runnerup thirteen year old susan keachie daughter of mr and mrs morton m keachie cone nine whitchurch township placed second out of fourteen entries in the york county oratorical contest held at newmarket last week susan is a grade s pupil at the viv ian public school staff photo 14 compete in york public speaking contest vivian girl came second there were fourteen contest ants in the annual york coun ty public speaking contest held at the county building new market on wednesday after noon first place went to paul derora of richmond hill a separate school pupil second was won by susan keachie of vivian public school whit church and third by roger garioch of woodbridge the third place winner is a son of norn garioch wellknown cbc personality on the country calendar tv show the contest was in charge of deputyreeve ken wagg of stbuffvillc chairman of the county educational committee mr wagg expressed the pleas ure of council to see a large gathering present for the con test and he introduced the six public school inspectors includ ing inspector hodge of the sep arate school there were two entries from markham village sandra wea ver and patricia woods and one from stouffville janet spence the winning speaker chose as his subject hydro the sec ond place winner spoke on can- nadian history and number three chose our new north as his subject baker hill mr and mrs merlyn baker and mrs jim oldham left on friday last on a trip to new york to visit their brother al lan and family mr lome avery who is at tending the u of t was home for the weekend mr and mrs mark bourgin and litele son spent last week visiting his parents mr and mrs edmund bourguin they just arrived back from hong kong where they had been liv ing they spent the past year in australia and hong kong mrs harding oliver david harding and friend attended the ice capades in toronto last week miss ruth ann allen was the guest of mr and mrs wagar at the town country club in toronto for dinner one evening last week a large number from this area enjoyed the high school commencement in stouffville last thursday night mrs e s linney of toronto had lunch with mrs linderman and mrs drewery on tuesday local ladies part of deputation before premier frost eight members of the local busiress and professional wom ens club were part of a 44- member delegation to the hon leslie m frost prime minister of ontario on november 2nd besides the prime minister present on this occasion were the hon m b dymond the hon j p robarts the hon w a goodfeliow the hon a k roberts the hon j w spoorer and the hon w k warrender mrs helene gibson of sault ste marie the pro vincial president led the dele gation at present there are s2 busi ness and professional womens clubs in ontario with a mem bership of 3616 thofe who attended from stouffvilie were mrs reta laushway mrs eve lyn jackson miss marguerite simons mrs mildred oneill mrs viola rennie mrs eileen wells mrs kathleen lee and mrs evelyn patrick the prime minister agreed to give consideration to the follow ing briefs 1 amendment to the ontario succession duties act 2 reforms in connection with female and juvenile of fenders 3 extension of the municipal franchise 4 am endment to the ontario jurors act 5 air pollution control 6 appointment of women to boards and commissions there was also a discussion on the implementation of sche dule m of the dominionprovin cial training agreement regard ing areas where there is a need for training individuals where there is a demand for workers and of retraining working peo pie the stourfyiue trisune ibwhfey htntaim xt 1960 ptgt 1 ra local and personal happenings mr and mrs ken schell and mr and mrs gerald bollinger returned on thursday after spending a week in and around buffalo miss helen kinzie of toronto was a guest for the weekend with mrs john lehman baker ave mr fred lehman of kitchen er was guest soloist at the anni versary services on sunday at the united missionary church he was accompanied by his son miss lily sherman of tor onto was a weekend guest with mr and mrs lloyd turner donate 500 in the current request for funds to aid the thornhaven school for retarded children markham township council has passed a grant of 500 seldom do people quarrel when they dislike the same tilings aivvvavsaivsfimaaa with winterizing at death alfred burton mr and mrs lome mcmullen and bill mrs albert boake and mr and mrs will reaman mo tored to arcade new york on thursday to attend the funeral of their cousin alfred burton he was the son of the late hartley burton of stouffville and spent his boyhood years in stouffville and district he at tended altona public school he was in his 54th year and is survived by his wife and three daughters his mother mrs h lehman of delhi ont a bro ther arthur of dunnville ont a sister mrs edward wahl of kenmore new york burial was at rushford cemetery new york w a sleeting nov 21 on monday nov 21st the womens association of the united church will meet in the church auditorium mrs hast ings will conduct the devotions mr arciiie reid will show mov ies taken by the stouffville movie club it is expected some pictures taken in holland and in western canada will be in- eluded witli local pictures ev eryone is invited to this meet ing including the men the ladies of tiie wa wish to thank all who helped to make the tea and bake sale a suc cess more than 100 was real ized at the sale meres is y v it giles will do to jensiion of your car complete minor tuneup clean file regap spark pluus or replace if necessary test engine compression and record clean and reset and align ignition point or replace if required reset ignition timing with timing light test wcuum advance with timing light adjust automatic choke reset carburetor idle wish tuneup ianel clean all liatlerv connections and check electrolite clean till gas kilter howls and fuel pump bowl on 6cyl chev replace rocker cover ctsket if necessary er o adjcst all brakes clean and pack front wheel bearings clean air cleaner examine front end alignment lubricate chassis change oil filter if necessary test antifreeze necessary parts and material extra special only g85 giles chev olds ltd 331 main st w stouffville phone 568 um church anniversary november is anniversary month for the markham u m church the week of anniver sary evangelistic services came to a successful conclusion last sunday rev o bell preached at both services his evening subject was four eternals easily forgotten taking his theme from psalm 902 he out lined to the congregation these four eternals eternal exist ence life hell and dwelling place the pitts family from scarborough gospel temple added interest to the evening service as they brought a var iety of vocal arrangements which included a quartet quin tet duet and solo the young people from the scarborough church returned on monday evening to present a young peoples programme the testimonies instrumental num bers and a message from the bible made it a worthwhile eve ning next sunday there will be an every member communion ser vice at 11 am the pastor will preach on the subject a warn ing from the early church he will also preach at dicksons hill church in the 945 am worship service on the subject the seal of god on the be lievers forehead mr tom dow of emmanuel bible college will preach in the 730 pm service at dicksons hill the evening evangelistic service in markham will feature don and bud ratcliff yfc gospel trumpeters the pastor will preach on the subject the seamless robe of jesus plans are now being made for christmas month highlights for the month will be a candle light service a christmas can tata entitled emmanuel for ever a play by the young peo ple and an evening of carol sinning we are reminding all mem bers to bring in their subscrip tion for the gospel and mission ary banner thought for the week one of the surest marks of true bible teaching is that it leads away from the creature and leads to the heart of god where man is exalted christ is always abased and then will rise in christ to heights he could never attain without passing by this way the divine way wedding hooisma skinner ringwood christian church was decorated with baskets of red and white carnations and mums for the wedding of pa tricia hall skinner daughter of mr and mrs john j h skin ner of stouffville and robert terry hooisma son of mr and mrs m hooisma of oshawa on saturday nov 12 1960 at 4 pm rev h r pike was the officiating clergyman the bride who was given away by her father wore a gown of white peau de soie with long sleeves and oval neckline and a bell skirt with a short chapel train and carried a crescent of white carnations with ivy streamers her bridesmaids miss carol skinner sister of the bride and miss helen rohacek of toronto were gowned alike in red peau de soie sheaths with bell over- skirt and oval necklines they carried crescents of red and white carnations mr clarion baker of baker hill was the organist and mrs dulcie colby of uxbridge was the soloist she sang the lords prayer and those whom god hath joined to gether mr reg malaehowskl of oshawa was the best man and the ushers were garry hooisma brother of the groom and jerry lewis cousin of the bride for receiving her guests the brides mother wore a loden green lace sheath with brown accessories and the grooms mo ther wore a dior blue crepe sheath with a lace bodice and dusty rose accessories for travelling the bride chose a brown brocade sheath with beige jacket and a fur jacket with brown accessories they will reside in oshawa guests were present from oshawa to ronto chatham thornhill and elizabethville and stouffville a large santa claus barrel has been placed in the main street shopping area anyone wishing to contribute toward the promotion of the parade on sat urday dec 3rd may place their donations in the container an estimated 3000 bags of candy will be distributed to local chil dren during the afternoon mr and mrs walter atkin son were hosts on thursday evening to a party at the ma sonic hall for their business associates and friends mr at kinson showed pictures taken during their holidays last sum mer when they went to mexico and up the west coast they at tended a bulltight visited dis neyland las vegas and many other places of interest mrs montgomery of oshawa enter tained the group with solos etc refreshments were served by the atkinsons at the close garreft evening auxiliary the birthday meeting of the garrett evening auxiliary was held in the united church par lours on nov 9 president mrs storey presided the topic of mrs wedsellofts devotional was prayer she gave 10 rules for effective prayer a musical duet was given by mrs nigh and mrs storey miss eva hoover reviewed chapter 3 of the study book the ship under the cross this chapter deals with the vision recov ered the birthday box was in charge of miss i lehman pro gram conveners were mrs ur- quhart and mrs ward a social half hour was enjoyed oil painting draw on december 3 santa claus parade day some lucky person is going to win a beautiful oil painting painted by mrs frank oboyle proceeds are for the 100 bursary presented annual ly to one of the grade xiii girls at the local high school by the stouffville bus prof womens club for tickets con tact mrs reta laushway presi dent mrs evelyn jackson pro ject convener or any other member of the local b pw club engagements mr and mrs robs hardy of cresswell ontario wish to an nounce the engagement of their daughter donna darlene to mr donald allan pugh son of mr howard pugh clarcmont ont and the late mrs pugh the marriage will take place on friday dec 16 1960 at 700 pm in manilla united church mr and mrs clayton gay- man announce the engagement of their daughter marion doro thy to carl frederick timbers the wedding will be held in melville united church on sat urday december 10th at three oclock rev and mrs r t chapin announce the engagement of their daughter joan elizabeth to herbert walter quast of prince rupert bc the wed ding will be held in central united church unionville on saturday nov 26th at 4 pm honour guard ronald baker son of mr and mrs geo bakerr mani toba st stouffville stands at the twe of the cenohph to ronto during the armistice day service friday mr and mrs delos brown susan and greg of st marys spent the weekend with rela tives here stouffville municipal councils final meeting prior to nomina tions will be held this thursday evening master david hope left mal- ton by air last week to visit his aunt in los angeles he was accompanied by his grandpar ents mr and mrs j ferguson of weston mrs donalda brown of rr 1 goodwood was the lucky win ner of the set of 10 oz tum blers a lucky draw prize given away every two weeks at the stouffville coin laundry the first winning ticket was drawn by mrs john pollard if a new portable typewriter is on your christmas list re serve it now from the stouff ville tribune see the new gal- axie the worlds finest portable now on display prices start as low as 10450 for the smith- corona clipper with convenient time payments mrs robert farthing is in the uxbridge cottage hospital for a short while and her friends will be glad to know she is coming along as well as can be expected the whitchurch conservation club are holding hunters safe ty training classes at vandorf municipal offices twentyseven have already taken the course the club is holding a public meeting in the vandorf com munity hall on wednesday no vember 23rd at 8 pm with king whyte being the guest speaker he will also show pic tures mr and mrs leslie wideman moved on monday to their home at the corner of main st and baker ave recently purchased from mrs d smales miss esther davis was tha holder of the womens insti tute missing ticket for the lucky draw for a capon mr and mrs clarence read and family of barrie were guests on sunday with his sis ter mrs grant drewery and family friday night nov is at 6 5 pm is the time of the horticul tural pot luck supper in the united church basement to which you are cordially invited mr walter atkinson will be showing pictures on a trip he had last summer along the west coast mr and mrs earl millen of toronto were guests on sun day with mr and mrs lloyd mover mr louis schell also spent the weekend at the moyer home at the public auction sale on wednesday the block of land on blake st south belonging to the bethesda stouffville telephone co was sold to mr ken laushway tile three lots which lie in an industrial zone went for 1025 the auctioneer was w d atkinson since the sale mr laushway has resold the property piano tuning professional piano tuning by e edmund tuner for the de partment of education call toronto hickory 70403 or waggs jewellery 24j1 district captains have been ap pointed to take charge of the current campaign to support the thornhaven school for re tarded children the local group is headed by the chairman mrs robt sanderson other mem bers of the committee are mrs gordon colburn mrs wm ded- low mrs tom wedseltoft mrs r dowswell mrs jean brown mrs stanley burkholder mrs r lamoreaux and mr len hay- low the group is desirous of obtaining volunteer canvassers anyone willing to assist in this work should contact the chair man mrs sanderson catholic womens league the monthly meeting of the cwl was held in st patricks church hall markham nov 7th the meeting was well at tended spiritual convener mrs d oconnor gave an interesting talk on who is perfect our expectations of others compared with ourselves plans for the christmas fair to be held in st patricks church hall on dec 3rd were discussed and progress reports from all conveners of the fair were given guest speaker for tin even ing was mrs cobham social action convener for the arch- diocesan council who spoke on the work of the lay apostalate nomination the nomination of candidates for offices of reeve deputyreeve and three councillors to compose the council of the corporation of the village of stouffville for the year ad 1960 also three public school trustees one public utility commissioner will be held in the masonic hall stouffville thurs nov 24 1960 from 730 to 830 pm est if more candidates arc nominated for the respective offices hereinbefore mentioned than are required to fill the same the election will be held on mon december 5 1960 from the hour of 10 am till 8 pm and no longer in each of the four polling subdivisions that is to say polling division no 1 in municipal office comprising all that part of lie municipality of trie village or stoufrvllle on the south side of main street polling division no 2 k ross davis store comprising all that part of the municipality of stouffville on the north side of main street lying east of the west side of william street to the west of the cast side of park drive north k ross davis deputy returning officer mary davis poll clerk polling division no 3 masonic lodge comprising all that part of the municipality of stourrville on the north side of main street lying west of the east side ol william street to the west corpor ation limit and on the south side of main street lying west of the cast side of victoria street west to the west corporation limit jack garrett deputy returning officer marion murphy poll clerk polling division no 4 summitvicw public school comprising all that part of the municipality of stouffville on the north mde of main street lying cast of the west side of park drive to the east corpora tion limits and on the south side of main street lying east of the west side of park drive cast to the east corporation llmils lying east of the west side of victoria street to the west of the east side of park drive ijoyd turner deputy returning officer a g thompson deputy returning officer mrs if j je poll clerk a if williams poll clerk stouffville nov 10 1060 ralph e corner returning officer