lake koad kjt2 stouffville tllone 495 leonard r rosenberg bcom chartered accountant bank of nova scoiia building aurora telephone pa 79151 auctioneers w d atkinson phone stouffvuxe 363 licensed auctioneer and sale manager sales conducted anywhere specializing in the preparation and selling of purebred consign ments and dispersals farm auc tions furniture and real estate sales bills prepared and posted at no extra cost this specialized ser vice really pays on and means money in your pocket phono stouffville 363 beauty salons the powder puff beauty salon joy ross days tues thru sal nights wed and kri for appointment call stoucf 165 funeral directors l e oneill stouffvilij5 funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day or night phone stouflville 9sw optometrists ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario milliken po ph ax 35387 markham po ph mark 346 prentices have been established auctioneers since 1890 a s farmer licensed auctioneer counties of york ontario farm stock furniture sales a specialty telephone gormley 531 1 address gormley po s93s chiropractors kennedy chiropractic office aohart kennedy dc 17 church si s stouflville hours mon wed fri 2 pm 9 pm phone slouftville 617 answering service e a grubin ro optometrist picton stouffville in stouffville at the james mccreight residence 58 main st e on the following mondays and tuesdays mar 5th 6th apr 2nd 3rd 30th garnet v gray od optojietrist stouffville medical centre phone 616 for appointment hours 1000 am to 800 pm every tuesday dental neil c smith lds dds office over canadian bank of commerce telephone 16w slouftville graduate of university of toronto legal wm s baird dc doctor of cmrorractic xray his 3012 am 24 79 pm monday to friday saturday 1012 am 12 main st n markham ont telephone 701 insurance thos birkett and son ltd general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service telephone 716 eveningsgordon r birkett 717 lcs clarke 281 bob hassard g82 otjnsuance call william g parsons llb barrister solicitor 157 main st w ro box 820 phone 446 stouffville trip around world for senior kennedys those inveterate travellers arthur and gert kennedy of union hie are shortly to begin another tour this one the mon extensive yet they leave march 23 on the first leg of a round- theworld tcur by air they have been working up to this trip by short practice hops the past few summers to scandinavia russia alaska newfoundland etc the tour arranged through maupin tours begins in san francisco the end of march films showing some of the ex otic spots to be visited will be shown at the kennedy chiro practic clinic thursday match 15 at 800 pm the public is iiivited on the way west the ken nedys hope to see their brothers george at kelowna bc and austin at vancouvcer and his daughter and two sons george went west 50 years ago and built a timber transporting busi ness before he retired nephew alfred is treasurer of the great paper and timber empire mac- millan bloadel and powell ri ver ltd friends they made on their european tour last year will host the kennedys in san fran cisco for a few days before their flight leaves for hawaii and japan from tokyo the tour will coer thoj far eatetn spots hong kong singapore and bangkok the tour will cover india pretty thoroughly starting in calcutta from there they will so to darjeeling where tney will stay in the eveiest hotel within sight of the highest mountain in the wot id they will visit benares the holy city on the ganges delhi the taj mahal and kashmir and the aiea of dispute between india and pak istan and cloe to tibet which is part of red china now from there they will go to teheran and persepolis in per- o christmas mamp ision the stourtyme tribune touruhy manji s 1962 fjgt 5 canada does not intend o i issue a poage stamp to com- i memorate chtitnias because of 1 200acre farm which temained in the governments polity to pro- j the family until 1933 mote leligious tolerance ard j yox of the buimir l i mutual repect postmaster genes a hamilton sid that it longstanding policy william was a j o a okl now- aief l pio- and sia aichaeotogiai treasure spots egypt will next claim j mcmouite tlio religious chuu- their attention then the asia ter of christmas a stamp might very well have the opposite e- completed in tlc village how a in the film the authority plans to jide the tihn to school- the representation cf a religious other interested gtoups and ao subject on canadian anps show it at meetings and fall thi longstanding polity was fihs maintained to promote toletarco and mutual leaped he added j it is believed that theie aiej a gicat many conscientious christians who bellow mionglyj that theie should rot be a christinas stamp mr hamilton said j in this country wheie theie is such a high degree of toler ance of aiious points of ieu paiticulnrly in icjigiou- convic tions potage stanips to coin- minor countries syiia leban on jordan and israel at the end of may they will be in greece seeing alliens and cor inth krom there plan- are a bit indefinite but will most certain ly include some time in italy and britain sunday school lesson the obligation to be truthful lesson for march iii exodus 2016 matt 123337 matt 266975 pro v 1217 golden text for by thy words thou shall be justified and hy thy words thou shall be condemned matt 1237 the lesson as a whole old fashioned truthfulness seems to be a rarity in many eieas today this applies not only lo the normal levels of so ciety but to the upper levels as well in fact the relations be tween nations in many instan ces have become so strained that lying propaganda for both domestic and foreign consump tion has become big business official tongueincheek declara tions concerning foreign policies button coon barristers solicitors notaries main st w stouffville phone 666 667 solicitors canadian bank of commerce h reg button ba 103 obrien ave phone 239 david a 45 victoria sl coon phone 1155 kennedy kennedy barristers solicitors notaries 67 richmond st w toronto ross kennedy prov hwy 7 locust hill markham 755 arthur a kennedy prov hwy 7 locust hill markham s32 cattanach hindson barristers solicitors stouflville by appointment anytime phone markham 25 main street markham phone 25 paul v j mingay ba barrister jfc solicitor gi main street markham out phone markham 707 jsu robert v mcvey karris cr solicitor suile si i 62 richmond street west markham toronto phone 339 phone em 303s9 lloyd f harvey rr1 gormley thone gormley 5369 tmm farm dflatl aitomt imrwt fit statt far 14 tuarakt ca stata tain f aa4 canal c ck4uh hra4 ob trt the bathtub was invented in 3850 and the telephone in 1s74 had you been living in 1s50 you could have sat in the bath tub lor 24 years without the vfcone ringing once sot jloextum x new york city weal central location bttwtan sill avtnua times squirt nj fs radio city clou lo ym 1 tiiulras wohl club is y hopping mjjj j tv and radio fjj i airconditioning i mfj saglct nam 550 ilk cables from 100 vjiri i s your ha fej agent or wife gjgjfci jmfcbipqrbolcl ixo wi 4lh bl- aav a hy 30oo too many people do so much rushing through life that the rvnt h time to reafy live cedar grove tt is not so much that a man has orbittcd the earth three times at over 17000 miles per hour and returned but that man lias conceived it possible to do it tn spite of the democratic propoganda in allowing the world to accompany john glenn on his flight last tuesday il was a hard ear that was not tuned to the suspense of those few hours and a hard heart that did not pray for his safe return it is not the first trip it is the first trip that involved ux all so wholly and oddly enough we believe it this time the preflight pictures that ap peared in such profusion in the newspapers included one that seemed a little out of character for a 20th century spaceman about to take off into orbit it showed john glenn shaving with a blade razor and in russia a doctor made headlines by giving him self an emergency appendec tomy hmmmm thats worse than scratching your own back tn cedar grove we are finding il mighty hard to move motor cars over roads thirty inches of snow this month would not he so much if it didnt arrive a foot at a time the bird fanciers ere having a field day with hun gry grosbeaks rardinals chick adees and nuthatches arriving at feeding stations by the doz ens jays and woodpeckers aie a common sight but one robin has been reported joan whittakcr singing in duet with norm middleton of markham won a first and a ncond at the kiwanis festival last week 7aon church had a very good turnout sunday even ing for the first of its five week teachers course world day of prayer will he held in locust hill church on friday march 9th at 230 pm for all the leaf followers in this years hockey season a la ment by catherine ritchie totempole the zooming habs the mighty ones the flying frenchmen bombers all richard boom- boom beliveau the answer to the first place call oh just for once a first place treat the same old story does repeat leafs are great they can do no wrong but against the habs they are not so strong the stan ley cup oh misery their ego has inflated the chicago hawks pre snobbish now they want their skates goldplated harvey curses harvey swears at the sweater he now wears he is now a ranger king player- coach impossible thing a vain attempt a futile thing the beaten red wings sadly sing we tried to capture play off spot but rangers completely ruined our lot there stands a each forlorn ever downward at the base fiery phil has met hi end in bostons cellarplace oh first place fifth place second then third fourth place out last hope ijst is just absurd have become commonplace and it is a matter of general knowl- elge that solemn agreements aie promptly scrapped when they become incompatible to certain dictators modern advertising is shot through with false representa tions exaggeration to the point ol impossible claims seems to create no real protest fiom the purchaser to listen to the amaz ing claims of certain modern drugs for example one can on ly marvel thatanyone today can possibly be sick in the midst of all this the christians ethics must include transparent truthfulness the heart of the lesson scripture declares that the wicked go astray as soon as i hey be born speaking lies psalm 5s3l every mother knows that selfwill and resist ance appear at a very early stage and long before the baby can say i wont he can act 1 wont the source of selfwill and de ceit precede the human cradle however actually they began with the fail of lucifer jesus declared that the devil abode not in the truth fjohn 8441 which proves that originally he was in the truth but he apos tatized from it succeeding in separating man from god in eden lie injected some of tiiis evil venom into the human blood stream among the various wicked nesses that lie deeply within the human breast is deceit see mark 721 22 this often causes immeasurable havoc in the world millions of our race have perished under various cir cumstances because they have been lured on by false informa tion the lord clearly taught that the speech declares hie heart of course he meant ones hab itual speech and not the occa sional words that might be utt ered under pressure of provoca tion peters vehemence in the high priests palace was not the expression of what lie actually was for simon was no liar even though on that occasion he was speaking falsely to assess cor- lcctly what a man really is we must listen to the language that normally characterizes him the christian possesses the very life and nature of god with the heart he has believed unto righteousness and with the mouth therefore confession has been made unto salvation see romans 109 10 that mouth once full of cursing and bitterness romans 314 1 now confesses jesus as lord and do dares the virtues of the saviour such is the transformation that gods salvation brings numbering dater and stamps full line in stock 60c to 95c the stouffville tribune feet fiom that intended by those who have advocated it until thtie is a much nioie uniform opinion on tlii- question it is thought the issue of a christmas stamp would bo in- advisable hamilton ao disclosed that 13 icprcsentations urging a cln istmas stamp had been re- ccived including thoe from 7 liberal and conservative mem bers of parliament including federal solicitorgeneral w j i brone a member of the diefen baker cabinet ontario pioneer life depicted on film a 30minute color film depict ing 19th century pioneer life in southern ontario iias been pro duced by the metropolitan tor onto and region conservation authority locale for the film is the black creek conservation area pioneer village located in northwest metro toronto at jane st and steeles ave a premiere showing was pre sented last week to the 55-mem- lcr authority during its first 1962 meeting at swansea muni cipal chambers and it was en thusiastically received the film was shot over an 1s- month period by hultay and de picts the life of a pioneer lam- tly on the old stong farm at edgeley which is a part of the pioneer village site daniel stong and his wife elizabeth came to edgeley in 1815 with a number of other pennsylvania- german families they obtained a crown grant and developed a things change since you last reviewed your life in surance portfolio your older children may no longer be dependent ou may have begun to thinv of your own retirement if you want to know whether your jifc insurance is iiil i adequate for the job you v bh it to do just aik your sun life man theres no charge or obligation jim abell phone 237 stouffville sun life assurance company of canada wanted more cream shippers for beat results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery to have our truck call phone lsgw stouffville creomery co cold storage lockers for rent y t8 be terribly intelligent you il concentrate well payh attention to details and when you write letters u t you always include 0 your correspondents full and correct postal address 0 your own name j and return address in upper leftcornersandthecor- 5 rect postal zone num- ber if you are writing gf jf to quebec montreal sl ottawatorontowin- n1peg or vancouver i g help us to speed your s mail check the yellow pages of your tele- i phone directory for full t postal information recipe instant telephone convenience astep- saving cohurful kitchen extension for office supplies its the tribune floral designs weddings funerals corsages a specialty grahame w hudson 28 obrien ave stouitvillc phone sioultville 53w 81111111 is just around the corner have your decorating done now 1 the lang service 3 yrs guarantee per room we hany and supply paper in room 10xll your choice of large assort ment of designs of wallpaper washable now booking exterior work aiso phone now gormley 5449 v w w notice low you can wash all those blankets bed spreads drapes scatter liugs sheets playsuits overalls etc in our big new double load washers they hold 2 regular washer loads for 85c we also have hig commercial dryers that fluff dry your clothes ever-so- fast you can put 4 to 5 regular washer loads in one big dryer deposit 30e for each 10 minutes required several dimes may be deposited at one time we now can offer you your choice ot the regular aylomatlc washer of either the big inglis washer or the easy with the spiralator action they both do a very clean wash come and see for yourself laundry bayv1ew plaza bayview avenue elgin mills road nanannanaabniqnbennbhbnnqqnnabflbsae school board announces that the annual might will be held as- follows summitview public school tuesday march 13 orchard park public school thursday march 15 at 730 lo 930 each evening the public is invited lo visit he schools on these evenings and lo view be progress being made by the pupils i jssnanabdurfbbonabbeaboabaaubbbaabbiihbthabmiibaambiiami up 1 a hi if so heres a chance for you lo take nuclear defence raining a ham pari with other ciliens in anli- radio operators and communications personnel are required for the communication branch of he county of york emergency measures organization volunteers will he given free training if yon are interested then attinil a meeting at 8 pm on wednesday march 14th nt emergency measures organization headquarters 80 ijayvicw avenue newmarket ncxl lo york county office s for further information call pvining 58081 a