business dibectory legal paul w j mesgay bla bajtristeb solicitor main street markham ont phone markham 191 4841 robert w mcvet barrister a solicitor suite 514 a blrtmiocd street weac harkham pboae 13 toronto pbob emi0j8s william g parsons llb barsistek solicitor 59 main st w tjo box 830 phone 146 stouftvllle kennedy kennedy barristers solicitors notaries 7 richmond su w toronto ross kennedy prot hwr 7 locust hill markham 755 arthur a kennedy prot hwy 7 locust hill markham 832 cattanach hindson barristers ft solicitors stouffville by appointment anytime phone markham 25 main stbeet mabkham phone 25 mccullough button barristers solicitors notaries s3 main st w stouftvule solicitors canadian bank of commerce h reg button e- 103 obrien ave ph 239 david a coon ka gormley br ph gormley 8387 dental neil c smith uds- oda oradoat ot oulteraitx e toronto office over canadian bask of commerce telephone 167w stonffruia optometrists funeral directors l e oneill xooffvxllb funeral direcror and embalmer telephone service oat or kisht stootftllle 181 auctioneers w d atkinson rsttstt stouffville 803 uceroed auctioneer and sale manager sales conducted anywhere specializing in the preparation and selling ot purebred consign ments and dispersals arm auc tions furniture and real estate sales bills prepared and posted at no extra cost this specialized ser vice reau pays oil and means money in your pocket stouffville 303 ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties ot york and ontario hllukea p ph ax 85987 markham po ph mark 346 prentices have been established auctioneers tinea 1890 a a farmer licensed auctioneer counties of ork ontario farm stock furniture sales a specialty telephone gormley 5311 address gormley po 5935 beauty salons the powder puff beauty salon joy cnem open every day and every night monday through friday for appointment call stouff 465 e a grubin ro optometrist ptetoa stonfrrine at stouffville office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays may 2nd 3rd 30th 31st june 27th 28th garnet v gray oj optometrist stouffville medical centre phone 61g for appointment hours 1000 ajn to 800 pan every tuesday accountants jjohn c wylle fjjl licensed public accountant auditor m main st w stouffville telephone 495 residence 545j1 residence rrj stoaffville chiropractors wm 8 baird dc doctor of chiropractic xray rrs 1012 am 24 79 pjn monday to friday saturday 101 am i mala st fl markham out telephone 701 margarets beauty salon cfanssr rupert westlawn crescent modern 48ti hair styling colouring permanent waving gall for appointment margaret wood stoaffville 464 insurance btrkettson insurance agency stouffrille ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service ibswl and 259wl fred m pugh general insurance phone stouffville 5w wo cannot escape death ob taxes tour mutual life of canada can help you meet both nick kamps upholstering qualified to give you the best workmanship let us give a new look to that old furniture finest choice of coverings 39 main street phone 677 stouffville machine r tool works telephone sss ear of onr sutloa electric and acetylene welding rarm maohcfcrx machinery repairs brierbush hospital bay and niche service maternity medical aad snrrteaj member of the anted private hospital association government licensed fully accredited under the new ontario service commission health plan which became effec tive january 1959 dry cleaners aida cleaners and dyers insured fur tc garment storage stoantvfia markham 343 891 scratch pads from jumbo size down to note size get them at the stouffville tribune cedar grove farm selfserve garden srtjotryhjje tkbuke vmssjf fene 23 1960 fafev june 16 a poor year in a farming com munity is hardly newsworthy it becomes worthy of the news however when a farmer turns a bad year into a good business gib whittamores basic crop was strawberries and in 1957 the crop was so poor it did not pay him to hire pickers to har vest the meagre yield rather than see the fruit go to waste gib and his wife evelyn hung up a sign inviting passing mo torists to stop and help them selves to berries at fifteen cents a quart this worked surpris ingly well and that practically worthless crop brought in about a hundred and fifty dollars the following year 19o3 was a dry year and resulted in the same problem out went the sign for the second time the nucleus of a business was in the making later that year to matoes were added to the pick- ityourself garden in 1959 the pick your own produce business at whitta mores farm was well under way with strawberries peas and tomatoes as the main crops although gib says there is nothing new in this doityour self kind of market gardening nevertheless there were no ref erences available no rules to assure success in the venture the whittamores had to antici pate problems and overcome them as best they could many people think this is a pretty easy way to make a liv ing you just put the plants in the ground and wait for cus tomers but it isnt quite that simple this is a business enter prise based on a certain psychol ogy preceded by solid ground work and an excellent system of advertising the psychology of the business hinges on two facts people love a bargain a day picking strawberries for your own consumption is a joy picking them every day for a living is not even though the whittamores are knowledgable gardeners and wise in the ways of human dealings some of the peculiari ties of their amateur pickers still provide them with a few surprises they have a tremen dous crosssection of people hovering over their berry patch it is strange but true that on the days when berries are plen tiful so are people but on days when the berries are few so are the pickers there is some kind of astonishing grapevine that seems to send word around some pickers want their mon eys worth and fill the boxes to overflowing so that they cannot leave the patch without picking most of the berries two or three times the whittamores dont chastise if thats the way they like it but another kind of per son whom gib feels a little sor ry for is the picker who never fills his box quite full and what about the back fence jumpers in a business of this kind there is almost sure to be people who jump the fence pick at the far end of the field and steal off with their loot gib says this is very rare most people pay even if they have to come to the house to find a cashier the on ly precaution against stealing is snow fence and to quote gib its pretty hard to jump a snow fence but there are still places they could get in to steal berries if they wanted to do it that way they dont although new people are con stantly appearing many of the same pickers tum up for each crop in turn strawberries peas and tomatoes elderly couples who cannot pick a full day will often come in the morning work for a while and after a picnic lunch at the side of the road go back to finish the job there are few rigid rules at whittamore farm and anything that makes the work easier is acceptable they do discourage dogs and small children play ing tag in the fruit and they ask smokers to remember ber ries are mulched in straw pick it yourself market gard ening does not lend itself to every kind of crop through ex perience and anticipation gib has decided that strawberries peas and tomatoes are good crops for amateur pickers such things as corn cucumbers pumpkins and asparagus are better picked beforehand and sold at the side of the road beans are good but not popular enough to warrant a large crop there are plans afoot for rasp berries red and black currants and gooseberries what are the problems of a market gardener in a new busi ness of this kind the crop itself is of primary importance and gib is still experimenting with varieties to produce the best for the purpose it is near ly impossible to combine a pick- ityourself enterprise with wholesale selling it must be one or the other the necessity to live up to their advertising has led gib to plan for irrigation of the land to insure a full yield his system of irrigation though still in its infancy saved the to mato crop last year the planting of strawberries is quite a problem dormant plants are dug up in simcoe county in march and kept in coolers until planting time here this year they were set into the earth still dormant the sec ond week of june weeding is done fairly ade quately by four dozen beautiful white chinese geese they stroll lazily up and down the rows eat ing grass tasting weeds look ing very pretty but never de veloping a taste for strawber ries at the end of the season their reward for labour is un fortunately the guillotine new ones with new energy are bro ught in each spring to prevent the whittamores from unwit tingly entering the poultry busi ness what is the futures of the pick it yourself market gar den the word has spread and habits are easily formed a day in the country in a berry patch is a delightful family ac tivity for many a suburban dweller the rare treat of get ting absolutely fresh produce at just the right time for eating or canning is worth the bend ing the saving to the mortgage conscious housewife is a big consideration the public finds it all in their favour this year strawberries will be ready in about two weeks at 20 cents a quart peas will not be avail able but tomatoes should be ripe and ready right after exhibi tion crop spraying and other tech nical problems are often work ed to a solution with the help of a field man from the dept of agriculture or good salesmen from reputable firms selling seed spray or equipment these men stand high in gibs estima tion and he makes use of their i meisaaabt mm seem 9 ntarvpv hos pit ay inst range tour premdue keep insured merkxt sora fc pay when due donl fake chances prompt payment of hospital insurance premiums cerfe- gtanrds yoor future protection- it may bo a blessing to you someday kad your ontario hospital wsurancc guide if you haven one ask yxjr employer or write ontamo hosfltal icommbsom 7ow7ato knowledge and heeds their ad vice as far as the pick it your self business is concerned how ever it is a trial and error prop osition for gib and evelyn whittamore to date there have been many trials and apparent ly few errors garden party july 3 cedar grove annual garden party will be held in cedarena on the evening of july 2nd the programme lineup is excellent watch this column next week for all the details notes about neighbours john petrie spent a few days in new york last week and blodwen davies has just return ed from a visit to toronto a group of mennonite young people spent a very pleasant day in the collingwood area last thursday which included a visit to a potters studio mothers dont forget the mothers club meeting to be held thursday june 16th 830 pm at jean crichtons when we are married j b priest- lys highly amusing comedy will provide the highlight of the programme it is reported that some kan garoo meat has been mislabelled and sold for human consump tion in the united states that may explain why some ameri cans have recently been more jumpy than usual hey pont you ktiow toil cvft drive while reaom6 the newspaper to c ibm but ioust hm check these bakgaim ads d have hot water natural cos mir heat only jz monthly low cost operation your sas company dbes not employ dooruxloor salesmen nor telephone canvassers for information about dealers licensed by the ontario fuel board to sell and install natural ess equipment call fit write the sales department of tfbirll t bo glad yoa aesa nafcral gas mb iuciuuuml uiu ihons aijinn aaiiil in engineering advances in sales in every province vl f 1s v profitmaking features performance plus economy yearafteryear dependability traditional chevrolet value only chevrolet engineers give you the nigged build the economical power the outstanding performance you need to increase profits on even the toughest schedules get the facts from your chevrolet dealer today economy iess maintenance thru longer life save valuable maintenance lime and money the big fender crown for instance hinges right back giving you easier access to chev rolets unbeatable power plant gabs 67 more rigid safer longerlasting more trouble- free chevrolet cabs have the space dftd comfort your drivers need to operate at top efficiency all day frames 4 8 su more rigid mora twistresistant chevrolet frames an engineered to take tha toughest punishment p0werfca chevrolets saving sixes and mighty v8s combine peak per formance with tha stamina to beat your schedules while they nurse your gas independent front torsionspring j suspension each front wheel is individually suspended coupled with easyflexing rear springs the result is truck ride yoew got to experience to believe wmmmjmmmmmmsmmmmmmimm sfurdll but chevrolet qldsmobue ltd matin street stouffvitjc