pc the stouffyiue tfueune tiuraur october 8 1s5 councillor urges more cooperation between council and planning board need more discussion says councillor spang ward 2 councillor edgar james has urged that there should be more cooperation between the township council and the planning board ii we continually bypass the rec ommendations of the planning board then i can see little use in having one stated councillor james council were criticized last week by planning board members for giving two readings to a zoning bylaw that has virtually frozen the rural area of the township north of cone 3 councillor harry ashion charged that an appendix should have been included with the planning boards map which would have designated various types of zoning for different areas members confused councillor james admitted that perhaps he had voted in favour of a motion without the proper knowledge of what was involved he agreed that the north end of the township had not been completely dealt with by the planning board i certainly dont think that the whole north end of the township should be zoned rural agricultural he stated reeve sherman scott agreed that perhaps some members of council were confused on the true meaning of the bylaw revisions can be made and i feel must be made befor a third reading can be given suggested the reeve he in formed council that the planning board considered the action as being hasty he said that no provisions had been made on the map for hamlets north of cone 3 im convinced that it is a very difficult job to show the hamlets included he said tempest in teapot councillor harry ashton charged that the whole matter was nothing more than a tempest in a teapot until the planning board sits down and sets up a work able appendix i dont feel they should ask the council for anything he continued they argue back and forth like a bunch of children he said he charged that three different types of maps had been issued by the planning board coun cillor ashton contended that the temporary freezing would not constitute a major hardship i dont consider that this condition will last forever and ever he noted i cant see why one should worry about waiting more than another trying to cooperate dep reeve mrs jean mcpherson said she resented the fueling retained by the planning board on councils action in the matter she pointed out that planning board had requested council to take some action on a zoning bylaw that had been under consideration for the past eighteen months when we took action then we were accused of acting to hastily she said i resent that she continued she suggested that council were anxious to proceed with the bylaw in order to cooperate with the planning board the sooner w stop working at crosspurposes with the planning board the better it will be noted the reeve would take too long reeve scott informed council that as a result of their action the planning board were how unable to grant any consents anywhere in the township i would like to know what areas are to be zoned what questioned councillor ross hawthorne councillor james con tended that it would take too long to properly designate the entire township he urged that for the present their efforts should be confined with the area south of cone 3 in a motion it was agreed that two previous resolutions presented to council should be returned to the planning board and that a proper appendix should be substituted before a third reading could be given to a zoning bylaw council criticized for freezing rural areas a planning board withholds approval on development a scenic residential develop- attendance problem in the sec- ment proposed by messrs clif- tion at the present time he ford dunkeld and gordon pearce i suggested that the development pickering township council were criticized by members of planning board on friday night for their action in giving two readings to a zoning bylaw that has virtually frozen all land north of cone 3 as rural agri cultural board chairman mr geo t todd expressed regret when a number of consents re quested by individual deputa tions had to be withheld councils action certainly was not by recommendation from planning board stated the chairman i feel they should have waited he said board member wm newman pointed out that they did not wish to deal with zoning in the rural districts until the matter had been given more serious study for some reason coun cil wished to have the north zoned he stated the plan ning board certainly didnt con done it he concluded he point ed out that unless the zoning bylaw is amended it would be difficult for planning board to grant consents we feel quite badly about it he noted board member wells ritchie termed the action by council as being rather hasty objects to cost of culverts news from brougham the wms of st johns church will hold their regular meeting on thursday october 15 at the home of mrs lindo assisted by mrs r ellicott and mrs w hamilton conveners mrs j white mrs w willson mrs e campbell roll call promise mr and mrs keith steckley of stouffville visited with k c and mrs pascoe on sunday we are sorry to hear mrs malrs is under the doctors care due to an attack of shingles we all join in wishing her a speedy recovery mr and mrs ray ellicott and family visited with her mother mrs mcguckin at stouffville on sunday the 4h girls club will meet at the home of mrs harden on saturday at 10 am their motto cottons may be smart each girl to make a cotton dress they will be shown how to choose their material and also how to cut patterns all girls twelve years old are invited the womens institute will hold their next regular meeting on tuesday october 13 at 2 pm in the township hall the pro gram historical research will be in charge of mrs geo gray assisted by mrs bradshaw and mrs robt malcolm roll call an early school picture hos tesses mrs m ellicott mrs a glen mrs d beer and mrs bradshaw all ladies welcome mr and mrs bonin of lindsay visited with mr and mrs thos english one day last week mr and mrs rankin had a business trip to new york re cently mr and mrs geo perry were in uxbridge one day last week mr and mrs cliff wannop re- turned home after a pleasant visit with friends in indianapo lis mr and mrs gerald harbron and daughter inajean visited with their aunt mrs matthews on friday evening mr and mrs boyington called on mr and mrs d l malrs on sunday congratulations to mr and mrs jos barjack jr on the arrival of a young son mr and mrs jerry visited with mrs van luven at osh- awa on sunday mr harry tindall a resident on the uxbridgepickering town- line appeared before a regular meeting of pickering township council on monday night to voice objection to the 55500 fee charged for installing new cul verts in private driveways reeve sherman scott inform ed the ratepayer that the town ship did not obtain a subsidy on driveway pipe mr tindall ar gued that he had consulted two road superintendents in two other municipalities and was told that a subsidy was obtain able for such work road supt jack chapman supported the reeves statement no munici pality obtains a subsidy on drive way culverts he said mr chapman explained that the cost of the culvert was 54360 in addition to 5500 for gravel the cost of labor to in stall the pipe had to be const ered we are doing the work at cost he said dep reeve mrs jean mc pherson explained that if the old culvert was damaged or even undersize it was replaced at no cost to the property own er she noted that often old boiler pipe logs and fence rails were being used she stated that when these were removed the owner was required to pay for a new pipe the township is not making any money on culverts said the reeve he noted that the cost of steel pipe had increased by 52000 only recently he said that the 55500 fee was a stand ard charge across the whole township brig spragge honoured by red cross for nine 2acre lots bounded by cone 8 on the north and the pickeringmarkham townline on the west has been held up by the pickering twp planning board the property owners and their solicitor mr donald hind- son of markhara appeared be fore the board at a regular meeting on friday night eleven lots fronting on the townline have been approved and sold the owners wish to complete the residential block and sell off the remaining lots at the rear the proposed homes would be 1500 square feet in size board member mr wm g newman informed the deputa tion that due to the freezing of rural areas in the township north of cone 3 as rural agri cultural it would be impossible for the board to grant consents this is almost a subdivision and even without the zoning by law it should be given more con sideration suggested mr sher man scott solicitor hindson informed the board that the proposed homes would be of adequate as sessment to support any school addition that might be neces sary in the future he said that there was no immediate school of the rear lots would increase the value of the lots fronting on the townline road an everflow ing stream cuts through the property a concession road to the south would have to be op ened and maintained since its zoned r a we cannot take any action stated mr newman surely the areas of broug ham whitevale and claremont should not be frozen noted the solicitor i contend that its not a good thing member sherman scott con tended that council were desir ous of placing some type of zon ing on both the north and south areas of the township but he felt that the rural section should not have been complete ly zoned ra board member mr edgar james said that the property had been inspected by a com mittee and it was decided that any approval should be with held until a greenbelt policy in the township was established there is nothing wrong with the lots he said its a ques tion of policy mr wells ritchie stated that the land lent itself to greenbelt zoning cherrywood the annual presentation of attendance awards took place at the united church sunday school on rally day sept 27th receiving a special prize was wayne hollinger for his third year perfect attendance the campbell family set a record by all three susan robert and lorna receiving a prize for per fect attendance receiving al umni diplomas were karen wa- gar paulette riches emma laughlln margaret milne joan petty and bill petty these have attended 75 of the year for eight years barbara brown received her first diploma as did james arm strong darlene dart and garry payne the latter three from the beginners class getting second year seals were luella hollinger margaret tay lor sandra goddard susan hol linger heather hollinger garry benham donna benham peter harding elizabeth harding ra chel aitken lorna campbell road supt says that winter works program no benefit to township ratepayer charges planning bd aiding land developers accusations by a pickering township ratepayer that the planning board was working in support of outside land develop ers at a risk to township resi dents brought bitter protests from board member wm g newman at a regular meeting of planning board on friday night mr a w munroe an owner of ten acres bordering on a development at rougedale acres supported his verbal charge with a letter approvals granted to sub- dividers is like selling licenses to hunters stated mr munroe he charged that he had never seen a copy of the subdivision plan nor had been contacted per sonally by the planning board i could sight about six in stances where the rights of rate payers have been placed at a risk to promote the big land developer continued mr mun roe i feel however that it would only be a case of digging up dirty linen he noted the remark brought a sharp denial from board member w newman i take exception to such insinuations he shot back if anything is wrong then i like to be told to my face he continued if i have made mis takes then i would be the first to apologize he said per haps i wasnt even a member of the board at the time mr newman pointed out that the planning board did not pro ceed blindly ahead without tak ing fringe land into considera tion the meetings are always open and you are welcome to attend at any time suggested board chairman geo todd i feel that the planning board has neither the staff nor the obligation to prepare plans for adjoining properties said board member sherman scott the developer mr mcintosh noted that the proposed sub division had been under dis cussion for many months and the complainant had had plenty of opportunity to register ob jections to the scheme certain ly weve held enough meeting over it he noted mr munroe partially apolo gized for his remarks he said he had no intentions of stalling the development but did not wish his property to be land locked by it board member mr wells ritchie suggested that the twp engineer mr jefferson and planning consultant mr wall ace little should discuss the en tire matter with he adjacent landowner mr munroe his motion was appoved by the board brigadier john g spragge dso obe ed one of canadas noted soldiers of world war ii and treasurer of the pickering township and village branch of the red cross has been appointed dis aster chairman of the ontario division of the red cross so ciety at a meeting of branch mem bers last week he was honored with a citation for his guid ance in the formative years of the pickering branch mrs david crichton president of the branch made the presen tation although mr spragge will now be supervising the serv ices of the red cross when disasters occur throughout the province he will also stay on as honorary treasurer with the pickering branch mr spragge has had a dis tinguished military career serving in the queens own rifles from 1925 to 1940 he served in the 2nd world war from 1940 to 1945 first as a lieutenantcolonel in the 1st battalion of the queens own and later as brigadier with the 7th canadian infantry bri gade he is married to mary mar garet dunlop daughter of the hon e a dunlop of pem broke the spragges reside at rr 1 ashburn ont road supt jack chapman has voiced disapproval of a planned winter works program for pickering township he at tended a regular meeting of council on monday night mr chapman advised the members that more work would have been completed if the township had employed its own personnel and taken the cost out of the regular road budget he said that a number of relief work men were difficult to handle on one occasion they ganged up on the foreman and the inci dent was broken up only by the intervention of myself and mr hicks explained mr chap man theres little point in con tinuing the program if it is go ing to cost the road depart ment money noted reeve scott welfare officer mr cane agreed that a number of the men proved difficult to handle he suggested that they might be used in other forms of employ ment than on road work robert campbell susan camp bell and david robinson receiving third year seals- allen gates fourth year seals john taylor dianne shields sixth year seals barrie john son robin johnson dorothy hollinger and wayne hollinger a number of ladies met at the hall and quilted on tuesday claremont pickering tp news the la of the guides and brownies met at the home of mrs rhoda almack for their monthly meeting with vice chairman mrs june mlchell in the chair correspondence and business were dealt with a presentation of a lovely table lamp was made to mrs k hay- ward for her faithful service as captain in the girl guide co mrs almack showed some beau tiful slides taken of england and france during their visit there a social half hour follow ed the meeting the scout and cub mothers group held a wiener roast at the home of mrs irene payne on thursday evening a number of guide and brow- nie mothers met at the home of mrs ethel browning who is an honourary member of the group to pack a large variety of cookies which were so gener ously donated by all the moth ers on saturday morning cla- rcmont saw guides and brown ies on all the streets selling the cookies the public responded very generously and the girls cokl aiout two hundred and sixty dozen cookies which the la guides and brownies ap preciate very much and say thanks for a successful cookie day a very large number of clare- mont people enjoyed markham fair on saturday afternoon mrs aloyst was admitted to ajax hospital on monday she was able to return home on saturday and we are pleased to know she is feeling a little better the recreation committee will hold another jr dance on friday oct 9 in the commun ity hall at 730 pm mr grant taylor attended a convention in hull this past week the ladies auxiliary to the legion will hold their regular monthly meeting on thursday oct s in the legion hall all members are asked to attend the guides and brownies and their leaders had a church par ade to the united church on sunday where they attended the morning service mrs phyllis young was in week and is feeling better now mrs ann gllddon who has been on the sick list for the past few weeks was admitted to toronto east genera hos pital on monday everyone wishes her a speedy recovery a stag party was held for bob benson on friday evening at the home of mr and mrs bob geer he was presented with an arm chair and other gifts the autumn thank offering meeting of the wms of the united church was held on sun day oct 4 at 730 pm meeting was conducted by mrs robt jackson the choir consisted of members from the mission band who rendered music en titled follow the gleam the guest speaker was mrs fisher president of oshawa presbtcr- ial of wms gave a most im pressive talk and chose as her subject fruit and harvest after the service a dainty lunch was served the womens institute had a display entitled the wheel of good eating at markhara fair uxbridge hospital thia past for which they won 13 a few of the 4h boys from claremont won beautiful car coats and sweaters presented by jack fraser for the calf scram ble friday evening at markham fair mr ellis britton received first prize for a bushel of oats the goodfellowshlp class will meet tuesday oct 13 in the sunday school room the pro gram will be taken by mrs wil ier and mrs r morgan miss marie lynn has com plcted a onemonth training course at the hamilton sanitar ium mr and mrs gord taylor spent the weekend at their cot tage at halls lake mr and mrs don hedges visited with friends in scar- boro on sunday mr and mrs geo mcconnell are presently enjoying a two week vacation trip in the unit ed states the greenwood softball club are holding a euchre in the community hall at brougham on friday evening oct 9th at 815 a draw will be made for a mantle radio the admission 1 35c 148 lb squash a giant squash grown on the farm of mr ivan norton good wood was one of the special at tractions in the vegetable class at the markham fair it tipped the scales at 148 pounds need less to say it was awarded first prize the entry attracted a large number of viewers it is believ ed to be the largest squash ever grown locally the norton pro perty cone 4 uxbridge has gained a reputation for produc ing quality vegetables use private stream to cool beer asks road be closed pickering twp council meet ing in regular session on mon day night turned down a re quest for a gate to be erected at the entrance of a sideroad between lots 8 and 9 cone 9 the property owned by mr clubb of toronto is according to a solicitors letter being con tinually invaded by trespassers the note explained that youths cool their beer in the private stream then proceed over to stouffville we cant have toll roads in pickering township stated councillor harry ashton i would be loath to put gates across any township road agreed reeve sherman scott a gate wouldnt stop tres passers said councillor miss violet swan they would mere ly go over it clerk lloyd johnston inform ed council that the road was used by two property owners messrs arbuckle and taylor in order to obtain access to adjoin ing ranch land we could run into a lot of trouble by cutting off accesses to private properties suggest ed councillor ross hawthorne the sideroad is located east of claremont it is littleused except by two or three private property owners in township hunters will be forced to carry a map as well as a gun in pickering township declared councillor harry ashton at the council meeting here monday night the council chambers were crowded with hunters fol lowing a decision of council last week to extend hunting restrict ions in the township first and second readings were given to a bylaw adding the following builtup areas to to the restricted zone in the township squires beach pick ering beach heron subdivision martin subdivision riverside subdivision and all of harwood avenue north of no 2 highway as well as some smaller areas there were no protests from the assembled hunters and it was announced that nine game wardens would be appointed for the township it was pointed out that even this number would not be sufficient to police the area properly but it was expected that some assistance would be given by the opp a bylaw was also passed to extend the life of the game committee for another five years the committee is com posed of kenneth reesor lewis jones lome jones bill new- man clare balsden reeve j s scott and councillors harvey spang and ijarry ashton bill newman who spoke for the hunters suggested that the new areas be added to a hunt ing map to be drawn up by the game committee unusually takes at least five minutes each way going to and coming from a 10minute coffee break pickering tax report good its a good tax picture said reeve sherman scott at a reg ular meeting of pickering twp council on monday night very satisfactory agreed dep reeve mrs jean mcpher son a report filed by tax- collect or mr ernie baker showed that a total of 5263474 of current taxes had been collected up to september arrears collected to the same date were 1284435 arrears outstanding to sept 30 1959 are 3437038 outstanding to sept 30 1958 are 3878383 clerk lloyd johnston pointed out the roll had increased by 100000 pickering population climbs to 16175 assessment also up the population in the town ship of pickering continues to grow according to the latest statistics the figure now stands at 16175 during the past year from oct 1958 to oct 1959 the population has climbed by 749 the largest increase is in ward five which has accounted for 632 ward 1 has decreased by 23 in spite of the population drop in ward 1 the assessment for the same area shows an in crease of 9192884 the total assessment growth over the past year is 122561497 the total assessment in the township stands at 1635480314 the largest assessment is in ward 5 with over four million wards 1 2 3 and 4 vary only slightly hwy stands said illegal councillor harry ashton has charged that all highway fruit and vegetable stands located on the road allowance are illegal he said he received his infor mation from the dep minister of highways the matter was discussed briefly at a regular meeting of pickering township council on monday night at a previous meeting coun cillor miss violet swan stated that such stands had been re sponsible for a number of near accidents in the southwest cor ner of the township she ques tioned the legality of the tem porary stations councillor ashton noted that there were a number of legiti mate stands in the vineland grimsby area that were oper ated by the province why dont the ontario pro- vinclal police enforce the law asked reeve sherman scott councillor ashton said that either the opp or the town ship police could lay charges he noted however that there was no law against persons sell ing produce if their stand wa located off the road allowance turkey rancher sweeps fair awards mr wally woolhead operator of the green river turkey ranch won 18 prizes and a grand champion in the drensed poultry class at markham fair he scored 6 firsts 6 seconds 3 thirds and 3 fourths in addition to the grand champion mr woolheads ranch is located on the south side of no 7 hwy the former roy carter farm in the live poultry class mr woodlots provide a good cash r- m brown of peterboro waa crop equally successful ask all organizations to assist in drive for museum funds claremont mr and mrs don beelby and family mr and mrs ed wal ters and family miss mary becby all of toronto visited on sunday with mr and mr robt rsmhv mr wm g lawson chair man of the pickering township historical society has asked that all organizations should rally behind a project to locate a museum in the municipality the town of ajax and the vill age of pickering are also in cluded in the program more than thirty organization heads were present at a meeting in brougham on thursday night chairman lawson informed the gathering that the society was hopeful of obtaining the old brougham public school for the sum of 2500 this price would also include the one acre site he said that the former school at green river was also available for 500 it will cost 1000 to move it to brougham a private party has promised the donation of a log cabin to assist the project mr lawson explained that much in terest hadbeen aroused in such a scheme since visitors to the brougham school centennial had vijwedthe display of arti facts presented by mr robt miller pralses wi mr lawson praised ib rk of local womens institutes in the district he noted that these organizations had suggested on various occasions that histori cal items of interest should be preserved mrs carter f al- tona mrs gray of brougham and mrs mckav of pickering presented their tweedsmuir al bums and briefly explained a number of items within the vol umes 10000 goal chairman lawson explained that the meeting had been called only to get the feeling of the various organizations in ajax pickering village and pickering township no one voiced any objection to the scheme mr lawson suggested a goal of 10000 he noted that the mu seum would be owned by the township and operated by one organization presumably the historical society we feel there is sufficient interest in present and former residents to raise this amount of money he said he suggest ed that a grant would possibly be forthcoming from pickering township and ontario county the province would give an operating grant of 600 when the museum was established it was pointed out that an ad mission fee to the building would assist in caring for oper ational expenses questions fire trap mr harry newman question ed whether the brougham school would constitute a fire- trap dont get something be cause its cheap it will only be a headache he advlsd the best way to make an old build ing fireproof is tear it down he concluded mr lawson noted that the building would be used mainly during the summer montlis he pointed out that it would b very costly to erect an entirely new structure he said he had discussed the matter with the brougham school board and they were firm on their price in reply to another question on why the greenwood conserva tion park had not been selected as the proposed site mr law- son replied that a museum was no longer considered to be a part of conservation and the practice of building them in such areas had been discourag ed v mr wm g newman sug gested that since some thought was now being given to the erection of a new municipal building the present offices at brougham might be available in the near future the secre tary mrs storry informed the meeting that the present office building was located too dose to no 7 highway and eventual ly would be torn down she noted also that the site lacked the necessary parking accom modation to report back chairman lawson requested the representatives t take th information back to their organ izations and return to the next regular meeting he said he hoped that a canvass might b started later this month