ft the stouflfyiui took twuftr mr k 1959 more brake f area per pound than an other tar the by studebaker get to know all the larks desirable qualities take a test drive main sheet ies wilson motor sales stouffville ontaiio altona july 9th the wi meeting which is to be held next wednesday july 15th at 8 pm will be at the home of mis m dunkeld please keep in mind the change in the place and time the ih club girls will be in charge of the program lawrence mcgarvey of tor onto spent last week with his sister mrs al jakeman and this week lawrence his dad robert mcgarvey and brad jakeman are holidaying at hay bay a speedy recovery is wished for roy lewis who underwent an emergency appendectomy on friday night at scarboro gen eral hospital susan jones spent last week with her aunt mrs len flow ers and cousins of peterboro during the weekend mr and mrs jones entertained some of the staff of jonesmorris pho tographers mr and mrs h nighswander and family spent the weekend with relatives at baden mr and mrs jim white were saturday evening guests of mr and mrs jack delamatter girole jakeman is spending the summer as a waitress at milford manor near bracebridge mrs hector fillion left bi plane from malton on friday for a two weeks visit with her parents at edmonton alta her mother expects to undergo a serious operation very soon on sunday mr and mrs f goudie tommy and lynda bunker and marjery mertens enjoyed a trip to collingwood where marjery is going to spend this week at a cottage as a guest of mr and mrs dick lee and family rev and mrs d sargent are holidaying at his sisters cot tage at turkey point on lake erie for two weeks sunday school lesson bussing fob an amkx which hath not left thee this day without a kinsman that his butfa lesson for july 19 goldex text he doth name may be famous as boaz was ruths kinsmanre deemer so their little sou would be naomis the thought is the execute the judgment of the birth of the lad would buy her is that you on the left still tired and worn out after a fitful nights sleep in a hot muggy bedroom or is that you on the right a man who sleeps in air- conditioned comfort who knows that an electric room airconditioner is the secret of cool blissful slumber the reason you wake refreshed and smiling an electric airconditioner will blend with any type of decor costs only a few cents a week to operate you get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity to freshen a refrigerator which has not been used for some time wash out with baking soda in warm water live better electrically fatherless and widow and lov eth the stronger in riving him food and raiment love ye there fore the stranger for ye were strangers in the land of egypt deut 1018 19 the lesson as a whole approach to the lesson the holy spirit who directed the composition of the beautiful story of ruth desired that peo ple through the centuries should read the record for several rea sons first the little book reveals that even in the anarchistic period of israels judges there was a remnant of genuine faith in the land represented by boaz even in the midst of idolatry and confusion when every man did that which was right in his own eyes judges 21 25 god had his own peo ple who had not bowed the knee to false gods second ruth narrates a love ly romance which can well chal lenge the hearts of young peo ple contemplating marriage bo az was a man of nobility integ rity and generosity ruth was a lovely young woman pure upright and devoted the story is one of dignity and charm understand the customs of the day especially deut 255 6 and you will see that both ruth and boaz acted with discretion third the book informs us concerning the genealogy of king david from whom mary the mother of our lord was descended ruth 421 22 luke 331 32 fourth and this is a truth upon which one might dwell at length the romance of boaz and ruth is an interesting illus tration of the relationship be tween christ and his bride the true church study the parallel carefully and your soul will be richly blessed verse by verse ruth 119 they two went to bethlehem when they were come all the city was moved about them and they said is this naomi the distance from moab to bethle- ham five miles south of jeru salem was about 50 miles the city was stirred because the family of the influential elime- lech was well known the ques tion asked by the women resi dents said as heie used is feminine was due to their sor rowing surprise at naomis con dition her appearance altered by years of grief had changed but more there was a shock ing contrast between her happy condition when she and her loved ones had left bethlehem years before and her present loneliness she was now a be reaved widow verse 20 she said call me not naomi call me mara the almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me naomi means gracious or pleasant mara means bitter the womans total outlook on life had changed the loveliness of her life had been replaced by bitterness she attributed her deep sorrow to the hand of god laid heavily upon her almighty is shaddai in hebrew exodus 63 the one in control of life and destiny verse 21 i went out full the lord hath brought me home again empty the lord hath testified against me and the almighty hath afflicted me naomi had left bethlehem full ie with a husband and two sons her husband elime- lech may have taken many of their possessions with them when escaping the famine in bethlehem the lord testified against naomi he had seemed to witness against her as guilty and then penalized afflicted her for her sins verse 22 naomi returned and ruth the moabitess her daughter in law out of the country of moab they came to bethlehem in the beginning of barley harvest bethlehem house of bread is later known as the city of david moab lies to the east beyond jordan we are repeatedly told that ruth was a foreigner the begin ning of barley harvest was early in april gods will is seen in the time of year the women arrived ie when it would be possible for ruth to 74 back from sorrow to joy from the stigma of childlessness to the blessedness of a family from the frustration of lonely old age to the assurance of con tinuing family love care and provision and above all to a confidence that the family line interrupted by death wesdd now continue verse 15 he shall be unto thee a restorer of thy life a nourisher of thine old age thy daughterinlaw which loveth thee is better to thee than seven sons the birth of the boy would bring a pres ent revival of joy and peace as well as a hope for the future seven suggests a large num ber note the renewed emphasis upon ruths unfailing love lor naomi verse 16 naomi took the child and laid it in her bosom and became nurse unto it as grandmother she lovingly ac knowledged that the child be longed to her this is one of the most tender scenes in the bible naomi is as it were in corporating the child unto her self while ruth totally unself ish gives her loving and hearty approval verse 17 the women her neighbours gave it a name obed he is the father of jesse the father of david ruth the beautiful heroine of the story became the divine instrument in carrying forward the juavidic line of which the lord jesus would ultimately be bom o- bed servant or worshipper im plies that the little child would some day minister to the needs of his adoring grandmother note that the neighbors not boaz chose the name this in dicates boazs cheerful acquies cence and the friendliness of the neighbors the heart of the lesson as long as we recognize the fact that the story of ruth is actual history it is quite legiti mate to see in it an instructive illustration of christs loverela tionship to his bride the church boaz was a highly respected citizen of bethlehem a man of wealth strength and influ ence he was yet kind and con siderate in the spiritual par allel we are now drawing he represents christ the mighty yet gracious son of god ruth was a gentile from be yond the jordan to the east so far as the blessings prom ised by god to the jews were concerned she was a gentile a boabitess an alien from the commonwealth of israel more over she was in great need she had lost her husband father-in- law and brotherinlaw her vis ible means of support were gone she was in desperate straits so it is with people be fore they are introduced to the saviour they are separated from god helpless and hope less but the lord dealt gently with ruth her love and loyalty to her motherinlaw were strong and tender she clung to naomi devotedly and as a result she finally met naomis husbands kinsman boaz naomi was thus the human instrument in bring ing ruth to the place of redemp tion thank god for faithful witnesses today whose winsome- ness and love draw people to the lord boaz became ruths kinsman- redeemer when the closer rela tive was unable or unwilling to purchase the property which had belonged to elimelech and as part of the legal transaction to marry ruth boaz stepped in bought back redeemed the heritage and entered into a mar riage contract with ruth the lord jesus has thus redeemed his people he became our kinsman when he sumed human flesh he bought his own back from the hopelessness and burden of sin and death the redemption price was his pre cious blood 1 peter 118 19 his redeemed are now kis holy bride 2 cor 112 eph 52527 awaiting the reappearance of her heavenly bridegroom the fruit of the union be tween boaz and ruth was obed grandfather of david and thus a source of blessing to israel the fruit of our spiritual un ion with christ paul reminds us must be unto god rom business directory auctioneers w d atkinson phone stouffville 368 licensed auctioneer and sale manager sales conducted axyvhere specializing in the preparation and selling or purebred consign ments and dispersals farm auc tions furniture and real estate sales bills prepared and posted at no extra cost this specialized ser vice really pays off and msans money in your pocket phone stouffville s03 medical brierbush hospital la and night service maternity medical and surgical member of the allied prlvats hospital association government licensed fully accredited under the new ontario services commission health plan which becomes effec tive january 1959 main street east stouffville dental ken clarr 3 prentice acctioxeers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario milltken po ph ax s5s87 markham po ph mark h prentices have been established auctioneers since 1s90 a s farmer licensed auctioneer counties of vork ontario farm- stock furniture sales a specialty address gormley po telephone gormley 5311 5935 opticians mcmanus stronach prescription opticians 1311a bay st at bloor wa 414278 357 egllnton ave w hu 503518 in toronto filling your oculists prescriptions only for listings of bye physicians phono either of above numbers accountants john c wylie fia licensed public accountant auditor main st stouffville s stores west of rr tracks telephone 495 residence 545j1 residence rr3 stouffville funeral directors neil c smith lds dds graduate of university f toronto offlc over canadian bastk t commerce telephone 167w stotutrtlj chiropractors a c kennedy chiropractor chnrcb street stouffvilu tuesday and friday 9 to 12 am wm s baird bc doctor of chiropractic xray hra 1013 am 24- 79 pm monday to friday saturday 1012 am 327 main st x markham out telephone 701 legal robert w mcyey barrister solicitor suite 514 63 richmond street west markham phono 339 toronto phone em303s9 kennedy kennedy barristers solicitors jjotario 67 richmond st w toronto ross kennedy prov hwy 7 locust hill markham 755 arthur a kennedy prov hwy 7 locust hill markham 832 l e oneill stouffviltje funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day or night phone stonffvllle 9swl beauty salons the powder puff beauty salon joy oneill opon tuesday and thursday nights closed monday for appointment call stonff 405 after hours call stonff oswl donald c hindson barrister solicitor tuesday 1 pm to 9 pm thursday 1 pm to 530 pm stouffville office hours for appointment anytime phon markham 25 main street over snowball markhmn barber shop phone 35 stouffville phono 706 david a coon barrister solicitor notary public evenings or by appointmei phono gormloy 5387 toronto office 121 610 continental llfo blag 371 bay st toronto phone em 43331 optometrists joy beauty salon glean ruth 21 naomi had a kins man of her husbands a mighty man of wealth of the family of elimelech boaz the name boar strength or quickness suggests a man endowed with resources of power or activity the word kinsman used here is moda meaning a friend or acquaintance later the word goel ruth 39 will be used indicating not only that boaz was a friend of elimelech but also that he was a blood rela tive verse 2 ruth said un to naomi let me now go to the field and glean ears of corn after him she said unto her go my daughter the poor the stranger and the wi dow had the right to glean lev 199 19 deut 2419 ie to gather grain left on the earth by the reapers to follow af ter a reaper and thus gather would be possible only if the man followed was unselfish and kind ruth 413 so boaz took ruth and she was his wife the lord gave her conception and she bare a son boaz ever honorable had fulfilled his duty as kinsmanredeemer he and ruth wore duly married the consummation of a beautiful and noble romance of this un ion a son was born his arrival rightly attributed to the super intendence of the lord on the cross christ poured out his blood for sinners lemonyille july 9th mrs spence of toronto called on friends in lemonvilie last week she is leaving on an ex tended trip to visit relatives in ireland mrs greers mother and her uncle mrs buchanan and mr jones spent the weekend with the greer family mr and mrs archer and lynn and mrs a yake spent the weekend with mr and mrs chas weir of parry sound dr and mrs c wicks en tertained their family mr and mrs ron hollett and ronnie of rexdale mr and mrs bud wicks arthur at home- srd mr and mrs hollett sr of toronto in honour of their first grand child ronnie hollett who cele brated his first birthday on saturday a birthday party was held at their cottage mr and lr mrs chas preston visited with mr and mrs w foster of sutton on sunday af ternoon mrs greer sr who has been visiting with mr and mrs d greer returned to brantfcrd last week walter returned with her enjoying a few holidays with his aunt and uncle a w permanent waving individual slylinc razor shaping phone stouffville 98w2 mrs verna austin prop e a grubin ro optometrist ptcton stonfrrllla at stouffville office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesday sept 14th and 15th oct 19th and 20th phones t 8012 and 25j1 garnet v gray od optomktri8t wm birkbtt residence main st west 3 doore west of albert sl phono 40j2 for appointment hours 10 am to 800 pm every tuesday mr wilbur claughton is pres ently visiting with his brother verse 14 the women said 1 in the west and attending the unto naomi blessed be the lord stampede at calgary stouffville machine tool works telephone 253 rear of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machtjferx machinery repairs insurance birkett son general insurance agency stouffvillo ontario insurance ic reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phones 253wl and 2e9vs fred m pugh general insurance phono stoulfvlllo sw a mortgage protocts the lending company against the loss of its money mortgage insurance helps protect the family against the loss of their home consult yonr mutual life of canada represen tative for office supplies and business machines the stouffville tribune