traffic litfks to r mi hinwoo rttntne io vol 72 no 23 t11e tribune stouffville ontario thursday november 10 1850 twelve pages main street fountain two main si water spouts wore created last week in stouftviue when a power sho vel shearer oil a petcock on a local service line the one stream under 60 lbs pressure rose almost forty feet in the air the accident occurred dur ing trenching operations to install a highway storm sewer the deluge was halted when the water was shul off at al bert street staff photo bench warrant for delinquent dog owner the continued failure of a markham township resident to obtain individual licenses fov his three dogs provoked the ire of magistrate n p kelley in buttonville court on friday morning he ordered that geo prue i9ih avenue at bayview should be served with a bench warrant mr prue is the oper ator of a nutria fur farm in markham township and is pres ently in the process of locating his business near ballantrae dog control officer ronald herd charged that the owner had acquired only one license for three dogs lie apparently mrs olive m selby of rr 1 feels that he owes allegiance to i whitby suffered scalp laeera- ing an improper left hand turn at the intersection of no 1s and no 7 highways markham officer pc wm cunn stated that tb defendant wheeled his ear through a service station lot at 1215 am on oct 16th the driver was fined an addi tional s900 and costs for driv ing a car without a proper lic ense marker light school board members ready for reelection 87yrold hunter gets his license lady driver injured in rural crash probably a record for this district ed leary of whit church township 87 years of the three members of stouff- j ago as purchased his hunting villes public school board up j license for another season and for reelection this vear have i s off to the north country in all stated that they are pre if of doer mr leary has paredto stand for another term ff 2 j savly each these members arc mrs r h button mr harry schell and i mr wm malloy mr cec hen- j dricks is chairman of the board and the other members are mr ted topping and mrs ethel i mole at the regular meeting of the j board mrs june button was re- i appointed as the public school i boards representative to the i high school board for more than half a cen tury and purchased his license from stoufters crest hardware safety measures urged for ringwood corner construction work was tailed this week on the erection of traffic signal lights at the ringwood intersection- the project iias received the approval of the dept of highways the mounting accident toll at the corner during the- past summer has raised a public outcry for precautionary action the tribune in editorial comment has taken up the torch iast week in newmarket court magistrate hollinrake de scribed the intersection as notorious on weekends the eastwest county road represented a deathtrap highspeed traffic moving both to and from toronto along no is was not requited to slow up and the resulted collisions were usually of a serious nature during week days gravel truck traffic is heavy in all directions in a personal interview with the tribune highways minister mr cass staled that the departmmi was hesitant about installing any measure that would tend to slow down the traffic on a main artery open appeal court on 150 assessments in whitchurch township under the chairmanship of ii is evident that the catho mr fred timbers the court of i lie people are making a drive appeal on the whitchurch tyvp i to secure all catholic families to assessment began sittings on j separate schools and the boards reeve gar lehman retiring dr wagg trys for reeveship election likely no one but himself he said mr herd stated that he had taken much abuse from the man magistrate kelley ordered the execution of the bench warrant and the case will be aired on dee 9th if necessary we will pick him up and bring him to court he said he cannot defy the law fined sxfm win doll box grove was fined shim and costs for mak- tions when her eastbound auto crashed into the rear of a stake tnuk on the markham- whiichureh townline near cone 5 she was rushed lo the york county hospital at newmarket the accident occurred on satur day afternoon the truck was driven by mr ronald cook of- lorneville the car suffered an estimated 900 damage pc dan denby of the markham twp police dept in vestigated a ringwood intersection notorious charges magistrate hollinrake this intersection is becom- parlmem of highways should ing notorious stated magis- j do something lo correct this trate o s hollinrake afjer hear- son- lie continued solicitor coon charged that ing evidence surrounding a two- he nighwavs depal had car collision at ringwood on j neglected lo lake any action in sunday afternoon sept 23th spile of continuous pleas from one driver raymond kleury surrounding municipalities church street stouttville was this is not the first accident charged with failing lo yield and it will not be the last unless the rightofway fight persons something is done he con were injured in the accident and j eluded property damage was estimated magistrate hollinrake voie- ai si 10000 j ing noticeable concern over the an eyewitness to the coliis- j mounting accident loll al ring- ion had informed pc clous of i wood agreed that solicitor the vaudorf detachment of the cov- remarks had been aiied ontario provincial police that mr fleuiy had stopped his ve hicle at no is highway but had then proceeded across the mid section directly in the path of a northbound auto he described the impact as severe solicitor david a coon of stouttville appearing on behalf of the defendant described the ringwood coiner as being very dangerous it is not the first time that i have defended per sons involved in accidents at this intersection he said he told the court that he had ob- before the court on a number of previous occasions the accum ulation of injury and death at this corner ha- been brought to j my attention many times he said the traffic could and i should lie slowed down in registering a fine of 3000 and costs against mr kleury j magistrate holiinrako suggested that he should consent to a re- j examination the driver agreed a court official informed the magistrate that he believed a move was afoot to install tiaffic lights at the intersection response was good more than four hundred local children collecting funds for unickf on halloween night brought in a total of 834499 donated by the good people of slouffville pupils from summit view school collected 17302 i and i hose from orchard park school sli97 this is the firsi year that j stoultville public school child ren have aken pari in the na tionwide halloween collection and ihe response was most heartening maple leaf dairy provided the containers for mak ing the collection six apply for contract new assessor for markham tp bernard peck of richvalc iia been engaged as assessor in markham township at a salary of 3500 if the officer proves satisfactory his salary will in crease to 3 s00 on a permanent basis the number of applicants was not disclosed by council al though it is known that several present township officers put in for the job wednesday other members of the court are messrs herb simpson r c baycroft karl toole and merlyn baker about 51 cases were dealt with last week and the silling resumes this week the first thirty appeals concerned voters over which there was a ques tion as to whether their school taxes should he paid to the pub lic school or separate school this appeal was brought be fore the court by mrs elsie gibb a former councillor she was supported by mr hodge inspector of separate schools in york and peel counties and mr wilson of metro separate schools the eases are all in the wilcox oak ridges area mr ed jones county assessor delivered the most conclusive evidence staling that forms were provided for such cases and if the husband signed him self as a roman catholic the taxes should be paid to the sep arate school the court granted all families be changed to sep arate school supporters except one where the wife had done the signing and the form was not acceptable markham building still climbing markham township continues lo show a steady growth in building and permits for the lasi month totalled ss9 1500 of this amounl 621300 was for industrial and commercial build ing and s1g6300 for residential the over half million for com mercial includes the bayview country club reeve gai lehman of stouff- i ville has announced that he will i retire at the end ol this years term the reeve made the an- i nouneement at the regular meat ing of town council on thurs- i day evening he stated that he feels he has given sufficient lime to this community work i he commended the council members with whom he has worked and said thai a great deal had been accomplished dur ing the last couple of years reeve lehman cited the comple tion of the sewerage system the new municipal building the beginning of annexation pro ceedings purchase of a new lire truck and building of a tcv reservoir as matters from which he derived considerable satisfaction reeve lehman entered the lo- had better check their lists to see that the taxes of catholic families are being pain to ihe proper board said mr toole george smith assistant as sessor stated that in one in- cal political scene in the election stance where he asked the fam ily if it wished to be classed as protestant or roman catholic he was asked which costs the most v this school rule regarding taxes applies to all children re siding within three miles of a separate school the appeal of thos lipine was denied as a seperale school supporter since he was outside the limit several cases were changed both from public to separate and from separate to public court allowed a reduction of 383 in ihe assessment of the ross wintcrstein farm h to fire damage lo ihe silos while mr winteistein admitted i he silos were in use he said thai they were not satisfactory as they leaked a w hall who lives on ihe lowniine easl of gormley ap pealed a total assessment of continued on page 71 of 1956 at which time he headed ihe polls he has served the town as reeve for two terms and contributed to various commit tees on york county council deputyreeve wagg staled that in view of reeve lehntaivs announcement he would be pre pared to step up to the reeves chair mr wagg said that he would not luve opposed reeve lehman for the position since if by any chance he had been successful he would have clone reeve gar lehman the municipality an injustice the deputyreeve commend ed reeve lehman on hie work that he has accomplished for slouffville during his tenure of office and expressed on behalf of all members of council both commendation and appreciation lo the retiring reeve councillors henry slack wm parson and ken laushway all stated that they had no aspira tions lo the dcpulyreoveship and were noncominilal in what they intended to do on nomina tion night war dead remembered at sunday church service magistrate clears court room for morals case magistrate o s hollinrake ordered ihe newmarket court room cleared of all public spec tators on thursday morning in the opening stages of a morals case involving two young men ronald baker of ballantrae gary perrolt of oshawa and three girls ages 15 13 and 11 years baker faces two charges ho was remanded until nov 10 perrott was convicted the sen tence will be handed down on thursday pencil elected trial by magis- support peel county olution for more p with hospitals served the corner closely andl it is regrettable that oir noted that it was difficult to j thing has not boon done before see approaching traffic without all the damage and injury had first creeping out into the right- occurred concluded mag hol- ofway i think that the dc- linrake whitchurch municipal council has received six tenders for hie work of snowplowing this win ter but the final decision has been led until later this month at least two of the lenders weie for exactly the same amount slouffville sand v- gravel re ceived the contract to supply sand for this winter the price will be 10c a ton loaded on town ship trucks there were four hd received for the 8000 tons required whiirhurch will proceed lo gravel the second concession for the benefit of the coliis leather co dump the town of aurora is providing 1500 for the work at thursday nights council meeting it was agreed that part of ihe money should be retained to buy gravel next spring new park land whitchurch conservation au thority has turned over lo the holland marsh conservation authority 25 acres of land on the aurora road formerly used by the gun club council has suggested that the deed hould include a clause thai the use the land be continuous for slouffville municipal council i estimated expenses of the school went on record thursday even- for 1961 have leen given as i ing as supporting peel countys 33000 with only 18000 forth- j resolution asking for more help coming from gram- from ihe federal and provincial j plumbing inspection governments for hie construe- re fol ph lion of hospitals jng specifo j being shifted i the resolution as passed by irom lho county health unit peel county council stated that fo coimf according to the contributions made by ihe received last week by j senior governments to hospital stollivili municipal council construction were wholly m- j ch will be made as adequate lo present day need- q p reeve lehman said he couldnt deputyreeve wagg reported thai ai a recent county commit- j lee meeting ii was suggested that several municipalities might go together to engage an see how ask the ii was much help lo i governhieni for more money its still th pie that have to put the reeve deputyreeve was el thai ihe provine oral governments more sources of r to them han had councils which wei pendent upon real i on a resolution in wage iili council further gram tliornhaven sc children tne s same ixn- it up said j mment- arid fed- i many ue open lunicipai inspector he said thi difficulty of hiring a speclor was to get a qualified man councillor parsons if the health inited wa irate and pleaded guilty to ihe charge crown attorney arleigh arm strong informed ihe court thai the three girls had been picked up on yonge street in the vicin ity of aurora he noted thai they were apparently en route to toronto bul ended up at a cabin al musselmans luke where perron was residing the girls had been residents of a home for emotionally disturbed children in newmarkei but had vacated the premises without permission mr armstrong explainefl that ihe iwo older girls had remain ed at musselmans lake for three days bul a third the 11 year old had left the cottage and returned to newmarket ii was then that the officials ai the home were told the sloiy perron and two girls were ar rested by pc bob hart of the opp vandorf in a house in uxbridge township mr aim- strong said llirtl no liquor was involved and there had been no apparent consumption of alco hol of any kind magistrate holl inrake asked for a presentence report on perron baker appear ed only briefly in court hi- so licitor agreed 10 a oneweek re mand watch for gangsters a teletype message relayed to the markham township po- rev clarence t bass ad- 1 the scripture dressed the congregation attend ing stoulfvilles annual remem brance day service held in the christian church on sunday afternoon following decora tion of the graves of veterans in the slouffville cemetery mem bers of slouffville legion branch 159 and veterans of iwo wars paraded to ihe church supporting the veterans were members of ihe ladies auxil iary of the canadian legion was placed by mrs f fairies scouts cubs explorers and ihe village of stouffvillc wreath i canadian girls in training by reeve lehman ihe veler- rev 1 t tiller presided at ans association wreath by mrs ihe service the prayer was fred winn and ihe ladies aux- offered by rev gordon hamill iliary wreath by mrs 1 hoover lesson read by rev arthur walsh and rev 1 williams pronounced the bene diction two minutes silence was observed and the last post and reveille sounded by bugler don langford of newmarkei following ihe church service the parade moved to the mem orial gates al ihe park where reeve lehman spoke briefly and wreaths were placed the provincial government wreath iteering tevived by officer honoured at school opening focklei a markham township police officer on routine patrol dis covered ihe unconscious driver of a meal delivery truck lying on ihe hour of his parked veh icle late thursday afternoon on ij v a the airport sideioad one mile btoomitigton native made tiie west of buttonville victor fred- official presentation of a plaque enck girdlei 18 brimlcy road opening of the sections scarhoro had been robbed of ap- j now s addition on monday proximately s19000 by an un evening the structure erected known assailant after the strait hv mr brui fbifar al a con ger forced his way into me ili 27600 includes passenger side of ihe van and a mm teachers room two tlueaiened the youth with a washrooms and a modern class switchblade knife when found j tlf ol budding hi by pc john mccague his hands j ompletelv modern- were trussed at the wrists and greatest j lice peparfmehl fi local in- troopers in niagara properly quested local office i the lookout for six id that crossed ihe rs or 5 no go- 1 der dining ihe weekend mat lis i be o li bri it vva lai ing to do the job he favoied a believed that ihe auto contain- i local man councillor laushway mented that possibly of these parttime jobs i niehi done m town by vaiio yim might he coupled up to make one fulltime job council agreed lo take no ac- el wellknown gang suggested th ti headed for a rendezvous in either toroniji oi montreal sgt v sheayn told tire tri bune i the trbopers had complete description of the vehicle- he expressed orr lied to ihe steering wheel hit on ned the victim told piliie thai he wa- hit a solid blow on neck in the district of lawrence ave north york his assail ant was described as being about 22 years old 183 pounds jnaiightbi wiih a boogey haircut the from tlif inve ligation was turned over i other to detective ros moffat of simmon yoi 1 son insr n description of ine atlackerj rincipai was broadcast cotmtyvvidc to j fiakci ui other police units- from t but- tertalnmi tonville office pc mccague told i mi- o the tribune thai him rated three to foi ized the opening address of wel come vvas mad by mr noel storyy chairman of ihe board the other mcmhci- are messrs ken tranmer secretary and murray ramer the guest speakei was mr i g me- a representative dept of or kiucitio c mr t u richard- and the c i park purposes without right of j 135 square mile area of which ition until the matter ha beer i doubt that they might turn up i the drivers sale stouffvillc forms a part the discussed at the county level j in markham to the musical cn- ihe pro ram hobls highly- ii s i oinmciiced ipal al her rot i artist pr- que that was offi- focklei 15 the 120 00 from a money pouch other member of the staff tic ie ii amy from his bery included about s70 from j cially presented by mr own wallet and mrs dawson burnett