the stourtvhu thksff umitr dcoar 21 st ff t christ church anglican stouffville kr john l ball ktctor sunday december 31st 1961 sunday after christmas 30 am holy communion 930 am junior and senior sunday schools 7 pm wed jr choir practice 8 pjn wed sr choir practice stouffville united church rev j gordon cruikshank ba sunday december 31st 1961 915 am junior to senior sunday school 1100 am nursery to primary sunday school 11 am morning worship moru 7 pm explorers tues 730 pm cubs wed 730 pm scouts thurs 7 pjn cgit 815 pm choir practice stouffville baptist church a church with a message for today minister kcv j williams sunday december 31st 1961 10 am bible school all ages 11 am family worship 7 pm prayer meeting 730 pm baptismal service wed 8 pjn prayer and bible study united missionary church rev alfred rees minister sunday december 31st 1961 markham 10 am sunday school for ward in 62 u am worship service sub ject what doest thou here elijah iso pm watch night service special singing communion service and two outstanding movie pictures faith o our families the house that hunter built tues 8 pm young peoples in the dicksons hill church thurs 8 pm prayer and bible study dicksons mix 145 am worship service sub- 1ect what doest thou here elijah 1050 am sunday school for the family tues 8 pm young peoples wed 8 pm prayer and bible study extending to you happy new year stouffville united missionary church be arthur walsh illnlster sunday december 31st 1961 10 ajn sunday school with classes for all ages 11 aja and 730 pm the new year message in word and song wed 8 pm midweek prayer meeting pioneer girls the colon ists meet each tues at 7 pm the pilgrims meet each wed at 6j0 pm st james presbyterian church stouffville minister eev gordon llamltl ca sunday december 31st 1961 10 am morning worship 10 ajn church school worship with us gormley united missionary church rev c e hunklng minister sunday december 31st 1961 10 am sunday school 11 am morning worship 730 pm evening service 945 pm watch night senice each wed evening prayer ser vice jan 1114 home mission con vention you are always welcome at gormley churchill musselmans lake bible school sunday december 31st 1961 1030 sundav school brethren in christ church heise hill gormley fastor rev wm vanderbent ph richmond hill turner 43155 sunday december 31st 1961 10 am sunday school 11 am worship service 730 pm evangelistic wed 745 pm midweek prayer meeting bloomington christian associated gospel church pastor g t gooderham bth sunday december 31st 1961 945 am bible school 11 am morning worship 730 pm evening service wed 8 pm prayer and bible study thurs 2 pm the business meeting and election of offi- cers of the ladles aid will be held in the church altona united missionary church rev dow sargcant pastor sunday december 31st 1961 sunday school 1030 am 1130 am pastors message 730 pm worship service wed 8 pm prayer service second markram baker hill baptist churches rev bruce niscy sunday december 31st 1961 second mnrkhnm sunday bible school 10 am morning service 11 am baker hill prayer service thurs 8 pm sunday bible school 130 pm service 230 pm stouffville memorial christian church pastor mr clarence t bass sunday december 31st 1961 10 am sunday school 11 am worship service 730 pm evening service 8 pm mon young peoples 7 pm wed childrens choir practice prayer and bible study wed 8 pm in parsonage ringwood christian church mr barry jones minister sunday december 31st 1961 10 am sunday school 1110 am worship service 630 pm wed childrens meet ing 8 pm wed ce prayer meet ing altona mennonite church sunday december 31st 1961 worship service 10 am everyone welcome united church melville charge rev g davison sunday december 31st 1961 1000 am peachs 1140 am melville 230 pm bethesda 730 pm ypu at the home of mr and mrs c pattenden sunday school lesson vivian mccormack memorial church rev brace niscy tastor sunday december 31st 1961 1030 am bible school 730 pm evening worship tues 8 pm bible study and prayer thurs 8 pjn young peoples meeting sat evening come as early as you can for skating and indoor games 930 pm youthspntational rally sun 913 pm watch night spec tacular special singing exceptional film lord of all radio broadcast commencing at 10 pm in rally and transcribed at 12 pm over cfgm radio 1310 on your dial refreshments served throuehout the entire evening come and see the old year out and the new year in franks movers storage modern heated storage agent for united vin une moving with care everywhere tu 42613 phone collect richmond hill lesson for iecember 31 growth toward christian maturity 1 corinthians 13 eph 41111 golden text but speak ing the truth in love may grow up into him in all things which is the head even christ ephesians 415 the lesson as a whole the lessons of this entire past quarter have dealt with the sub ject of christian growth all of us have been freshly impressed by the importance and urgency of this matter god has made the fullest provision for us if we remain spiritual dwarfs in his family it will be only because we have neglected the means of growth at our disposal the true church of jesus christ is a vital body organic and spiritual he himself is the glorified head and as head he has gifted and equipped each individual member with various spiritual abilities that he might build up that body all this re sults in the development of cedar grove every year a certain amount of discussion arises on the pros and cons of christmas concerts at church and at school the children are so busy and so are the teachers who must bear the responsibility of producing con certs hockey has already be gun and rehearsals are hard to arrange and unpredictable in attendance but what would christmas be without these chil dren on the stage dressed up like grandmothers singing car ols smallvoicing recitations giggling through their inexper ience and starryeyed awaiting the arrival of santa this year the white gift ser vice began the festivities with the spirit of giving and the re ligious meanings of christmas brought first to our attention the school concert followed and brought with it all the gaiety fun and laughter that we have every right to expect at a birth day party aubrey and millie lapp spent several nights decor ating the school because this year there were no pupils in the higher grades to take care of this kind of chore the school looked wonderful and the whole programme matched the atmos phere has it ever happened before that such very young children have tackled gilbert and sulli van the tackling deserves mer it but the finished product had all the sparkle and life all the humour and pep that those two gentlemen planned in their satir ical music it was delightful the skits were presented with such a fine sense of drama and timing it was impossible to be lieve there is not a child in the school over 11 and only two that age fortunately for those who missed the school concert and doubly fortunate for those who saw it some of the music and skits were repeated in the sun day school concert on friday night added to these were tiny people so fascinated by an aud ience that their purpose on the stage was entirely forgotten a cat who in the arrival of tho mas gave an oscar winning per formance colleen reesor as snow white singing about her prince so beautifully to seven sleepy sneezy grumpy dwarfs and lots of music and carol singing and r gorgeous big tree and finally santa himself and presents for everyone no it might be less work or more convenient there might be lewer grey hairs and worn nerves it might be easier for everyone to go through this yuletide season without con certs only it wouldnt be christmas this months community club meeting disposed of business as quickly as possible and enjoyed a christmas party at the home of mr and mrs john petrle the officers elected for 1962 should be available for next weeks paper personal note i would like to thank very much those of you who so kindly added notes to your christmas greetings tell ing me you have enjoyed the column os the past year it is nice of you to do it and very en couraging at the beginning of a new year of columns think this will be the eleventh year happy new year christian character and service just as each of the many beautiful facets of a cut diam ond to be truly appreciated must be seen in relation to ev ery other facet so is the body of christ moses prayed let the beauty of the lord our god be upon us and establish thou the work of our hands upon us psalm 9017 thus beauty comes before work character before service likeness to god then work that he can bless the heart of the lesson when king david and his men captured the jebuslte strong hold height in jerusalem zion and had completely dislodged the foe that had tauntingly de fied them he made it his capital then the ark of the lord the true god was established on the height having thus made his political and spiritual capital secure the triumphant king gave food gifts to his rejoicing people see 2 sam 5 6 all of this is a faint reflection of another victor our lord jesus christ sin and satan had held mankind in captivity from adamss day until the great son of god appeared as challenger at calvary the battle was join ed in resurrection the victory was accomplished in ascension the triumph was complete cap tivity was led captive and hav ing taken his place in that heav enly glory christ became head of the church that is his body furthermore he gave gifts un to men for that churchs up building thus he shares the spoils of his victory with his people from the head flows life and nourishment to all the mem bers just as the human body has been fitted together with an amazing variety of parts and each of these parts has its own peculiar function so is christs spiritual body and just as ev ery gland nerve blood vessel and joint depends upon and takes its direction from the head so we may easily find the counterpart of all this in the church thus as each member receives nourishment and func tions the health of each and the health of the whole is assured watch night service two and one half hours of great blessing praise and worship in the markham united missionary church sunday dec 3 1st at 930 pm singing solos duets trios etc two gospel movie pictures faith of our families the house that honter built rantor alfred he will mlnuter the word nf god vha is your futnrf for 62 bethesda christmas dinner visitors with the burn preston family were mr and mrs l swanson and family mr and mrs e hoover and family and mr clifford preston we are sorry to hear that mrs russell preston formerly of bethesda has had to undergo surgery and has spent three weeks in newmarket hospital the hill family spent christ mas with mrs hills father mr h shearn of unionville misses selena and flossie at kinson and mrs galbraith spent christmas day with mr and mrs fred yake and family mr and mrs chas atkinson and mr and mrs lloyd bolender and family were also guests of the yakes the wesley brilllngers had christmas dinner with his par ents at the john brlllinger home on saturday evening mr w brlllinger entertained the atkinson sisters with records played on his new hifi set mr and mrs jim masters and family grand valley mr and mrs peter vanderkooy and three boys and mr and mrs ray atkinson had christmas dinner at home with the par ents mr and mrs clarence at kinson mrs lome hlsey and younger children joined the ga thering in the afternoon mr and mrs roy smith spent the day with mr and mrs da vid mcvie in toronto the lee family were enter tained for dinner in the apart ment of mr lees son in tor onto mr and mrs wm emprlng- ham and allan were the dinner kuests at noon of mr and mrs herb nelson gormley and sup per guests of mr and mrs ern est hunt of bethesda where they were joined by miss marie atkinson mr and mrs murray allin and family and mr peter connon mr and mrs fred allen and shirley entertained mr and mrs murray allin douglas and larry for christmas dinner mr frank curtis was the dinner guest of prof e a and mrs smith the hunt home was the gath ering place for relatives mr and mrs harry hunt and rob ert mrs carr and miss peggy of keswick mr hugh kerna- lian of sutton and mrs tids- bury doris and allan of mark- ham were entertained mr and mrs albert scott had a fine gathering with all the family lncludingsix grandchild ren at home the burkholdcr gathering in cluded all the family alma of stouffville and maurice pike lack of time to enquire pre vents jiving a further report on good times enjoyed by our neighbours on christmas day do report to your reporter gormley 5637 but we know that christmas has been kept well and with tiny tim of dickens christmas carol we would say god bless us every otjk and we add a happy ffevr year to all stcszt the year might outfit your office with new supplies from the stouffville tribune you find everything youll need to make your office more efficient during the coming year here are just a few of the many many useful office supplies youll find at the tribune telephone lis finders cash boxes file card boxes file folders typing papers onion skin papers ledgers sr ledger sheets columnar pads letter baskets clip board files postage scales desk pads scratch pads expanding filet sales tax records staplers staples time pay books t file boxes scotch tape dispensers waste baskets smith corona and underwood typewriters and adding machines cheque writers the stouffville tribune 53 main st w phone 152