headford h sen fails to block a for a new tecft ol chairman roval of deb school p9e w the stowfviue trtktrfe tbnrsav nondxr t7 w6 despite the strong objections of high school board chairman stewart rumble headford 3rd con of markham the township council gave approval last week to pay tluir share of a 525000 vtiure for a technical or ftjjxiste high school at thorn- fcill a deputation including the chairman appeared before mar kham township council and mr ashforth a member of the deputation gave council a pic ture of the need for such a school he said that the board which handles schools at rich mond hill woodbridge and thornhiu was presently pay- fng metro for sixteen students attending schools for technical training he said that there would possibly be more attend ing such schools if it were not for the fact that the parents had to pay the cost of transpor tation deputyreeve dean and coun cillor watson placed a motion before reeve clark but before he could put the motion chair- man rumble spoke out strongly in opposition he questioned the concern of the township as to the extent of school costs when without discussion they would pass a motion to raise nearly half a million dollars or at least rec ommend that the county do so he said that while the actual school building did not differ greatly from any ordinary high school the maintenance costs soared fie said it cost 200 more to educate one student in this type of school than in aca demic just where do you think the coss of education are going i hope this council knows but if they do thv are apparently not giving out any information fseld mr rumble reeve clark commented that the bond houses had issued a warning against excessive is sues of these debentures mrs kathleen james former markham twp councillor ask ed why county had an offagain onagain system of passing these school debentures reeve clark stated that the policy in county council was to act on a majority vote of the members he expressed the view that the request seemed a little late this year and warn ed that at present county 6 debentures could not be sold for par mr rumble interjected that the board members were all appointed and no control exist ed over them except that exer cised by council this deputation came here to present a request for the raising of funds a request pass ed by the majority of the board members i think the chairman is out of order in stating the view of a minority before coun cil at this time said mrs james she stated that the children required such a school and stotffville many would benefit she real ized the extra cost but felt that the present source of funds the county might not be available again for some time and press ed to have council pass the re quest maintenance cost of this board now went up 72 last year said mr rumble reeve clark reminded the had done so before when rich mond hill requested another school reeve clark placed the mo tion before council and it pass ed without a dissenting voice addressing mr rumble mrs james said if you know of a better way to do this than by majority vote you better bring it forward i dont know of board that the municipal board a worse one in this case re- could reject the request and i plied mr rumble sunday school lesson beautiful sets of decorated glassware on display at neville iances lesson for november 20 psalms 96 103 golden text bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name bless the lord o my soul and forget not all his benefits psalm 1031 2 the heart of the lesson in the sobering record of that awful downgrade movement of the heathen it is significant that at the top of the list is the sin of unthankfulness romans 121 from the springboard of this sin of omission came the downward plunge into the hid eous morass of idolatry sig nificant also is the prediction that this same sin of ingrati tude is to characterize the clos ing period of this age in the last days men shall be unthankful 2 tim 31 2 this may seem to be a mere trifle however this is not so for it reveals an attitude of in difference god the source of all good is not worth thank ing in thus minimizing and despising his gifts men mini mize and despise him but the christian is different he is expected to live the new life in an atmosphere of gen uine appreciation he begins it with giving thanks unto the father which hath made him meet or fit to be a par- laker of the inheritance of the saints in light col 1 12 and continues by abound ing therein with thanksgiving col 27 hence every clay should be thanksgiving day with the child of god to praise him with a song magnifies and pleases the lord better than an ox or bullock that hath horns and hoofs psalm 6930 31 o come let us adore him tim heart of he leson it is so easy for us all to be- ome more occupied with our blessings than with the biesser to permit the gifts to eclipse the gover the spiritfilled christian will abound in thanksgivings not only for his triumphs but also for his trials after all this is the real test of chris tianity look at paul and silas in prison with aching heads and lacerated backs they are the victims of highhanded in justice and the outlook is bleak indeed yet what are they do ing they are both praying and singing it is not difficult to un derstand their praying but it is thrilling to hear them sing ing amidst such black circum stances it has been said that the stoic grins and bears it but the christian sings and bears it this is where true christianity triumphs the psalms of our lesson to day overflow with the souls gratitude to the great and gra cious god who has dealt with the psalmist so generously ie by irene lye dist commissioner ballantrae local association held their election of officers on monday november 7th there was a very good attendance retiring chairman mrs dor- eon ogden introduced the com missioner and then turned the meeting over to her secretary- treasurer mrs simpson read the minutes of the last meet ing also the financial state ment it was very gratifying to the grc up as a whole to hear just how much in funds all their hard work of this last year had raised for the brown ies and guides in view of the comfortable balance on hand it was made a motion that 50 be given to the guide leaders right away to purchase supplies for the new company and to it was only one of them who returned to give thanks this evoked our lords comment were there not ten cleansed but where are the nine there are not found that returned to give glory to god save this stranger luke 171119 docs this incident provide us with any yardstick may we conclude that only ten percent of the blessed return to express appreciation to the biesser as with us all the lord ap preciates appreciation his love craves our love in return and he is grieved when we take his gifts for granted and come before him only when some des perate need is crowding in upon us the majority cf human beings today treat god as they would treat the fire extinguisher hang- on the wall to be used in case j oi emergency only hes cofethote newspaper aps most be something go modern go nature clean silent dependable economical convert your heatim whatever its type whatever its fuel low cost basy to do marokly irajalls cocplcle gas forced air furnace including labour and aateriali to connect w2h nearest existing basement dudx wtxithly nta3s gas conversion burner f most furnaces ircl kj autocratic controls aho aits far design forme free burner servbe easy pepsesfs ewer 5 years tocr cot company does not employ door to cfooi salesmen nor telephone canvassers for information about dealers licensed by the ontario fuel board to sell and install ncnircl gas equipment call or write tte sales department of richmond mill ont phone zenith 82o00 give them a working fund the brownies report cash in hand sufficient to carry them for awhile new officers elected are chairman mrs montgomery assf chairman mrs burrows secretarytreasurer mrs simp son badgesecretary mrs jen kins social convener mrs da- vies we wish them a happy and busy year markham first guide com pany were recent hosts to their commissioner all the local guide and brownie leaders and ballantrae guide company and ballantrae brownie leaders the occasion was the enrollment of four new leaders and three girl guides the ladies auxil iary of the markham veterans our sponsoring group served a delightful lunch and a very hap py evening was enjoyed by all markham first brownies will act as hosts to their ballantrae sisters on wednesday nov 9th and both groups are looking for ward to a very interesting meet ing attendance at the richmond hili leader training was won derful and we hope that la and sponsoring groups will re member the area training for them at the oshawa ywca on friday nov 25th at 730 and that the leaders will plan to attend the all day session for them at the same place on saturday november 26th if you have a friend who is inter ested in helping the movement as a leader please bring her along the census forms arrived coriect and on time and it was remarkable to nce the various forms of service both guides and brownies had given in the community cur membership is now 159 girls 13 leaders and two interested groups of adult sponsors namely the ballantrae la and the ladies auxiliary of the markham veterans mm mills if theres light to be had house plants certainly try to find it notice how a plant in a window becomes onesided and twisted this phenomenon phototrop- ism is ample proof that light is one of the most important considerations for the welfare of your favourite house plants but that doesnt mean that every plant needs as much light as it can get too much light is often disastrous especially to some foliage plants whose natural habitat is one of dif fused light or even extreme shade in hot summer certain care must be taken in the location of house plants a hot sunlit window can make conditions almost unbearable for some plants but now that winter is coming you need have no fears about the damaging effects of the sun in the winter the day light period is short so place plants in the brightest spot in the house some foliage plants such as dracaena philodend ion rubber plant and sansev ieria will tolerate partial llghl to prevent the bending of plants toward sources of light horticulturists with the ontario department of agriculture sug gest giving the pots a quarter turn every day recipes available in quantity for womens croups please state number required ftawr fimtens op can q9 lluiaa sutct toronto to support school for retarded children campaign november 13 december 3 cam ypflir dbsm irsadl sfe pg this advertisement contributed by ifhes a normal child over the age of twelve he can probably read these words quickly easily the child in this picture is 12 years old she is just be ginning to learn the alphabet it is a slow painful process but she keeps trying and one day soon she will be able to spell her own name jenny jenny is luckier than some retarded children she is one of the ones who through patient understanding and specialized training are being coaxed out of their shadow of darkness she is one of the 25 out of 30 retarded youngsters who can be taught at least marginal self support not all of them get the chance today in canada there is a retarded child born every 25 minutes mental retardation is the greatest single child crippler 10 times that of polio at its height 15 times that of blindness there is an area where the retarded child is probably more advanced than others this is in his response to love and affection he tries hard and longs for approval he looks for the reassuring word the gentle hand of kindness on his shoulder he seeks understanding the parent extends his hand but he cannot reach far enough alone yours is needed too mental retardation is not just a problem for the parents involved it is a problem for everybody please help