frraffrflle ftribtnit vol 73 no 39 the tribune stouffvblle ontario thursday march 1 1962 twelve pages school torn apart by vandals a portion of the interior of had been damaged and de- smith stand amid the rubble by the vandorf detachment the white rose public school faced by vandals last week of broken furniture and light of the ontario provincial po- ss no 6 whitchurch town- board chairman metro su- fixtures three lake wilcox lice staff photo ship is pictured here after it deyko left and trustee roy residents have been charged eveiy elect ic light fixtuie in the building was smashed one of the shattei ed globes is pictured heie the damage has been estimated at moie timn 1000 the school lo cated on cone 3 north of gormley had to be closed down for two days staff photo music festival entries to number several thousand ratepayer to take assessment appeal to supreme court stouffville lions club second annual music festival which will begin on monday march 5th is attracting over two thou sand individual juvenile entries the festival competitions will carry on throughout the week up to and including friday march 9th in the united chinch the concert of stars at which the winners will be heard and trophies and awards presented will be on thursday march 22 in the high school auditorium during next week there will be night competitions both wed nesday and thursday evenings in order to acccommodate the heavy entry list in addition to the choir and solo numbers piano competi tions have been added this year the adjudicator for voice will be mr eldon brethour and for piano mr boris berlin chair man of the lions club commit tee in charge of the effort is roy powswell with dr wm mur phy as vice chairman besides the hundreds of indi vidual entries choirs will be competing from many outside centres such as unionville markham and uxbrldge along with rural centres some of the individual classes run high en try lists class 51 vocal solos for girls under seven has twen ty entries and boys under 12 seventeen entries many have lists of competitors numbering a dozen or more all in ai there arc more than mvontyfive classes including solos ducts triple duets choirs and piano solos twentyfour trophies will be divided among the winners of the various classes and certificates will go to many others assistance and advice have been given to the committee by various musical groups and more than fifty individuals in cluding businesses and munici pal bodies have aided with their patronage in the second edition of this great project an invitation is extended to the public to drop in at any time while the festival is on to listen to and enjoy the com petitions two sent to hospital in cone 9 crash a scarboro mother and her daughter were admitted to hos pital on thursday afternoon of list week following a twocar crash on cone 9 markham at 19th avenue mrs ruth lascovich 38 and her daughter colleen of west hill were injured when their auto was in collision with an other car driven by mrs susan csborn of dicksons hill both vehicles were badly damaged dr d j petrie of stouffville administered treatment at the scene the bruce davidson home cone 9 was opened to the in jured prior to the arrival of the ambulance pc barry mcwhlr- tcr of markham township con ducted the investigation a pickering township rate payer will take his landassess ment appeal to the supreme court of ontario dr f eugene labrie a professor of the fac ulty of law in the university of toronto and the owner of 50 acres informed a standingioom audience at brock road on thur sday night that he plans to make his appeal a test case before the courts he estimated that the litigation could cost 600 a number of persons present agreed to pay a poition of the expense involved dr labrie revealed his plans whenheaddressed the first hc gathering of the newly-org- anued pickering rural rate payers association a near- capacity crowd attended the meeting in the red cross cen- tie dr labrie questioned the legality of his assessment if it can be set aside i feel it should be done he said the president of the organization mr kenneth carr stated that close to 90 appeals were current ly slated for hearings before a county court judge in march servants not masters mr robt g roy the princi pal speaker lashed out at the present council and charged that every contract completed by them was illegal due to the piesent holdings and interests of the reeve he asserted that only tluough stiength in num- lwrs could the association speak with authority when the time comes for these jokers to be elected let us elect someone lie urged he criticized the treat ment that their delegation had lcceived when they attended a regular council meeting in a body he said that the reeve had re fused them permission to em ploy a taperecorder and had re jected their request to hold the meeting in roomier quarters we were huddled in there like a bunch of cattle he said they are our servants not our masters he continued let us call the cards riot them lack of vigilance mr roy pointed out that the rural ratepayers had only them selves to blame for the present problems a great deal of the difficulties we are having with the present council has been due to our own lack of vigil ance and dis interest before elec tions he said he charged that a lot of so called intelligencia get appointed to- counciland promptly arrogate themselves as masters instead of public servants had we taxpayers been alert and had a solid org anization we would not have to endure today the consequent abuses of this mal-administra- tion he continued this coun cil is not a hockey league or a mutualaid society but repre sents a very serious responsibil ity to the people kick in the pants mr roy questioned the reason behind the need to increase the land assessment in the town ship is the farmer going to get even one extra cupful of sand on his winter roads he asked is he going to get water sewers hydro and other utili ties all he will get is a double kick in the pants he replied he pointed out that while the land assessments had been in creased from 15 to 135 his net income according to statistics had been reduced by 24 elect executive five persons were elected to the ratepayers executive in cluding the following victor vaughan green river mrs elizabeth jackson of squires beach mr a winn of altona mr john giosart pickering rr 1 and mrs d wiles rosebank markham police break up youth theft spree the ontario government has announced a european tour for municipal councillors at 525 a spree of thefts in the town ships of markham vaughan and whitchurch and in rich mond hill and metro toronto was halted during the early hours of saturday morning with the arrest of three richvale youths david james meredith 21 was arrested in a truck near the premises of the rolling hills curling rink in whitchurch township by constables john mccague and dan denby of markham twp police the offi cers were on patrol in the gorm ley district when they were alerted by the vandorf office of the ontario provincial police a few hours later sgt william shearn also of markham twp arrested garry smith 39 and allan hartford 16 as they walked along bayvicw avenue near 16th avenue in a blinding srow storm both bos were nearly exhausted and were suff ering from severe frostbite the youths have provided po lice with statements that could link them with a rash of thetts jn five municipalities they will appear in magistrates court at richmond hill on thursday included in the many break- ins is the entry into the union ville curling rink and the cros by memorial arena about s43 was taken from the skating rink nothing was taken at roll ing hills looking for new dump markham township is look ing for a new garbage dump site and have considered part of the former havry kennedy arm recently purchased by the metro conservation authority coun cillor sumner told council on vandals charged with over 1000 damage to whitchurch twp school the interior of the white rose public school s3 no 6 whit church township was literally torn apart by vandals on fri day afternoon due to the dam age estimated at more than 1000 it was necessary to close the building for a number of days this wefk the oneroom frame structure is located on cone 3 north of gormley entry was gained through a tear window desks and chairs were overturned and broken every light fixture was smash ed books and glass littered the floor the electric clock on the wall was broken the ceiling was scarred and many other pieces of school property were either damaged or defaced p- c james tree of the vandorf detachment ontario provincial police later arrested three men near the scene fred scaife 24 geo leary 31 and wm riddel 31 all of south road lake wil cox were remanded when they appealed in magistrates court newmarket on monday they face charges of break and entry and causing malicious damage school out early the teacher miss sheila don ovan had dismissed classes ear lier than usual on friday after noon to enable the senior stu dents to engage the pupils of hartman school in a hockey game the school has an enroll ment of 3l miss donovan and the pupils of grades 7 and s agreed to assist the trustees in cleaning up the debris the board members include the chairman metro sudeyko roy smith and gordon wallace the damage is not covered by insur ance like a cyclone mr sudeyko was the first on the scene he noticed that one ot the side windows had been broken and spotted a stalled autn on the side of the road not far from the site two men were walking mr sudeyko sum moned the ontario provincial police a few minutes later a third party returned to the car with some gasoline he too was arrested by the police it looked like a cyclone had hit the school commented the board chairman after viewing the damage police said that the men were not looking for money but had been drinking one of the suspects cut his hand while climbing through a win dow and blood was smeared around the room late jesse coher was school caretaker 23 years construction of new dial phone exchange began this week plans to introduce dial tele phone service in stouffville this jail are right on schedule w c barnes local manager of the bell telephone company said this week the contract for construction of an exchange building to con tain the necessary dial switch ing equipment has been award ed to ramsay contracting ltd of toronto and construction work has already begun located on the west side of west lawn crescent the one- storey building is scheduled for completion in may the building of brick wall con struction will have a frontage of 61 feet and will be 34 feet deep it will have reinforced con crete foundations and a felt and gravel roof telephone engineers are now designing the complex dial switching equipment to meet the specific needs of stouffville telephone users as soonas the building is completed crews of highly skilled technicians will begin the install jon of this equipment mr barnes said that when dial service is introduced stouff ville customers will receive new sevenfigure telephone num bers allfigure numbers are now being used by all major tele phone companies across the north american continent in stouffville telephone num bers will begin with the three figure prefix 640 followed by four more numbers a typical number might well be 6408s8s mr barnes added on saturday feb 24th mr jesse cober a resident of stouffville for 32 years passed away suddenly at his home main street east he suffered from coronary thrombosis the late mr cober was born on cone 3 pickering township in 1874 the son of the late john cober and susan sheffer he was one of a f amly of eight chil dren two of whom survive he is survived by his wife the for mer josephine dale one son gordon of bancroft and a dau ghter edna mrs jack forres ter of port perry there are six grandchildren and six great grandchildren two wives pre deceased him in 1905 he was married to annie dresser and in 1947 he married irene doner following his first marriage he operated the homestead farm in pickering for a period of five years ile later farmed at beth- esdavand on the 5th cone of markham before moving to stouffville 32 years ago he was identified with the brethren in christ church a skilled tradesman in car pentry cabinetmaking and mas onry he held a position of care taker at the stouffville public school for 23 years the funeral service was held on tuesday afternoon at 2 o clock in the heise hill church conducted by rev wm vander- bent interment was made in heise hill cemetery the pall bearers were messrs earl cob er oran fretz edward fretz peter stickley edgar stickley and asa byers all nephews of the deceased wilson firm marks 25 years in business commencing next week mr les wilson will have been in business here in stouffville for a quarter century it was 25 years ago that he opened up a carrepair shop on main street where garretts garage is now located the premises was then operated by mr carl boadway and mr wilson occupied a sec tion in the rear he then moved to the west end of town where he opened his own garage and service station he obtained the agency for the plymouthchrysler line and af ter the war he was shipped one of the first cars to come off the postwar production line for the past ten years he has been an agent for studebaker cars and trucks the business has continued to prosper and more recently his station was enlarged to include a much larger service and re pair area and a newcar show room a son george who liter ally grew up with the firm is now a full partner there are three other employees on the staff allan boadway douglas lornie and e j wideman markham twp agrees to school addition the request from stouffville public school board to bear a share o the cost of a fourroom addition to the orchard park public school was passed unan imously by markham township council on monday afternoon clerk harry crisp stated that since only a small portion of the township lies within the stouff ville section markhams share cf the 580000 addition would only amount to 2000 it was pointed out that as part of this land is included in the area being proposed for annex ation an adjustment would be forthcoming concerning the lia bility at a later date birth elson mr and mrs kenneth of greenwood are happy to announce the birth of their daughter sharon kimberley on february 23 1962 at the oshawa general hospital no other garage operated in stouffville can equal the wilson record students qualify for public speaking finals two stouffville district high school students barbara but ton and tim wees qualified on monday night to enter the lions club oratorical zone fin als here on march 29th at that time they will compete with stu dents from aurora and new market the local contest was con ducted at the regular meeting of the lions club with four juniors and four senior students com peting barbara button took top honours with the highest points overall while tim wees placed second and top spot for the boys barbara spoke on the com parison of life in our country with that of the impoverished nations and tim took as his subject the atom bomb the junior speakers were janet but ton donna ratcliff sue ketchie and david colburn in this group sue ketchie and david colburn shared top honors the other senior contestants were pat harwood and marilyn fos- dick all the addresses were of a high order and the students were commended by chairman cf the contest lion ceo hend ricks the judges were mr wm sherwood mr bert newell and rev gordon cruikshank a number of friends and teachers of the competing orators at tended the meeting was con ducted by lion president neil patrick and the contest portion of the program by lions ceo hendricks and ted edwards stouffville high school has sent a student to the district finals now for a number of years and the lions club u to be congratulated on promoting this fine piece of work among our young people civic dinner for pickering twp although the benefits of the annual civic dinner in the township of pickering were questioned by councillor har- vey spang at a special meet ing of council on monday night tne other members registered votes in favour of the program councillor spang voted against the proposal the ward 1 representative contended that everyone in at tendance should pay his or her own way councillor milton mowbray argued that rather than adopt such a policyit would be bettef to scrap the whole idea coun cillor ross deakin maintained that the social event wag held mainly to honour thosa who gave of their time and talents in the interests of the municipality lor little or no remuneration no date was set for the ban quet night monday that the township was being given a one year exten sion of time on the present dump another suggested location was the large excavation at the markham sand gravel co just off don mills rd in assessment argument mr robt g roy of clare- the principal speaker at the were only servants ot the el- mont is currently waging a first public meeting of the cctorate but instead had be- verbal war against the cur- kural ratepayers assoda- come selfimposed masters rent assessment practices in tion on thursday night mr tue township ol pickering roy charged that the council staff ptufy