fs 2 the st0uffvh1e trikjne thnr j 25 1959 fstabushed k a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association asthortud m cocxlclaj mall postoc dcpt ottawa member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 850 elsewhere 450 c ft noun mtte us thomas editor our editorial comment extra schooling is well worthwhile being aware of the complexities of this age and realizing that with increasing modernization the un skilled workmans job is most likely to disappear many parents are trying to convince their teenagers to con tinue with their schooling after having a summer job and earning money many of them dont want to go back into the classroom they want to stretch their summer jobs into permanent ones it it hard to argue with students who take this attitude but if at all possible they should be convinced that a couple of years of extra train ing will pay good dividends in the jong run and a greater job security some sound advice has been given by the department of labor in ottawa it points out that a grow ing awareness of the need for more education is reflected in industry where educational standards over the past 10 years have become higher and higher the trend is bound to continue the job which is open today to the youngster with a grade 10 education may be closed tomorrow to those at this level and it may be that the young man or woman who has taken such a job has traded the fu ture for a few dollars most success stories in business and industry have one theme the more education you have the better chance you have of securing perman ent employment and of being promot ed to supervisory positions roy h maccuish assistant di rector vocational training branch department of labor sounds this warning it is the duty of parents and teachers to watch during the critical years in grades 9 10 and 11 for the danger signals which indicate the possibility of dropping out we cant leave the responsibility to the young individual and let him suffer the consequences high school graduation is becoming more import ant each year to the young person entering the world of work here are the facts as the unem ployment insurance commission has found them the more schooling you have the better will be your chances of keeping your job and the greater chances of promotion you will be more likely to find the kind of job you want and to go further in it this has always been true but it will be far truer tomorrow than it has ever been why teenage drivers need firm hand teenage motorists who tend to get poor grades in school are the worst accident risk on the highways and reports show that they lead the trend to car craziness in ontario while just over five percent of all drivers are teenagers they are in volved in more than 12- percent of all highway accidents in the province of manitoba every 100 teenage driv ers have an average of 9 accidents a year compared with only five acci dents for every hundred mature drivers surveys have shown a close re lation between driving and low grades and lessening interest in physical sports a recent article in macleans magazine stated that such youths face a flabby physical future police parents teachers and health authorities have voiced con cern but the most concerned rre the psychologists who claim that car crazy youths are being debased mentally and spiritually as well a human weakness so evident today despite the fact that all of us know you get out of life only what you put into it we keep hoping for something for nothing it is a human weakness that crops up in so many ways here are a few instances listed by a contemporary all too often most of us vote for the political candidate who offers us something for nothing all too often all of us cheer the officeholder who by plunging our children deeper and deeper into debt offers us something for nothing all too often most of us praise the employer who gives us that which we havent earned all too often many of us stand loyal to the union leader who gets us paid for not work ing certainly we should support the candidate who promises us more effi ciency improved conditions a better life certainly we should support the officeholder who does the same certainly employers and union leaders are properly dedicated and should be held in respect for treating workers right for adding to the dig nity of their employees or members for helping them help themselves but there is a vast difference be tween something for nothing and a better life something for nothing is a fools paradise it cant last it includes a day of reckoning earning your way means you have bought and paid for your better life its yours you own it for parents only united front no matter how many or how father has walked out and left few children there are in a household it is imperative that father and mother present a united front in dealing with childish problems as well as in disciplinary action if mother has established a time for the children to go to bed father u left alone with them at bedtime the child feeling deserted at a critical time of life we have made some blun ders in bringing up our tribe a mother confided to a friend but theres one principle my husband and i agreed on before our first child was born we must make certain he carries decided that no youngsters of out his wifes schedule unexpected situations do arise where it is difficult to maintain this close working agreement grandmother arrives in the mid dle of the morning bringing a large box of chocolates for her favorite grandson father smiles ours would play off one parent against the other bringing up children certainly is not an easy job in this age or at any other time if parents have not talked over their ideas of child guidance and if they indulgently with no thought of i discuss their conflicts in front denying son the right to have a candy or two then and there but mother remembers the doc- of their child they make their task even more difficult child ren need loving firm discipline to make up and be friends again mother and dad are also think ing of their long range goal for susan they want her to grow into an adult who is responsible for property she damages they also hope site will get along hap- pily with others if both mother and dad are sincerely concerned for susan they will be able to agree on the method by which susan will accept the conse quences of her actions one of the most important decisions susans parents will make on her behalf in this and other cri ses is to stand by each other copyrighted r hrff of the weeg prim oa lldt one t mo cheap the nonujlj vast rea as macb aa 2 interest attractive goodness the apostle paul once wrote- to some christians urging them not only to be good but to present their goodness in an attractive way here is what he said let not your good be evil spoken of i once travelled on a train from toronto to montreal with a clergyman who insisted on reading in a loud tone of voice passages from the bible he also gave a running explanation of it so that a score of people had to listen to him whether they wanted to or not i know some of them did not enjoy it it made me think of the story of charles lamb when a clergyman friend asked did you ever hear me preach charles stammered in reply i never heard you do anything else when moses came down from mount sinai after commun ing with god his face shone with the glory of his experience but he did not know this he was quite unconscious of the glory of it i have a feeling that the best people are like that they would be the last people in the world to claim moral superiority as a wellknown hymn has it they who fain would serve thee best are conscious most of wrong within speaking for myself there isnt any quality i love more than humility and it goes hand in hand with tolerance when michelangelo was working on his colossal statue of david his friends saw that his own face was changing as he carved the noble features in marble the contemplation necessary brought strength and beauty to his own lace he himself was quite unaware of it one day saint francis of assisi who lived in italy seven centuries ago stepped into the cloisters of his monastery and laying his hand on the shoulders of a young monk he said brother let us go down into the town and preach the monk was thrilled for it was considered to be a great honour to be associated in any way with saint francis and he was a great preacher so these two the eager young monk and the venerable old man went to the town where they met many friends and they conversed first withone then the other they passed through the principal streets and also its lowly alleys and byways and the outskirts of the town after several hours they re turned to the monastery the young monk was a little puzzled and disappointed when are we going to preach he asked st francis an swered my child we were preaching as we walked and talked with people we have been seen looked at and our behaviour has been remarked upon wherever we have been all preaching is not of the pulpit that last sentence carries what i mean genuinely good people are no more selfconscious than a flower of its fragrance goodness is attractive all the more because it does not advertise itself our quotation today is by william wordsworth the best portion of a good mans life are his unremem- bered acts of kindness and love you can buy typewriters at the tribune farm ponds prove value against fire the multiple value of farm ponds was graphically illus trated last week at chlngua- cousy township when a farm pond designed by the metropoli tan toronto and region conser vation authority was credited by firemen with saving the home of farmer aubrey uvlnsston when fire destroyed his barn the pond located about 25 feet from the barn supplied firemen with water to pump on to the blaze and keep it from spreading to other farm build ings saved were an implement shed the farmhouse and a milk cooler located in a building ad joining the barn the buildings were valued at s40000 firemen pumped water for 2 hours and lowered the ponds supply less than one foot fire chief lome wilson of snel- grove said such a pond could have saved a number of farm properties in the past which were destroyed by fife since wells seldom supplied adequate water for fire protection mr livingston told mtrca officials that the pond built or iginally at a cost of s250 was j the best and cheapest fire in- i surence policy he had ever pur chased the pond a dugout type fill ed with water by surface runoff is typical of scores of ponds de signed by the conservation au thority last year the mtrca design ed some 130 farm ponds and about 200 applications for ponds our appreciation we would take this opportunity to thank the resi dents of stouffville and surrounding area for their many contributions to our white elephant sale of last week every article donated helped to make the effort that much more a success especially would we thank the four auctioneers who contributed of their time and talent and the arena co for its cooperation in holding the sale the stouffville lions club al smaller pres anatara egaeatac geo williams secretary r halfpast teen how to prevent mower accidents haying started into full swing around the province this week and ontario department of ag riculture safety specialist h e wright expects to receive acci dent reports that will include a host of lacerated ankles sliced- off fingers and dogs legs if the pattern of accidents in 1959 follows those of the last few years reports wright here is some advice that should help a lot of farmers wright suggests the first step is getting the mower into good repair sharpen the sickle sec tions and register them so that theyre in alignment sometimes the cutter bar is left in the lowered position when moving the mower from one field to another adds the safety expert this practice sometimes results in the outer shoe catching a gatepost with probable damage being done to the cutter bar or the hinge pins or braces the bar may appear to have suffered no damage but the sic kle may be forced out of regis ter so that the point of the sickle sections dont line up ex actly with the centres of the guards wright claims that poor reg istration of tlie sickle could cause plugging and in the rush of haying season a farmer could get careless when he tries to unplug it another perfect setup for lacerated or amputated fingers due to clogging can be caused by i worn cutter bar adds the safety expert the cutter bar may lag due to accumulated wear this could cause incom plete shearing of the grass stems and cause the mower to drag and tear off some of these stems instead of cutting them on cleanly many farmers leave the mower in gear when they leave the tractor seat to clear the cutter bar since the sickle is moving and cant distinguish between the grass and clover stems and the fingers you could end up with a short finger or two if you try to clear it he explains even if youre rushed the safety expert advises you to take time to shut off the pto before oiling or cleaning it out also to avoid damage to the bar when transporting lt raise the cutter bar to transport posi tion other safety pointers that wright suggests are keep your dog tied up if he has a habit of following you in the field he could easily jump through the tali grass in front of- the mower and get hurt might be a good idea not to have chickens or other livestock in the vicitiny cither a mower moving through the grass is hard to see keep fences free of choke- cherries and other lowgrowing brush so they dont plug the mower furrows should be at least partially filled before seed ing to a hay mixture so the trac tor and mower will pass over them more smoothly restaurant tors orders that billy must not it is confusing to them if mo- to dlstf idilf fi eat between meals therefore ther vetoes an action which fa- their duty to their guest and i ther believes is permissible un- their duty to their son collide der special circumstances if parents disagree on any i it will often simplify matters phase of a childs upbringing if parents keep in mind that they should discuss the situation they must think of their childs in private and reach a decision j welfare not only today but to- acceptable to both dr donald morrow as well little susan soper the great church leader has certainly got herself into a stresses unity in the home and i hot scrap with mary and jean when asked about juvenile de- j in the argument over her chums hnqucncy he said that the great doll the doll was broken as su- majority of delinquents are un- san grabbed it susan should be j happy bitter youngsters from made to realize that restitution broken homes far from sup- j must he made for a damaged porting eeh other mother or playthine and the happy way is county histories requests for information on the history of york county have been received by the coun ty education committee and members have agreed to distrib ute copies of the settlement of york county by john mit chell to all schools in the coun ty distribution will be made by the school inspectors approxi mately 250 copies arc to be made available for this purpose agooa yonce and oxford street j elgin mllli 1 ont t immediately 3 north of richmond hill i on iughwy j no 11 j canadas finest chinese cuisine re1afr f comfortsht dlnlor raoro stlo s0 pplc rvsotifal lbdkltkd t sarrooodiet j opm ii pm f to 2 m 1 delicious caoadias food also served mnitim sot are presently being processed the authority also pays a 50 subsidy towards the construc tion of such ponds apart from their fire protec tion value the ponds also serve as a water supply for livestock domestic use spraying and irri gation they also have conser vation value for recreation and for fish and wildlife production bingwood nancy reld of rlngwood and her fiance larry hodgins were guests of hqnour at the hodgins family reunion held in strat ford on sunday and were pre sented with a beautiful pair of matching table lamps in lieu of a shower for their forth coming marriage new county maps coming new maps of the county of york are being prepared and will be made available shortly at an estimated cost of 5 each requests for such maps have been received from school teach ers and the school inspectors j are being invited to make rec- i ommcndatlons regarding its preparation providence college provi dence ri was founded in 1917 it is the only college on the north american continent oper ated by the dominican fathers canada produces 1200 ton of pulp and paper every hour public notice township of whitchurch re garbage collection public notice is hereby given that garbage will be collected under contract at wilcox lake oak ridges muirhead crescent mondays and thursdays from june 1 1959 to may 31 1960 prestons lake- tuesdays from july 1st to sept 2nd 1959 musselmans lake tuesdays and fridays from june 1st to sept 2nd 1959 and fridays from sept 3rd 1959 to may 31st 1960 garbage shall include ordinary kitchen wastes and ashes to be placed in metal containers weighing not more than 60 lbs there will be two extra collections spring and fall for material not classified as garbage john w crawford clerktreas body fender repairs duco dulux refinishing estimates without obligation w g garrett and son main street stouffville ont phone 265 wanted more cream shippers for best results ship your cream to stouffwiie creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery to have our track call phone 186w s creamery co cold storage lockers for rent we build homes large and small and buildings of all kinds repairs and remodelling good materials and workmanship guaranteed k our house designing service is at your disposal kwretz construction co ltd stouffville onl phone slouff 200