p9 16 the stouffyiue tribune tlxnlty xormfer 17 wso york county federation of agriculture annual meeting sharon community hall monday november 21st 10 am to 4 pm noon lunch provided guest speaker a h k musgrave first vice president ontario federation of agriculture for office supplies its the tribune picture of a man who gets a kick out of life ykmiiy faepdjygpkbj carpenter pjambcr and electrician this is th fxmfl j- breadwinner he wants bis family to have tbs best tilings in life now and be wants bis wife to enjoy life j bo matter what happens to bimj ttiats why be owns a san lift i policy which gaaxaniocs her a lifetime income if he dies before she does this is a pobcy yon thcnsa know boot too may i oik tt you about it 1 jim abell phone 237 stouffvhxe sun life assuranck company of canada receives 50 bursary mr w l clark reeve o markham tvp and warden of york county presented a s50 bursary to miss helen bu- sato cone 10 south of stouff- ville at the annual commence ment exercises in the stouff- ville dist high school on thursday evening miss bu- sato a grade 11 student ob tained the highest academic standing o any pupil residing in the twp of markham she was also the recepient o numerous other awards staff photo dicksons hill mrs chas mallett accompan ied mrs sam barkey of mon golia to kitchener last friday afternoon with them were anne barkey marilyn mallett evelyn doner and pat gibbins who remained to take part in the activities of the lookin week of emmanuel bible coll ege reg gibbins and willard moyer brought them home sun day evening we are glad that mrs ken walker who has been confined to her home for a number of weeks is beginning to get out again a broken ankle bone is responsible for this enforced to make room for furrhor expansion wo must clear at once surplus inventory of lumber yard lumber building materials fencing diesel gasoline power units mill saws doors sash paints tools miscfiuaneous household furniture etc the property of i limiteb pa 79419 of lots 17 and 18 concttuon 4 whitchurch township at vandorf cnr station entroma l opposite opp office of don mills road on sat nov 26 at 12 power rlanlssuhonary units caterpillar diesel scries 13000 completely set up with radia tor clutch outboard bearing and pulley waukcshiw ix cylinder gaso line completely set up with radiator clutch outboard bear ing and pulley machinery and equipment heavy duty horse trailer fully enclosed suitable or one heavy horse or two ligfct horses saw mill complete wiah drive and tracking double edger complete saw mill saws circular wrth mandrel other saws and jtnh took lumber iyvesiem while spruce t red cedar ontario sprue ontario cedar ontario pmt hemlock complete un c building supplie jo- tha j 1 construcuon of any tjrj bujldin7 i 3h 2x6 3x10 liu package lott j00 and wot pine shehdng cedar wijplap cedar boards cedar 2x46810 pine sheathing spruce t g flooring hardwood flooring parcels of all types of lumber fencing fence pickets cedar posts ranch type fencing ccdarpolea 4x1 cedar posts anchor posts ramt exterior interior vamirfies shellac wood preservative kalb common ardox fmishmir boors interior and exurior mahogany birch bc odd lots window unit sesh and frames trtm and moulding pin flr walnut altorw km 2t x 14 parage pienic table cerfnra uble lotj boat kits building finishing materials firply mahogany plywood masonite panels ten test paneis ceiling tile acoustic tile arborite full sheets and part sheets floor tile miscellaneous insulating materials of all types large quantities of 3inl standard and soaltite asphalt shingles all types of roofing and roof coatings bricks cement blocks weeping tile and glazed rtw door latch and lock sets hinges small boata and boat kit furniture large oil space heater walnut chest of drawer cedar lined wardrob walnut coffee table 4 round mirror chairs and miscellaneous household furniture j mavt other items sale starts 1200 noon sharp no reswore lucky draw pnie durinjj sole day terms cash day of sale and suitable ftnonce term eon be arranged for large purchases to relioble parties ken clarke prentice auctioneers markham 346 mulhcen ax 35987 rest a neighbour to the south mrs frank pipher reached her ninetyfourth birthday last sat urday congratulations mr and mrs lloyd moyer and dorothy mrs a doner of markham mr and mrs roy moyer attended the funeral of their cousin mrs stanley moyer in toronto on saturday after noon on their return home they called at the henry steck- ley home in scarboro we hope mrs steckley who is suffering an attack of arthritis may soon be well again an interesting event at the local school last thursday af ternoon brought together teach ers mothers and pupils prin cipal irwin and junior teacher miss brubacker welcomed the guests and had arranged a dis play of work done by the child ren the older girls served tea this was a fine way of foster ing parent and teacher co operation a feature which was being stressed during education week the local prayer meeting was withdrawn last week in favour of the special anniversary week of services at markham con ducted by pastor roes rev mr bell of toronto grace cha pel ministered the word and also showed pictures taken on his extensive trip to various mission fields including the holy land young david moyer was de lighted to have his aunt miss helen johnson spend the week end at his home he is the de lighted recipient of a chuhuahua pup for his birthday the farmers are thankful for the fine weather for finishing up the outside fall work the hoo ver brothers carl and howard have harvested an acreage of fine cabbage congratulations and welcome to mr and mrs ivan harris who were recently married and have taken up residence in an apartment in the spacious stone home of mr and mrs george clark mrs perkins and mrs jim barker of victoria square mrs ladd mr and mrs marsaw of syracuse ny were guests in the eby home friday evening callers at the r moyer home include mr ed raymer mont real the kennaby family of toronto revl mr and mrs herb shanty new dundee mr and mrs fred pugh and miss bertie clark mr and mrs l johnson and helen of stouft- ville mr and mrs murray johnson and family of clare- mom mrs clare bolander and mrs burn preston doris and ivan of bethesda dr and mrs r osborn when mom uses whipped cream it looks as if the frot is on the pie instead of the pumpkin well soon be in the midst of what it takes to make the need for galoshes soak in sloppy uoppy weather repotiing house plants i what agony those large house plants in thimblepots must go through their roots hsrdly know which way to turn to make matters worse few horre- makers want to take the trou ble to repot them so they sit and suffer when shifting a plant to a larger pot use a coarser richer soil than you would for cuttings turn the pot upside down tap the rim on the edge of the table or bench being careful not to damage the plane remove the drainage pieces and take away some of the old topoil add new soil on all sidvs of the plant when you repot if your houseplants are not thrifty the cause can often be traced to a waterlcjged soil a remedy is to take the plant from the pot and siiake and wash away as much soil as possible repot the plant in a pot just large enough to hold the roots use a sandy soil low in nutrients water with care and when the plant recovers re pot in a better soil horticulturists with the ont dept of agriculture say there are other reasons for repotting house plants one case is when the soil has become exhausted and can supply no more food another is when the soil is sour resulting in an unhealthy plant when is the best time to re pot the experts say the spring although anytime is the best time if the plant really needs repotting only teenagers will be able to remember all the names giv en to the many new 1961 model cars for bazaar best sellers made better with butter write marie fraser 409 huron street toronto omtabio cfteam fkoducirs makkitinb boabd unmuiufc sfht tfu f tooilcis hatching egg flocks wanted our new contract guarantees to take all hatching eggs produced at a profitable price fleming farms limited mount albert phone 178 last a real vrnrcleanek pricedtfdr ftyou see it today the new cornell cub pi specially designed for smaller barns hert it a cost you cm afford is that extra chore help you need cleans bams housinz up to 39 head auto matically in 10 to 15 minutes adapt able to various barn layouts stan thompson stouffville phone 91904 dont forget the whitchurch township sunday school association fall rally to be held tonight november 17 in the bethesda united church rev bruce hisey will be showing slides on teaching process and learning process the hisey quartet will be bringing special music pre christmas special phei free coffee table arborite top value 1795 or hassock stool with every chesterfield suite at our lowest factory to you prices 2pc french provincial foam cushions only 19900 2pc 92 4seater chesterfield only 17900 2pc davenport suite nylon covering only 11900 above sets with free arm protectors we custom build modern french provincial colonial and swedish suites to order 5 yr guarantee easy terms hurry hurry get yourself a wonderful gifu betty assinck mark 801 collect call anytime j furniture warehouse bargain showroom 104 main st markham 1st building north of the theatre honrs tjiurs fri 109 sal 10 t i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i usssssssn 6e tswpjoo ooo o o oogoooooooooooo burns schneiders by the piece link 1lb pkg bologna 29t sausage 43 oats ogilvie minute 5 lb bag 53 soup tipton chicken noodle 3 p 37 white cross toilet tissue 2 23 catelli long spaghetti 2 6 33 fruit cake christies party v oz 53 bifs market free town delivery phone stouffville 220w