skates and boots for christmas weldons mens wear yes we have gift certificates main street stouffville phone 172w family court yitxxtf any day is a drying day with a kelyinator or coronado dryer brand new 1960 models just teu- her t m easy judge priced as low as only 1879 down balance on easy monthly terms 18795 stouffers crest hardware stouffville phone 96 it is a good thing to observe christ mas day the mere marking of times and seasons when men agree to stop work and make merry together is a wise and wholesome custom it helps one to feel the supremacy of tlie com mon life over the individual life are you willing to stoop down and consider the needs and the desires of little children to remember the weak ness and loneliness of people who are growing old to stop asking how muck your friends love you and ask your self whether you love them enough to bear in mind the things that other people have to bear on their hearts to make a grave for your ugly thoughts and a garden for your kindly feelings with the gate open are you willing to do these things even for a day then you can keep christmas are you willing to believe that love la the strongest thing in the world stronger than hate stronger than evil stronger than death and that the blessed life which began in beth lehem some 1900 years ago is the image and brightness of the eternal love then you can keep christmas and if you jcp it for a day why not always henry von dyke ips still christmas in spain they say el natal in italy it is ii natal hollanders say krestmisse in germany they refer to wefanacmen inthe fc called christmas aictkxxxxkxxex5xltoth mmmiumm 6ozmr 83 79c on ytecf buys i insfant coffee cheery mom tea bags cheery morn 100 tomatoes stokeleys fancy 2otns 2 for 45 kleenex turnips minced beef lean pork chops len loin 200s farm fresh i lor 29 each 5 39c 69 a schelis free parking phone 220w lb food market free delivery nobl noel there ite plenty of expression in the sing ing of these yonniraters mem bers of hie choir at a washing ton c infant home first observance the first christmas observ ance in this country toot place shortly after columbus discov ered america the santa ma ria was beached on christmas and columbus and his men were unable to free her the ship wb stripped of as much gear as possible and when the nina was unable to accommo date all of the santa marias crew some of them were left behind in fort that in honor of the season was called i n- yidad the nativity tww wtiw rtw rtrt a w markham evenings doors open 6s0 sat matinee 115 what happens fi hmy after cscsstmsa is fee spirit of ch spenf in lavssn prsarason ana aegil- pation enjoyed buft briefly then thrown aside with hie wrapping paper find colored ribbon what happens the day after gnrisfeuas does one breathe a deep sign and inwardly say via 5fid fess its over for anomer year if this happens then certainly we are not keeping the christ mas the spirit of christmas is superficial our christmas symbols and ornaments many of them pagan in their origin are only deco rative trappings tor creating a festive spirtt st iss kess bui corisimas is woo superficial cftribtaum s3 kraju and so must observance of the holiday be real and not the mere matter of observing customs and practices as a matter of conformity the glitter is gone from evergreens and houy wreaths on the day after christmas the tree suddenly becomes old and druie its needles upon we carpet no longer does the bright figure of santa adorn ttie mantle or doorway it simply iranss there beft of eiomo ni stirring little anleuiuation chfeaa we have c the christmas ja smjsaiakoas ss wod observance of christartaa day hen we have observed a meantogrees holiday this year let os keep me curisunas in a spirit mat win keep sie profound meaning of the holiday deep in cur hearts for the remainder of the days after christmas as we observe the christmas we hhz3i find time to meditate upon the great reality that upon this day christ was bom bringing to all mankind the promise of eternal salvation this is the message of christmas and the tscreft to sfeo sikmbsfiil jbeeping of chrisms tsk- 9b8t3f ocoa ewpt thurs fri sat december 10 11 12 the young land starts 7 945 pat wayne yvonne craig technicolor action on the mexican border the kabbit trap starts 830 pm heartwarming story with david brian bethel leslie ernest borgnine mon tues december 14 wed 15 16 shake hands with the devil don murray james cagney starts 7 9 pm caught in a war which was not his his mission is isxsuly me hhmm but not mb ecdao and hh maze thats the story of santa around he worifi santa as we know him in america ixisy gn wsa jtoro too description given by clement ef core in his famous poem the visit from saint nicholas this truly familiar symbol of christmas was a somewhat angular figure before moore gave him a sleigh twinkling eyes cheeks like razes rose like a aherrg and a round kttfe billy the idea of santa clans began american ms carrier brraob with the dutch and their 5anta gfciklren prepare their christmas klass a contraction from st lists and throw mem into the nicholas lengesthuy bishop of back of the fire supposedly st hyra and the patron saint ct the paper goes up file chknnoy children children in holland father christmas vih bring may refer to either sinterklass all of hie gifts if the paper or saint nickolas early set- burob me writer must prepare tiers in america adopted the leg- another list and try again ertdry figure and changed the name from saint kickolous to santa kaknrf to santa clauo teie nsm in france it is pare who visits the children and e is usually pictured on a mule british children just as ameri can write letters to the christ mas giver of gifts and prepare lists of the things they would like to receive but they direct their missives to father christ mas and follow a tradition which might find favor with czcchoslavakian children ipate fhc arrival of keztoea or jesus in new russia fatbe frost is the equivalent of santa- but old russians still call mm baboushka in germany san ta may be either krits kihglav oiirjctkindl or krilking italian children who must wait until tan 5 the kve of epiphany anticipate the arrival i la befana but whether its the norwegian julenisse or the chinese lan khoonykhoong nice om rather santa the giftgiver is a part of christmas nearly everywhere township of uxbridgie tender the undersigned will receive separate tenders for each for the supply and delivery of the following items delivered to the township garage at good wood ontario until 1200 noon 19 december 1959 gasoline no 1 no 2 no 1 diesel fuel furnace oil lubricants it is a requirement that the successful tenderer will supply and install all storage and pumping equipment also to inspect and recommend correct lubricants that should be used on the various township machines estimated volumes may be obtained from the clerk or road supt lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted stanley slack road supt j e foskett clerk goodwood phone 554j4 goodwood phone 551j2 cedar grove the christmas season opened officially in cedar grove on sun day night with a beautiful white gift service in zion church the children conducted the service with ease and clarity both in words and music while nativity scenes were acted in colourful pantomime throughout the eve ning the girls choir sang chris tmas songs and carols of which silent night and ring out sweet bells of christmas were unbelievably sweet close to one hundred partook of a fine turkey supper under the aspiccs of the ypu on fri day last and a very substantial start was made toward the sup port of the young peoples-ad- opted child the annual mitten tree which has gained an important place in the cedar grove tradition of christmas will not take place 1he st0uffv1ue trisune ttasii dettabw m 1959 pit 9 business directory accountants john a wylie fla licensed public accountant auditor main st stooffrille s stores west of rr tracks telephone 495 residence 545jl residence rr3 slouffriue auctioneers w d atkinson phone stouffville 863 licensed auctioneer and sale manager sales conducted anywhere specializing in the preparation and selling of purebred consign ments and dispersals farm auc tions furniture and real estate sales bills prepared and posted at no extra cost this specialized ser vice really pays off and means money in your pocket- phone stocffville sfis ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario hlliiken po markham po ph ax 86987 ph mark 846 prentices hare been established auctioneers since 1890 a s farmer licensed auctioneer counties of york ontario farm stock furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone gormley 5311 6935 1eauty salons the powder puff beauty salon jot oneill open tuesday and thursday nights closed monday bvrr appointment call stouff 469 after hours call stouff 08wl joy beauty salon permanent waving individual styling razor shaping phone stouffville 98w2 mrs verna austin prop chiropractors wm s baffid dc doctor of chtropraotio xray bors 1012 am 24- 79 pm monday to friday 3aturday 1012 am sss7 main st n mnrlcham oat telephone 701 optometrists e a grubin ro optosietrist plctoii stouffville at stouffrille office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays nov 16th and 17th dec 14th and 15th phones i 8bj2 and 5j1 garnet v gray od optometrist stouffville medical centre phone 616 for appointment- hours 1000 am to 800 pm every tuesday insurance birkett son general insurance agency stooffrille ontario insurance ic reliable companies t reasonable rates prompt service phones 2s8wl and s59wt legal fred m pugh general insurance phono stouffville 5w a mortgaro protects the lending company against the loss of its money mortjrap insurance helps protect the family against the loss of their home consult your mutnal life of canada represen tative robert w mcvey barrister ft solicitor suite s14 2 richmond street west markham toronto phone 838 phone em80s8s kennedy kennedy barristers solicitors xotarie 67 richmond st w toronto ross kennedy prov hwy 7 locust hill markham 755 arthur a kennedy prov hwy 7 locust hill markham 832 cattanach htndson barristers solicitors stouffville by appointment anytime phone markham 25 main street markham phone 25 david a coon barrister solicitor notary public hivsnlnfrs or by appointment fhone gormley 8887 toronto office 12tt 610 continental life bld st1 bay st toronto phone em 48321 medical irierbush hospital bay and night service maternity medical and surcrleal member of the allied private hospital association government licensed folly accredited under the new ontario services commission health plan which becomes effec tive january 1958 mala street east stouffville opticians mcmanus stronach prescription opticians 1211 a bay st at bloor wa 414278 857 eguntoa ave w hu 898s13 ta toronto filling your oculists prescriptions only for listings of byo physicians phono either of above numbers dental funeral directors neil c smith lds dds graduate of university of toronto obes over canadian bank ot commerce xeraphoiio 167w stonffvflle surveyors land graydon t horton associates ontario land surveyors consulting engineers dijndas bldg whitby whitby ajas mo 85091 728 l e oneill stouffvillb funeral director and embalmer oontlonoua telephone service day or night phone stonffvllle 9swl stouffville machine tool work telephone 2ss rear ot cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machinery machinery repair in quite the same way this year the mothers club has decided against a party but will have boxes at the sunday school on dec 13th and 20th to receive mittens from those wishing to contribute to the save the chil dren fund mittens of all sizes will be welcome congratulations are in order this week for mr and mrs carl ramcr who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on sunday with a surprise party carefully planned by their family and to mr george freeman who has a birthday coming up on dec 13th mothers club bowling night is dec 14th at 915 pm in the new alleys will any rcjrulai bowlers who cannot be prs please arrange their own etitutcs