the stouffvllu tribune tbursy september 1 1960 pj 3 local and personal happenings mrs t hooper was a visitor j with mr and mrs percy tarr and gordon lloyd ave on monday mrs k g tarr and i miss vera tarr were also pres- ent to help mrs hooper cele- i brate hv birthday mr and mrs harold clark of willowdale visited mr and j mrs lloyd mover and family on thursday a miscellaneous shower was tendered miss jean pipher on tuesday evening at the home of mrs murray pipher park pd north in honour of her forth coming marriage to mr howard barkey the shower was attend ed by around thirty friends rel- j atives and neighbours of miss pipher ard the cohost esses wet e i mrs murray pipher and mrs ralph burkholder students you still have time to win that record player at houston check their dis play window mr and mrs harold atkin son and family of banie spent saturday at her mothers mrs don lewisother member- of the family joined with them for a picnic supper two of a kind the basement of the stouff- lianl blooms on thursday eve- ville united church was trans- ning on the occasion of the formed into a mass of bril- annual flower show sponsor ed by the horticultural so- bert smalley church street ciety the beauty of this stouffville the entry placed giant dahlia is enhanced by in the competition by mrs 1 year old wendy smalley milt storey main st was daughter of mr and mrs al- awarded first prize over 400 entries special values and reminders this week money saving specials iua brand 16 oz vi ox keg 45c 7oc milk of magnesia 37c59c rda brand 8 oz keg 80c hydrogen peroxide 24c brisk tooth paste reg 35c reg 63c reg 9sc 29c 49c 79c res 89c mennen skin bracer 69c keg 73c size tube or bottle wildroot cream oil 63c keg 35c pepsodent dental cream 259c reg 79c size royal drene shampoo 49c reg 63c gleem tooth paste 289c northrite ball point pen 49c plus bed ink ballpoint pen both for 49c displayed at horticultural i vitamins da brands idavitks ilos 100s 250 601 halibut liver oil capsules 115 229 429 id am alt 1514oz tioz 62 oz 79c 129 239 cod liver oil capsules 100s 98c idaikr caisulks 60s 275 cod liver oil hightest soz 16oz 90c 150 iijaikk liquid ifio 275 over 400 entries were on dis play at the local horticultural flower show held in the united church basement on thursday flowers filled the sunday school room and the nursery room specimen classes and vegetables were judged by mrs burgis and miss coulson of unionville while the arrange ments were judged by mr dick wood a florist of willow- dale the following are the win ners in the various classes vase of powder puff asters lome gillion mrs w tim bers mrs b lickorish asters light colours rev d sargeant l gillion mrs a thomas asters dark colours mrs j miller mrs a paisley mrs a ratcliff asters mixed colours mrs l turner mr lamb jean pipher tuberous begonias mrs a ratcliff mrs 1 baker carnations l gillion mrs timbers mrs burnett cactus dahlia mrs storey mrs topham mrs f fairies semi cactus dahlia mrs sto rey mr lamb decorative dahlia mrs sto rey d sargeant mrs f wagg pompom mrs timbers mrs storey mrs topham geraniums mrs a march mas a paisley mrs f w igg- glad white d sargeant mrs dunkeld mrs a thom as mr lamb glad cream d sargeant l gillion j pipher glad yellow d sargeant l gillion mrs f wagg mrs a march glad pink mrs a williams c james mrs a thomas glad salmon mrs f wagg lome gillion rev d sar geant glad bright red d sargeant l gillion mrs timbers glad deep red d sargeant l gillion mrs thomas glad rose d sargeant mrs dunkeld mrs h pugh glad lavender mrs timbers l gillion d sargeant glad smoky d sargeant c james mrs j miller glads 6 mixed d sargeant l gillion mrs e baker glads 12 mixed d sargeant glads 6 miniatures mrs tim bers a lamb mrs e baker hydrangea pg mrs a rat- cliff lilies mrs storey mrs a ratcliff mrs topham fr marigold mrs c burk- holder mrs dunkeld i marigold coll miss e hoo ver mrs turner mr lamb 1 petunia single mrs burnett mrs h pugh mr c james petunia single frilled mrs b timbers mrs d ocon nor petunia double mrs olm- stead mrs oconnor mrs c burkholder phlox annual mrs timbers mrs paisley mrs turner rose peace mrs burk holder mrs turner mrs f wagg rose pink mrs turner mrs a march c james rose red mrs turner mrs march mrs burton rose yellow mrs storey mrs burnett mrs march snapdragon mrs turner l gillion mrs f wagg zinnia giant mrs williams l gillion mrs timbers zinnia fantasy mrs b lick orish mrs e baker mr lamb zinnia pom pom l gillion mrs a farthing mrs tur ner aov annual calendulas mrs c james mrs oneill mrs williams verbenas mrs a farthing mrs turner class c mrs chapman mr lamb mrs jake baker class b mrs burkholder mrs burnett mrs storey class a mrs paisley mrs d oneill mrs oconnor aov perennial arrangements mrs a farthing mrs storey l gillion flower girls nosegay mrs olmstead mrs a farthing arrang for kitchen hell mrs a paisley mrs williams mrs ratcliff mr james arrang in pedestal type con lainer mrs a ratcliff mrs t baker mrs storey white flowers in white con tainer l gillion mrs timbers mrs e baker mrs a farthing arrang in unusual container mrs a farthing mrs ratcliff mrs topham arrang with roses mrs o burton mrs storey mrs williams red glads in white container mrs h pugh m mertens arrang in oil lamp mrs a baisley mrs a farthing m mertens buffet arrang mrs a tho mas mrs h pugh mrs d oneill mrs ratcliff coffee table arrang mrs a thomas mrs ratcliff mrs c burkholder mrs fairies dining table center mrs pugh mrs burkholder mrs continued on page 4 mis ernest finch bayview ave entertained at a luncheon on thursday for miss jean pipher mr paul wiancko of don mills spent the weekend with his grandmother mrs wiancko of hawthorne st gail coppins has been holi daying with delight winterstein at lake simeoe mr 3nd mis john wideman and family church st moved to their new home on the don mills road on saturday 1 mr and mrs morril davis of scarboro visited his brother i on sunday mr and mrs daw- son davis miss ruth walls who i at present living at coboconk was in town on saturday call ing on friends brian petts from highland creek has been holidaying with kent wimerstein at lake simeoe mrs gordon sisco church st spent a few days at the home of her son norman at oshawa mr and mrs a j dobson 01 moncton new brunswick are spending a few weeks holidays here with her sister and hus band mr and mrs harold thurston rupert ave rev and mrs arthur walsh were on holidays mis walsh spent a eek with her mother mrs henderson at niagara falls and rev walsh spent a week with ids mother and bro ther chris walsh in montreal mr and mrs j l abell hel en and jim have returned from a months holidays at helens cottage on ihe north coast of prince edward island the beautiful scenery along the st lawrence seaway was enjoyed on the return trip rev d sargeant of altona has just reason to be proud of his flowers this summer his glads have attained a height of six feel a possible record the local pastor has won many awards with his entries both at the toronto district gladioli show at richmond hill and in competioion in stouffville last week leave your films at storeys ida drug store r c aiken phmb store hours moil to thurs 9 am to 9 pm krl 9 am to 10 nm sat 9 am to s pni pharmacist on call sundays 35 main street west souffville telephone 286 delight winterstein was suc cessful ir passing her red cross beginners swimming test kent winterstein also passed his junior red cross swimming test both children have been swimming at jack sons point classes this season mrs cy bellman and her mother mrs fred avis of aur ora have returned home after spending two weeks with con stable larry bellman of the rcmp detachment at banff alberta mr and mrs frank burk holder spent sunday with her mother at box grove as it was mrs raymers 70th birth day twenty members of the family were present to help celebrate the occasion congratulations to miss mary lou ratcliff whose name was chosen in a lucky draw at the cne sponsored by tca mary lou left malton last evening for an hours ride on a viscount plane the tour is known as the mystery flight warren hendricks and wayne hamilton are presently enjoy ing a vacation trip in western canada they travelled to van couver by train and on their return they plan to stop off at banff to visit with mr larry bellman an officer with the rcmp unrivalled beauty this semicactus dahlia orsered in the stouffville hor- 1 ucultural flower show on mr thursday evening milt storej m judged tops in its class fnc vivart moorr wor many ad- nirins he large crowd ir attendance the blake street residence of mr wm bell was entered and ransacked on thursday night of last week about 400 in money was stolen entry was gained through a basement window fingerprints have been taken which may establish the idenlilv of tin- thieves attending convention members of stouffville mun icipal council and their wives are attending the ontario mu nicipal convention at st cath arines the first three days of this week actually the conven tion site is at prudhomes gar dens on the queen elizabeth highway and delegates are billeted at various motels and hotels throughout the saint catharines area three thous and are expected to be present those attending from stouff ville are reeve and mrs gar lehman deputy reeve and mrs ken wagg councillors ken and mrs laushway and henry and mrs slack also clerk and mrs ralph corner mr and mrs w d atkinson were guests at the woolinbell wedding on saturday afternoon in the albert college chapel belleville they attended the annual pilgrimage and service at hay bay united church on sunday afternoon this church was built in 792 by the u e loyalists and the service was held in the original building j 25 miies south of napanee mr and mrs wm ford and mr and mrs percy ford from barrie visited at the frank rae home on thursday mrs charlie ward spent a few days with her mother at georgetown mr and mis roy ward of claremont accompanied by mr j and mrs frank burgess of los angeles california and miss phyllis burgess of toronto i were guests of mr and mrs i will kirkett on sunday rev and mrs duncan mc gregor of sault ste marie for mer local baptist minister left for home on monday after le- newina acquaintances here for the past two weeks dr and mrs r e johnston and daughters of toronto join ed mr and mrs percy tarr and gordon and miss vera tai r for a picnic on sunday in the local park mr and mrs frank gollinger and two children of jacksons point had dinner on sunday with her grandmother mrs dawson davis vandals have inflicted heavy damage on a recently installed score board in markhams mor gan park it has been punched full of holes and can no longer be used mr irwin of orchard park blvd a former manager in the bank of commerce at cla- remont has returned to his post in the absence of mr green who is enjoying his sum mer vacation mr and mrs gord wagg gayle and wendy had dinner with mr and mrs mike shelby and beverley in toronto on sunday police chief clarence wide- man of markham township has been admitted to stiybrook hospital for observation chief wideman has boon in ill health throughout the summer he decided to receive hospital treat ment on the advice of his physi cian dr scott of markham mis orville brillinger of pine orchard and members of her family mr and mrs earl brillinger and family mr and mrs clarence pipher mr and mrs randall spofford and fam ily mr and mis reg rennie and family of mongolia and mr and mrs roy wilson of claremont had a family picnic here in the park on sunday the former chapman bunga low on rupert ave has been sold to mr and mrs wilbert irwin a member on the staff of the local coop mr and mrs chapman have moved to sault ste marie the irwins will move into their new home ear ly in september the sale was completed by mr harry bourne of the geo allison firm rev norman rowan former leader in the stouffville youth for christ organization and pasior at the second markham baptist church was a visitor in town on friday evening mr and mrs cliff lemon rupert ave accompanied by mr and mrs floyd fairies and mrs otto tranmer were visi tors on sunday with mr and mrs howard kee near orange- ville jas thomas editor of the tribune was in attendance on friday al the directors lun cheon of the cne it was press day at the ex and the luncheon was to honor greg clark famous newspaper per sonality the brief but heavy storm that hit this area on monday afternoon caused some base ment flooding in certain sec tions of town all telephones in the westend were put out of commission mr and mrs ken pipher and dianne of peterborough mrs earl pipher of newmar ket mr and mrs fred pen rose and bill of willowdale mr and mrs casement of osh awa mr and mrs claire bell karen and patricia of bowman- ville mr and mrs walter pi pher and mr howard barkey were sunday visitors with mr cliff pipher and jean church sl mr and mrs bert taun of stouffville rr i wish to an nounce ihe engagement of their daughtei lois marguer ite to richard alvin frisby son of mrs frisby and the late alvin a frisby of victoria square the marriage to take place at her home saturday sept 24th 1910 at 230 mr and mrs donald mccul- lough of mount albert announce the engagement of their young est daughter eunice evelyn to mr william lloyd thompson of sudbury the wedding will take place in the mount albert united church saturday sep tember 10 1960 at 230 pm the engagement is announc ed of murna maryan davis a daughter of agnes j davis and the late w j davis to alan christopher hathaway son of mr and mrs horace c hath- avay wedding to take place saturday sept ember 10 at 10 oclock al st patricks church markham death fkir miss vera a feir passed away at the brierbush hospital stouffville on sun day aug 28 1960 she was a daughter of the late mr and mrs w b feir and sister of hedley of haliburton and athol of richmond hill service was from ihe l e oneill funeral home on tuesday at 130 with interment in riverside ceme tery at lindsay prior to being admitted to the hospital miss feir had made her home at miss elizabeth widemans nurs ing home on church st tm with 1heesze proven coop household insect bomb just press ihe button lo gel rid of flies mosquitoes gnols ond x other household insects coop oual purpose insect bomb fjl another aerosol bomb for immediate s in killing both household and oar 4n insects coop household spr an effective reodylouse spray tot ots in hand sprayers kills household mse pests stouffville coop phones 122 269