pe 1 the stowfvu tflhjne taorkky fewy 4 i960 established uo a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association asthcrlad as eeoddaaa mail poetfiffic dpc ottawa member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffville out in canada 350 elsewhere 450 c a nounl nbfcw u thomas edrto us mckean adverlisia editorial tired of turning the other cheek editorial writers and columnists in the toronto press have during the past few months found great delight in heaping printed criticisms on many aspects of semirural life outside the metro boundary almost every town and village within a thirtyfive mile radius 6f the queen city has come under some fire from the pens of daily deskwarmers it would appear that these type writertappers have exhausted their supply of adjectives to describe the subway schmozzle the sackville st slums the fluoridation question or the cne grandstand show in an effort to retain the muchflaunted byline a number of columnists have set their critical sights on the de fenseless suburbanite the country cousin whose heretofore humdrum life had absorbed little editorial ink their remarks however have not fallen on deaf ears small town residents have taken grave exception to these charges and insinuations and combined with many weekly newspaper editors they have re turned the volley right in the lap of the irresponsible copywriter while we still share a small portion of in dependence we like to feel that we can operate our own police depart ments plan our own subdivisions formulate our own bylaws and con trol our delinquency problems with out reading the hows and wherefores at the supper table every evening the daily press cannot expect to lob their editorial artillery through the metro curtain without receiving some form of retaliation in return when the city of toronto begins to show ome signs of sprouting angelic white wings then and only then will the errant suburbs feel obliged to accept this type of advice hasnt got a chance mr jack arthur promoter of the cne grandstand show has our sincere sympathy it would appear that no matter which way he turns in his search for headline talent he will be subjected to critical comments from the public and the press we are a people of varied tastes what might constitute a pleasing program to some would possibly be distaste ful to others mr arthur could go to the ends of the earth and still not find a star that would be acceptable by every tom dick and harry ticket- holder we do not pretend to appre ciate opera or ballet but thousands would enjoy it we are not rabid fans of wayne and shuster and yet they are considered to be one of americas top comedy teams thousands of young people would flock to see elvis presley while thousands of adults would appreciate bing crosby we feel that mr arthur should be given plenty of rope but dont let us put it around his neck its still almost six months till curtain time parents can help we were indeed rather surprised lo learn last week from the local police department that young stoufl- ville boys ten years old and up had admitted purchasing and smoking cigarettes this would mean that some of these lads would only be in grades five and six at public school the law against such practices has of course been on the books for many years but it has not been enforced to any degree only through the eo- service through as canada celebrates national electrical week feb 713 under the banner of electricity sparks the cos citizens of ontario can look to hydro to help them achieve a better way of life during the next decade- through an abundance of lowcost electric power homeowners and homemakers in this most densely populated of all the provinces will be offered an increas ing number and variety of timesav ing workeliminating electric appli ances and equipment in addition home improvements such as ultra sonic lighting mural television panel lights electrostatic dusting wands and ultramodern heating and cooling systems will probably be in general use before the centennial of canada as a dominion in 1967 is may be poss ible for the man of the house to dis card that instrument of torture the snow shovel he will merely flip a switch and lean back watching the snow melt as fast as it falls thanks to the cables carrying electricity under his driveway in the not too distant future he may be able to bring his electronically steered car from his garage to his door without getting out of his chair however it is in the kitchen that the real revolution will come the kitchen of the future will be built around four units each with an elec trically refrigerated drawer for stor ing preparing and cooking the fam ilys meals dishwashers will remove all operation of the parents and the mer chants can police hope to halt this habit among minors police are loathe to prosecute in this matter and we agree that little would be gained through such a prac tice here is indeed one instance where mom and dad can do both the police and their own sons a big ser vice by discouraging the purchase of smoking materials they can save themselves and their boys consider able trouble electricity grease and matter from dishes and utensils within seconds by means of highpressure sound waves which will agitate the water all types of garbage will be pulverized into dis posable powder by a compact electric incinerator a small electronic mem ory or brain may be available to housewives to retain and give infor mation on menus and recipes there will be extensive use of home freezers and irradiated foods capable of being stored for several years fly swatters will be collected as antiques as homes commerce and- industry especially large dairies will use electric flytraps electric toilet systems will eliminate sewage disposal plants while home precipi tators will rid us of all domestic dust and dirt in the bedrooms of tomorrow a radiant heating pad will be suspended above the bed to keep sleepers com fortable without blankets the panel may include a tv monitor screen to enable parents to keep a close watch on junior in the nursery electrical heating and cooling systems will pro- ride yearround residential aircondi tioning the coming decade will bring many changes but the aims of both ontario hydro and local electrical utilities will remain the same to pro vide a constant and abundant supply of electric power to the homes farms and factories of ontario national electrical week serves as a reminder of the important role electricity will play in making the next 10 years the successful sixties for office supplies cr business machines see the stouffville tribune ah 0 it week j jatigzoh yttmfl3tam 0 qaick i wish ft rwterr single room and a bassinet sugar and spice by bill smiley let me tell you about the ty phoon no aunt elsie the ty phoon is not a big wind in the south seas in fact it is nothing but a memory not a sweet ten der memory but a strong pun gent one v this memory was stirred and wafted by an article in mac leans magazine called break out at falaise a story of the canadians war in normandy circa the middle of august 1944 with tlie article were several pictures painted by war artists one of them showed typhoon fighterbombers strafing a ger man column it was like see ing an old friend and i studied he gruesome thing with delight the typhoon was a big ugly aircraft built like the proverbial brick backhouse it took off like a pregnant pelican and landed with the grace of a stovelid if the spitfire handled like a dain ty racing mare the typhoon was like a great cavalry char ger always fighting for the bit but in the air it had the bite and balance of a vikings battle- axe the deadlihcss of an eng lish yeomans longbow and the dash and striking power of a modern motor torpedo boat in world war ii the typhoon was used in the role of cavalry to hit the enemy hard and often and from all directions to smash him when he was stub born and to harry him without mercy when he was on the run a squadron of typhoons had the mobility and force of a squad ron of cavalry in the days of cromwell tliink im bragging do you not a bit of it when the troops were in trouble when the tanks were held up by a nest of 88s when the infantry was being belted by a nasty lot of mortars somebody would holier for the typhoons a flight of 8 could be airborne and plastering the trouble spolwith bombs or rock ets within minutes ive never seen it from the ground but those who have tell me that when a flight of ty phoons attacked the sight and sound were incredible down out of nowhere theyd come motors snarling cannon cracking until the moment the bombs or rock ets were released when theyd leap into the air like silver darts while all hell broke loose where theyd struck there is only one lype around who lias more respect for the typhoon than the pilot who flow one he is the infantry sol dier who was baled out of a hoi spot by the timely arrival of a flight of typhoons once a year i meet one such hes a weekly editor who was a lowly footslogger with the canadians and every year he buys me a very expensive dinner not be cause he likes my big blue eyes but because lie has an abiding gratitude for the typhoon and its exjockeys there were bigger aircraft and better ones but there wasnt anything tougher than the old typhoon twice i was hit by shells thatwould have torn the whole wing off a less rugged aircraft all they did was jolt my old bird and put a hole the size of a watermelon in the wing the last time i flew one a battered old relic called s for sam it was shot through the heart but staggered with me into a plowed field and there deposited me so gently i didnt even bruise those of us who had trained on spitfires were desolate when we were posted to typhoon squadrons the spitfire was the ultimate in the simple ambitions of a lighter pilot the typhoon was a sort of ugly duckling with not too savoury reputation but we soon grew attached lo the big illmannered brutes as one does to a strong and willing mongrel we revelled in living in the field just a few miles be hind the lines and looked with some scorn on the spitfires boys who returned to tea in the mess after an operation we decided we wore winning the war and the spits were only for glamour- boys we went so far in some cases as to label them the ci vilian air force several hundred young cana dians flew typhoons a lot of them were killed because the type of job they did produced a high casualty rate but any pi lot who completed a tour of ops on typhoons can look any man in the eye some of them can even look their wives in the eye m it would be as foolish to write a sentimental ode to the ty phoon as it would be to compose a lyric to a locomotive but im glad i got these fond words writ ten before my old friend is con signed to the dustgathering sta tistics of a forgotten war a nurse who read that a phy sician had taken a whales pulse wasnt greatly impressed so what she snorted ive often taken a shrimps pulse editors mail rjt 2 gormlev onu february 1 1960 mr and mrs markham township taxpayer if assessors had time when they visit your home to talk about how and why you pay taxes this is wiui ihey would tell you you know how it is with your civic or community clubs they raise the funds necessary to operate by charging each member dues in such clubs the dues are alike for all mem bers we are all members of at least one club cur local govern ment we might call it the markham township commun ity club because our club con tains people of varied means we do not charge identical dues we charge each according to the value of his property these payments are our dues this club j our township council has a number of ex ecutive committees the road department the planning de partment the building depart ment the police department the relief dept the school boards etc just as other clubs have committees on social af fairs membership drives and welfare activities in addition to these commit tees you have various persons to serve as officers of your club one of these is the township assessor he is hired to see to it that the costs of running the club are assessed against the members accurately and with out playing favorites he doesnt decide whether the club will have a christmas party for the needy this year or whether it should repair the road or clean out the ditch past your house this is determined by you as a club member and by your town ship council the taxing body whatever the club does it is the assessors job to divide the expenses of doing it he does this by fixing the light value on the property of each club mem ber if he fixes the value of one members property too low it means that you and the other members must pay more than you should it is vitally import ant therefore that he use good judgment and fairness it is vit ally important to you you have set up your ciuo township council because you believed that it could do certain things for you better and cheaper than you could do them your selves taxes the dues reflect the cost of whatever activities the members of the club think it should engage in clubs cost more to run these days most of them have raised their dues your township also costs more to run the membership of your club the population is increas ing and continually ask the club to undertake more pro jects some of these are in the field of education public health sanitation relief and welfare work police and fire protection and better roads club members want all these things in an ex panded form if as club mem bers we want all these projects then we must pay our dues your tax bill tells you he t much your dues are but it 6e3 not tell why they are that much or just what you receive for your payment nor does it an swer many questions in which you are interested your asses sor would like if he had time when he visits the home of each member of markham township community club to explain these things but that is not possible yours very truly j a fleming assessment commissioner ps this is my township and 1 am proud of it my town ship is the place where my vows skiing tsxo 6rom tekffrem svi ftportr toi when you check the telegram ski bureau reports the most complete and frequent ki service available published three times each week thursdays fridays and saturdays they embrace ill the major ski areas in ontario quebec and eastern united states and each tely ski report includes a summary of road conditions and a forecast of weather conditions for ontario thems a special skiing bonus for you in friday i telegralti when top european sports reporter george gross brings you his uptotheminute w eotumn dont miss it ski reports in the telegram ontarios personzlitj ncwspzrtet home is founded where my busi ness is situated and where my vote is cast where my children are educated where my neigh- bours dwell and where my life is chiefly lived it is the home spot for me my township has the right to my civic loyalty it supports me and i should support it my township wants my citizenship iot my dissension my sympa thy not my antagonism my in telligence not my indifference my township supplies me with protection trade friends education churches and the right to free moral citizenship it has some things that are better than others the best things i should seek to make better the worst things i should help to suppress take it all in all it is my township and it is entitled to the best there is in mc new hours a d kennedy dc t n tues fri hart kennedy dc s 9 mon wed fri for appointment ph stouffville 617 answering service bart a c leaned chiropractic office church st s stouffville for parents only by nancy cleaver where is your child x where arc you going whom will you be with about what lime will you be home are you in the habit of asking your son or daughter questions like these when they tell you they arc going out perhaps you think these inquiries unneces sary quite likely your child often considers them a nuis ance but the knowledge where a child is can be of great value not long ago a small pre school boy in a canadian city was lost for most of a day and his mother was quite unaware of this she thought that he was visiting his grandmother after a brief call on her he started for his home the grand- furnaces oil gas coal dealer for pease ron fireman vacuum cleaning burner service sheet metal work eavestroughing phone markham 516j by lloyd birmftgkam dvfcplanfcea hope holder fastenspicwgojlp with screw eves sffljbeze evs tt3nvy roesnugnr guie ivtxwel ndexiephole sock etva mother never doubted that he had safely returned to his house because it was only a short dis tance the mother was very busy with various tasks she knew her son always had a good time at grannys and con cluded that today he was stay ing there longer than usual not until the radio reported that there was a small lost boy at the police station waiting for his folks did the mother sudden ly wonder is this my little boy- she phoned discovered that he was not at his grandmothers and then hastened to find her son at the police station when there are relatives liv ing in the same center in whose homes a child is welcome just such a misunderstanding as to where a small child is can eas ily arise unfortunately a little child is not always safe from the un desirable attention of people from time to time public opin ion is aroused over the disap pearance of a youngster some times the boy or giil has just wandered off and become lost hut occasionally unsuspecting children have been lured away by someone who my harm them or hold them for ransom the problem facing parents is how to protect their children from having an unfortunate and frightening experience one continued on page 3 farmers grinding mixing service molasses blending without lumps done right on tub spot bagged off or blown into bin thorn mobile feed service unionvilje phone 137 rttntrrrtn body fender repairs dueo dulux refinishing estimates without obligation w g garrett and son main street stouffville onu phone 265