ttgt 6 the stouffviue teieune tlnuby my 16 1959 want ads give a little money a big chance to go a long way miscellaneous canadian canceh society richmond hill district cult for information film talk welfare aad eervicea call richmond hill tc 43403 lnloovjhc 239 markham 139 lllt stooffvuie 40j3 miscellaneous cnfd furnaces cleaned book now 43tf village burner service 740wl stoultvllle 740wl excavating trenching grading weeping beds specialty brcce timber9 rr2 stouffviue 45ti phone stouftvllle 622 custom killing coring shoring meat for farmers we are prepared to pick np and deliver 23tf schellb meat market stouftville phone 220 well digging cleaning repairs ah kinds of compressor work 17tf b kloosterman ax s0i31 ted debocr at 25072 finch ave agincoart lir1 we do custom killing also curing and smoking of meat for farmers oftoyle meat market ph slooffviue 665j tf miscellaneous cnfd frank bolton plumbing a heating and oil burner service sewer hookups rjt3 stonffvllle ont phone 4s 27tf removal service dead crippled farm ani mals removed for sanitary disposal animals over 300 pounds removed free small collection charge for animals under 300 pounds phone col lect stouftville 255 or tor onto empire 33636 cordon young limited 40tl plumbing sinks toilets baths parts supplies installations new work repairs pipe cut and threaded up to 4 furnaces cleaned consumers gas dealers pittsburgh paint dealers stouffville plumbing heating store on main st ph day 405 night 8wl or 545j1 4tf electric wiring honses farms and cottages wired wall pluss switches electric water heaters ranges toasters irons and other appli ances repaired k h mmdlcmlss ltf phone 367 stouftville n g0ldkind son we buy all kinds of poultry 13tf highest prices paid for live poultry 21 fraserwood ave toronto ph ru 17851 collect or ph hu 11358 collect ralph elms painting and decorating interior and exterior paper hanging a specialty for free estimate call gormley 5310 51u radio tv custom baling and combining as usual 5tf win timbers ph stouffviue 338j2 real estate for sale or rent store and apartment elmer dan iels ph stouff 695 upholstering custom upholstering by english tradesman many fine fabrics from which to choose will pick up and deliver work guaran teed 54 3 acres for sale on hwy 47 1 i miles north of stouftville 1 acre young asparagus w jackson windsor drive mus- selmans lake for rent apartment for rent 3 rooms upstairs heated victoria st ph stouftville 322w before 12 noon buy sell through 48u m farquharson frank nibbs ph uniouville 192 gomiley 5107 or ba 57711 custom baling jack pollard 3tf phone stouffviue 93920 custom baling dave ratcliff 52 rr4 stouhville ph 94814 allis chalmers sales service new used farm equipment fencing supplies twine aurora pa 75152 6tf roofing application at modern rates orville rodges box 1 claremont 52tf phone 46j after 6 pm representative for eastern steel a good roof saves the building sanitary contractor septic tank and tile bed installa tions satisfaction guaranteed reasonable rates 50tf murray baker phone tw 54151 newmarket s5sgii radio ana television repairs at reasonable rates sparton and general electric radiotv sales and service hifi record players records tape recorders and tapes scarfes 42tl thtx paints smith radio- electronic service stonffvllle phone 32 television radio appliance servicing call anytime day or night burton tv and radio service centre phone stouhville 7114 or mt albert 81 collect 1tt real estate modern bungalow for sale new 5room bungalow all mod ern conveniences desirable loca tion hi mile out of stouftville phone davtime markham 373 evenings mark 852 2tf visit the real living santa june 19 to thanksgiving fun for all the family children to 14 years free 930 am to 600 pm sunday 100 pm to 600 pm santas village bracebridge ont 27 for all your real estate problems consols town and counnr sffcmlots residential land commercial 43tf appraisals exchanges mortgage services phone office 100 res 20ij 317 7kxvmw shoe repair tour shoe repairs can all be handled at georges shoe repair oil or half soles and all types of repair all kinds zipper work done all types new shoes for boys and men for good health keep your shoes in good repair located two doors east of cnr tracks 48tf iain st stouffviue phone 743j c bunkers sand gravel pit at goodwood for cement gravel concrete sand stone fill and choice top soil we deliver 16tf phone 652wl stonffvillc ross hetherington electric custom honse industrial wiring pole line installation alterations small repair jobs ge appliance service phone stouffville 155j or 283 10tt sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drains cleaned and repaired 24 hour scrvico o stunden lstl richmond hill ph to 41245 excavating trenching backfilling landscapeplanning fine finishing 4813 estimates given j johnson phone stouff 94204 bartlett forgie plastering stuccoing and porcelainiztng when buying or selling real estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison regd real estate broker phone 244 11tf 2 bedroom apartment tor rent sink and pantry in kit chen ph h forgie stouft ville s4jl cotrage for rent at mussel- mans lake 5 rooms private road close to free bathing beach ph stouff 299j4 stouffville four bedroom house in good location with immediate possession s100 month phone 666 stouffviue small winterized house for rent on farm near good wood suit couple hydro water hudson 3s9s3 stouff viue 97320 apartment for rent modern 2bedroom apartment kitchen living room private bathroom- available aug 1st ph mark- ham st7 one new cottage for rent on lake simcoe for parts of august safe sandy beach port bolster area conven iences lome tindall phone stouffviue 97202 the upper six rooms for rent in a new bungalow dec orated in oils selfcontained oil heated large yard reason able to right couple apply to mr r rioux 106 ninth line stouffviue lost found lost tarpaulin green lost from truck on muday morn ing between cn jt tracks at stouffviue and uxbridge on no 47 hgwy call stouffviue 97403 transportation transportation avauable arriving yonge and eglinton at 745 am returning 530 phone stouftville 6s3w transportation wanted from gormley to downtown toronto arriving by s am return 430 to 5 pm phone gormley 535s transportation wanted from hwy 47 and 17th ave to bay and gerrard vicinity arriving between 730 745 am leaving between 445 5 pjn ph stouffviue 96207 transportation wanted from stouffviue to weston rd and eglinton avenue com mencing aug 4th leaving stouffviue between 630 700 am leaving work at 5 pjn ph stouftville 93320 cards of thanks we would like to take this opportunity to thank our friends and relatives tor their cards flowers calls and expressions of svmpathv in the passing of our father frank ham the family coming events a tea and bake sale will be held at the home of mrs wm paul stillmeadow farm rr2 stouftville on sat july 25th from 2 5 pm the sale is spon sored by the ringwood home and school association trans portation will be available from the ringwood school house for rent bungalow 5 rooms tiled floors oil heat nicely decorated with option to buy available aug 1st 4 miles west of stouffviue on townline floyd ratciiff hr4 stouffviue ph stouff 94808 wanted cars trucks 1950 austin for sale price 4000 phone stouff 96904 1952 ford 4door sedan for sale in good condition phone stouffviue 541ml 55 olds 88 sedan fully equipped and in good condi tion phone 540j2 attention mr m nasn pays cash prices for all live poultry ph sto 64j3 u highest cash prick for live poultry norm davis ph 741 markham 32ti phone markham 877 or stouffvuie 84jl 48tf stouffville sand gravel limited are preparod to supply youi requirements of crushed gra vel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at the bin u plant phone 125 office phones 870 a 120 ogbaecxsaooa floor covering all types tiles inlaid linoleums plastic walltowall carpets the new 81al covering exportly in stalled free estimates ittf spoffords stouffviue phone 101 precast septic tanks approved for your area septic installations trenching ditching fabricated concrete specialties ltd stonffvllle 110 istf bulldozing and drag lining specialists in grading cellars and ponds r ynn dcrkooy 49u phone gormley 55s7 specializing in landscape plan ning and farm ponds basement excavation and all types of grading dragline when necessary art steckley phone gormley 5675 clare preston nead operator 32tf phone 298w5 irene ball don mills rd south of vandorf spring perm specials 750 1000 1250 all work guaranteed it rears eoorience parkvicw 74475 47tf electrical wiring installation service repairs oil burner service leslie leonard ph 780 stonffvllle 12tf t3oabaac3waobaooah alex wallace heating furnace vacuum cleaning sheet metal eavestroughlug etc dealer for pease iron fireman clare hccla oil coal and gas haikham village on no 7 hwy phone markham si 01 8tf ponds excavated land cleared roads bulldozed free estimates phone r perkins claremont 205j3 f e arnold real estate 2374 kingston rd toronto to sell in a hurry list your home or farm with local salesmen call al or jack haul claremont 30814 or am 17272 f e arnold rear estate claremont 6500 full price 4 room bunga low with ultra modern kitchen loaded with cupboards extra large living room with two good sized bedrooms this home is situated on a acre of land just two minutes from shopping and schools a real bargain so dont delay call al or jack hall estate sale 2000 down balance on one open mortgage 6 room detached two storey home on large treed lot in stouffviue must be sold 12700 full price carries like rent hurry for this one call al or jack hall lots lots excellent building lots for sale in claremont as low as 70000 per lot act fast and call al or jack hall at claremont 30814 or am 17272 52 f e arnold real estate dead stock highest prices paid for dead or crippled horses cattle and hogs according to size and condition small animals removed free ed peconi sons ltd argyle ont please phone promptly anytime zenith 32800 at no cost to yon 2tf u ca hud0u5sly3nbsni ana until ran mn ms jnuxr oa so tenders 700 cedar posts boy farm claremont ontario 53 chev black white fair condition 40000 or best offer ph 5518 gormley 1950 ford coach for sale good motor and tires not so good body first reasonable offer accepted ph stouffviue 92616 62 51 chev ton pickup for sale also 1955 chev 1ton stake with duals tustins fina station ringwood ph stouffviue 488 1950 prefect excellent run ning condition price 10000 1952 chevrolet deluxe mo del custom radio with extras 53000 actual miles price 495 the white rose station phone uniunvuie 278 summer bible school wlu be held at heise hill church gormley july 20th july 30th at 7 pm for information and transportation phone gormley 5282 in memoriam king in loving memory of our dear daughter lois who passed away july 15 1953 time speeds an six years at gone since death its gleomv shadow cast upon our home where all was bright and took from us a shining light we miss that light and ever will her vacant place none can fill here we mourn bul for in heaven we will meet again sadly missed by mother dad and winston produce culls odd shaped poia- toes 75c a bag john bosworth ltd cedar valley 6tf raspberries we are now taking orders for raspberries garnet rae rr2 stouffviue ph stouffvuie 90413 raspberries orders taken for raspberries- please phone early in the morn ing or in the evening roy heise phone gormley 5377 articles for sale mouton fur coat for sale size 16 59 styung exceuent condition ph 93207 stouff sump pump for sale in good condition chas tindau ph stouff 51w4 1 pair small size water skis for sale ph stouffviue 474 electric motor for sale 60 cycle 1 hp good 7500 ph gormley 5216 baby carriage for sale blue and white excellent condition mrs stoneburgh 19 albert st stouftville oooaaoooaoao tenders for caretaking tenders will be received in writing until aug 1st 1959 by the undersigned for caretaker for ss no 12 pickering mount pleasant school duties to com mence sept 1st 1959 lowest tender not necessarily accepted mrs margaret m pugh sectreas 43 rr2 claremont ont 110000 down must sell owner has bought 1 mortgage for balance immed iate possession of 5 room bunga low on one acre lot near good wood close to highway no 47 full basement furnace hydro and exceuent well 2 poultry houses approx 18 x 25 ft call mr alfred toronto hu 51141 v j lauesen realtor 876 eglinton east electrical equipment tv radio repairs to all maris washing machine parts a- service neville appliances your admiral iowrey organ dealer main st stouftville phone 346 44tfl harold wood real estate 8500 yearly income this is no mistake we have just recently listed this excep tional income solid brick build ing in good state of repair ask ing about 17000 down payment the wise investor wiu see this quickly 7500 full price main st with low down payment will make you the owner of this nice clean 6room 2story home on sewers close to shopping etc 12000 full price almost new bungalow with at tached garage nice lot reason able cash call ax 35751 stouff 464 harold wood real estate tenders tenders will be received by the secretarytreasurer until july 31st 1959 for the painting in side and outside of ss no 12 markham for information call mr john reesor chairman of the board rri unionville ph gormley 5635 or mrs e a buchanan sec treas rr2 gormley ph gormley 5347 tenders wanted tenders will be received by ss 19 markham twp until 6 pm july 23rd for the removal of entrance and erecting an ad dition to main building for plumbing heating and cloak rooms installing of new ceiling floor and fire escape in present building lowest or any tender not ne cessarily accepted plans and specifications can be seen at r r johnsons sec concession 9 markham now renting stouffville wonderful two bedroom apart ments featuring large living room with balcony ceramic tile bathroom bright kitchen stove and frig supplied venetian blinds laundry room and stor age space in basement for further particulars call h j lee real estate phone 100 or 20lj stoultvllle f f w ml lk wanted homey farm ltd phones markham 575 or ax 33041 62 canadas productive forests jare chiefly composed of ever- i greens 1957 pontiac laurentian coral and black radio heater exceptionally clean car sale price 199500 1956 pontiac standard 2door black heat er look this one over sale price 159500 1955 pontiac model 2219 sedan light blue heater spotless condition sale price 129500 1955 chevrolet deluxe 4door twotone brown and beige automatic heater signals clean inside and out sale price 129500 1955 volkswagen 2door metallic blue finish radio heater a real good gas saver sale pkice 99500 1954 buick century 4dr dynaflow heat er 2fone green and ivory reconditioned sale price 189500 1953 pontiac laurentian sedan 2tone brown and beige clean throughout sale price 79500 1953 ford automatic 2tonc brown and beige sale price 79500 1952 monarch hardtop radio heater loaded with extras sale price 79500 1952 studebaker sedan light green heater its a bargain sale price 19900 1950 pontiac sedan radio heater clean throughout sale price 19500 1952 chevrolet jston pickup green sale price 49500 1953 ford mton pickup grey heater automatic sale price 59500 1952 international stake blue good farm truck sale price 69500 neil patrick motors ltd stouffville phone 372 or 499 teooooocxxmoeooei cabbage cart for sale with wide axle and rubber tires tractor hitch dawson hare ph stouffviue 94021 2burner elec rangette for sale in good condition mrs jack beach ph stouff viue 441 for sale 3 speed bicycle in good condition also steel bunk beds suitable for cot tage apply 135 main st e for sale walnut 9piece dining room suite good 2- piece bedroom suite axmin- ster rug 6 ft x 9 it phone 762w3 stouffviue clean ge range for sale heavy duty exceuent condi tion 4burner oven broiler warming oven 3 drawers price 7000 ph stouff 8w chesterfield with match ing chair wine mohair rea sonable suitable for summer cottage floyd ratciiff rr4 stouffviue ph 94808 for sale 2 large canvases approx 30 x 50 will cut to suit good as new 2 chicken shelters 6 x 8 wire floor no reasonable offer refused on either item ph j w langs queensviue granite 84534 or write rr1 sharon 54 tape recorders revere tape recorders from 8995 to 28450 popular practical inquire about them from car man lewis ph markham 149 or the stouffviue tribune ph 152 18tf beans for sale bv bas ket or bushel selling thurs days fridays and saturdays at whtttamores farm steeles avenue phone markham 423j4 live stock 12 pigs for sale 10 weeks old ph stouffviue 291j3 good work horse lor sale elding ph agincourt ax 5122 toy terrier male puppie 7 weeks old w r hall ph stouftville 299j4 started skyline pullets for sale 10 weeks old any quantity bruce taylor ph 97602 stouffviue 52 pet raccoons two baby coons for sale 8 weeks old white rose station ph un ionville 278 standing at stud for the summer registered dappled chestnut shetland pony don ald hunter 19th ave 6th con markham twp ph gormley 5500 maug31 babcock bessie leghorns for high egg production and outstanding droiier chicks available the year around fleming farms limited mt albert 64 2 work horses for sale bay gelding quite good to work and roan gelding quite good to work about 1600 lbs nor man claughton phone 65w3 stouffviue pony stallions at stud registered shetland 38 grade welsh 42 bred marcs for sale mrs john dowling ph clare- 33112 5tf horse notes monarchs budd reg no 19329 form a black perchcron stallion will be for service at his own stable hollywood farms no charge down if mare proves in foal 1500 phone 5r3 manilla wilmot shea owner and manager no 7 highway manilla 18 for sale jones crane self- propelled 1 ton capacity 16 ft boom new motor 360 de gree swivel 70000 air craft 2 place dual control low time 145 horse power flaps electrics 220000 cash trade or terms t r mont gomery south lake road musselmans lake ph stouft ville 294rl used electric range a clean 4burncr range with side oven only 35 at hendricks hardware used power mowers tillers garden tractors chain saws top condition carl walker sales service 46tf victoria square gormley 5413 johnson outboard motors you can make a good buy this week on a new johnson 3 hp or 5v4 hp at hendricks hardware stouffviue attention poultrymen honnegar leghorn started pullets for sale raised by well experienced poultryman under ideal conditions on a controlled feeding program- available 16 wk old on aug 5 or before price at 16 wks 180 inquire for quantity discount vaccinated debcak- ed delivered john t wcgg rr1 unionville ph gormley 5614 collect 52 deep freeze see the new 20 cubic foot woods chest freezer at 369 bargain price and general electric 13 cubic foot upright on our floor at a bargain price now at hendricks hani ware stouffvuie toro pennsylvania eclipse power mowers tillers dont buy until you try the new toro complete service shop carl walker sales service 16tf victoria square gormley 5413 poles posts ail lengths creosoted plain dressed 4 by 4 cedar 17c 11 ft ratciiff bros ltd stouffvuie rr4 phone 20lwl lumber ii builders supplies i the stouffviue tribune classified advertising rates articlks fob salt livestock for sam5 real estate wanted cars for sale lost found etc csh r 3c per word tat wk jc xlr consecutive weeka with mlnlmnm of 7se it 50c for extr eonecatita week mait he paid week of inrtion if chrsed an additional 25c wid t added a ehanre of 2r will be made for 11 replica directed to uili offlc notices coming event cards of thanks u a word with a mlnlmuto of births engagements marriages ic a word with a minimum of 1109 xh memoriama llm minimum for iiin rw pliu foe for each iddiuona ilr vtm display classifieds tlji per inch with a minimum of one inch additional conaecutlta tnaertioaa t 1100 per fnrtv ad clamlflwl ada nuit be in hie oftco not later than am wediieadar send eaih aumpa or mrtt order and aave moocr clip thta ov tor rtvrne