Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 1, 1962, p. 2

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ftf 2 the stouffvlue tweune tvxvji mwcli t ii2 editorial a silver sheer havoc was created in a little oneroom public school building in the township of whitchurch last week the wholesale destruction of property was the worst incident of this type ever witnessed by this writer one would have to see it to believe it one could scarcely visual ize the extent of the damage inside by taking a passing glance at the white frame exterior the school is appropriately named white rose and the ratepayers have a just pride in the building that was erected some twelve years ago throughout the weekend the trustees and residents in the section looked with unbelieving eyes on the vandalism that had scarred their proud project to ev efr woi retrret- lining table as this one there is a brighter side due to the extent of the dam age the trustees ordered that the building should be closed until suffi cient repairs could be completed this news no doubt was received with the unanimous approval of the pupils but who do you think was ready and willing to assist in the cleanup campaign why none other than the senior students themselves assisted by members of the board and the teacher the kids rolled up their sleeves on monday in an effort to right the wrong that had been done in a sense it was a holiday but the physical labours no doubt consumed much more energy than any seige of reading ritintr and mwlfeing a coftiiy cnmuche while in ottawa last week we had the privilege along with a num ber of other newspaper association directors to visit the prime minister in his office for a chat on some of the pertinent canadian problems one of these was the butter situation something of interest to our rural population we had suggested that the pro gram of subsidizing into which the government has become committed was looming as a more and more costly procedure to which the prime minister agreed and pointed out the butter problem as a good example only recently the dairy farmers suggested to the government that the retail price of butter be reduced by 14c a pound but that they the producers should be subsidized by the government this amount to make up the difference such a program it was pointed out would cost the taxpayers about 50000000 a year however it would only aggravate the production situation at the pres ent time we have enormous stocks of butter in the country and keeping the price up through subsidizing would only encourage still more pro duction this would certainly be an ok program for the farmers but the consumer would have to go on paying the same price the retail price plus the tax subsidy to add up to the full guaranteed price it would seem desirable to every one that the price of butter be re duced to be competjtive with other spreads and the butter from other countries however we believe the guaranteed prk should be with drawn and butter allowed to find its own price level this is only one field in which the government is paying subsidies there are others equally as costly and it would appear that the prob lem of getting rid of them now is greater than the problems faced when they were first started who is to blame last week six toronto juveniles were paraded into the buttpnville police office of markham township they had stolen a car and were taken in for questioning by a markham officer after the vehicle broke down on no 7 highway near unionville for tke majority of 1315 year olds the shame of being brought into r police station would be sufficiently effective to discourage any repeat performances of such joyride acts for these lads however with the exception of perhaps two it was a big joke a hilarious chain of events that would eventually lead them back again before the juvenile authorities this held no fears for them they had been up on the carpet before they proudly related their past rec ords one boy wa3 on probation the serious part of this whole story concerned the parent interest or disinterest only one out of the six suggested that his father would he willing to drive out from toronto to buttonville to talk over the matter with the officer for the others the word parent was shrugged off like some dead limb on a disjointed fam ily tree for them the word shelter was much more inviting than their own homes at least it will be warm and well get something to eat said one my old mans car wouldnt get him this far and he wouldnt come even if it would said another this is only one of many similar stories we would suggest that the cards are stacked heavily against such boys we would suggest that in the majority of cases the parents are to blame wheat no longer top export value of the two lop export values in canada newsprint and wheat the second has now been replaced in monetary value by tourists this in formation was passed out as part of an address by the hon walter dins- dale in ottawa the statement fur ther points up for us locally the great value of our parks our natural tour ist areas and otx recently established pioneer villages metro conservation to which we in stouffville contribute has been playing a growing role in the preser vation of the natural resources of this area while metro has in mind primarily a place to play for those living in the area many thousands of visiting tourists use the facilities as well air dinsdale pointed to the time when there would be a tourist camp every hundred miles arid a picnic site every 50 miles right across can ada only the sale of newsprint now brings this country more dollars than tourists he said this year all provinces will combine in an intensive campaign in europe to attract tourists to canada and that means to ontario and to york county spending by european tourists has been steadily growing yet this vast market has never been tapped by canada beginning now canada hopes to build the tour busi ness to a peak by 1967 our centennial year ask free hunting on farmers own land the whitchurch township conservation club has suggest ed that all farm owners and their families should be permit ted to hunt rabbits and birds on their own properties without a license a letter dated feb 24th was aired before a regu lar meeting of the township council test week the organization also sug gested that the regular license fee should be 100 with 25c to go to the issuer since these recommendations would require a revision in the hunting bylaw the council de cided to table the matter until it could be given further discus sion at a later meeting hie toufftiillc riintnr established lit a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontario weekly newspapers association anuwrtue sccondclam matt roateot dpl oluwa member of the audit bureau of- circulations issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 350 elsewhere 450 g it nouh mfclnf us thomas tile mckean advertiiifia sugar and spice by bill smiley y w jtieres an aircraft flight scheduled for this coming july hat id like to be taking i read all about it in a letter received the other day from the air force bianch of the prisoner of war association some of the boys with their wives aie charter ing a plane to take them to the ijnited kingdom wheie they will visit old haunts former pi toners of the ger mans call themselves ktiegies its an abbreviation of the ger man word kriegsgefangenen or something of the sort itll he a lively jaunt there is to be a wellslocked bar aboard 1 can visualize the antics when some of the old kriegies get into the grape at one end of the ah craft the singers will be serenading orileys daughter and other ladies of that ilk in the galley somebody will be mixing up a kriegie cake pulverized biscuits powdered milk marg and prunes there was never a cake recipe to beat that one for sheer weight 12 pounds to the square foot you can have your duncan hines mix some other character will be setting out a batch of pure un adulterated kriegie brew tts made from potatoes turnips prunes or anything else that will ferment one hooker o that stuff and an angel can turn in his wings he doesnt need them any moie elsewhere in hie aircraft some oldtimer will be hammer ing away at empty powdered- milk tins turning them info cups plates jewelry and high- powered machinery m m but i doubt if the expedition will ever make it to the uk some kriegie who cut his way through a sixinch conciete wall with a nail file 20 years ago and was on the loose for three days before he was caught will insist on demonstrating how he did it and when the whole bot tom falls out of the aiiciafl the others will have 1o agiee that he hasnt lost his touch every old kriegie is laicenous at hearl and the pilot of that aircraft is going to have his hands full convincing them thai he hasnt room on the return trip for a few things they pick ed up in england such as the tower of london princess mar garet big ben and the entire saloon bar of the gale hangs high or the dirty duck w m theres to be a grand ieuiiion party in london with former raf kriegies thatll be a good one i wonder if wee jock will be llieie with his inverness tongue that could peel your hide will paddy b make it and if he does will he get drunk and want to fight everybody i wonder it dave will show tip and infuiiate one and all with his calm english view thai its time somebody took those col onials in hand meaning us trouble is i see them and many like them as they were then wee lock with his nobbly schoolboy face paddy as strong as a bull and quick as a rabbit slim blond dave with his cas ual manner lean fact huge mus tache and all of them just a year or two older than the lads im teaching in school right now vvouldnt it he ternble if they turned up for the reunion parry looking just like the rest of us thick around the middle and thin on top a whole lot less inter ested in slaying up all night and meekly murmuring yes dear to some strange woman willi a cold suspicious eye in her head w that- letter about the rip brought back a host nf mem ories of prison camp days all a beautiful piece of machinery built into us humans the abil ity to forget the bad times and remember only the good ones tn retrospect the life in pris on camp has a great attraction for old kriegies the reason of course is because it was com pletely free of complication there were no jobs no homes no mortgages no cars no child ren and no women to worry about all the decisions were little ones you had to decide whether to have turnip soup or turnip stew for dinner you had to de cide whether to go on smelling like a goat or to have a mid winter bath with ice water in the unhcated washhouse you had to decide whether to gobble jour slice of bread in one glut tonous mouthful or nibble at it for an hour looking back from the welter of payments and problems and children and wives in which they are firmly morassed today it is little wonder that old kriegies heave a sigh of nostalgia for the simple ordered existence of the camp even though theyd have sold their own grandmothers in to slavery to get out of the place while they were there editors mail stouffville ont feb 23 1962 the tribune dear mr ediioi i read with interest and some disgust the editorial that ap peared in the feb22nd issue of the tribune entitled ten ways to keep husband happy bro ther have you got a few things to learn if you had to follow me around every day while i pick up after my husband youd sure change your tune when i read that article it made me so riled that i decided then and there to sit down and put my protests into writing in reference to the wearing of cold cream or curlers to bed let me tell you that my husband is hardly home that much at night to even notice or care if he isnt sitting in harolds grill drinking coffee hes up at the bethesda curling rink or just loafing on the sofa watching the jack parr show item 4 really roused my lie talk about me losing weight my husband has built himself such a bulge around his middle that he can hardly tie his own shoe laces i have suggested that he should go on a diet but he claims that this curling sport will eventually produce the same effect hes been doing it all winter but i cant spe any improvement by the way i wish he would do a little sweep ing around the house once in a while in item 5 you talk about go ing out for a game of bridge well i havent been outside my own house for an evening for so long the spiders have con structed a permanent cobweb nest in my highheeled shoes the only time i get down street is to stock up a weeks supply of groceries at ratcliffs and most of that is consumed by my five children my husband also eats his fair share i might add item 6 i will pick up after him thats all i ever do hes worse than the kids he leaves his wet rubbers in the kitchen his newspaper in the living rcom his woollies in the bed room and cigar butts in the bathroom i carry the garbage out and bring the empty can in tie usually leaves the lawn mower out in the rain and my clothes line has such a sag in it that the washing diags on the giound that love me item is a real joke i cant remember if hes ever mentioned those words since our wedding day sixteen years ago however i dont really expect it and he knows il item 8 learn more about his favorite sport if you could picture me tossing a curling stone along the ice youd real ize that such s scene would be the seventh wonder of the world i get enough practice swinging a mop without playing golf and nobody will ever convince me that frank mahovlich is moie talented than lawrence welk as far as laughing at his jokes is concerned as mentioned in item 30 the only kind he knows are not fit to listen to let alone funny to laugh at fortunately he saves them for the boys now that ive aired my com plaints i feel much better i must admit that i enioyed read ing the item although t certain ly didnt agree with it please do not use my name not that it would embarrass my husband as much as it would me a weary wife stouffville ont feb 23 1962 stouffville tiibune dear editor on request or as the losult of a dare from someone to offer suggestions as to how to keep a hubby happy i would like in comparison to pass on a few suggestions on ways to keep the little lady happy 1 it is not necessary to use the cold cream and curlers vie a good night cream well mas saged in with the surplus wiped off and a very slight dusting of powder over it smells nice too as for the curlers if wlfey has straight hair and cannot do the job herself a trip to the hair dresser once in two weeks and a light hairnet should do the trick i cheers now letv conquer the space between us 1 2 both should strike the phrase i told you so from their vocabulary 3 i agree that you shouldnt threaten the kids by warning them just wait till your father gets home the mother should do it herself unless it is some thing which calls for a little male judgment 4 put hubby on diet loo one will lose the middle age spiead and the other the unsightly paunch 5 i agree that the wife should not commit hei husband to a night out without consulting him first but isnt it nice to have hubby phone to lell you he is bringing home a business acquaintance especially when all you have on hand is a bowl of soup fruit and a glass of milk and the guest is a hearty eater 6 i dont agree that a wife should pick up after her hus band what kind of early tiain- ing has a man had who would expect a wife to be a picker- upper when she has little ones to do it for till they are trained to do it themselves 7 whats wrong with asking him if he loves me its really nice to get a bit of flatlei y once in a while but all the time or every day no 8 learn more about your hus bands sports i say yes if you are interested in them 9 dont tell him you saved jo when you buy a 15 item that has been marked down from 25 why be dishonest we are all looking for bargains just hope lor the best and get yourself something with the change 10 dont tamppr with his jokes i agree try keeping quiet and hell muddle through as a further suggestion is it really necessary to have the ten ways wouldnt it be better to have everything on a 5050 basis and try each to live hap pily ever afler s im signing my name hoping you will not use it for i still like to meet the father of six on the street and hear the cheery hello rather than a stiff tip of the hat and lpspond- ing hello with ihe lesctvalion in mind she must be a dilly to live with anonymous gormley rr feb i9 196 1 dear mr editor i feel that i must write a few lines in reply to mr sykes letter re farm machinery act if he is going to shed a lot of tears for the wives of the deal ers why not a few for the far mers wives who wait and worry while their husbands hunt parts for machinery to get the har vest in s no farmer has too much com plaint against his dealer its the manufacturer who is to blame surely mr sykes would no suggest that the government only pass laws to get votes farmers only represent about 11 of the population and 5 of the income so why should the government worry about them i dont know what wind tun nels have to do with farm ma chinery but i certainly hope the farm organizations are able to show that some guarantee of repair parts is maintained in ontario if everything is to good what b mr sykes worried about yours for the art farmers wife mennonites to fly here for conference three planeloads of 342 eur opeans africans and asiatics will attend the seventh menno- nite world conference aug 17 in kitchener says cornelius j rempel conference secretary this is amazing because we figured we would be doing well if only one chartered planeload came he adds the thiid plane was charteied just lecently and it will leave fiankfuit geim- any one week befoie the meet ing stents the first two planes will leave frankfurt and amsterdam hol land on july 31 a simultaneous electionic translating service will be in op eration during the conference and german and english will b the official languages of the session mr rempel said the week will have plenty of music as choirs from goshen ind blufften ohio and new- ion kansas aie booked two choirs from winnipeg are ex pected and an all ontario rhoir consisting of 500 to 000 voices is being assembled the conferences aie held every five years in vatious places ar ound the world the brethren in christ churches aie also repre sented no formal lesolutions aie made as the mennonite and brethren churches are auton omous tongiegations like the baptists the last one was held in frankfurt there are exceptions to tha saying every cloud has a sil ver lining an outstanding on being a war cloud smithcorona ir s adding machines absolute lops for economy ond effi ciency yet priced of the lowest pos sible cost superb construction feature assure longlasting trouble free opera- lion three great models to choose from all color jtyled all com pletely electric with whisper-quiel- action featherlight touch extra con veniences include timesoring one- stroke total large printperfect figures ac or dc operation automatic ut- tract and repeat controls the stouffville tribune telephone 152 or 153

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