Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 8, 1959, p. 2

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fan 1 the st0wfvh1e toms tknday october 8 1959 s5tabusbzd in a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the fljtie touffmlle tribune ontarioquebec newspapers association aatborttej u wceeddm tr poctoolc dcpt ottawa member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 350 elsewhere 450 t a noum wfcw ias thomas bfita ias mckean advertising our editorial comment householders have been warned recent police reports have warn ed householders to be on the lookout for persons peddling goods from door to door as well as services prac tically every type of salesman who calls at your door is licensed by the town and you have a perfect right to find out if your caller has this per mission reason behind these licenses is not merely to protect local businesses but to protect you the householder we have instances now as we have every year of the ways in which housewives have been tricked out of their cash by fastoperating and fast- talking salesmen when these men are required to purchase a license in town there is an opportunity to find out the exact nature of their busi ness and to refuse a permit if it appears that there is a possibility of residents being victimized from time to time the local police hear of some outraged citizen talking about how he or she was taken in by one of these gyp artists naturally the police can do nothing unless they are notified before the salesmen get out of town there are many legitimate sales men of course who call at your door and they have a right to be there they have a permit and will show it to you without hesitation there is the reason too of why licenses are required every business man pays a business tax into the town coffers he is usually paying property taxes as well and is usually a supporter of the many funds and collections which go up and down main st it would scarcely be fair to allow outsiders who have no invest ment and little interest in the com munity to walk away with sales and spend their earnings elsewhere just remember the next time one of these gents calls at your door ask him for his license free services often unappreciated we do not believe that there is any municipal body that renders a greater service in return for little appreciation and even less remunera tion than members of a town or township planning board it would appear that councils and planning boards are continually waging their private feuds while the subdivision developer and the ten acre property owner sits in the middle and awaits the next move the game may often be extended into weeks and even months with little gain on either side in the past such friction has been apparent in the townships of whitchurch and markham at the present time there are noticeable dis agreements in pickering within re cent weeks verbal exchanges be tween the two bodies have been ra ther heated one or two planning board members have threatened to resign we feel that a planning board is vitally necessary to any expanding municipality we realize that the council is the senior authority but we contend that some council mem bers use this authority in an almost dictatorial manner if this practice is carried to extremes then a planning board loses its limited powers and its usefulness this we fell was the situation that existed in whitchurch and markham and now exists inpick- ering it is a mystery why members comprising such a group would con tinue to function under such frus trating circumstances they give freely of their time they absorb abuse and criticism from individuals and delegations they endeavour to assist council by dealing with a never- ending list of subdivision requests and consents in return for their ser vices they are thanked with an un complimentary slap on the wrist we feel that each body has its place in handling municipal matters we contend that too often the work of the planning board and the ability of its members is grossly underesti mated we have yet to learn of such a group submitting its resignation but from what we have seen and heard in pickering for some mem bers at least such a decision is not too remote perhaps then and only then the true importance of this body would be properly appreciated no fuss and little muss the consumers gas company is presently having lines installed throughout the town although ra ther heavy trenching machinery is being used in the project their pres ence in stouffville is scarcely notice able it must be admitted that few residents here were something less than overjoyed at the thought of hav ing the roads and boulevards mutil ated for the third time in three years highway and sewer construction in quick succession has stretched the forbearance of both the council mem bers and ratepayers to the breaking point officials of the consumers gas co are public relations experts this can hardly be said of some other firms that have installed services in town within recent years although it is impossible to lay pipe underground without causing some disturbance their agents will bend over backward to keep such grievances to a mini mum to dte their work here has followed such a plan it appears that the three phases of the program trenching pipe as sembly and fillin are completed as a single unit the firm prides itself in its cleanup operation when the job is finished the council has been assured that the project in stouffville will meet the same standards that have been followed in other towns and townships if this is so then we have little reason for concern how to act in case of fire this is fire prevention week across canada if there is one com munity which has reason to find re assurance in the competence and en thusiasm of members of its fire pre vention service it is stouffville here are a few rules should you have the misfortune to be caught in a fire get out of the house the minute you discover a fire or suspect one and get everyone else out at the same time be ready with different escape routes from any room in your house feel a door before opening if hot block it with furniture and seal with wet towels and blankets if poss ible try to get out another way never jump from upperstory windows except as a last resort wait for firemen hold your breath if you have to dash through smoke and flame and remember that the air is usually better near the floor in a smokefilled room once out dont ever go back into a burning building smoke and gases from even the smallest fire can be deadly children very often go back into their homes so keep them restrained get medical treatment at once if you are burned or exposed to smoke seemingly minor burns or smoke in halation can be exceedingly danger ous call the fire department the in stant youre certain that everyone is safely away from the fire and leave the fire fighting to trained fire fighters ita goins lo do yon no good to resist me miss hallock ill just bra on maze ol ui indisputable caarm a professors mistake at the beginning of the century a harvard professor lecturing to students on science said gentlemen the century just closed has been one of major discoveries in every walk of life but that era is closed the great inventions have been made from now on changes will be only minor ones it seems incredible that any educated man could be so far wrong since that statement was made automobiles have made their appearance radios television airplanes and literally scores of other changes have taken place predictions about the future are always hazardous if any thing is certain it is that changes will take place and that the last word has never been spoken in the east end of old london there is an old street called cheapside which has been a place of business for two thousand years when the romans came to britain in the fifth century cheapside was a place of business and the ancient britons were bartering their wares with the natives of gaul the france of today if the stones of that ancient street could speak what a tale they would tell it would be a story of continual change in language manner and customs it is said that if an english man of shakespeares day were to return he would not even understand the language now spoken in england in other ways he would feel like a total stranger such vast alterations have taken place when the spaniards first set foot in north america they were elated after the long dangerous voyages across unknown seas they sent word back to spain that they had reached the limits of the world they could conceive of nothing farther on we can sympathize with them for they were daring ad venturers and they had little knowledge of navigation and still less of what lay beyond the horizon when the news reached spain itself there was great excitement admiration for the spanish trailblazers knew no bounds and that they had reached the end of the world nobody there doubted coins were made and freely circulated on which were stamped the words ne plus ultra meaning no more beyond but there were surprises for all concerned the adventurers pushed inland to the vast unknown jungles of south america there was something beyond and these men found that every day brought fresh discoveries within twentyfive years of the time those coins were struck daring men had crossed the three thousand miles of the south american continent and were standing on its western shores looking over the wide wastes of the pacific ocean finally they got word back to spain that they had been mistaken they told of their long journeys through jungles and swamps and dense forests and now they faced a vast expanse of water if there was one thing those men had learned it was that there were still vast unexplored spaces in the old country spain itself the coins were called in and new coins were made with the inscription plus ultra meaning more beyond it is a great mistake to think that we ever come to the end of any knowledge and imagine that there is nothing be yond the wisest men feel as isaac newton did when at the end of a life full of research he said he felt like a little child gathering pebbles on the shores of the ocean of truth that is how all searchers after truth feel they know there is much to learn jesus once said to his disciples i have yet many things to say unto you but ye cannot bear them now there were a great many discoveries for these men to make but they would have to come one at a time as they were able to understand it is like going to school first we learn the alphabet then simple words later longer and harder ones but wise men like newton know that they never come to the end of know ledge there is always something beyond that is why plus ultra is a good motto our quotation today is by edmund burke those who oppose changes become perverse and obstinate forecast by olive a garrett 3 in 1 kitchen unit those who live alone in small quarters or the young couple who move about a lot and dont want to tote a lot of furniture will bethrilled with this 3 in 1 unit it is a refrigerator stove and sink combination the frig is 5 cubic feet the stove is a 3 burner and the sink is stainless steel it should prove to be a real space saver ideal for small apartments this unit won the national de- sing award in 1955 and the company that makes them will tackle anything apparently they seem to thrive on unusual combinations such as the above propane gas electric or kero sene you name it and theyll manufacture to your specifica tions just about any unit you need for your kitchen its electric coffee lovers theres a new electric appliance that grinds just enough coffee for eight cups in about 15 seconds mmm i can smell the aroma right this i minute think of having fresh ly ground coffee each morning makes a difference you know this little thing is only seven inches high and four inches in diameter and comes in attract ive red and white colors its made of steel with a baked en amel finish and clear plastic lid weighs 2 lbs 4 oz and has a standard six foot long white electric cord and plug its pow ered by a universal acdc csa approved motor that develops 21000 rpm it would make a wonderful gift thats just a little differ ent wouldnt it you can buy it for around 16 and get this an electric eraser what next i suppose it would eliminate rewriting a page that you made a hole in while rubbing out your mistakes manually this little gadget i am told does the work in a fraction of the time now re quired looks like a fat pencil and a slight pressure of the in dex finger on the swtch must nt overwork our tenos you know this slight pressure sets the eraser rotating at 3100 revolutions per minute five shgfib and spice sy sih smiley it seems to me that about this time last year i wrote a tender lyrical column tactically an ode about september the go den lingering days the cool haunting evenings the fare well fling at the trout the last crisp game of golf old mother nature lying voluptuous amid the fruits of her labour yas september is the most delight ful month of the year i blurbed well i take b u back you can take september and if the ladies will leave the room for a moment 111 tell you exactly what you can do with it editors mail stouffville tribune dear sirs congratulations on your edi torial lets fill the churches we have i agree 1009j plus with you all this craze for more and more churches is the most ridiculous or the worst plague of modern times which must make even the communists and russians laugh us to scorn do we think that the kingdom of god is won by the number of churches we put up or by obey ing his laws commandments and statutes and looking after his whole creation from the least to the highesi as he com manded us to do in the begin ning considering the number of churches we have here now it is a blot of the worst kind on this town that there should not be found anywhere in it the smallest office or organization where help can be promptly had to save animals from torture and destruction or unnecessary suffering recently for instance a vile man from main street tied a goat to a wire fence far out in the open field and leaves it there night after night in all kinds of weather as bait for the wolves and dogs or what have you every night dogs are heard fighting near there and are seen in the mornings molesting this poor helpless and defenceless creature which is bound to be torn to pieces un less something is done soon to save it we warned this heartless man when we saw the dogs at it the other morning but he as much as told u to mind our own business so at time of writing the animal is still there being molested and bitten by dogs but supposing i contacted the churches about it could i hope for help would they really care i doubt it because it is only a goat and gods lower children have no place as yet in our socalled christian chur ches though god plainly said that he created all to the church why not show our true chris tianity by building an humane shelter or society instead of more unneeded churches this will please god a great deal more than another worthless building and all the sacrifices and donations now being offered in those we already have for no church can possibly be call ed a christian church which accepts only men women and children and rejects or neglects the rest of gods works in any form god wants his whole cre ation in our hearts and church or nothing at all ho made this plain when he said that not even a little sparrow is for gotten before him our chris tianity so far has been only most partial and incomplete and god does not accept it no more than he accepts those who keep only one or two commandments and toss out the rest as belong ing to the jews break one commandment and you are guil ty of breaking them all like wise reject one phase of his creation and you reject it all so far as god is concerned wake up pastors and priests open the churches ioors wide and let in gods whole crea tion or he will destroy your vain buildings by fire and floods and take you and us all with them dolores deverell grades of erasers arc available there is no vibration or paper damage either new margcrinc for dlelcrs about to be introduced to the canadian market distribution just started in ontario only is a new margerine made from corn oil said to be particularly helpful in retaining low choles terol or blood fat counts which many doctors feel is important in treating heart disease the product is expected to be made by at least two major margoriije producers and to at tain national distribution fairly quickly initially it will be sold through regular grocery and su permarket outlets but some drug distribution is likely to be attained as doctors prescribe it for their heart patients suspecting that his wife was rifling his pockets at night while he slept a colorado man put fishhooks in them and caught her redhanded this september has scarred me for life and has also clipped a few years from my allotted span of same what happened i got caught with my pipes down on september 9th it was 90 degrees in our upstairs and we all lay around on our beds naked as newts gasping and calling for water on september hth it was 44 in our upstairs the kids lay moaning with cold under heaps of blankets down stairs playboy howled with chill and in our bed the old lady and i swaddled in flannelette pyjamas clutched each other a hot water bottle and the hope that a miracle would happen and the heat wave would be back in the morning september is an irresponsible treacherous harlot of a month with a big phoney warm smile that hides a heart of solid cold oh it isnt as though i didnt realize that fall and the cool weather were on the way sun days as i lay on the lawn sev eral times my mind had drifted around to the backyard where my furnace pipes lay soaking up the sun id even contacted the repair man to come and take on that dragon in my cellar that emits sparks and roars when approached my stoker that is i had even while fighting the heat wave with a refreshing drink said to myself firmly must get at the cellar and get last winters ashes out so i can get the coal in early this year dont want the coal truck driv ing over the lawn when its all soft from those fall rains better get that broken window in the livingroom fixed too things are going to be different this year so you see it isnt as though i wasnt fairly well prepared but i didnt expect my old sweetheart september to put me over a barrel pull the rug from under my feet lower the boom on me and stab me in the back all in one fell swoop i thought the old girl was going to commit either suicide or murder that first morning after the mercury had taken its swan dive i explained to her that everything was practically ready to turn on the heat that all i had to do was get the pipes cleaned and put up get the man to fix the furnace and get the cellar cleaned up and the coal in and wed be in business which hotel she enquired her breath wreathing into the kitchen air like cigar smoke are we going to stay in until then we have two hotels in town so i was in a quandary not to mention a pickle i did everything in my power for educational funds in this day and age a col lege education is a must sun life of canadas edu cational policy is ideal for helping you secure your childrens future build up a fund for their education through sun life insurance let me show you without obligation how easily this can be done sun life assurance company of canada jim abell phone 237 stouffville to cheer up that old gang of mine songs witty sayings fun ny faces philosophy like you should be glad you dont have to suffer like this all the time like folks in russia i rushed out and borrowed two electric heaters i turned on all burners and the oven in the electric stove i even turned on all the lights in the house it was hopeless they just sat there hands tucked in their armpits looking like three pen- gunns and a seal pup sitting on an ice floe i went to work with my tail between my legs and the bats of panic in my belfry it was worso at lunch hour while i bustled around getting hot soup the kids rubbed their hands together and told about how warm it had been in school and my wife dragged from me the confession that we had a flro on at the office i wont go into all the sordid details how i pleaded with peo ple to put up my pipes how i begged the harassed coal mer chant to get me a couple of bags down to the house how i rig ged up a makeshift to get the furnace going its all too hu miliating thats why if you ever hear me singing any paeans of praise to september ever again i want you to push me gently but firmly in front of a speed ing hotrod wanted more cream shippers for best results ship your cream to stouffviiio creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery to have our track call phone 186w stouffville creamery co cold storage lockers for rent 3qe3qe 30exoi loraoc now is the time to save money and have your old chesterfield reupfaolsiered and modernized for half the price of a new suite easy terms five year guarantee specialist in draperies and rugs for free estimates call stouffville 684 30e3de aoraot 30e30z ao body fender repairs duco dulux refinishing estimates without obligation w g garrett and son ifain street stonffville ont phone 255

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