j fh stooffvhii town tlwrvjjy w 16 s lhe jiouffniflr tribune kstablviuxd i a v xotan son publishers member of the canadian vveekly newspaper association and the ontarioqueoec newspapers association aathanzea coa4cij mail poatoflic iepu ouiw member of the audit bureau of circulations- issued every thursday at stourtville ont in canada 350 elsewhere 450 c h noun rttik ja5 thomas lifia our editorial comment what price is life it is difficult to ascertain to what financial extent a township county or railroad should go to insure the safety of motorists and passengers at rural level crossings we all real ize that the installation and mainten ance costs of warning signals are exceedingly high we all know too that the responsibility lies heavily on the shoulders of the man behind the wheel the rail lines are as clearly marked as the majority of highway stop streets and there is little or no reason why one should drive directly into the path of these onetrack mechanized monsters but still it happens and almost daily lives both young and old are snuffed out in a splitsecond of error it was interesting to note last week that whitchurch township council decided against bearing their share of the costs of signals on a rural sideroad north of gormley the expense involved for the town ship would have been 960 for in stallation and 300 annually for main tenance the members contended that other crossings in the municipal ity were equally as dangerous and to equip them all with warning lights would constitute a heavy financial burden we do not know the reason be hind the request for signals at this particular crossing but feel that residents must have had a definite purpose in mind we do know that at least one life has been claimed there in an accident some five years ago this in itself would be suitable grounds for their request to accept or reject such a pro ject places a council in a difficult position shoud another fatality occur at this particular crossing every resident in the section would be criticizing the members for their lethargy should council heap a tax burden on the ratepayers and install signals at every rural rail line in the municipality then a similar hue and cry would be heard throughout the township we believe that council acted wisely in considering the need for signals according to the traffic on the road although we agree that one life cannot be measured in dollars and cents some responsibility must be born by the man behind the wheel teachers gain knowledge through travel there was a time when public school teachers would spend their summer vacation period completing extension courses or augmenting their oncemeagre salaries with a parttime job the trend has changed however during the past few years although many staff members still attend summer school many others are broadening their knowledge through travel it has not been un usual for these young men and taxpayer pays much news has come out of ottawa recently which may be quite a surprise to a lot of canadian tax payers but not to those in the ad vertising business such as ourselves while canadian taxpaying news papers such as this one magazines radio and private tv stations work hard for every dollar they make the governmentowned cbc gives away advertising at bargain rates letting dont be a farm an estimated 1200 farm people are killed in accidents every year in canada and 100000 are injured says the ontario safety league it is to combat this tragic toll that safety- minded groups across the country are working to support farm safety week july 1025 safety makes sense highway traffic is the leading killer of farm residents but on ac tual farmlands and around service buildings machinery claims the greatest number of victims as can be seen from this percentage break down of fatal accidents machinery 3411 drowning 1501 firearms 11 no falls 910 blows 574 burns 515 animals 490 electrical current 341 lightning 253 poisoning 164 suffocation 139 and other 500 the biggest single deathdealing women to enjoy coast to coast trips across canada or even visit the british isles and europe why shouldnt these teachers lake advantage of the twomonth holiday period and free themselves from the workaday confusion of public school life it has always seemed somewhat regrettable that they are expected to tie themselves to a vacation summer course when such confinement cannot actually be regarded as a holiday for his tv the taxpayer pay the difference in cost between what the sponsor pays and what the program actually costs canadian taxpayers it was re cently revealed paid out 36000 tax dollars to watch a cbc folio show- what really hurts is that taxpayers share the cost of sponsored programs for such firms as imperial tobacco and texaco john public also helped out general motors on a recent pro gram to the tune of 13408 i accident victim instrument in the machinery cafe- gory is the tractor which accounts for onethird of machinery deaths a tragic and illuminating fact is the reort that each year more fatal tractor accidents occur in the 1014 year age group than in any other age category this seems to suggest strongly that young people not ade quately qualified to handle tractors are being allowed to operate them four general principles for re ducing machinery accidents which are well known to competent farmers but not always followed are 1 make sure that all farm equipment is kept in safe operating condition 2 keep guards and safety devices in place always stop machines before un- clogging oiling and adjusting 4 do not allow machinery to be used by anyone of uncertain competence and reliability r emember when obrien avenue mas only a buggy hack sixty years ago this scene was looking north on obrien ave in 1s95 taken horn the corner of burkholder st which was little more than a lane at that time running west a short distance kven in those days stouflville was blessed with a municipal water system as evidenced by the hydrants on the street the first home on obrien ave was the residence now occu pied by clifford hisey tht builder was william rowden other early homes there were buill by peter fleury jos xendick christie turner and john wallace tribune now in 70th year of publication dont call ministers reverend its wrong address clergy- the stouffville tribune has which in addition lo the news- passed another milestone eiuer- paper utilizes three automatic ing its toth year of publication presses and three typesetting while founded in 1sss the news- 1 machines two monthly trade paper completed its first com- bulletins are issued at the plant plete year in 1889 records show- that tile tribune opened up with a subscription list of five hundred and fifty copies one of the early operators was frank porter there followed william malloy fred madill and wil liam man- dining the first thirty years in the fall of 1922 the stoult- ville tribune was purchased by the late a v nolan father of the present publisher from a modest beginning in a small store the tribune has grown considerably it now oc cupies about three thousand sq ft of floor space and is still quite congested the number of copies printed each week has risen to 3600 and the fulltime members of the staff number eleven in addition there are several parttime writers and more than twenty rural corres pondents the tribune has developed a large commercial printing trade as well as a number of annual publications largest of the lat ter is the canadian securities manual a 144page hand book with a circulation of nearly 24- 000 copies it is conservatively estimated that 9s76 percent of people would rather talk than think many people men incorrectly growth everv week from protestant clergymen should to july 10 lie addressed as mr snftth and roman catholic priests father smith it is incoiiect to address a clergyman as reverend said very rev inlay g stewart of the st andrews presbyterian church past president of the kitchener ministerial associa tion pastor is a very common title in kitchener he said that in the early days the trio- 1 would be a correct title in cases une shared stouffvilles publish- where the clergyman is pastor of his church the trouble is that when you keep your mind on your work you also keep your work on voin mind colters say they play the game for exercise yet they try to drive the ball in a straight line so as to walk the shortest dis- i tame and also they try to use las few strokes as possible cheer return as soon up your neighbor will power mower just gas it runs out of you can depend on the real truth is stranger than fir- estate dealer to say a lot when lion and at times these days you ask him what to invest in one wonders if it isnt also rarer ing business along with the cov ington bros who operated the free press beginning in 1s93 the printing business goes back however to an even ear lier date in 1838 following the rebellion john boyer purchased wm lyon mackenzies wooden press and set it up in stouffville and for some years it was the only press in this part of the country for years it was oper ated by the whelers who later took the machine to uxbridge other early newspapers were the stouffville alert published by mr j wideman and the stouffville advance operated by mr pemberton rx jv bimvkstxes reverend is more an adjec tive than a title and should not be used unless followed by the title mister or the clergymans name says rev john c both- well writing in the anglican fredericton diocese news padre is an accepted title of personal address he says clergymen should not be call- ed doctor unless they have re ceived a uniyersity doctorate if this is the case he is referred to as rev dr smith when referring to a minister i he is called rev mr smith or a roman catholic priest rev father sm men are c dressed and introduced canons are addressed by their titles as are deans and mon- signors for parents only a year of happy days by nancy cleaver invincible spirit how many things go into mak ing a little childs day mothers often think of car ing for their children in terms of nourishing meals attractive suitable clothes a comfortable bed and a place of his own in nttii jewasii clergy- 1 the h but happiness woven died rabbi when ad- a out a child day is very important too frequently emotional upsets or undesirable habits can be traced to inner turmoil and unhappiness what are some of the elements thai make for normal growth and a satisfying day for the average preschool youngster he needs to know what to expect in his day thats where a routine comes in not a very rigid one where mealtime can not change by five or ten min utes when an unexpected event occurs nor yet such a flexible fa to evergreens dr hannam speaker for national farm safety week july 19 to 25 canadas farmers are beeom- at the same time brought a j participate in the observation ing more and more efficient i w range of hazards to agrij of national farm safety week capable of greatly increased pro- culur july 19 to 25 1959 ductivity and output per man j j n farm i l a safety week in canada and it hour the roal commission om in the j of all farm never judge the value of the canadas economic prospects in its study output labour and captial in the canadian econ omy shows that from 1947 to 1955 man hour productivity ex pressed in constant dollars in creased by 6scr in agriculture and by 22 in the rest of in dustry this increase in output per man hour has been made possible by the increased use of machines and mechanized equipment while these ma- 1 tors of the canadian federation if you goof and nobody not- chines have increased the effljof agriculture appeal to far- ices youd better start worryin oency of the farm they have i mers from cms to coast toaboul your importanco- people to observe this period contents of a girls head by the by not only preventing acci- of locks on it dents but by bringing about practices and methods that will a stock split has been defined safeguard human life all vearas a device for making division round seem like multiplication there are thousands of ways that you can prevent accidents and sidestep the pain suffering and financial loss resulting from numerous neck ills are trace able to the mouth according to a doctor keep your mouth shut accidents around the farm on or you may get it in the neck behalf of the board of direc tors of the canadian federation if isnt so much what happens to people in life that matters but the way they take it the same wind that blows out a match fans a flame to a greater extent an experience which makes one man bitter and resentful serves another as a stepping stone to higher and to tetter things fanny crosby the blind composer of a number of hymns was born in america in 1820 and lived lo the age of ninety- five she was only a baby six weeks old and had been born with perfect eyesight when she caught cold in her eyes and severe inflammation followed their own family doctor was away and the stranger who came in his place advised that hot poultices be put on the babys eyes some mistake had been made with the result that fanny became totally blind later on in life she says i have never once ih my long and happy life felt a spark of resentment against that doctor because i have always believed that god by this means con secrated me to the work i am still permitted to do what a striking illustration of the truth st paul expressed when he said- all things work together for good to them that love god one day the great english novelist arnold bennett was sitting in a restaurant in london he saw a fat ugly gro tesquelooking woman come in and sit down nearby the sight of her excited amusement among other customers amusement not untinged with ridicule as bennett watched her and took in the situation he reminded himself that she had probably once been a youig and attractive girl with charm in form and movement and he asked himself the question what is it that conies into peoples lives which so completely changes them from being attractive to being an object of ridicule that led to his writing one of the greatest novels of modern times old wives tale one often wonders what it is that causes not the lessen ing of physical charm but the decay of moral force in so many lives it is a sad picture and one upon which we do not care to dwell too much yet there need not be this withering blight in middle life surely god can deliver people from the i destruction that wasteth at noonday it is possible to carry on through middle and into old age charm and sweetness and beauty that is one of the true messages of all spiritual religion god keeps a light the glow of his love in human hearts the philosopher montaigne said old age sets more wrinkles on the spirit than on the face this does not always happen and it need not many of the best natured people in the world are living on borrowed time if we accept the psalmists span of seventy there can be no defeat of the truly religious there is a life which survives all destructive forces by his grace god redeems life from cynicism and despair when the novelist george macdonald was asked if he believed man had a soul he replied i do not care to put it that way man is a soul and has a body as socrates said of his judges no evil thing can befall a good man that is to say no circumstance need be allowed to crush his spirit our quotation today is by henry austin unless you are beaten within youre bound to win you con buy business machines at the tribune to keep your favourite ever green shrubs and trees ever green it might pay to respect uie work of several pests and treat for their damage before its too late many families spend hund reds of dollars on evergreens says provincial entomologist h w goble and yet when in- sects attack their damage g0 mother should n t have one that it is scarcely a sehetl- 1 where there ule at all a child needs a rou- i tine whereby lie gets up goes to the toilet washes di esses has his breakfast and carries through the rest of his day with the minimum of direct corn- beyond the pocketbook it means a nasty scar on the ap pearance of the home grounds no doubt everyone is familiar with the small white barely j visible scales that adorn juni pers all varieties may be at tacked but when savin pftier to give continual orders be cause his meals play time rest and so on follow a similar pat tern each day another constituent in a happy day is a great deal of activity out of doors a boy or girl needs a safe place for fun out door playthings too and if possible open shelves to house his treasures orange crates- painted a bright color become excellent shelves for loys and blocks books paints and cray ons plasticine blunt scissors paste a scrapbook and old mag azines from which pictures can be cut a blackboard and chalk all these are constructive toys which keep a child occupied after a child is two and one half or three he needs compan ions his own age he discovers that it is more fun to play with his toys if another youngster is also playing in the same yard or loom in some families the i church nursery class or the kin dergarten helps to meet this real j need for companionship city mothers may often leave their children with friends an opportunity to play with other children ru ral mothers arrange a cooper ative day time babysitting plan which frees mothers for an af ternoon and gives children an opportunity for play the child who does have the chance to play with other chil dren soon shows how much he enjoys their society children should always be supervised to some extent in their play and provided with play equipment that is suitable this is an exact ing job but it does make happy and irish junipers are doing i side and enough play equipment youngsters and makes them bet- scale to escape boredom a home- ler prepared to start school made ladder a slide a little i of course the biggest factor playhouse a sandbox a barrel i in a young childs satisfying with the ends knocked out a j day is the loving relationship poorly look to the jttnipe as the most likely cause try malathion to thwart the scale a suggested dosage is 4 tablespoons of wettable powder to 1 gallon of water spray this between july j and lu mala thion is more effective when the temperature is high malath ion is not recommended for cariaertii junipers dead buds or shoots on scots mugho and red pine coupled with a general stunted untidi ness can usually be traced to the pine shoot moth 5 ddt dust applied with a cloth sack will offer good pro tection especially in the case of small mugho pines cheesecloth is suitable if he mesh is not too coarse overlapping a few pieces will remedy this apply thickly on the new ball large blocks these form inexpensive outdoor play mater ial that a child can use to ad vantage a child wants to run and play and swing and slide his big muscles crave exercise in the fresh air and sunshine the child on a farm who can roam his dads fields has a dis tinct advantage over his city cousin a child requires suitable in- with his parents mother and dad loom so large in his small world if he is accepted as he is if he receives affection and patience and understanding he may fee like christopher rob in when he said thank you god for a happy day are you giving your child the experien ces he needs for ayear of happy days copyright yangtze pagoda restaurant yonrp ami oxford sufcu kltln muj j ont imnwfllalely norfi of richmond hill on ulkhway no 11 canadas finest chinese cuisine kirlasfrc conifem dinlnjr knoiom stln ifopl ietffuj sarrnbddlnca open 11 pm u 2 a m delicious caaadia food also served how can life insurance help me t by helping you provide for full happy retirement years 6 by providing an income for dependent in the even of your death by taking care of your last illness and burial expenses by providing a cash value against which you can borrow in an mergoncy these and many other advantage arc yours when you beeenne a sun life policyholder why not cull me today jim abell telephone 237 stouffville sun iife assurance company of canada