fig sioutfvmi msate fcoy im n ma rn twmm special mostly one pair of a kind shoes as high as group 799 hw silling ssj pp be here early per cent sweaters pullovers cardigans vests p tweeds and gabardines boys dress pants reg 695 99 sale price 2 pairs for 700 mens dress shirts whites plains stripes reg 595 sale price 2 for 500 mens tie sock set reg 398 now 199 male f stuiwbdti mens reg to 2450 sale price 1399 mens all wool tweed sports jackets reg 2950 sale price 1999 ens dress shoe boys coat sale suburban clicker coats reg 1595 sale price medium high heels rejr to s995 sale iuicb 499 teens dress casual flats reg to 695 now 299 shoes and mens wear 172w main st stouffvilli 249 operations performed at uxbridge cottage hospital during first year oil january 12 1959 dr m b dymond minister of health officially opened the uxbridge cottage hospital only five days later on the 19th of january the first patient was admitted each year wc celebrate our birthday or anniversary each year wc pause to summarize our years activity to take slock of our position now on the first birthday of our hospitals open ing it is appropriate to look over the years activity lo praise its accomplishments review its shortcomings and meditate a moment on its future to sing its praises will be easy for they are many to brood over its shortcomings difficult or they arc few and lo meditate on its future pleasant for it is prom- bol tk spring mh and tow w into detmwr of your agrico now buy agrico now and save money savk money on your spring fertilizer needs by taking advantage of the liberal early shipment al lowance now in effect in addition to saving money you jlso beat the planting time rush and avoid costly delays later lou wont have to vorry atxxtt spring ihas kffeakkig p vends or driveways either ow plan a fto hope has a good supply nl a grades in stock and stand ready to give you quick loading service all grade are in excellent mechanical condition and ill store wdl in your barn or shed this year have your fertilizer on band exactly when yo want it lake early delivery kor details on how jnuch yem can sav h your nearby agricq peolcr agrico for better restmts agricultural chemicals ijmttkif tori hop ontario islilg in the period of one year since the first patient was ad mitted on januaiy 19 1959 to and including the isth of this year 951 patients have been ad mitted to and treated in the uxbridge cottage hospital al most all have been residents from our own communities both those who thought the hospital a necessity and those who did rial to tiiose who have required its services it lias been a har bour in a storm to their friends and relatives it lias been a con venience both physical and eco nomical for it has made visit ing our sick possible and elim inated many a long and costly journey to those who have not yet entered ils doors it is a comfort merely by its presence perhaps only to those few whose requirements have gone beyond the facilities available for them here and have had to bo sent to some larger hospital for the special care that they require has the true advantage of our own hospital become apparent during the year 119 babies were born it is to the credit of our doctors that not one sin- gle baby has died when one i considers that even the best and biggest hospitals expect to lose one or two babies of every hun dred born then this achievement is something to congratulate neither has the nursery had any epidemics of infeclions or other calamity even though some of the babies have been premature one as small as 3 pounds our hospital has helped many new citizens of uxbridge and sur rounding communities off to healthy start the operating room has known few quiet days altogether 395 operations have been performed lit being classed as major 179 as minor this too has been accomplished without a single death or serious anaesthetic complication in spite of the fact that several of those operated on have been gravely 111 nor has any age group been excluded i those patients deriving benefit j from operation have ranged in age from an infant of 7 months i i to 92 years three people over i i 90 being included since the hospital opened i many sen ices have been added i as soon as the xray department j j completed the advice and supervision of a specialist in x- ray wt fairfc and in vsttj able lo all he patients and all the attending doctors a quali fied technician is on duty jive days a week our hospital has been singularly fortunate in ob taining excellent technicians both in the xray and in the laboratory the dab has been well equipped and provides our doctors with most of the tests and special information required to provide the best of modern day medicine lo the patients while not yet completed the red cross transfusion service lias been most satisfactory in one year 57 persons have been provided with this service 150 bottles of blood having been supplied and 32 have actually received 125 transfusions in some cases blood must be avail able but is not given unless really needed il is of great com fort and great credit that the local red cross chapter and the blood drives have so ably sup ported this area while consid ering the auxiliary hospital serv ices we cannot help but pause to congratulate lhose respons- lisib woftios v- others saw h new exclusive- r bower bcaoesaw aitinono successor to your hand chain crosscut and bode saw fells buck limb undercut clears land prunes precisioncuts leaves m bledre only power saw safe up in a tree or no a udder try it yourself contact us today ibdwsntajlw zl7 5 victor foote souffvil rri ph tfisjj ible for our excellent ambulance service it could not be faster more reliable more courteous or more appreciated every low welcomes a new industry whether it affects us directly or nol we are all aware that a new industry a new suc cessful business enriches out- town nol only by materials or services that it provides but fi nancially by the taxes it pays by the local people it employs and by the salaries it keeps at home while many commend the services our hospital sup plies lo our community there has been little publicity to the fact that it employs on a full or part time basis 45 citizens of this town and area and that 7727 is paid in salaries every month it takes but a moments thought lo realize that if our hospital were not here we would have to go elsewhere which would drain out of our commun ity each month hospital lnsur ance premiums to pay for hos pital care by comparison p w glilsch sons canada ltd employs 54 on a monthly payroll of 16- 000 and comco stamping and electroplating 101 employees on a monthly payroll of 24843 our hospital is called the ux bridge cottage hospital at the request of and in memory of the late dr campbell who was one of the hospitals loyal sup porters it docs not have the greatness the coldness the im personal air of a general hos pital instead it is filled with hie closeness the warmth the friendliness of our cottage hospital those of us who have entered its doors know ol the feeling that added lo the mater ial things multiplies the serv ices that any hospital can pro vide our hospital was built with dreams perseverance sheer will power monies and labour both paid for and unpaid for to go over its history to recount its adventures and to paus where indicated to say thank you to each person who has don his bit is a feat beyond the literary abilities of this writer and in deed possibly the physical size of this newspaper nor do i be- lievo it necessary for every person wiio dreamt or toiled or gave need only look upon l he results of his la bours or dwell upon the well earned reputation our hospital lias achieved to receive thanks enough perhaps you have noticed that wc have talked much of our hos pital its services and its staff but have named no names the reason is that our hospital has succeeded as it has and pro vided rm nrt fc ha w because of any one persons ef forts but because of combined effort because of teamwork in modern medicine as never be fore new and greater achieve ments become possible daily be cause of tm0 and because of il our cottage hospital has succeeded in its first year as well or better than even its staunchesl supporter had hoped may its future years be as bright as the one just past a polar bear should be com plimented in that although he takes a cold bath in the winter he never bores anybody brag ging 2btsi it air uxbridg in county a hearing lo determine the legality of proceedings at a nom ination meeting nov 25 will he held in ontario county court at whitby feb 10 an application for a hearing was made by mrs marguerite chatterley who claims there has been a deliberate improper and illegal attempt to keep her off council through her solicitor thomas harris mrs chatterley xaid this week that tint application e charge court will be heard by judge wilmott of cobourg judge wilmott is assisting at the ontario county assizes during the illness of pre siding judge prilchard notice of the hearing has lieen served lo town clerk del- mas long who acled as relum ing officer at hie meeting and to wilfrid gould who subse quently was elected to the one remaining seal of the six seats open for council after a second nomination meeting was held lowest priced station wagon built in canada neirjfnoor station wagon a by studebaker v86 bmb t3rrrtf tttwt frlfiinft 44rivrnr ar ibf -jjpip- mj i oil hoc 2 a 4ijoor 5cdm 2 a4oor itmn ynnv- lutfl convert ty t les wilson motor sales main strkbt stouffvillb