v is ot e stouffotue striking mw vol 70 no 3 the tribune srounpville ont thursday june ts 1350 fourteen pages play golf for school benefit urges ringwood stop lights deputyreeve dean at mark- ham township speaking be- fore vork count council lat week made a plea for the in- council not in accord on office rental to public utilities comm will plant new trees in a resolution at the regular meeting of stouffville municip al council on thursday evening the property committee under chairman councillor ken laush- a resolution concerning an had taken place between couniway was given authority to jtallation of stoutlirhts atthe i offer to rent offic sda he cil and puc on the question plant new trees on local streets bingwoud corner he stated new mun building to the of building the only building in up to an expenditure of 100 that without stop ileliti it n pubuc titles commission the picture was the present one the chairman said that quite r our a nuraber o j wer removed many of them had died and others were so de-nud- ed of their branches as to be of little beauty or use citizens regret to see our trees cut down and council win try to replace at suitable loca tions new trees to be planted will be red or silver maple verv difficult for traffic to ret i brousht a warm change of which did not afford the puc any break to enter highway oplnions am stouffville coun- the storage accommodation they 4 cil members on thursday night needed now he said with the county road coiumissfener the resolution put forward by theatre building taken over we long said that any request counclllor laushway and deputy have plenty of space to ofter for a stop light should be jreeve wa stated that council it looks very silly to me to nutter for the dept of high- shouw 0lter to t6nt the puc be asking them to rent when we ways he said that the county and storage space in the are trying to get them money koad commission did not pro- j new municipal building to build continued councillor pose to be a gobetween to mover and seconder of parsons push request to different de- the resolution stated that it had j this is only an offer they partiiients i eome to their attention that may figure this is a better deal a j kttie said that a re- ud utility members had ex- now and if they do or dont it quet to the highways dept pressed tlie opinion that no for- will be quite satisfactory re- would quite possibly receive favorable consideration wssiead sewers heady soon nn to rent had ever plied councillor laushway d by council coun- i agree with councillor i mal iuvitati i been receivel by council coun- i agree with councillor par- cillor laushway stated that he sons said reeve lehman its j had been challenged a number too late now to be asking them of times by the public that coun- to rent cil had not invited the puc to possibly they should have ent therefore they were pro- been approached before now ceeding to erect a building of but reeve lehman is our mem- their own ber on the board and knew i cant favor this resolution wliat was going on said coun- j by the time this newspaper is when we already know theyre cillor parsons j published it is expected that all going to build said councillor im not in favor of this but i the new westend municipal sew- parsons youre only making im sign the resolution to save ing crew in town numbering survey nears completion the survey being done by the municipal services co in prep aration to placing street num bers on every building in stouff ville is nearing completion work was going ahead last week ready for the drawing of maps and the public will be noti fied when to expect the number- er line in stouffville will have them aware of something they a tie vote declared reeve leh been fully tested and ready for already know lie added man councillor oboyle was not hookups by the public j deputyreeve wagg said that present councillor parsons op- it was stated at ihe regular when the former negotiations posed tiie resolution council meeting on thursday j night that quite a number of j citizens were most anxious to hook up to the sewers just as soon as possibe many had bad septic tanks and faulty drain age systems edward st was all circus company folds lions left in lurch representatives of stouff ville richmond hill and mark- ham township councils played golf on saturday to aid a special benefit day being spon sored by unionviile fairways for the thornhaven school for retarded children seen here putters in hand are left to right reeve floyd perkins of richmond hill deputyreeve ken wagg of stouffville reeve w l clark of mark- ham township and william stewart president of the thomhaven school future of county farm a waits council decision tho future of the york cty home farm is awaiting the decision of county council to be based on the report of a com mittee comprised of warden hodgson and the commissioners ft was suggested in council last week that it was timt members came to a decision on the fut ure of the farm during the discussion the farm committee was asked if all the milk from the farm was sold at consumers prices and the committee answered in the affirmative reeve richardson of whitchurch said that he was opposed to the farm being in competition with the farmers who were malting a living out of the production of milk he stated that most farmers had to take a cut in the milk pro duced reeve luck of newmarket in speaking of the farm stated that while the period of the first six months showed a loss the increase in the value of the herd should be considered reeve armstrong stated that while some years in which cat tle were sold might show a good profit no credit could be taken by the committee of that year as it would average out over term mr ritchie the farm manager has tendered his resignation and the committee is advertising for a new manager thev were loud in their praise of mr ritchies conduct of the farm but stated that due to the doubtful future of the farm they could not blame him for accepting another position opposed to any further annexation in a report of the york coun ty planning committee present ed to council last week and ap proved the further annexation of any county land by metro is opposed the committee rec ommended that no part of the county be annexed to metro without a vote of the people since the location of the cnr marshalling yards has been es tablished the committee asked that the cnr plant a buffer strip of trees to encircle the yards to help conserve the beauty of the countryside the committee is planning to make a study of subdivision control along the don mills rd the county engineer and the local planning boards will be asked to participate ministerial changes are announced af church conference the ontario district of the i to alymer t montgomery to united missionary church will j new dundee and paul frete be rallying witii the denominat- j to st thomas rev herbert ion to make 1959 a year of evan- shantz onetime pastor of both complete and ready on friday i any entry into the sewers must the sytem of numbering pro vides a number for every twen ty feet thus taking care of double houses narrow commer cial frontages etc once com pleted the company keeps the system uptodate so far as new subdivision and new individual buildings are concerned the numbering will fill a need in town that has been felt for some time and make much easi er the locating of residents and the garden bros circus the two lions clubs held bedoneniyvpernnt obtain- w s jomt meeting this week and jcijgg ed at the town office and the in- vue on monday night next and greed that rather than present oou stallation is inspected bv the i in mar this saturday lias a show of inferior calibre the health unit i become inoperative according ticket money should be refund- pine street i to an announcement appearing ed councillor laushway reported i in tllis week tribune as a re- j tickets mav be redeemed for to council that a very bad sani- sult 0 stouffville and mark- the f value at both the tary condition still existed on i amunioimlle uons clubs who bank of commerce and the pine st where drains from were s the show have bank of nova scotia in stouff- main st residences were bubb- w k ling up in a large pool in front final game the braves and the dodgers f the peewoo baseball league 11 stouffville will meet for a hamntonship contest this thur sday flight at 730 pm these ire the top two teams in the ocal loop you can see them un- ler the lights in this final con- est bicksons hill rents school accommodation dicksons hill public school pupils will be attending the iummitvicw public school in stouffville this fall while their new school is being completed the final arrangements for the rentiii of this accommodation by stouffville was completed last week at a meeting of the local school board the dicksons hill pupils will occupy two basement rooms in the school dicksons hill has purchased a site for a new school on the riscbiough farm just south of the hill and will begin erection of a new school there this sum- 1 mer gelism this purpose was unani mously approved at the district conference held last week in the gormley united missionary church chairman of the conference was rev k e geiger general supt of the um church co- chairman was rev w m shantzi ontario district supt both leaders expressed concern over the tendency of christians to become selfsatisfied forget ting that they have a mission- to win people for christ the members of conference were challenged to return home to pass on their respective churches an appeal that they earnestly cooperate in making 1960 a year of evangelism the treasurers report indi cated lhat the district total off erings increased over the past year by 50000 emmanuel bib le college planning relocation on the grounds occupied by the church camp at kitchener brought to the attention of the conference an offer pf pur chase for the old college build ing the figure named was 57000 the district radio broad cast heard currently over two stations in southern ontario will soon be transferred to sta tions in northern ontirio the move is considered strategic in of a pine st home clerk corn er was asked to contact the health unit for the second time to try and get action ok final flans final plans and specification for the new municipal building were approved the architect is f mr a leman council also approved the pur chase of jackets for the stouff ville midget hockey team at a cost of 9693 and a grant for markham fair of 25 been left holding the bag i v and markham tickets may both clubs had hundreds of dol- be redeemed at the bank of lars in tickets sold and are now n scotia j tna town re- faced with the task of refund- funds will be made up to and in- ing eluding july 15th membership drive stouffville community swim ming pool officials announce that a special drive will begin this week to increase the family membership in the local pool family season tickets are 12 hhkrest school to receive mew crest a sports day and picnic for pupils of hillcrest public school 6th concession of whitchurch will be hold on friday june 27th in ratcliffs park on this occasion denis leon ard wiio lias designed a new crest for the school will be prem sented witii a trophy and prize money denis won the compe- tition conducted among 30 con testants in he school mr tlios lang vice chairman of the school board will make the asmuch as missionaries are exj presentation pected to carry the gospel to the design of the new crest- areas not as frequently reached corresponds with the new school as others building being erected some ministerial changes were made c k presser will be ser- z7 ving on the facility of eb col- t public school pup- iege and the following pastor- ae participating in their an al moves were approved e l nual musical operetta this wed- chester to port hope w shoe- nesday night in the high school maker to zephyr p g lehman auditorium stouffville and gormley has retired and will be living in new dundee four young men were or dained to the ministry l l wark roy forsyth e sparks and ronald byers the conference also reiterated its position as in favor of the rzz h b mssionar i andare good at any time n- church association i eluding weekends and holiday officials believe that the rate is particularly attractive and that a full swimming season at this rate is a real bargain mr a h williams is the pool manager and he will be glad to sell your family a season mem bership and explain the rules and times at which the pool in open scholarship whitchurch to engage lake patrol officers whitchurch township coun- was a matter for the local pol- il agreed by resolution tliurs- ice force summer water restrictions in force in stouffville with the sudden rush of hot use but must be adhered to or weather the draw on the local the service will be discontinued water supply mounted to a as provided for by local bylaw quarter million gallons a day if there is general public co- land reservoirs were depleted to operation there will he ample a dangerous level the new and water larger pumps were immediately brought into play and the sup- ne restrictions give a maxi ays sundays and holidays well as a watcc utheooat h s rom 9 am to 6 pm their em- it was found that loyment is to run until sept 15 could not attend to both and f watenn bethel college mishawaka indiana has received word that allen p stouffer who was graduated in the june commencement exer c i s e s has received a graduate fel lowship to claremont gradu ate school claremont califor nia the three year fellowship is provided by the national de- stouffville public utilities com- ot the gnri fense education act with a issued restriction f monda wednesday and 1 stipend of 2000 for the first orders on the use offawn taps nda two hours per day and j year and increases of 200 failure to move from basement brings fine clair zonkyn was convicted cloud created by a truck ahead in vandorf court last week on r supt davis was instruc- a charge of contravening the ted to apply dust layer as avail- township bylaw which forbids a the supply of calcium living in basements of uncpm- brine is limited in that only so pleted dwellings constable crit- much can be pumped and the tendon reported to council that orders are numerous the individuals in both cases 1 had been given ample time to demonstrate their intention to vajluolt coilft finish a home mr zonkvn was fined s00 paul arculies of agincourt air sonicyn was lined vuu flned am coss or te or 30 days txe maximum fine days when he appeared in van- is 300 j jorf court on tuesday charged victor lenard who appeared with driving 85 miles an hour on a similar charge was given j the accused said he was demon- until aug 25th at which ftinye switn aewtoc he is to appear in newmarket court he has some material told th k i- t that he stopped the accused near rn the site but to date has not mt an traffic was not made any progres in complet- heavy ing the building z- constable crlttendon advised was charged with driving 70 council that he would have two niiles an hour in a 50mjlc zone more cases on the docket f j paw s15 and costs he offered to ri otii 1 vt ki u i demoastrate to magistrate kelly july 2oth the charge being the hlat his havm runove use of substandard construe- 10 miles would not go 70 tion as a dwelling unit ask more bust layer a thursday nights council j meeting residents filed com- plaints in regard to dust and those on the 6th and 7th con- miss ellen steckley a teacher cession where there is heavy in the town of bremen indiana truck traffic asked that the spent a few days with her par- dust layer be applied to the en- j ents mr and mrs arthur steck- tire road not just in front of ley of bethesda she has return- residences one car driver stated ed to indiana where she is em- that he had nearly beci killed ployed at winona lake resort by a truck coming out of a dust for the summer councillor mrs gibb calls for action on wrecking yd permits presents award to son mrs ethel mole vice chair man of the stouffville public school board had the pleasure on wednesday evening of pre senting the richardson awaid to iter own son robert 8th grade summit view school the richardson awaid is pre sented in the form of a 10 cheque it is a proficiency award made possible through the gen erosity of the late dr w f richardson however the magistrate de dined the offer and took the sworn statement of the officer about 75 cases were listed in tuesdays docket mrs elgin last john and pa tricia ann are visiting her par ents mr and mrs arthur steck ley at bethesda for a few weeks during which time her husband rev last will attend summer graduate school at wheaton col lege wheaton illinois paper earlier next week due to he dominion day holiday july 1st falling on wednesday next weeks tri bune will bo issued on tues day evening one day earlier in order to meet this earlier deadline correspondents and advertisers are asked that their copy reach the news paper office this weekend no display advertising can bo accepted after monday 1101 n and no classified advertising later than 10 am tuesday midweek holidays alwavt create a number of headache for weekly newspaper pub lishers and the management asks the cooperation of all xncomcd in this instance engineer any mum of two hours and the town lay night to engage two spec- constable crittendon stated as dr0 lnt0 pj and the u constables to patrol the lakes an instance of the new act that ply but 0 curo i dkhrft fn the municipality and 0 have al vgwsz r merest o the csl ontrol of all parking on satur- must have stouffville public ltillties com st the for consumers east of the cfr constable crittendon speaking when a person fell fromvhe skis i residents have been warned day two horsletdav saur efore council gave a resume it often led to a drowning be- b h use of a sound truck and i f his interview with rcmp fore the boat operator turned to ast week by mall that they a new reservoir is on the util- ulcers as regards the enforce- locate the swimmer must not water lawns and gar- program for this year but lent of the law regarding the he said that with both musst-i- dens except at the hours and construction as not commenced censing and equipment of mans and wilcox lake using times specified the commiss- as yet and total storage capac- nall boats he had been advis- boats he could not deal with on feels that the hours allowed ity is limited to less than three i by the rcmp that this ihis duty for seven days a week arc quite ample for household quarters of a million gallons i each year for two successive years the fellowship com bines studies in history and government allen was grad uated cum laudc from be thel with majors in both his tory and biblical literature he is the son of mr and mrs ihert stouffer of stnuff- v whitchurch township coun dl lias spent considerable time in discussion at recent meetings on the requests for permits to operate wrecking yards with in the municipality the matter was again on the agenda at thursday nights meeting mr hlneman who had his license withheld pending his complying with the bylaw ta- ted that the provindal govern ment officers of the dept of transport had called on him to cease operation unless he had a township permit council agreed to review his case if he complied with th rcqulroments mr cappc spoke to council in connection with his yard per mit for which had been blocked by a petition of 21 ratepayers not opposed providing that lie did not burn any materials at his property he said it was his intention to operate a parts sup ply and any parts which could not be utilized would be taken to the dump councillor mrs gibb said i think its time the council de- dded on this application she charged coundllor williams as being on the fence in the mat ter and that the affair gener ally was not being given fair treatment mr cappe was advised that coundi would consider his case and he would be adv ask financial help the town of aurora has pur chased a resusdtator at a cost of s700 the machine will be used to service the entire area he tojd coundi he had in- land aurora has suggested that tcrviewcd those persojis re- whitchurch township absorb a siding in the immediate area portion of the cost coundi and had found that they wre i made no dedgfon ross g baker son of mr and mrs f w baker of but- tonville ont recently grad uated with honours in civil engineering from the univer sity of toronto he was edu cated at buttonvlllc public school and richmond hill dis trict high school and is at j present with the steel co of 1 canada in hamilton