page 2 the stotlftviue tribune tturmf aprl 14 i960 editorial how about a they say that theres nothing madder than a wet hen but then those people possibly havent seen a wet human that is a human who has just been splashed with mud and water by a passing ear one human being who was to say the least as mad as a wet hen was observed one day last week as she made her way along church st she was walking along quite carefree when overtaken by a fastmoving car which hit one of the hundred and one pot holes with which this heavily travelled residential street is pitted little consideration this spring the car was travelling much too fast as it was for the condition of the road and it sprayed the contents of the pothole over the lady there is a penalty for this sort of driving but the penalty is not as important as the lack of consideration for those who are also using the streets as pedestrians it is only courtesy for motorists to take it easy when ap proaching pedestrians during this sloppy season no one likes to have the content of a pothole spewed over them it makes some people even madder than a wet hen if in doubt lock them with the belated influx of milder weather stouffville residents have been flooded with glibtongued tra velling salesmen their products which vary from 24book volumes of encyclopedia to pamphlets of religious out instruction are forced down the throats of unsuspecting housewives who too often fall prey to these gimmicks we would not charge that every briefcase carrying stranger is a phony operator we would charge however that too many of them are just that if their conduct meets these two specifications show them the way to the open door 1 offer you something for nothing 2 hand you a pen and a printed form accom panied by a persuasive request now just sign here there isnt a profit- making firm in existence today that can afford to give its merchandise away no one should sign his name to any form unless the matter is given lengthy thought and study if in doubt lock him out insults rebuffs and even physical violence is all part of their daily schedule one softhearted customer is well worth twenty closed doors or a dozen threats having completed a killing their clays work is done dont become a victim before you invest investigate the longest trip of all during the past three months members of the stouffville midget hockey club travelled in almost every conceivable direction across the pro vince in quest of an elusive cham pionship trophy we would contend however that the journey from the arena to their respective homes on thursday night whether it be four blocks or four miles was the longest trip of all we had been confident that this year would surely be stouffvilles year in the past two seasons the coveted silverware had gone to for eign fields this winter we felt it would be different once again lady luck has turned her back on the valiant efforts of fifteen boys an energetic management and a host of faithful followers stouffville must once more endure the disappoint ments linked with being second best although some of the young lads were noticeably shaken by the play off loss they were truly champions in defeat in the field of minor sport every one is yet a boy in the realm of competetive sportsmanship all acted in the roll of a man seeing is believing if plans proceed according to schedule this spring will see the first stakes driven into the ground to open one of the largest residential devel opments ever established in a local municipality frenchmans bay in the township of pickering will be the site of this satellite subdivision that may someday erupt into a fullfledged town or even a city we cannot help but feel that the agreement drawn up by the township fathers is quite sound but we con tend that the minimum standard of residential dwelling is too low in a recent press release submitted to the local papers by the consolidated building corporation ltd it was stated that the purchase price of new homes in the development would start as low as 512500 last week the tribune received another written release which stated that some houses would carry a price tag of 11500 in our brief inspections of sub division projects in other villages and towns we have yet to find an 11500 home that resembled anything better than a glorified chicken coop to worsen the situation the majority of owners in such lowcost dwellings are unable to cope with depreciation costs and hence the value of the structure declines with extreme rapidity it is of little satisfaction to learn that the completion of this development will represent an increase in individual home assessments in the ward 4 area after checking on the valuations of many existing premises it is a nat ural assumption to make many of the present homes are much below the standard of todays regulations hence the assessments are equally low we realize that through the system of quantity buying the con solidated building co is able to pur chase materials at groundlevel costs our only hope is that low cost does not go hand in hand with low stand ard and low quality if this is the case then i feel that members of council are toying with a franken stein we would state that when the first bay ridge residence sports its initial 11500 for sale sign we will be standing near the front of the line way back when j gjjjjg patricks day in dublin jrmccae adversity very calmly sugar and spice by bill smiley april 1936 the village assessor mr george storey is on his rounds and in addition to distributing assessment notices he is called upon to collect the dog tax there are about 70 dog owners in town this is exclusive of visiting canines from the coun try which add to our dog popu lation considerably at times this week saw the last of the building removed at the sta tion which served for so many years as a barber shop store and stiver bros flour and feed office there was little of value left after the fire which burned out the home of hugh ander son the owner early last fall and the old burnt structure was removed by obijah brown the question of rebuilding is still unsettled by mr anderson who owns the desirable business site dominion store prices april 9 1936 sugar 10 lbs 50c or ange marmalade 32oz jar 20c frys cocoa s lb tin 19c to mato juice 3 tins 1ic picnic ham shankless lb 19c cottage roll lb 20c head lettuce 2 heads 9c tomatoes 2 lbs 25c new cabbage lb 4c honey per pail 39c members of the cemetery commission h o klinck k g i tait and secretary l e oneill presented a new schedule of rates for plots at the cemetery they are 10 30 20 accord ing to location unlike many of us who go to church and cramp into the back row at the ceme tery everybody scrambles for the front row and so they will have the privilege of paying for the front location the new rates were adopted bv the coun cil jean pipher is home from the whitby ladies college for the holidays easter also gordon birkett from st andrews col lege yonge st ben raxlin having bought the square piano at the perry sale on saturday he may expect a rush of music teachers at his door in anticipation of becom ing his first teacher richmond hill council is tak ing steps to collect water ar rears for their public utility that are behind 4 years in some cases householders owe as much as 60 a householder in stouffville who had never paid any water rates in four years if he had bathroom all inside taps and lawn tap could only be behind s16 of course none of our users are allowed to run in the hole four years but the point is do wc really appreciate the low water rates in this vill age a lot of women smell their husbands breath when lie tomes home after a night out not my wife she just makes me turn out my pockets oh she doesnt make a big fuss she quietly takes the buttered buns the bits o cheese and the slices of meat wrapped in a serviette throws them in the garbage and leads me off to bed we were at a cold meal sup per recently sponsored by a womens organization the old girl was as nervous as a mo ther with a kleptomaniac child she saw the telltale glitter in my eyes when i was confronted by those plates piled with sliced meat those stacks of fresh home made bread and she watched me like a hawk finally i had to get tricky isnt she a knockout i said pointing at a young lady who was just leaving no woman can resist looking while her head was turned i crammed a slice of bread into my pocket bui she frisked me as soon as we left the hall i lost my piece of bread and had to settle for a piece of her mind on the whole my wife is tol erant of this aberration of mine sometimes she lets me smuggle some olives and celery out of a posh restaurant but she draws the line when i start secreting hunks of steak or legs of fried chicken that are left and shes not only humiliated but furious when i ask the waiter for a jar in which to carl off the remains of the chow mcin after a big chinese meal two influences in my life created this habit of garnering any spare food since my pris onerofwar days ive always had a deeprooted fear of going hungry in those days f discov ered that a good thick crust tucked away about the person was more comforting t ii a n thoughts of home mother or country v i remember one great finan cial coup i pulled off there i started with the excellent if filthy shirt which i was wearing and hadnt had off for six weeks it took me a week but i traded that for a cheap shirt and pair of gloves the gloves for cigar ettes the cigarettes for an on ion the onion for a bottle of home made hooch and the hooch for a bed cross chocolate bar i fondled the chocolate un wrapped and rewrapped it smelled it and made out a schedule whereby 1 would eal one square a day for eight days that night lying in bed think ing lecherously of my bar 1 was overcome by lust snatched it from under the pillow and gnawed and snarled my way through it to the accompani ment of piteous protests from my roommates 1 was sick short ly and lost the works to their delight but i have never been casual about food since those days besides this i have a feeling instilled in me as a child tliat waste is a sin there was no waste at our house leftover porridge tor example went in to hie big pot of soup always simmering and gave it body and flavor in the depths of the depression my mother invented a new kind of hash a popular disii in those days she replaefed the meat in the hash with skins of baked potatoes put through the grinder it looked like real hash was filling and with a liberal sloshing of homemade chili sauce was palatable those were the days when you went lo the butcher and asked if he had any bones for the dog he gave you some good meaty bones for nothing but an ironic smile and you look them home and made soup out of them now of course you ask the butcher for a soupbone and he gives you some dogbones and charges you for them thats progress you should hear my smart- alec kids when i tell them things like that but that was in he bad old days dad have an other piece of chicken they taunt however lets gel to the point there must be thousands of people who abhor waste as much as i do people eating in restaurants consume only about half i heir meal the rest goes into the garbage and then lo the pig farmer i suggest that when we are eating out wc carry with us a pliable plastic container with hot and cold compartments these could be draped over he backs of our chairs like saddle bags ladies could have theirs covered in mink if they wished a the end of the meal every thing we had paid for but had not eaten from soup to slier- lid would lie dumped into the saddlebags which would then be straiipcd on under our coats we might slosh and gurgle a bit when we walked but it would put an end to waste legal ize my social vice and wed have a whale of a time going through our garbage when we got home by c h xolan after a few more sights in the wonderful old city of lon don a trip to oxford and a walk around the grounds of that famous university we took our departure for dublin via british european airways vis count service it looked for a time as if we might have our troubles reaching the capital of eire in time for the big day fog had rolled in and the flight cap tain advised us that we might have to move north to belfast to be able to land however a slight improvement in the wea ther allowed us to touch down at dublin airport after the hour and a half mn from london biggest thrill was not entirely what one saw in dublin on st patricks day but just in the actuality of being there the celebrations they say are not to be compared to those in new york city big event of the day is of course the parade which worked its way up and down each side ot oconnell street dublins main thoroughfare everyone without exception sports a small bunch of green shamrocks in his lapel theyre for sale everywhere and free boxes were provided in the lob by of the grcsham the citys number one hotel while the records show that the irish are second to none when it comes to packing away their drinks the pubs are all closed on st patricks day its a religious cay which in the af ternoon takes the form of a sports day and people pour into the city from all the country around just as the parade was underway premier devalera roared by with a motorcycle es cort on his way to services at st patricks catheural the elder irish will admit with re gret that the population has diminished from 9000000 to 4000000 95 of the country is roman catholic rer robert h harper iasf again tbe changes ot the sea sons and tie ongoing ot time have brought lis to easter sun day may the raster season bring joy and happiness to every heart it is remarkable how wide spread is the belief in immortality in life beyond the grave a maga zine of recent date carried state ments from a number of men whose names are wellknown all bearing testimony to their belief in immortality and their hope of a better world tiian ibis just a thought there is no more satisfying victory in this world than that achieved by a man who picked himself off the floor to try again when faced with adver sity it ie wise to remember and to watch for that second chance and it is quite likely that no reader ot these lines is devoid of faith in the eternal verities of the new testament but no man sure of the afterlife until jesus rose from the dead and now we may know that after all the schemes and systems of earth shall fall we shall be living still without the hop of overcoming sin eternal life would be a greater tragedy than rlernal death so let us rejoice that in christ jesus we are assured of an eternal lite of righteousness the average persons output of words assays about an ounce of information to a ton of words those who feared at the be ginning that the united nations would build up too much power worried unnecessarily the sunday school lesson lesson for april it children of the resurrection mark 1618 colossians 3115 golden text therefore if any man lie in christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new cor 517 the lesson as a whole approach to the lesson the phrase children of the resurrection sons of the res urrection greek is found in luke 2036 where our lord de- scriles the condition of believ ers in glory in the lesson be fore us the words are applied to believers still on earth their faith in christ is guaranteed by ills resurrection from the dead and their daily life may be vic torious and fruitful because they are spiritually linked to their saviour in his death and resurrection the resurrection of christ is 1 actual history 2 the ground of the christians life of resurrection joy and triumph and reunion with his saviour in i leaven the fltsl two of these aspects are the theme of our lesson mark assures us that the lord jesus was truly raised from the dead the women heard the tes timony of the angel i young man in the sepulchre he is risen he is not here be hold the place where they laid him mark 1661 their cruci fied saviour had miraculously shattered the bands of death years later the apostle paul a prisoner in rome under house arrest acts 2816 30 explain ed to the saints in colosse in asia minor that they too had died and been raised they had died from the rudiments of the world col 2201 and were now risen with christ col 31 this vital spiritual experience made possible for them the shattering of the bonds of sin and the beginning of lives of devotion holiness and love the heart of the lesson christs resurrection is the 3 the basis of his assurance i anchor of our faith the basis of his own bodily resurrection of our victory and the guaran tee of our hope never forget thai it is a fact of hislory gods seal upon the identity of his dear son rom 14 upon the acceptability of his atoning sacrifice and upon the believers unshakable expectation of glory but the saviours resurrection is far more than a glorious doc trine lo be believed it is inti mately and personally related to the believer when christ died the christian died with him to sin and the world rom 62 8 gal 220 col 220 33 and when he was raised the christian was raised with him to newness of life col 31 rom 611 13 the child of god was identified with his lord in death and resurrection this assures him a new spiri tual position a new resurrection level at which daily victory is possible between him and the enticing allurements of sin lies an open grave whence he has been raised from death to life he is on the victory side paul emphasizes the newness of the christians life of resur rection power purity honesty and love by contrasting the old man col 39 with the new man col 310 before his conversion the believer ws clothed with the old unregen- orate adamic nature his prev ious conduct is described in col ossians 359 now he has put it off discarded its control as though it were a filthy out moded garment risen with christ he has been renewed and has donned the new man col 310 christ jesus him self col 127 joined to his blessed saviour in the bonds of resurrection power he is now summoned to practical holiness humility kindness and love col 31214 the truth of his participation in his lords resurrection must the parade follows the line considering a site in ireland for of commerce with commercial j a plant and the movie star was and industrial floats forming combining business with pleas- the major part uiterpered j urc with kilty bands both men ami kirls leading the parade was the irish plow queen and var ious types of new tractors the dairies and breweries supplied a great percentage of the floats dublin is the home of the guin- ess brewery largest in the world stretching over sixty acres the gulness family is most highly regarded and has provided the thousands of pounds for the restoration of st patricks cathedral not too many tourists have arrived in the country by the time st patricks day rolls around as it is still early in the season however one well- known figure was on hand and we almost bumped into him in the hotel lobby pat obrien hollywood star was in the city for the opening of a new film cany on constable obrien also has connections with a us steel products company which is great crowds thronged th streets all day long and took in the horse races and the inter national football game with west germany in the afternoon everyone is in a gay mood but there was no rowdyism in evi dence at any time dances were held in all the major hotels and the jig step pounded the floor of the ballroom in the greshan until the wee small hours the theatres in the city are packed but this is the same every night there is no television in ireland except for a few scattered sets along the coast where british telecasts can be picked up with mixed reception eating estab lishments likewise are crowded to the doors and small groups sat chitchatting and sipping ir ish coltee far past midnight for those not in the know irish coffee is one third irish whis key one third coffee and one third cream body fender repairs duco duiux refinishincj estimates without obligation w g garrett and son slain street stouffville onl phone 265 wanted more cream shippers for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery to have our truck call phone ls6w stouffville creamery co cold storage lockers for rent furnaces il gas coal dealer for pease iron fireman vacuum cleaning burner service sheet metal work eavestroughing alex wallace phone markham 516j 10wi0i4j4h new hours a c kennedy dc 9 12 tues fri hart kennedy dc j 9 mon wed k frl for appointment ph stouffville 617 answering service hart a c kennedy chiropractic office church st s- stouffville be evident in his daily life he when youre run down either must live from hour to hour at take medication or the licence the resurrection level number of the car tlir jtouffuillc rilmnr established 1su a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association authorized at seconddas mail poilofflce dcpt ottawa c h in noun member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffville ont canada 350 elsewhere 450 pobsdxr ias thomas eevtot ms mckun adrcrtunuj