juveniles to play at whitby thurs stouffvilles juvenile club will get their first taste of actual team competition on thursday night of this week when they journey to whitby for an exhi bition game a tentative sched ule has been drawn up it will be completed when definite word is received from uxbridge the group will likely comprise lind say bowmanville port perry and whitby uxbridge and ajax are still question mark entries the midget team hopes to gel rolling in actual group play shortly they may be entered in a loop similar to the juvenile league the stouffville tribune classified advertising rates articles for sale livestock for sale real estate wanted cars for sale lost found etc cuh rt 3 per word lit week 2c extra conietutiie weeki with minimum of 75c lit week 50c for extra consecutive weeks jltut be paid week of insertion u charged an additional 25c will be added a charce of 25 will be made for ail replies directed to this office notices coming events cards of thanks i a word with a minimum of j 100 births engagements marriages sea word with a minimum of 100 in hemortams 100 minimum for 4line verve plus eoc for each additional 4line terse display classifieds 125 per inch with a minimum of one inch additional consecutive insertions at fl00 per inch ah classified ads must be in this office not later than 10 am wednesday send cash stamps or money orders and lave money clip this out for reference outlines purpose for pickering twp museum education is one of the most important functions of a mu seum and one of its most difficult prolems is having to accept things it does not need so said kenneth e kidd cur ator of ethnology royal ontario museum at a general meeting of the pickering township his torical society held at brougham thursday during the meeting the exec utive committee was authorized to proceed for purchase of the schoolhouse and grounds which will be the site of the proposed township museum in broug ham and also to negotiate for purchase of the old board-and- batten green river school plans are now being laid for the opening of a drive for a mini mum of 10000 to establish the museum mr kidd one of canadas out standing ethnologists and a vet eran of 25 years with the rom outlined some of the problems which must be faced a museum had many functions he said first of all it must be decided what type of museum was want ed there must be collection of exhibits conservation of them and fully qualified interpreters to explain what they were about i dont think a museum con sists just of buildings and things he said you should think of buildings collections interpretation personnel the latter being just as important as the collecting interpreters or staff members must be able to explain the objects the uses of the articles in it people must know what they are see ing a museum is in many ways comparable to a library he pointed out i think the utili tarian things our ancestors used should be kept but care must be taken in selection if you turn down an indian axe the prospective donor may take it to europe or elsewhere and it is lost he said the teaching function is most important many museums i are founded with an eye to tour- elect keith middlemiss public utilities commissioner the stouffville public utilities are in need of much planning and management i am submitting my past 10 years of experience on the public school board 3 years as chairman plus 10 years in the electrical contracting business my experience with general trades and town opera tion to become a utility commissioner for stouff ville i have the time and will devote it and the planning needed to stouffvilles development if elected ists but that to me is not the sound foundation he said the museum should be a research or study centre and visiting scholars should find something of interest there even if you only have children visiting it to study the costumes of their an cestors the idea of a museum is essentially educational its function to conserve what has been inherited from the past we dont want to conserve the things which have no use if a 1910 car doesnt work it has no value and isnt worth the space it would take he said the bane of every museum is having to accept the things it does not need the things not wanted and not desirable he continued but to avoid illwill we have to accept them un fortunately the accumulation of such things valuable to the donors but not so valuable to the museum required storage spare which might better be de voted to the proper type of ex hibit the miller site or valley farm road excavation of which has been under walter kenyon for two years is one of the best sites not only here but in north east canada generally he said excavation of the site that of an indian village will con tinue for several years he indi cated among immediate problems of the historical society he said were decisions on what kind of museum would be best for pickering township col lection conservation and preser vation of articles for display the teaching function of a mu seum study and research with facilities provided therefor the society must decide on a field of specialization if any and what storage facilities should be provided for the future remem bering that displays should be changed at least in part at fre quent intervals i solicit your vote altona wi gives 50 to museum womens organizations in pic kering township are support ing the drive for funds for es tablishment of a museum at brougham w g lawson chair man of the historical society announced the altona womens institute had contributed 5000 to the drive for the minimum of 1000000 while the township horticultural society had con tributed 2500 with the stipula tion the money be used towards landscaping and beautification of the grounds at the museum site keith middlerniss badminton party the stouffvijle badminton club will hold a christmas par ty at the stouffville dist high school on wednesday evening dec 9th the gettogether will mark the final night of play for the current year some consid eration is being given to a bad minton tournament in aurora during the week of dec 14 plans to date are not complete some executives play at work in the morning and work at golf in the afternoon carload groceteria santa claus parade specials copaco pure pork sausage 33 tb lean minced beef 3dbs 99c burns bologna by piece 29 lb libbys 20 oz pork beans 2 tins for iyc chr3sties premium soda crackers 1 lb pkg 36 each puritan beef stew 240 tin j c turnips 2 for 25c bananas 2lbs for 25c dont forget to drop tribune coupons in our store we deliver stouflviue phone 280 auction sale 82 acre fabm horses cattle poultry implements grain and hay dishes glassware furniture lot 13 con 7 pickering twp saturday dec 12 the following property belonging to john h middleton horses 1 bay horse aged 1 gray horse aged 1 black horse aged these are good work horses cattle 1 red cow bred july 22 milking hereford cow bred june 29 black cow bred aug 22 milking brindle cow not bred milking spotted cow not bred milking black white cow not bred milking jersey cow not bred milking roan heifers bred nov 16 black white heifer 2 veal calves poultry approx 45 hens hay grain about 100 bales of hay about 600 bales of straw about 1500 bus oats implements 7ft mh grain binder in good working order 5ft cut mh mower mh seed drill 11disc grost wood cultivator 13tooth good corn cultivator mh land roller cultivator 13 teeth 2 sets harrows 4 sections each mh side delivery rake dump hay rake harrow cart fanning mill king of the west grain bag holder bag truck corn binder mccordeering mh riding plow hay fork car 2furrow plow cockshutt 2 single plows fleury hay fork- rope 150 ft sling ropes harness collars set weigh scales 2000 lb cap renfrew cream separator good chop box 7 steel posts logging chain oil barrel 2 gas barrels 5gal gas can va bus basket galvanized tub big stinky fly trap gravel box bottom emery grindstone set of sleighs 2 buggies 1 cutte 2 hay hooks 8tined fork 6tined fork 2 manure forks spade stable broom crow bar short tongue for wagon rubbertired wagon hay rack wagon wheels wagon box disc harrows electric fencer sacks ladders 3 crosscut saws grease gun scuffler circular saw pig trough chicken crate coal brooder stove hover chicken feed troughs stone boat watering can corn hoe set wagon springs snow fence 2 rolls barbed wire fence stretcher for barbed wire clover seed timothy seed mixed clover timothy seed 1 pile cow manure 1 pile horse manure to be re moved within 15 days after sale other articles too numerous to mention furniture many antique articles 2 bedsteads springs mattresses bedstead springs spool bed springs 2 feather ticks 2 feather pillows 2 dressers 3 washstands antique washstand findlay oval range with warming closet reservoir comet stove with reservoir coal heater special oak extension table 8 ft fall leaf table antique new williams sewing machine kitchen cupboard antique couch spring couch 2 toilet sets 3 spring couch mattresses antique toilet set commode 88piece set of dishes odd dishes glassware some antique dishes antique glassware 3 roast pans crocks antique roast pan small tables victrola records apple peeling machine antique battery radio stewart warner clocks 4 chairs 5 chairs rocking chair 2 rocking chairs easy chairs love seat spinning wheel coal oil stove perfection buffalo robe mans fur coat 1 pair mans felt boots size 6 quilts blankets cushions carpet rug approx 11x13 ft lawn croquet set carpet pictures clothes basket silverware quilting frames curtain stretcher bakeboard rolling pin cooking utensils 3 frying pans iron frying pan coaloil lamps sad irons coaloil lanterns crokinole board fruit jars 2 coffee percolators lantern glasses tea steeper meat saw teakettles kitchen stool food chopper 2 vinegar jugs antique clothes wringer lawn rake clothes wringer on stand lawn rake baskets and other articles too numerous to mention no reserve iii health forces owner to sell at same time and place will be offered subject to reserve bid 82 acre farm more or less with running stream solid brick house bank barn and out build ings fall plowing all done with 9 acres of wheat 17 acres seeded for hay greenwood womens assn will one taxpayers views as a taxpayer in the town of stouffville i would like to make a few comments through the medium of the paper on the nomination meeting held last thursday night viewing the whole situation through the eyes of an outsider unbiased in his thinking not aspiring a muni cipal office therefore i have no axe to grind nor am i a mouth piece for some organized clique i was bewildered to say the least to hear council being con demned by some of the sponsor ed candidates over a few petty grievances which made more humor than common sense and at the same time not offering any concrete suggestions as to how they propose to do a better job the only promise i can re call coming from the candidates was if elected i will do my best we heard the same thing last year but many seem to have grown dissatisfied on the bul letin board were the names of the sponsored candidates many of whom lived in town but work ed elsewhere which necessitated them being away during the day i cant see how they hope to serve the town to the fullest and to the best interest of all they could attend the night meetings but the work and there is plenty of it would have to be done by other council men during the day remember this town business is getting to be big business and requires a great deal of planning and fore thought this past year must have been a trying one for coun cil are we giving them all the support we should or are we more ready to condemn them for a few petty reasons the council has given of their time and tried to administer the town business probably some of us feel that they have errored in their judgment but how can we expect them to continue doing their best during the year then on nomination night to be treat ed as though on trial fortreas- on we should give credit where credit is due they cant be wrong all the time nor should they be thrown to the wolves to be torn to bits the five council men had my sympathy as they sat on the platform and the only defence offered on their behalf was when they told us a few of the highlights of 1959 and what they planned for 1960 i do not agree with all the decisions of the council i am opposed to any mass annexat ion of 1200 acres and warn coun cil to beware of those flowery speeches of some land develop ers lest we be taken down the drain maybe we do need more land within the limits in order to accommodate the normal growth of our town the popu lation has increased a little over 1000 since i came here 15 years ago probably the most contentious matter before the council is the new municipal building this takes precedence over the sew ers personally i consider this new municipal project the big gest blunder the council has made since being elected to office their present municipal accommodation may not be ad equate for todays administrat ion but why buy something that has been a white elephant for some time and will never be anything but a headache for years to come you can dress up the inside but the outside has to stand the test of time i venture to say the day will come when this old structure will be con demned for public use if my memory serves me correctly we were told that 4600000 would complete the building and coun cil had the money therefore would not cost the taxpayer one cent why not be wise spend a little more money build our selves a new and modern municipal building which would be a credit to council and looked upon as an achievement why wasnt an expenditure of this sizeable amount put to a vote by the taxpayer someone has said we need more parking space so we buy an old building to get a parking lot i surmise as before there will be a sign posted saying fl parking at any time with a big arrow pointing both ways or maybe this will be modified by a small sign employees parking on ly referring to this idea space does not warrant going into this in detail the only smart part of this building deal was when the owners sold this old outdated building to the council with the result we have a white elephant tied up behind the bank maybe this was a case of good sales manship i suggest we should have giv en the 1959 council an acclamat ion that they may have a chance to clean up the mess further more we dont need a new coun cil but rather the men in our present council to stand up and say no when the occasion a- rises lam fully aware that not ev eryone will agree with these views comments and suggest ions signed w d atkinson bon for beeve and council advertisement sell refreshments in afternoon sale at 12 oclock sharp a s farmer auctioneer phone gormlcy 5311 continued from front 266355 stouffville he said was also asking for the annex ation of land but this was in abeyance at present aurora had requested annexation of three properties for rvic reasons and these had been taken into the town over barrel for firea reeve richardson said that the township was somewhat over a barrel when it came to fire protection he sated that aurora had insisted on a new agreement calling for increased standby time and fire call char ges when aurora wants our peoples business they should be a little more lenient in re gards to fire protection he said mr richardson said that an official plan was being prepared for the township which should be a benefit to all people will not have to run the risk of some undesirable building cropping up near a good home which they may have built services too long coming- linden hanson who is oppos ing george richardson for the office of reeve said that it had taken a hundred years to get one mile of permanent pave ment in the township how long will it take to get the re mainder he said that a lot of money spent was for dust layer we have been sitting still for 20odd years he said he said that much had been said about the unsatisfactory growth of lake wilcox but nothing was done to correct the situation he claimed that there were variations in assessment of 25 to 60 on comparable properties in commenting on the gar bage dump which is taking ref use from aurora he said it should never have been per mitted in the first place he charged that the township was ten to fifteen years behind in subdivision planning no business in urban development we have no business to be in urban development at the present time said deputyreeve wallwork who has been return ed to office by acclamation the township operates on very lit tle money and the rest goes for education we have a large cap ital debt and it may be worse be fore its better this is a rural municipality and we cannot do all the things we would like to do we are under permissive legislation said mr wallwork we would like to clean up more of these things but we havent the mon ey in many instances there is little support from the citizens when committees are formed continued mr wallwork in referring to school matters he said when meetings are called to deal with capital expendi tures only a handful turn out and then the people blame the school board the school board has no alternative but to pro ceed with the expenditures no matter how few attend must prevent scramble frank williams who is ask ing for reelection as councillor said he thought it would be a good thing if the scramble for industry was done away with he stated that in some provin ces industrial assessment had been lumped and distributed among all municipalities dog revenue up mrs elsie gibbs councillor who is running again this year told the ratepayers that dog re venue had risen from 1374 to 51794 this year and that there had been over half a million dollars in new buildings erect ed in the township this year she said council knew that there was a lot of inferior hous ing around wilcox lake but that these houses were occupied and it took time to move them out she said that she had per sonally collected cash prizes for a competition for those at the lake to cleanup and paintup but so few had taken part the contest was washed but as chairman of the bylaws and permits committee she said that bylaws had to be drawn very carefully as it was difficult to have them worded so that the courts would uphold them commenting on industry she told the audience that she did not think that industry would come to whitchurch without siwers and water winter work paid off ross farquharson who is standing for reelection said that the road work done by the men on relief last winter cost the ratepayers 200 less than if the men had been on relief he said that he had attended 77 meet ings spent 261 hours on council work and travelled 890 miles on township business he stated that the many re strictions placed by government departments on councils ac tions were for the nefit of the ratepayers in referring to the growth of the township he said extensive and expensive go hand in hand bylaws not enforced c r smith nominated for council charged that many township bylaws were not en forced if theyre not enforced why not wipe them out what do we get for our 1he stoktyuue ibkme thnv dttmtbm j 1959 pap 7 spk1 f- m w ji jx br rrf- ji btfliliiiiiflk te n 2r ji tb wkjf- vb lv h lb m 1 a 911 ft jh m b h hart a c new hours a c kennedy dc 912 tues frl hart kennedy dc x9 3ioh- wed frl for appointment ph stouffville 617 answering service kennedy chiropractic office church st s- stouffville money he asked if the taxes get much higher the people wont be able to pay them what then offers experience ivan mclaughlin who is run ning for the office of councillor offered congratulations to the 1959 council for the work ac complished he said he would be running and could offer many years of council experience he who is caught with an ace up his sleeve will have the deuce to pay markham twp election continued from front chairman of the road committee said he deplored the lack of any progressive work over a number of years he said the present plan was to pave a few miles of roadway each year and so reduce the maintenance costs stanley watson said that he considered the township well protected by the neighboring fire departments although coun cil had received a recommenda tion for the township to estab lish one fire outfit of its own near thornhlu christ church anglican stouffville rot j d tiller rector sunday december 6th 1959 2nd sunday after advent 10 am holy communion 10 am junior sunday school 11 am senior sunday school 730 pjn wed choir practice churchill musselmans lake bible school sunday december 6th 1959 1030 sunday school the church that cares dont forget our christmas treat december 11th at 8 pm united church stouffville kov douglas dnvls sunday december 6th 1959 sunday school 945 am junior to senior 11 am nursery to primary 11 am morning worship junior choir mon 7 pm explorers tues 730 pm cubs wed 730 pm scouts thurs 7 pm cgit 830 pm choir practice wednesday dec 9 8 pm the evening auxiliary holds its christmas meeting sundav dec 13 is white gift sunday getting ready for christmas remember this is the birthday of jesus stocffvtliie memorial christian church sunday december 6th 1959 10 am sunday school 11 am morning worship mr benjerman will be speak ing at both services 730 pm gospel service special music mrs benjer man 730 wed evening jr choir practice prayer and bible study in the church st james presbyterian church stouffville minister rev gordon hamill ba sunday december 6th 1959 10 ain morning worship worship with us altona christian united missionary church rev don sargcnnt pastor sunday december 6th 1959 1030 am sunday school 730 pm service wed 8 pm prayer service brethren in christ church heise hill gormley pastor rev wm vanderbent ph richmond hill turner 43155 sunday december 6th 1959 sunday school 10 am worship service 11 am evangelistic 730 pm midweek prayer service wed 745 pm you are cordially invited to all services bloomington christian associated gospel church mr k n simmons minister sunday december 6th 1959 10 am bible school for all 11 am worship service 2 pm young peoples 730 pm gospel service wed 8 pm prayer bible study second markham a bakrk hill baptist chukches rev brace hlsey sunday december 6th 1959 second markham next sunday bible school 10 am morning service 11 am bnker hill next sunday bible school 130 pm service 230 pm all welcomi vivian mccormack memorial church rev bran hlscjr pastor sunday december 6th 1959 7030 am bible school classes for all ages 730 pm evening worship tues 8 pm prayer bible study thurs 8 pm young peoples mrs will rae will bring a christmas message frl 8 pm christmas concert a warm welcome to ail united church melville charge rer o datlson sunday december 6th 1959 10 ajn peachs 1140 am melville 2j0 pjn bethesda white gift sunday at melville sunday school frl dec 4 ypu meeting at the c burkholder home 800 pm all young people on the charge invited tues dec 8 815 pm peachs wms to meet at the home of mrs g sale stouffville baptist church a church with a message for today sunday december 6th 1959 10 am bible school all ages come and join our growing school 11 am family worship 7 pm prayer meeting 730 pm evangelistic service subject will christ reign upon this earth wed 8 pm prayer and bible study thurs 4 pm childrens sun shine corner preacher rev j williams pasior bible teacher evangelist we welcome you united missionary church rev c e bell minister sunday december 6th 1959 dicksons hill 945 am morning worship 1050 am sunday school 730 pm evening service wed 8 pm prayer service markham 10 am sunday school 11 am morning worship thurs 8 pm prayer service a welcome awaits you stouffville united missionary church rot arthur walsh minister sunday december 6th 1959 10 am sunday school 11 ajn 730 pm the pastor will preach thursday tonight at 8 pm mrs d sargent will speak in interest of the mission to the jews gormley united missionary church rev o e nnnklng minister sunday december 6th 1959 10 am sunday school 11 am- morning worship 7 pm crusaders for christ 730 pjn evangcllstlc service ringwood christian church pastor leroy soper sunday december 6th 1959 10 am sunday school 1110 am k 120 pn worship services 8 pm moa ce prayer meet- pm ing