ft the stourtvjui tukm ihnitf dtumtm 21 61 make a new year rule use classifieds a handy tool miscellaneous sanitary contractor septic links pumped drain cleaned and repaired xi hoar serrfc c btcndex isu fucbmaod hill ph to 41243 help wanted nurses aide wanted for night duty at brlerbush hos pital stouffville ph stouff ville ssl radio tv and bepaib3 at reasonable rates tv sales service smith radioelectronic service 23tf stouffville phone 32 beef pork by quarter or side prepared lor your freezer or locker 34tf custom killing and curing of meat a specialty sciiells meat market stouffvllla phone 220 aluminum combination windows and doors siding and awnings quality and service guaranteed you will like our prices use our ibc budget plan free estimates 46tf stouffvtlle home improvements ballanfrae phone stouffvllle 98s03 housekeeper wanted to live in preferably a younger per son light work call collect hickory 77392 ladies sell latest fashion jewellery in your locality good year round income sam ples supplied please apply in writing to starlite jewellery co 77 arlington ave osh- awa ont 2s3 housekeeper wanted for widower with three children ages 7 14 19 in markham live in s100 per month mark- ham 1031 after 6 oclock or toronto 4216000 extension 27 95 pjn fleet floorcleaning service stores offices eta expertly cleaned and floors waxed store windows washed john foulds ph stouffvllle 1077 tf electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges toasters irons and other appli ances repaired k ii muldlemlss tf phono 367 stouffvuie shoe repair your shoe repairs can all ba handled at georges shoe repair full or half soles and all types of repair all kinds zipper work done all types new shoes for boys and men for good health keep your shoes in good repair mk3ated two doors east of cnr tracks tf hate st stouffvllle phone 743j wilsons well digging earth boring standard tile 29u tbooa unlonvllle 298wh wtef electrical wiuu1 tv a radio repairs to all makes washing machine parts a service neville appliances your admiral iowr ey organ dealer st stouffvuie rtxmes46 44tf the lang service painting paper hanging decorating flooring three year written guarantee with all work 20tf gormley 5449 oil burner service repair cleanout markham heating 4 air conditioning co authorized esso service sales and service 24hr call 7tf rjo cohoct markham 98 sale register auctioneers w d atkinson phono stouffvuie 363 a s farmer phone gormley 5311 sen clarke prentice ph ax 35987 markham 346 reg johnson sunderland ont friday jan 19 auction sale of farm stock and imple ments and household furni ture 12 head holstein cattle fresh cows and springers one case tractor model vac ihc 1020 tractor threshing ma chine new favourite 24 cyl inder tractor manure spread er mh full line of power implements poultry quantity of grain baled straw and hay household furniture at lot 35 con 4 markham twp at gormley property of herb moorbv no reserve as farm sold sale at 1230 pm sharp terms cash jim smith clerk alvin s farmer auctioneer miscellaneous enfd will take care of child during day mrs carol mc- conneil stouffville ph 524w water delivery phone markham 381r22 also tu 42637 26tf old cars and wrecks wanted water supply seaway water supply service s5 for 500 gal 7 for 1000 gal 9 for 1500 gal 16tf 24hour service 7 days a week ph pickering wil 21397 gormley well drilling co rjtl gormley pumps installed and repaired owners w b mccauley w bishop ph gormley 6395 15tf electrical services domestic and commercial wiring installations and repairs grant turner stouffvuie 846 tf ross hetherington electric 0om house indimriil wiring pol line installation alterations small repair jobs phone stouffville 155 or 600 10tf alex wallace heating 24hour 37u oil burner service sheet metal eavestroughlng phone markham s16j dead animal disposal act we have been licensed to remove your dead and crippled farm animals under the above act free removal phone collect toronto empire 33636 or stouffville 70s gorton young limited toronto license no 95c61 35tf canadian cancer society btenmond mi a district unit for information films talks welfare and services call ichmond hu1 tu 4316s unlonvllle 239 markham 139 stouffvuie 49j3 tf water delivery 1000 gal capacity 247 pmone stouffville 744 aylmer carter refrigeration service commercial and domestic sealed unit repairs 17 years experience harold patton co cariler cresc richmond hill 27tf phone 8811640 produce no2 table stock 60c also feed potatoes john bosworth rjl3 newmarket ph 148w ml albert 6tf good quality eating potatoes for sale sebago variety 5100 a bag at the barn or 5l25 de livered phone 815r2 clare- mont 293 beef pork by quarter ob side prepared for your freezer or locker we also do custom killing cur ing and smoking of meat owyles meat market phone 35 stouffvllle 28tf beef sr pork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for ireezer we also do custom killing 4tf fast freezer service fretz bros phone stouffvuie bus 1001 res 96108 beef pork lamb ready for your freezer hind quarters beef latest processing methods used we can supply all your home freezer needs 19tf cau mike stouff 280w carload groceteria live stock holstein bob calf for sale ph stouffvuie 826w3 ponies for sale or wiu trade on cattle or sheep ph gorm ley 5577 1700 dekalb started pullets for sale 10 weeks old vaccin ated ken reesor ph gorm ley 5460 292 purebred polled hereford bull 17 months old lloyd wilson ashburn rr1 phone claremont 6rl holstein heifer for sale due soon george geelink stouffville rr3 ph stouff- vlue 9690g 3 boar pigs 2 gilts 6 months old purebred yorkshire ba con type ph w c lynde rr1 ashburn claremont 840r21 s breed yew cows jfcsires proved great tour better herd begins when yon phooo us for information and sklued service to highindex prov ed sires 25tf ph queensvule gr 84134 qukensvtlle proved sire service wanted used truck tractor tire chains wanted unionville nurseries unionville 95 292 dead stock highest prices paid for dead and disabled cattle horses and hogs small animals removed free ray vivian ltd locust h1u ph markham 1160 collect 44tf 24hour 7day service gov lie no 102c61 n goldkmd we buy all kinds of poultry highest prices paid for live poultry 16tf 31 fraserwood ave toronto ph ru 17851 collect old post cards any quan tity in or out of albums ster eoscopes stereoscopic cards also old papers or catalogues dated before 1920 write de tails to box 24 co the stouff vllle tribune 22tf highest cash price for live poultri norm davis ph 741 markham 2tf used heaters will pay 5000 for your old heater as trade in on a new quaker oil heater with circulat ing fan thermostatically con- troued and air feed draft booster automatically controlled altona feed a supplies ltd phone stouffvuie 210 real estate ed peconi son ltd highest prices paid for dead or crippled horses and cattle all small animals removed free pnone zentrn 32800 no tou charge 16tf 24hour service license no 69c61 box 11 argyle anyone who thinks the custo mer isnt important should try doing without hlrp for 90 days sherwood park in mark ham 4 months old 3 bed room colonial brick bungalow attached garage completely landscaped tv tower owner transferred to montreal pos session any time cau mark ham 1393 collect 28tf when buying or selling real estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison xegm seal estate broker phone ul 23296 buy sell through 43tf earl grose mt albert isowl edwin fockler stouffvuie 90803 clarence a mcdowell stouffvuie 91510 j m farquharson realty limited gormley 5467 or ba 67711 problems wiu money help mortgage loans arranged any where in ontario uelray investments 450a wilson ave downsvlew ont me 32s53 274 for rent bungalow for rent brick in stouffville available immed iately ph 694j stouffville transportation reliable transportation wan ted to 1g73 kingston rd ar riving at 1150 pm leaving 8 am starting wed night jan 4th ph markham 268w implements reconditioned farm tractors several models of fords as well as many other makes your ford tractor dealer altona feed supplies ltd phone stouffvuie 210 sales service trade terms voice of scriptures talking bible the complete king james version of new testament on 35 unbreakable records not a word has been changed or omitted for demonstration call h r road rr1 goodwood stouffville 835j3 notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of john elmer brignall de ceased all persons having claims against the estate of john elmer brignall late of the village of claremont in the county of on tario merchant deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned on or before the 19th day of january 1962 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to claims then filed dated at uxbrldge ontario this 15th day of december 1961 harris harris wallace uxbridge ontario 293 soucitors for the executor notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of peter e fer guson late of the township of whitchurch in the county of york farmer deceased notice is hereby given pur suant to the trustee act that all persons having claims against the estate of the above named peter e ferguson who died on or about the 15th day of novem ber ad 1961 are hereby re quired to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitors for the executors full particulars of their claims duly verified on or before the 2nd day of january ax 1961 after which said date the said execu tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled there to having regard only to those claims of which they then have had notice dated at stouffvllle this 7th day of december ax 1961 douglas ferguson rjt no 1 uxbridge ontario 283 h reginald button stouffville ontario executors mccuuough button solicitors for the said executors stouffvllle ontario in memoriam briard in loving memory of my dear grandfather wal ter elias who passed away fri dec 16 1955- i often sit and think of him when i am all alone for memory is the only friend that grief can cau its own like ivy on the withered oak when other things decay my love for him will still be green and never fade away lovingly remembered by granddaughter eunice and family daws in loving memory of a dear husband lewis davis who passed away dec 24 1956 the world changes year to year and friends from day to day but never will the one i loved from memory pass away sadly missed by his wife davis in loving memory of a dear father lewis davis who passed away dec 24 1956 we often sit and think of him when wt are all alone for memory is the only friend that grief can call its own like ivy on the withered oak when other things decay our love for him will still be green and never fade away ever remembered by helen and ken sclieii harper in loving memory of a dear wife and mother pearl harper who passed away january 1 1935 the world changes year to year and friends from day to day but never will the one i loved from memory pass away ever lovingly remember by husband and family harper in loving memory of our dear mom and grandma pearl harper who passed away january 1st 1955 we often think of bygone days when we were all together but the family chain is broken now but memories will itvs forever to us she has not gone away nor has she travelled far just entered gods eternal home and left the gate ajar lovingly remembered always by daughter ruth family redshaw in loving memory of our dear brother ira miles who passed away dec 2sth 1944 in our hearts your memory lingers sweetly tender fond and true there is not a day dear brother that we do not think of you lovingly remembered by sisters ina ila ethel and luella lewis in loving memory of mrs polly lewis who passed away dec 31st 19g0 upright and just in all her ways loyal and true through all her days silently suffered patiently bore god took her home to suffer no more eueen lewis wells coming events come to the euchre party being held at the masonic hall on tuesday evening jan 2nd sponsored by the stouffville oddfellows and rebekah lodges lunch and prizes admission 50c cards of thanks we wish to thank our many friends wonderful neighbors everybody who helped us with donations food and appliances the children of st fhiilips sun day school unionville cyo of st patricks markham also the markham district veterans as sociation mr and mrs donald hunter for opening their doors for us thank you all so very much john and mary huybers and girls unionville we wish to express our very grateful appreciation to our friends for their thoughtfulncss and help following the death of our dear mother and grand mother particularly we thank drs douglas brodie and john button mrs reed and her staff at the brlerbush hospital for doing so much to make mothers last few months as comfortable as was humanly possluie thanks to rev douglas davis for a truly beautiful service the family of the late mrs john r hodglns articles for sale firewood for sale pickup or delivery ph gormley 5839 or markham 512 302 pair of girls figure skates excellent condition size 6 sell ing for 650 new last year worth 975 phone 598w after 4j0 week days sacrifice sale just like new 1960 model ge large combination refrigerator and freezer automatic defrost 150 ph 1147 used heaters oil coal and wood priced to sell altona feed supplies ltd phone stouffvuie 210 markhasrs oldest skate exchange new childs 495 up mens hockey 795 up figure and speeders at reasonable prices a good allowance on tradeins a w lawtovs shoes and repairs 23tf 82 main st markham reconditioned chain saws various sizes models and makes to choose from your mcculloch chain saw dealer altona feed supplies ltd phone stouffvuie 210 sales service trade terms your house plants light even though winter is here you can still garden there is a lot of satisfaction in growing plants indoors they will really brighten up the house and give you a lot of enjoyment if you follow a few simple rules sug gested by horticulturists with the ontario dep of agriculture have you ever noticed how a plant on a window sill becomes twisted and onesided as it grows toward the light this phenomenon called phototro- pism is direct proof of how im portant light is to your plants to prevent this uneven growth give the pots a quarter turn every day or two then the at tracting effect of the light wiu be evenly distributed in the winter with its short daylight period there is little likelihood of too much sun you can place your plants in the brightest spot in the house h you are short of bright spots some foliage plants such as dra caena philodendron rubber plant and sansevleria wiu tol erate partial shade if your plants are at any win dow without storm windows be sure the foliage does not touch the glass remember the frost on the window pane will cause frost injury to the foliage if you can avoid this type of un protected window we wish to take this oppor tunity to express our sincere thanks to everyone who has shown us such unlimited assist ance through offers of transpor tation to visit my dear wife stricken by a stroke on oct 4v and confined to the ajax hos pital for two months and now at falrview lodge hospital tc kind acts by neighbours and nurses the comforting visits from ministers and friends the many earnest prayers and the lovely gifts from the wms the wa the institute and lodges as well as individuals of our community will never be forgotten we earnestly desire your prayers to almighty god for a complete recovery in his own good time again thanking one and all and wishing you a bright and happy new year your sincere friends martha and warren wlllson guess they call cm window isnt it odd that the easier a envelopes because they contain gal is to look at the harder the 1 fellers stare brougham the womens institute held their christmas meeting on tuesday afternoon dec 12 with a good attendance the presi dent mrs annis was in charge carol singing was enjoyed by all present mrs j mitchell gave a reading and spoke on the top ic ways we could put christ back into christmas as this was the christmas party for the preschool children santa paid his yearly visit giving each child a book and a bag of can dy mrs blackman and mrs follls entertained the children with games and stories while the parents were busy with con tests a lovely lunch was serv ed by the hostesses mrs shirk mrs j mitchell mrs campbell and mrs perry the sunday school concert was held on friday evening with a good attendance santa was there as usual and presented gifts to all the children mr al lan elllcott was chairman rev cresswell was also on hand and spoke briefly sympathy is extended to dr n f tomllnson and family in the sudden passing of mrs tom- linson who was well known in this community where she was born several family gatherings will be held during the christmas holidays mr and mrs al har vey will be entertaining their son john and mrs harvey also their little granddaughter susan of kitchener as well as mr and mrs mitchell of toronto mr and mrs manson elllcott had their family all home for christmas dinner as well as mrs wm elllcott sr and miss pearl barrett mr and mrs thos english had christmas with mr and mrs bonin at oshawa mr and mrs d a beer spent christmas with friends at osh awa mrs matthews spent the week end with her nephews at agin- court and scarboro symapthy is extended to the family of the late mrs george hamilton of keswick she was well known here where she spent her girlhood days bills that give us a p edgevale school of dance classes in ballet and tap children prepared for royal academy examinations new coarse begins 8th of january 1962 branch studio at markham all inquiries molly mumford s 9th line n stouffvuie phone 721w new year message the first cable across the pa cific between san francisco and honolulu 2600 miles was com pleted january 1 1903 when the cable ship silverton arrived in honolulu the first message was sent that day and the cable was open for pubuc use four days later bloomington on monday evening in the sunday school auditorium a splendid program was given by the various classes commencing with a recitation from our youngest member susan storry to a play from mrs howard do ners bible class of teenagers mr and mrs ray foord of leamington and mrs burgar of toronto were christmas guests with mr and mrs cliff lemon and attended church here on sunday morning mr and mrs otto tranmer had christmas sunday with mr and mrs walter tranmer at mt albert ss no 10 held their concert on friday evening the large crowd was appreciative of the work of the teachers and talent of the scholars good st nicho las was the very essence of good humor and goodwill con gratulations to our teachers mrs otto and miss lawson and music director miss mona arm strong mr gooderham was the chairman and mr clarion bak er played the piano mr and mrs eugene lemon and jonathan motored to mor- risburg over the holiday accom panied by mr and mrs austin wagg of toronto to visit with mr marvin lemon and family incentives offered teachers premier robarts announced a new certification plan last week designed to encourage element ary school teachers to aim for a university degree mr robarts who is also edu cation minister said the plan will be implemented in 1962 graduating students from tea chers colleges will bo granted new certificates while present teachers will receive instruc tions on their place in the new program early in february the program calls for four lev els of certificate instead of the present single level a standard 1 certificate will be granted on graduation from teachers college standard 2 3 and 4 certificates will be issued in recognition of credits obtain ed from universities or from the fiveweek summer and winter study sessions offered by the education department the standard 4 level will be a bachelor of arts degree or its equivalent in addition to the teachers college certificate the slimmest man at the class reunion was asked the sec ret and he replied marry a terrible cook the stonffvllle tribune classified advertising 1 rates articles for sale livestock for balk tlcal estate wanted cars for sale lost found etc ch fut te pep ward irt waalc s extra cenaacatlta wetki with a alnlnaat f 1ft let wek ftte fee extra conjacatlr week mart t paid wrtk of neertlon it cfcanred an additional le wfll be added a eaarra of 25o will b madt for all rvplua diracted to thla office mottcks coktno events cards or thanks wr4 itjk a minimum of tlw crrrits engagements marriages deaths a word with a aslnlmnm of 100 x kemoriamft ftau minimum for ttnt plan 10 tar aaeh additional ajlna rarta display classifieds 1 jo per inch with a minimum ef m inch additional eonatcnrlt raaartloa at iw par lac t oawriftafl ada boat t a uw ctcm not later tfcea if ul wwaaaav saw caak ttarapa w ardtra and aara amr- 0 ivj aji for tftfert common ailments of house plants probably the most common ailment of house plants is fall ing leaves fuchsia and gardenia are specially prone to this ail ment ont dept of agriculture hor ticulturists caution that leaf troubles such as wilting yellow ing and curling may be caused by a host of situations the main causes they say are ex cessive watering chilling chem- icals and inadequate light many people do not realize that plant roots must have soma air if you are keeping the soil too wet it becomes poorly aer ated or waterlogged this will cause the roots to rot anfl the leaves to fade and wilt to avoid this water less often and check to see if there is good drainaga from the bottom of the pot many plants especially tropt ral varieties may suffer if ex posed to an open window a few minutes in a cold draft is all it takes leaves that have been chilled droop turn brown and fall some plants become stunt ed and never recover if you use gas in your home you have a constant threat to green healthy leaves even a very small amount of gas in a room will curl and pucker the leaves of house plants in some cases the leaves vvih drop off the christmas cherry is highly susceptible tc gas damage inadequate light very rarely produces any of the more ser ious symptoms but the plants may develop very thin pale leaves and in some cases the stems are abnormally long inventions in this old world are coming so fast that the lad der to success may soon be re placed by an escalator pushbutton war may be just around a few corners but its certain that pushbutton peac will never eventuate i pfr remodeling your home is a sound investment home emodellng dollars pay rich dividends in satis faction we do the work right at right prices youve a lot to gain by finishing off that extra room in the attic well do it for you at low cost if your roof needs restoring count on us to do the job expertly and for a reason able price bud spang construction sr custom contract building pii0ne 221 y d 9 s s 9t pempstch ih250- office 578jnights service station i fuel oh gasoline motor oiigheases minst markham