vol 72 no 2s toe tribune stouffville ontario thursday november 17 i960 sixteen pages fire protection rate alarms uxbridge twp acquit man in kitrun fatality dont do that hurts j councillor norman hogg sug- gested that the municipalities of scott reach and uxbridge j townships should get together and discuss the new contract j pioposed by uxbridge town a tentative date was set for thursday dec sill if one brigade was centrally located the retainer fee would le in line but we have four to pay noted reeve dowswell he agreed however that the individual retainer fees sua- what tn gested by municipalities in charge of volunteer fie brigades presently irving areas within the township of uxbridge po dueed a mild state of alarm among the members at a regu lar meeting of council on mon day afternoon both claremont and uxbridge town have ie quested a standby rate of 500 both units are equipped with water tank trucks the town ship is also served by stouff- ville and mount albert j township had received good sei- reeve earl dowswell in- vice in the past an 800 pay- formed the meeting that the j ment was approved for ix- municipality could pay out a i bridge townships sliaie in the total of sl27500 in one year j purchase of stouffville new and not have a single fire lets fire truck in a signed agree- j face it these things can get i ment it was stated that the out of hand he said we dont brigades standby time would j mind paying them for what not be increased during the next they do he continued its five years will relocate hydro lines on south side of street many of the trees have now removing tite trees by the been removed on the south side j highway department will in- of main street between the 9th elude tiie labor involved in re- line and obrien ave in pre- 1 locating the hydro line paration for the rebuilding of j hvdro climbing the highway while the work stouffvi hvlro consumption had already begun the matter js steathv climbing and the ac- of the uqc removal was only j calvin preston 35 of gom- ley was acquitted by a general of a charge of markham twp depreeve to stand for reeves office i failing so remain at the scene i of an accident which resulted in the death of a small child tite jury reported the verdict to judge samuel factor alter a- tnot fotr hours deliberation the child chesley belter of holland landing died before reaching hospital his grand- mother mrs dorothy bellar i testified he had been pushing i his stroller alone on an unlight- j ed holland landing road preston said the first indica- lion he had of killing the child was iiom a nevvspapei story deputyreeve wilfred deo ot markhum twp announced this week that lie will be run ning for this reevsship come this december mr den ha honoured student mary harwood a grade- 13 graduate was presented with no less than five individual awards at the annual stouff- ville dist high school com mencement exercises thurs day night in addition to re- ceiving her honour gradua- lion diploma she also deliver ed the valedictory address miss harwood is presently in training at the toronto teach ers college staff photo winter welfare could be serious says twp officer mr isaac calherwood former reeve of uxbridge township and presently the welfare offi cer in the municipality suggest ed that the forthcoming winter could see a serious increase in welfare roief he presented his monthly statement to council at a regular meeting on monday afternoon we have been quite fortunate to date he noted in an effort to map out a satisfactory welfare payment plan it was agreed that the council would meet with mr catherwood and a department representative from the lind say office some time during the month of december confirmed on wednesday of lasl week mr sanders and mr swales from the dept of highways ac companied by depreeve wagg attended a nieeting of stouff- ville public utilities commis sion it was stated that a re quest had been received for the removal of all the trees on the south side of the highway and if this decision was definitely established the department wished a confirmation from council stouffville public utilities pass ed a resolution stating llial it was deemed necessary to ie- move the trees on the south side to a point where interference with hydro lines would not re sult stouffville municipal coun cil met in special session on thursday and confirmed the puc resolution count for september from the ontario commission was s6- 23s93 while october power cost sus06so reservoir payment total cost of the reservoir construction recently completed by betz construction co was 14400 and the amount still out standing on the account is 5400 building debentures stouffville municipal council will be asked by the utilities commission to make available for use in defraying the cost of erecting tite new puc building debentures in the amount of 15000 the original estimate was 30000 but this has been reduced due to the fact that capital outlay for work in new subdivisions has not been nec essary with the slump in this years building deer ravages carrot crop mr walter savage cone 5 uxbridge township has com plained that roving deer have ravaged a portion of his carrot crop this fall the matter was aired briefly at a regular meet ing of council on monday after noon deputyreeve robt nesbitt slated that although the animals had eaten the tops off the veget ables this had created no prob lem he noted however that the deers hooves had punctured the carrots making them unfit for use he estimated that al most one acre of the crop had been destroyed mr savage was advised to contact the dept of lands and forests in an effort to work out a solution to the problem i feel that a man should have some means whereby he can protect his own property said reeve earl dowswell accept officers evidence in impaired driving case magistrate os hollinrake accepted the evidence of two officers of the ontario provin cial police vandorf in convict ing john ivanitsky 60 of driv ing while his ability was im paired in a case aired in new market court on thursday the defendant admitted shar ing a bottle of wine with two other persons before backing his car out on yonge street he was stopped in a laneway in the township of whitchurch stouffville municipal councils c krueger and pc mc- final meeting prior to nomina- donald both testified that the lions will be held this thursday accuseds breath smelled of al- evening i cohol his eyes were glassy and student dropouts serious problem says chairman of county educational comm far awav pastures look green stated mr k x wagg deputy reeve of stouffville and chairman of the education com mittee in the county of york think twice before you drop out of high school mr wagg de livered his words of advice at the annual commencement ex ercises of the stouftville dist high school on thursday night he presented a beautiful en graved wrist watch to grade 13 graduate miss maty harwood the award goes to a student in either grade 12 or 13 who has contributed most to the school during the previni- year mis harwoods name will also be inscribed on a bronze bato be placed on a plaque in the school deputy reeve wagg pointed out that th small percentage of graduates as compared with the large influx of students in grade nine was a matter of ser ious concern for high school inspectors throughout the en tire county one cannot esti mate the value of an education in this a fastchanging world he said he suggeted that plans were presently being piepared to establish a trade school in the area i trust it is only the first step he said nrd that there will he many more in an inspiring valedictory ad j dress miss mary harwood ex- pressed a similar theme dont drop out in grade nine she said grade thirteen is the best of all six students were the recip ients of secondary school hon our graduation diplomas they were elizabeth burkholdor wil liam daniels alvin grove mary harwood betty sproxton and edward suzuki the evening could appropri ately have boon termed mary harwood night she was pre sented with no less than five in dividual awards including a s100 business and professional womens club bursary a 25 english bursary from mr and mrs h r button the stouiter family valedictorian award the wagg general proficiency award and the lions club pub lic speaking proficiency award grade 11 student helen buaio was also in line for six individ ual burarie for the highest marks in grade 10 ubjects since no student is eligible for more than two awards four others were passed on by re vision in addition she was pre- semed with the soo markham township bursary by reeve ara county warder mr w i clixk similar awards were pre j sented to miss toy wooller by reeve geo richardson of whit church township and robert mole by reeve gar lehman of stouffville words of welcome were de livered by the president of the students council bill raicliff and the principal mr w e duxbury mr glenn thompson spoke on behalf of the high school board musical and in strumental numbers were pre sented by the grade nine girls choir the senior choir and the school orchestra a new bar and letter sys tem has been organized in the school thirteen students were recipients of these awards in- j eluding gary baston jocelvn button faye byer marion ever daphne chewins elaine for syth lome grove warren hen dricks susan ogilvy michael i paul wm ratelift lois stouf- fer and barbara williams the i presentations weie made by staff teacher mi ron mercer these students are leaders in the life of our school he said on the completion of the pro gram many persons took ad- 1 vantage of the opportunity to tour the new high school wing which was completed in sep- tcmber j his speech was thick i believe that both officers have been extremely fair with the accused i might say sym pathetic said magistrate hol linrake they have a job to do just as i have he continued he suggested that perhaps the charge was laid with some re luctance the driver was fined 10000 and costs his licence was suspended for a period of three months half million dollar writ against twp in a special release to the press on tednegloy of this week george a selkirk a markham tp land developer gave notice that a writ would be issued within a week against the reeve council members and mr ron for rest in excess ot 500000 for damages loss of construction lost profits and registration of bylaw no 1842 unless said bylaw is quashed and pre vented from being registered against lie title of plan 5238 mr selkirk developed a large subdivision just south of no 7 highway near lang- stalt but the land and par tially constructed homes have been lying dormant for more than two years due to var ious legal entanglements gigantic sales here in mens boy s wear stouffville main st shopping section should definitely b e headquarters for mens and boys clothing beginning this week both a e weldon son and teds mens wear announce giganite sales beginning this week these are piechristmas sales second to none your christmas lists for those men in your home can be filled at tremendous savings a e weldon son is featur ing a storewide clearance with hundreds of items going at sav ings which will raise many an eyebrow at teds mens boys wear its a fifth anniversary event for which ted has tumbled pri ces all along the ilnc be sure and read these two fullpage advertisements in this weeks tribune and make a shopping trip to downtown stouffville this weekend man sentenced to 18 months in reformatory on morals charge gary win parrot t of oshawal was sentenced to 18 months in j the reformatory when he ap peared before magistrate o s hollinrake in newmarket court on thursday parrptt was the j defendant in a morals case in volving a giil under the age of 14 years a companion ron ald baker of ballantrae hasj been charged under the same act but was given a remand until nov 17th solicitor t b mcphcrson of j aurora speaking on behalf of the act used charged that the men had been misled by the git is he stated further that when they weie driven to to ronto it was found that they had no place to go they were returned to xewmaikei then taken to a cottage a mussel mans lake crown attorney as leigh arm i strong suggested that the mean- i ing in the act was quite clear i and that the sentence would be a matter of judgment for the magistrate the sentence must be suffi cient to act as a deterrent to others stated magistrate hol linrake he noted that the de fendant had a previous record dating bark to 195g including auto theft robbery with viol ence and possession of stolen property he had spent time in the ontario training school at brampton and the ontario re formatory at millbrook it was his firt conviction on a morals charge female children must be protected under all circum stances continued the magis- trate the maximum sentence is life imprisonment and tie lash he suggested however that the girls could no be ruled completely blameless for the offense that did occur occupied the rieuutyieeves of fice for three years he served as a trustee for the police vill age of thoinhill for five years and was eight years on the york central high school board mr dean is engaged in the feed business at thoinhill an occu pation he has followed for the past twentyseven years depuiyreeve dean told the tribune that he commended reeve w 1 clark for his long years of service to markham township but 1 think now that he has had all the honors including the county warden- ship its time for me to move up reeve clark has not yet re vealed whether he intends to seek reelection now that the deputyreeve has declared his intentions to move up the municipal ladder coun cillor mumberson is fully ex pected to receive the nomination for the deputyreeveship he has served several terms as councillor for ward ii main street to present cheery christmas picture thieves leave postoff ice empty handed three wouldbe thieves were frightened from the markham i village post office on tuesday night they vacated the building only minutes before poilce ai- rived on the scene entry had been made through a rear door considerable damage was done to the interior of the building when the men attempted to drill several openings in the vault they yeft emptyhanded four cruisers two from the village and two from markham twp converged on the area af ter a telephone tipoff was re ceded from an adjacent resi dent 11 is believed the burglars were insearch of money orders police chief fred white and i sgt chester gilliatt informed the tribune that there have i been a rash of post office break- ins throughout the district it is not known if there is any connection between these burg laries and the markham break- in in conjuiction with the santa clans parade in stouffville the local merchants will be going all out to make main st in town present its finest christ mas appearance in years al ready thirty merchants have agreed to set up lighted christ mas trees in front of their places of business and along with the coloured street lights which are now on main street should make a real yuletide pic ture individual stores will also be making special efforts to do a topnotch job in their individual windows plans are underway for special prizes for shoppers during december so that all in all christmas shopping in stouffville promises to be a real pleasure in 1960 plans for the actual parade on saturday dec 3rd are well along and chairman ted top ping reports a steady flow of entries in the various float competitions at least two bands have been arranged for the show and santa is getting ready to treat more than two thou sand kiddies on the big day the schedule of cash prizes for the best floats appears in this weeks issue of this newspaper businessmen in every trade and profession are contribut ing their time and money to make the stouffville parade sec ond to none santa claus has arranged for a gift barrel to be placed near the centre of the downtown business section and everyone who can and would like to is asked to drop in a contribution to the parade fund the cost of operating the par ade which is a community event runs into hundreds of dollars and any help which citizens can give will be most gratefully received plain clothed officer given 10 for whiskey sgt robt hood of the mark ham twp police department was offered a 10 bill for a bot tle of whiskey when he met a visitor at the door of a clarke avenue home after it had been raided by four officers mrs elizabeth barnard 70 was fined 100 and costs in newmarket court on monday she was charged with keeping liquor for sale three persons were charg ed as foundins and were fined 10 apiece pc clifford cox testified that the residence had been under surveillance for a number of days prior to the raid he said that pedestrian traffic both to and from the borne appeared somewhat above normal for a private house on entering the residence they discovered bot tles of liquor in almost every room including the attic and the basement unfortunately for a mr john new president smith he arrived to make his liquor purchase in the midst of the police raid he was greeted at the door by sgt hood in plain clothes he offered the officer ten dollars but said he usually paid only six dollars lor a bottle mrs barnard in her defence told the court that she was merely giving a party and the foundins were her guests her story failed to convince magis trate o s hollinrake 109 bottles of beer were seized in addition to a quantity of liquor pc doug fribbling pc evan kelley and pc bob haddcn in sisted officers cox and hood in the raid placed on probation nineteen year old douglas waterston of markham village was placed on probation with an eleven oclock curfew when beats speeding charge ira rusnell of stouffville and a former police officre for eleven years recently beat a speeding charge king city po lice said that on october 7 at 445 pm the radar unit show ed him to lie travelling 42 miles per hour in a 30 mile zone rus nell in his evidence said while he was intent on getting home to doctor an injured knee h never exceeded 35 miles an hour but a few moments when his speedometer registered 38 miles ive been travelling that road for 30 years he said and have always been carefui espe cially since a week before when i was given a speeding tlcke in reply to a question from the crown he said he felt cer tain in his mind his speedometer was not at fault theres too big a difference between 35 and 42 miles per hour he said the magistrate said im not going to impose a penalty but you are guilty sentence was suspend ed he appeared in newmarket court on a charge of being in toxicated evidence was given by police chief fred white his father present in court said that the defendant had lieen in bad company the magistrate expressed regret that a grade 13 student of aboveaverage ability should face such a charge birth redshaw alan and carol nee ashcnhurst wish to an nounce the birth of their daughter lori ellen on no vember 7 1960 at uxbridge cottage hospital impressive list of projects outlined by lions club president mr r l mercer a member on the staff of the stouffville dist high school has been appointed preside of dist rict 20 of the ontario secon dary school teachei fcdcta- lion the annual ming was held in osriawa on nov 9th the area comprises a mem bership of 330 teachers oiher membes of the executive are past pies john judge o awa 1st vice pre- john lee sutton 2nd vice pres w a andrews vvhltbj 3rd vice prcs wm trottr oshawa sectreasurer james park- hill oshawa members of the stouffville lions club entertained the local businessmen at their regular meeting monday evening and president ted topping outlined an impressive list of projects which the lions club will under take during the winter and ear ly in 1961 lion president ted told the gathering which numbered al most a hundred lhat the clubs main winter project was hockey for nearly two hundred young sters he stated that the budget for this undertaking alone ie- quired nearly 4000 the club was pioviding the equipment to furnish a room over the fire- hall for senior citizens in own where they could he entertained during the winter month a musical festival was in the plan ning stage ard a freeplanting party was going to be held in the spring in cooperation with the horticultural society the club would place benches on main st next sping ard fur ther to the winter program outdoor rinks were to be estab lished with the help of the town council early next summer the lions plan to hold a giint field day and last but not least the club would again sponsor an oratorf cal contest these projects stated the pic sident were all in addition to ihe regular work of child wel- fare which the club was con- tinually performing lion jim coure spoke to ihe businessmen as well on behalf of the lions expressing greet ings and commendation for the part played by the guests in making this a good community in which to live bell telephone speaker mr smith of the bell tele- phone co was the guest speaker and his talk gave the gathering a real insight into master minds of the future to lllui- tratc his address mr smith brought along an exact replica of the vanguard i satellite a product of the bell telephone laboratories he told the lions and their guests lhat contrary to what goisip mongers would have orc believe the united states has far outstripped the lssr in the matter of put- ling rocket into space ard he gave the figures to prove it the speaker was introduced by lion stan martin and th thanks of the lub was oxprcs ed by lion reg button