k the stouffviue triiohf tfcwuby mcb i 1962 make a new year rule use classifieds a handy tool miscellaneous canadian cancer society khhrihhul hill district unit for information regarding films talks in memoriam cards welfare and services call stotiffville 101 j or 747 gornilev 555 or 5300 unlonville 239 36tf sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drains cleaned and repaired 24 hoar service c stitvdbx utf richmond hill ph to 41243 radio tv and repairs at reasonable rate w jr eiv v i r sates service smith radio elixtkonic service 23tf stouffville phone 32 half load regulations are in force on ontario county fir suburban roads effective march 1st to april 30th vehicle loads may not ex ceed the allowable loads given under section 31 subsection 3 of the highwav traffic act r e sims basc county engineer pet stock pet stock for sale pure bred registered permanently innoculated cerman shepherd puppies black and silver black and tan also pa am ino welsh filly bit broken a wonderful childs pet 2 yrs phone uhitehall 25077 in the evening sale register real estate auctioneer w o atklnson phone stouffvule 363 a s farmer pbooe gormley 5311 dead stock highest prices paid for dead and disabled cattle horses and hogs small animals removed free kay vivian itd locust hill ph markham h60j collect 41tf 24hour 7day service gov lie no 102c61 n goldkind we buy all kinds of poultry highest prices paid for live poultry 1g tf 31 fraserwood ave toronto ph ru 17831 collect beef pork by ouakter or side pieparcd for your freezer or locker 31tf custom killing and curing of meat a specialty schells meat market stnuftville phone 220 aluminum combination windows and doors siding and awnings quality and service guaranteed you will like our prices use our ibc budget plan free estimates 46tf stouffville home improvements ballantrae phone stouffville 93302 old post cards any quan tity in or out of albums ster eoxcopes stereoscopic cards also old papers or catalogues dated befoie 1920 write de tails to box 24 co the stouff- ville tribune 22tf cars trucks 57 ford v8 for sale white- walls signal lights showroom condition leasonable phone 222w 49 chev coach for sale good motor and snow tires or will trade for vilon pickup or livestock ph slouftville 832wl 1950 ford sedan for sale radio several new parts tun ning best offer leonard ramer ph 90101 hicukst cash price for live poultry nor m i avis ph 741 markham 32tr ed peconi son ltd fleet floorcleaning service slorcs offices etc expertly cleaned and floors waxed store windows washed i01tn foulds u ph stouffville 1077 electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges toasters irons and other appli ances repaired k ii mitldlcmiss tf phono 3g7 slouftville shoe repair your shoe repairs can all be handled at georges shoe repair full or half soles and all types of repair all kinds zipper work done all types new shoes for boys and men for good health keep your shoes in good repair located two doors east of cnr tracks tf mnln st stouffvillc phone 743j highest prices paid for dead or crippled horses and cattle all small animals removed free phone zenith 32800 no toll charge 16 u 24hour service license no 60c61 box 11 akgyle miscellaneous enfd willy schnell steelcruiser hulls welding 3526 structural steelwork 48 highway at ballantrae phone stouffville 1937w edgevale school of dance classes for all ages in ballet and tap royal academy dancing syllabus 35tf all inquiries mollv muniford 82 91h line n rhone stouffville 724 w 1957 internat ton pick up long box 650x16 6ply tiies good mechanical shape 1953 desoto sedan extra clean throughout radio wind shield washers refinished in original metallic blue ken jones stouffville 263w3 ken clarke prentice ml ax 35987 markham 346 beg johnson sunderland ont truck parts service for winter reconditioning come to truck specialists we have a selection of both new and used trucks international harvester co tw 52338 newmarket 374 produce for sale quantity of feed turnips gormley 56s9 turnips quantity of good feed turnips ph gormlev 5247 choice eviscerated tur keys for sale no waste 45c lb oven ready weight noel avery 1 mile north of ring- wood ph stouffville 95201 after 5 pm 38tf choice young beef for sale by the side or quarter cut and wrapped for the free- er s a stouffer phone 94106 3g6 no2 table stock 60c also feed potatoes john bosworth rr3 newmarket ph 148v ml albert 6tf good quality spy apples for sale at 225 per bushel and others from s100 lo 150 per bus fred nighswander ph stouffville 93720 382 wilsons well digging earth boring standard tile 29tf phnno unlonvllle 298wl4 alex wallace heating 21hour 37tl oil burner service sheet metal eavostroughing phone markham 5 1 ci electrical equipment tv jfc radio repairs to all makes washing machine parts service neville appliances your admiral iowrey organ dealer lain st- slouftville phone 316 44tf custom made draperies bedspreads slipcovers free estimates 354 betty mathers rr4 stouffville phone 198013 beef pork by quarter or side prepared for your freezer or locker we also do custom killing cur ing and smoking of meat oboyles meat market phone 35 stouffville 28tf electrolux sales service supplies herb hill 296 hamilton st newmarket tw 59111 346 oil burner service repairs v clcanoiils markham heating air conditioning co authorised esso service sales and service 24hr call 7tf phono collect markham 980 removal service we are licensed to remove your dead or crippled farm animals for sanitary disposal in an in spected rendering plant free removal phone no charge to 3448 zenith ss5i0 or stouffville 255wl gordon young limited toronto barrie elmira license no 14 15r62 143 1iic62 beef pork by quarter or side cut- and wrapped for lreezer we also do custom killing 4tf fast freezer service fret bros phone stouffville bus 1001 res 96108 beef pork lamb ready for your freezer hind quarters beef latest processing methods used we can supply all your home freezer needs 19tx call mike stotiff 280w carload groceteria live stock for sale 2 young sows bred dec 16 also yorkshire hog about 225 lbs ph claremonl 212jl for sale 10 nice pigs 9 weeks old ph stouff 1973wl i water supply seaway water supply service 5 for 500 gal s for 1000 gal 0 for 1500 gal 16tf 21hour service 7 days a week ph pickering wii 21397 gormlev well drilling co rri gormlev tumps installed and repaired owners w b mrcauley w bishop jriv gormley kk ivtf i t custom home and industrial electric wiring electrical home heating ross hetherington rnonk stouffville 155 or 600 32tf electrical services domestic and commercial wiring installations and repairs grant turner slouftville 816 for sale registered hoi- stein cow accredited and list ed- due march 8 walter car- ter ph stouff 91715 for sale 30 pigs 8 and 9 weeks old ph clare 230il 2 purebred landrace boars for sale ready for service s a stouffer ph 94106 holstein heifer for sale due feb 2s e loveless ph 837w2 stouffville stouffville radiator repair and exchange for car truck tractor every job guaranteed fast pickup and delivery ph sloufttille 108 3sh toronto and york roads commission notice to truckers half loading restrictions1 962 on and after monday march 5th 1962 the half load restrictions will be en forced without exception on all roads in the york county high way sytom under the juris diction of this commission norman w long chairman a j reltie peng chief engineer toronto and york roads commission newmarket ontario 1 saturday mar 3 gigan tic weekly auction at the stouffville sales arena this will be one of ihe biggest auctions we have ever held tlast saturdays storm being the teason come and see the changes always some thing diffeient sale 1 pm atkinson pollard wilson auctioned s wednesday march 7 an auction sale of 56 holstein cattle 3 tractors baler for age harvester bulk tank a full line of implements hay and grain the property of mrs wm e jamieson lot 23 con 3 whitby twp just noith of whitby terms are cash sale at 12 noon sharp ted jackson auctioneer saturday mar 10 auc tion sale of farm machinery 2 tractois large quantity of grain and seed oats cleaned and treated john deere com bine baled hay household furniture etc on lot 4 eon- cession 8 markham township on highway 48 1 mile south of markham village proper ty belonging to frank robb and the estate of the late john robb sale at 1 pm sharp terms cash on day of sale no teserve both farms are sold ken and clarke pren tice auctioneers jas smith clerk wednesday mar 14 ex tensive clearing auction at cudacres farm consisting of registered and high grade holsteins all nearlynew trac tors and tractor implements surge milker truck 2 coolers sp combine power fert drill 2 tractors new pto baler cultipacker bale elevator lot- ary hoe double disc on rub ber 4bar side rake elc hay grain straw the property of the estate of the late jas cudia at lot 22 concession 5 vaughan opposite shurgain farms note this is one of the best farm sales this spring extra good cattle all nearlynew implements no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pm faulkner and wood clerks cattle sell at 3 oclock w d atkinson sale manager auctioneer saturday mar 17 im portant extensive auction sale of feeder and beef cattle in ternational truck mh no 33 tractor ac forage harvester with extras power farm im plements farm tools miscell aneous articles baled hay straw grain choice high class residential furniture electric appliances dishes crystal glassware draperies bedding utensils garden and lawn fur niture tools etc at lot 25 concession 4 markham twp on 18th avenue i mile east of victoria square known as kilcoo farm property of bill siberry sale at 1 pm sharp terms cash no re serve farm sold see bills for further particulars ken clarke prentice auctioneers mark 346 or stouff 96208 james smith clerk monday mar 19 com plete clearance sale at 1 pm of farm stock and implements holstein and hereford cattle feeder hogs hay and farm equipment household furni ture including many antique items at lot 30 concession 5 markham twp 5 miles north of unionville at almira the property of mr levi smith no reserve as farm is sold terms cash frank bennett auctioneer ralph faulkner clerk thursday mar 22 at 1230 pm complete clearing auc- tion sale of registered and grade holstein cattle dairy equipment nearly new bulk milk tank sows feeder hogs tractors farm machinery hay and grain and numerous other articles note this is a good herd of cattle with dhia records and high testers the properly of lewi b hcise lot 26 cone 4 markham on 18th ave 14 mile west of don mills rd no reserve as farm is sold and owner is giving up farming terms cash frank bennett auction eer ralph faulkner and a m wood clerks bruce van- derbent on pedigrees thursday mar 29 auc tion sale of farm stock im plements 6 head of cattle 75 hogs feeders and sows case combine 6 ft cut motor driven good condition case tractor model 300 with 3- point hitch and full line of farm implements about 3000 bales of hay 100 bales straw quantity of household furni ture at lot 23 con 6 mark ham no reserve as farm is sold the property of clar ence summerfelt terms rash sale at 1 pm jim smith clerk alvin s farm er auctioneer thursday mar 29 clear- ing auction 2 tractors com bine forage hartester blow er hay conditioner and mow er power fert drill 2 forage wagons 3fr plow double disc bale elevator hammer mill pto spreader baled straw and hay at lot 25 con 4 located 1 mile north of vandorf and 1 mile east for the late george sproxton note extra good lot of im- 200 acre dairy farm for sale milk contract excell ent buildings productive soil school bus store and church attractively located 25 miles ne of metro toronto must be seen to be appreciated reply to box 71 co the stouffville tribune 394 for sale riding stable and horses good accommodation scenic trails spring stream on property also springfed pond 10 miles from metro owner retiring due to ill health ap ply owner box 68 stouffville tribune articles for sale for sale utter carrier with about 200 ft of track phone gormley 556 for sale philco automatic washer and dryer like new will sell washer separately phone 109 stouffville homelite chain saw sales and service service to all other makes robert l nes- bitt rjt1 claremont phone 215wl 373 private 3 bed brick bun galow 3 yis old garage fenced lot close to schools 13500 carries 92 inc taxes 2000 down terms arranged to view phone 673 363 farm for sale in stouff ville district 55 acres in high state of cultivation good buildings plenty of water close to school and highway write to box 63 co the stouffville tribune hid buy cr sell through earl grose mt albert 135 wl 4stf edwin fockler stouffville 90805 clarence a mcdowell stouffville 91210 j m farquharson realty limited gormley 5407 or ba 57711 for sale by tender properly of ss no 6 ux- bridge township consisting of 1 acre more or less and situat ed on the north west corner of lot 5 in the west halt of cone 2 uxbridge township without buildings possession lo be given dec 31 1962 only tenders clearly maraked and sealed accompanied by a certified cheque for 100 will be considered highest or any tender not necessarily accepted please state terms tenders to be received by the undersigned not later than 12 noon thursday march 8 1962 at box 366 stouffville ont mrs don boake secretary 382 for sale allmetal secre tarial desk with linoleum top like new regular price 239 sale price 150 york office equipment 16 yonge st north richmond hilltu 44231 393 3piece chesterfield suite for sale reasonable ph 5661 gormley chesterfield suite odd chair kitchen suite 2 rugs 4 pairs drapes 5 yards uphol stering material ph stouff 509 for sale coalburning brooder stove never been used about 500 chick cap make an offer also oilburning brooder never used make an offer chas cooper ltd ph 103 claremont for sale by tender school building of ss no 6 uxbridge township situated on the north west corner of lot 5 in the west half of cone 2 available for removal as soon as vacated which will not be later than nov 1 1962 and must be completely removed by nov 30 1962 only tenders clearly maraked and sealed accompanied by a cerlified cheque for 100 will be considered highest or any tender not necessarily accepted please state terms tenders to be received by the undersigned not later than 12 noon thursday march 8 1962 at box 366- stouffville ont mrs don boake secretary 382 j m baird realtor commercial property on paved road north of markham 155 ft frontagi x 170 creek forms rear boundary on the property there is a 2storey frame building 40x60 and a 2car garage immediate pos session 8000 full pi ice also terms call 263w2 w a jones 50acre farm stouffville 2 miles 7room solid brick house and bank barn rich clay loam asking 23990 earlv possession call w a jones 263w2 wanted for client 3 bedroom home in stouffville or markham must be adapt able for one apartment and have separate entrance max imum 14000 call w a jones 263v2 harold wood real estate buyers waiting list your property with us for quick transaction many clients with cash waiting immediate action income home 2500 down 3 smart modern apartmenis quiet east end location nice in come asking 17500 full price township of whitchurch tenders for gravel sealed tenders plainly marked gravel tender will be icceiv- ed by the undersigned until 12 oclock noon monday march 12 1962 for supplying crushing haul ing and spreading approximate ly 25000 tons more or less of crushed gravel same to pass inch screen and consist of 65 stone and to bedelivered on any road in the township of whitchurch under the super vision of the road superinten dent also price per ton for crush ed and pitrun gravel loaded on township trucks at pit a certified cheque for s500 must accompany each tender help wanted young men wanted immed iately for fulltime work in modern grocery store apply in person ratcliffs iga in stouffvule help wanted a salesman wanted if you want a good job with a future here is your opportunity to takeover part of markham township selling rawleigh products contact j r sider stouff ville 97912 salesman wanted large life insurance co has open ing for salesman in stouff ville markham area age 25 to 40 grade 12 preferable full training provided box 70 stouffville tribune reliable married man wanted with car to take over established route no sales experience needed we train phone ax 33710 3st qualified red cross swimming instructor wanted also part- or fulltime life guards for duty during season of 1962 at the stouffville lions club swimming pool apply in writing to robert hammond box 653 stouffville ont deadline applications no later than march 7th 1962 lions club swimminjr pool committee 382 hay grain hay straw quantity of baled early cut timothy and alfalfa hay also oat straw claude kerr ringwood ph stouffville 874 383 in memoriam reesor in loving memory of ethel millard reesor who died feb 28 1954 but now is christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept i cor 15 20 husband will and family cards of thanks we wish to thank our many friends in mount zion commun ity for the reception recently held in our honor at the home of mr and mrs w j carson your good wishes and wonder ful gifts were very much appre ciated nancy and lome carson many many thanks to rela tives friends and neighbors for plants cards gifts and the flowers while in hospital and at home my appreciation for all your kindnesses mrs hugh boyd bill and i would like to ex press our sincere thanks to our many friends and neigh bors for all their many kind nesses for cards gifts and for the flowers and many enquiries during my stay in hospital and recovery at home ah we can say is thank you very much gladys ford tenders county of york sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until wed nesday march 7th 1962 at noon for the printing of min utes and records for the year 1961 tenders must quote page rate and approximate date of delivery sample book may be procured from county building lowest or any tender not nec essarily accepted j l smith clerk- treas county of york 62 bayview avenue newmarket ontario lowest or any tender necessarily accepted not clifford wallwork reeve ernest davis road supt 392 coming events come to the euchre party being held at the masonic hall on tuesday evening mar 6th sponsored by the stouffville oddfellows and rebekah lodges lunch and prizes admission 50c time 830 hid 50 acres stream 5900 lull price on no7 high way nice ncenic rereat a real buy brand new 3 or 4 bedrooms low down payment 13900 and up located in fine new area in stouffville sewers near schools shopping etc call stouffville 464 to inspect the abovp properties call mr delic ulster 2-6518- mr rusnell 312w or mr wood 464 harold wood real estate plements sale 1 pm w d atkinson sale mgr auc tioneer tuesday mar 27 auction sale of 40 head of grade hol stein cattle fresh cows milk ers and heifers and calves blood tested tb tested on dhia since 1951 average droduction for year 1960 milk 1286 lbs fat 430 test 353 have been using central on tario cattle breeders since it started above cattle are large and in good condition 1 unico milk tank 300 gal cap new in 57 allls chal mers tractor model b good condition about 3000 bales of hay 1500 bales of straw 400 buy of oats no reserve as giving up milk business at lot 25 con 2e markham the property of j w stephenson terms cash sale at 2 pm d colliding clerk alvin s farmer auctioneer bingo every saturday night in the veterans hal stouff ville sponsored- by canadian legion and ladies auxiliary branch 459 special games jack pot cash prizes doors open at 745 pm games start at 815 sharp admission 50c 35tf wanted wanted antique car condition ph at27001 any wanted pasture wanted for 1962 for number of cattle write stating terms location number of cattle that can be handled box 69 stouff ville tribune used piano bench or stool wanted in working con dition call 1110 after 7 pm farm wanted we have a toronto business man desir ous of purchasing 50 to 150 acre farm in stouffville ux bridge pickering area barn should be adaptable for beef cattle ample water necessary has large cash payment needs spring possession please call collect or write to gerry me- harg markham 710 thos n shea ltd realtor 392 bingo every other monday night in the claremont legion hall commencing monday mar 5th sponsored by the canad ian legion and the ladies aux iliary branch 483 casli prizes 16 games at 500 each special games and jackpot doors open at 745 pm games start at 815 pm admission 50c blanket notice anyone wishing to send old woollen or cotton rags to be made into blankets rugs socks etc have rags and money at mrs wm rcamans glasgow no later than march sth phone stouffville 97520 382 north york progressive con servative annual meeting sat mar 3 2 pm richmond hill high school speaker hon orable donald fleming minister of finance all welcome notice of ratepayers meet ing of ss no 6 uxbridge glasgow march 8 1962 at 8 pm re new school site make it a habit to keep your feet on ihe ground and youll rcver have far to fall united church steward and elders schools march 5 sutton march 12 wesley march 19 browns corners regular groups and advanced groups for those who have pre viously attended ladies and men who are not elders or stew ards also invited 710 pm refreshments 393 a st patricks dance is to be held in the masonic hall stouff- vllle friday march 16th 1962 with art celsies orchestra sponsored by he oddfellows a rebekah lodges tickets may be obtained from any of ihe members 1 per person notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of russell james smith late of the village of stouffville in the county of york formerly of the town ship of whitchurch retired farmer deceased notice is hereby given pur suant to the trustee act that all persons having claims a- gainst the estate of the above named russell james smith who died on or about the twentysecond day of jan uary ad 1962 are hereby re quired to send by post pre paid or to deliver to the under signed solicitors for the execu tors full particulars of their claims duly verified on or be fore ihe seventeenth day of match ad 1962 after which said date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to those claims of which they then have had notice dated february 26th 1962 rov smith esq rr4 stouffville ontario h reginald button esq stouffville ontario executors button coon splicltors for the said executors stouffville ontario 393 markham township tenders for crushed gravel pit run gravel earth fill sealed tenders plainly mark ed as to contents will be re ceived by the undersigned up to 12 oclock noon est on monday march 12 1962 for the supplying hauling and the spreading of crushed gravel pit run gravel and earth fill tenders must be made on standard form which can be obtained at the office o the undersigned lowest or any lender not nec essarily accepted hct crisp clerktrcas township of markham rr2 gormley 393 d miklas peng township engineer township of markham rr2 gormley ont work wanted work wanted chair ean- ing and ladder back seats in stalled ph 1194w w green- bury stouffville 33tf fur farm animals attention nutria purchasers be associated with the only or ganization in north america which offers you a known pelt guarantee yes here is your pelt market with guaranteed floor price on all pelts for free book on how to raise nutria write to can adian nutria limited rr2 stouffville ontario 354 maybe it should be spelled februeary uxbridge township applications will be received by the undersigned until 500 pm friday march 9th 1962 for ihe following 1 warble fly inspec tor for 1962 to supply own transportation wages 125 per hr and 10c per mile necessarily travelled 2 warble fly powder fob goodwood j e foskett clerk goodwood ont 382 some orators dont seem lo understand the difference be tween eloquence and endurance temptation may be strong but it seldom overtake ihe man who runs frm it th stouffville tribune classified advertising rates articles for sale livestock for sale keal estate wanted cars for sale lost found etc ca ex- 2c per word lit wk 2 astra conaccatlv wrtkl with inliaim of he i ft week sic far eitra coniecativ wrcka must hm paid week of fnirtion tf cbargerj an additional 2fie mtli b dried 50c additional will be charged or use of a box no notices coming events cards op tranxs a wrrf with a minimum of 100 aurtns engagements marriages deaths la a word with a minimum of f 100 fn- memoriams llot minim ttm xfor 4-hn- enc i0 for aaeh addition a i lta olsplat classifieds si2s pr tftfb with a minimum m mm lack additional eonfeotiv jaarruona at 1100 pt fnch- jkl claatln4 ada moat b in tblt oac not later tba 10 auaa wwfiaway 4w4 cash atajfipa or money oraw a4 cava avwiey cv uaja awt for fffarenf