Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 28, 1959, p. 2

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tgt 1 the stouffvue th8mk limit my 28 59 telje touffuilu tribune established us a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association authorized wcondcu null poatoffics dcp- otuwa member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffville ont n canada 350 elsewhere 450 c a noun pubgsfca us thomas eaor our editorial comment making its presence known during the past few years the local legion branch has been the subject of some criticism both from non patrons and former members they have been criticized for inactiv ity they have been criticized for a lack of interest in community better ment they have been criticized for their disinterest in welfare work to many the legion does not retain the meaning that it did more than a decade ago we do not propose to criticize or praise the work of the stouffville branch because we do not possess a fair knowledge of its operation either in the community as a whole or with in its own organization critics should remember however that many of the members who comprise this unit have contributed more than their fair share to stouffville and yes to canada many offered their very lives for our community how much more should we as citizens really expect it is only correct to assume that the erection of the legion hall was statistics show with the school term drawing to a close probably many students and their parents have already reached the decision that this is it and that the time has come to step out into the workaday world however second thoughts are in order on decisions of this kind where two years of high school sufficed as grounding in education to hold down fairly good jobs a generation or so ago that no longer holds true today the more education one has the better is the chance to keep out of the a big financial undertaking for the local veterans it is possible that their funds would not permit any ex tensive community projects be this as it may it now appears likely that the legion intends to make its pres ence felt in the village on friday evening it conducted one of the finest fireworks displays- ever held here the colorful show attracted hundreds of children and adults to the park in addition it brought one of the largest presummer crowds to town this spring it is true that financial assistance was forthcoming from the lions club and local businessmen but it was the legion which promoted the performance the legion is now hoping to em bark on another campaign the erection of a war memorial in the park as with the fireworks financial assistance will be needed from other organizations such a cairn should have been built here many years ago it would indeed be gratifying to see the legion get the green light and proceed with the plans education pays ranks of the unemployed latest findings by the national employment service show a definite relationship between unemployment and educa tion during the survey year two out of three unemployed had not gone beyond grade eight although the average education of all working people was much above this the survey showedit is extreme ly difficult to place students with less than grade ten education and when layoffs come those with little edu cation get their notices first a housewifes comment on advertising i wish you would get all mer chants to advertise in your paper running from store to store trying to find what i want wears me out and wastes hours commented a local housewife when visiting this newspaper office i wish nearly all merchants in this town would advertise their pro ducts so that busy people could sit down in their leisure moments and read their advertisements which would tell what they have for sale and where we can get it ive sent to mail order houses many times for things that after wards i found i could have bought at home the city people put a cata logue in my home and tell me what they have and how much it costs i can see why people get the mailorder habit it doesnt always save money but it saves time not many people i know and i wouldnt think of it myself buy groceries that way because the groc ery stores put advertisements in your paper i think that if more merchants advertised every week there would be more people trading at home i know it would sure make a difference with me not necessary more than 400 canadians die in residential fires each year more than half of them are children warns the all canada insurance federation officials of the federation which represents more than 250 casualty automobile and fire insurance com panies said that faulty use of elec tricity and inflammable liquids ac counted for many residential fires occurring in the spring and summer months pointing out that property loss from fires exceeds 20000000 annu ally safety experts offer the follow ing precautions which are especially applicable at this time of year 1 remove all accumulated leaves and windblown rubbish from eaves and around the house 2 clean out attics sheds base ments garages or other areas where rubbish may have accumulated 3 make sure that all paints varnishes paint removers and other inflammable liquids are kept in well- marked safety cans 4 oily rags or rags soaked in turpentine or other inflammable fluids should be burned or kept in wellsealed containers 5 never burn aerosol tins 6 remove matches from pock ets of all winter clothing before storing away 7 winter heating materials oil kerosene etc should be kept at minimum level during the warmer months 8 have all chimneys and fur nace thoroughly cleaned and checked 9 use noninflammable liquids for cleaning floors and clothing 10 check fans air condition ers and similar summer appliances for frayed cords and loose connec tions all canada insurance feder ation swearing parrots are seldom cured ignore him sometimes he said the parrot will forget certain phrases pro viding the owner is willing to wait for 25 years or so because some parrots live so long it is possible for one bird to have half a dozen homes this is where problems can arise one of the exhibitors who work in a pet shop made his business sound like a child ad- option agency he must show great discretion lr placing his parrots r the distressing thing about a swearing parrot is that it will probably live 100 years and nev er give up the habit it seems you can scold him starve him and threaten to slay him and that cursed parrot will still swear like a drunken sailor so it is not surprizing that re spectable parrot lovers should take a dim view of pollys im purities a group of them got together when their parrots went on dis- ition of cage birds and while the judges listened to these talking birds go through their nice clean nursery rhymes the owners chatter about their problems the environment means everything said one exhibitor a parrot reared in a decent home will develop a similar tern- peramant and vocabularly another suggested that par- rotpsychoyogy should get top priority when he says some thing nice let him know you like iififf of the week umfcse-ie-s- mike rice of detroit i have just been reading again some facts about mike rice of detroit he was rev newton s rice dd pastor of metropolitan methodist church in detroit one of the largest church congregations in the united states with over 7000 members when rev newton rice went to detroit it was a com paratively small town known for its beauty the impact of world war had not yet come and changed it into a dynamic rapidly growing city with a cosmopolitan population the local board of commerce arranged one of its lake cruises and among invited guests was merton rice tall handsome young blackhaired giant few detroiters had ever seen him before but they liked him from the start friendly goodnatured easygoing an extraordinary good mixer with a big head a big voice and a big heart he was more like an overgrown schoolboy than a clergyman but he was perfectly natural no cant or self- conscious piety during the trip it was announced that he was to give the customary address here is an account of it as it appeared in the detroit free press they gathered more out of courtesy and because it was the thing to do then dr rice began speaking right then and there something happened to detroit the handsome giants magnetism the power and the glory of his vision held his audience spellbound and among these was the late ed ward h doyle leading catholic layman of detroit and one of the most sincerely devout christians ever to walk our streets though never quite able to overcome the rough and ready speech he had learned as a boy in the lumber camps when dr rice had finished one of the first to grip his hand was mr doyle my god he cried if you were a member of my church i would nominate you for pope whats your name ms rice answered the startled clergyman could that m by any chance stand for michael de manded doyle no its merton well its mike to me roared the gorgeous e h youre too good not to be irish by eyienfcg dr rice was known as nothing else on ship board but mike and it remained with him unto the end at rotary he was mike and to the vast world which was his larger pulpit he was never known as anything else from then on until his death over thirty years later dr rice was one of the most useful and best loved citizens of detroit there wasnt a good cause with which he did not become identified he could be depended on to throw his weight into every movement for human betterment he never was negative this is why i am writing this article he never ran down anybody if he couldnt say a good word he remained silent sizing up people by the religious group to which they belonged was the last thing he thought of he loved people because they were human beings irrespective of their race or creed when the great drive started to build the metropolitan church the doctor announced that he would not preach in it until it had been paid for every brick and stone the cost was around a million and a half toward the end of the long hard struggle there were days of discouragement the sun day on which it was scheduled to open was just a few days away they still owed 30000 with no place to turn for more aid dr rice went into the church on thursday night alone and in the darkness he prayed to god for guidance and help to finish the task and when he had finished he walked down the long corridor a door opened and there he met one of detroits wealthiest men i had to come over to see you doctor he said i under stand you need more funds here is my signature on a blank check fill it out for what you need to finish the job our quotation today is by dr w s atkinson god needs men just as a tree needs branches here is just on example oc casionally we get a parrot that has been raised in a pub and a clergyman might drop in and take a ifking to the bird now theres a problem mate he said he wouldnt sell it to the clergyman tt wouldnt be fair to the par rot he explained that a parrot used to the noise and crowds in a pub would be bored in a quiet home and there is likely chance he will have picked up such phrases as fill er up guvnor and shut the bloody door dealing with parrots is a highly specialized job he said i proudly the exhibitors say that al- i though parrots are traditionally the worst offenders for swear ing all talking birds have equal potentials for developing the art but it seems other species like the budgerigar usually spend more time with the lad ies their language is more re- j fined i to illustrate this point one j exhibitor took a reporter on a tour of the talking bird section plqr at londons national exhibit and when he starts to swear wanted more cream shippers for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound batterfat for cream delivered to the creamery to have our track call phone 186w stouffville creamery co cold storage lockers for rent farm accident figures detailed information on the accident picture on ontario farms for the first three months of the farm accident survey is now being reported to agricul tural representatives states t r hilliard director of exten sion ontario department of ag riculture under whose super vision the farm accident- sur vey is being carried out the in formation will be tabulated and analyzed and the results di vulged as soon as they are avail- able agricultural representatives report that a total of 5492 peo ple are acting as accident re porters in the farm accident survey i would like to com mend all those who are serving as farm accident reporters and also those farm tamilies that are providing the information on accidents on their farms states mr hilliard this infor mation will be of value to farm organizations and the depart ment in devising a safety educa- tion program designed to re duce the number of all acct dents on ontario farms for porents only plan for play by nancy cleaver beneficial rain was general according to w m cockburn newmarket agricultural repre sentative for york county the rains last week were general over the county going down to considerable depth the rain fall recorded at the meteorolog ical station at the oac muck research farm on the bradford marsh was 21 inches for the 24 hours commencing at 5 pm on tuesday may 19 th a small area from nashville to kleinburg had a very severe hail storm at 5 pm on the 19th which broke from 25 to 90 of the glass in seven green houses belonging to the four burbidge market gardeners ruining their crops of green house tomatoes which were well advanced for early crop the hailstones varied in size up to that of hen and duck eggs proof of this is the holes in the turf around the yard and the damage to roofing bunching onions and radishes and rhu barb in the fields were a com plete loss mr cockburn points out that winter killing of wheat was not as severe as reported by one of the daily papers what he had stated was that some fields in the southern part of the county had up to 80 killed these were isolated cases and fortunately not general for the whole area wheat and meadows are mak ing wonderful growth since the rains khrushchev is said to be suf fering from dizzy spells the edmonton journal says thats another reason for him to stay away from brinks young girls in love find that the best way to keep a diary is under lock and key the first budgie was owned by a woman it said you are a naughty boy the second belonged to a man its statement mines a guin ness the third a womans said hello my darling under male ownership ano ther screeched shut up its sad to see birds from un happy homes said the exhibitor hear dr m b dymond speak to ontario county thursday may 28th 635 pm radio cfor orill1a cklb oshawa wforbsv thoughts yesi believe you have a little refwlp comsn6- r fem wruevtrflcerr plan for play i indoors plan for play there is no more important task for par ents to tackle together than making provision for a small sops or daughters activity dur ing his waking hours play is a childs work this is an old saying and a very true one a childs play is not unim portant or a waste of time on ly the sick child sick in body or heart or mind has no desire for fun and activity all par ents want their children to be well and happy but not all mo thers and fathers give as care ful attention to their childs play material as they should the tools for a childs work his play things need not en tail a large expenditure of mo ney many kinds of play mater ial can be found or partly made at home thus their cost is greatly reduced here are some constructive suggestions some of which should be useful in any home in which there are tiny tots the cupboard for pots and pans is a creeping childs para dise all those wonderful shiny articles that are such interesting shapes sometimes when mo ther is icing a cake she even lets junior lick off the egg beater an excellent rattle can be made by putting two or three small metal objects into a honey pail and- sealing it a drum with a cord to go around the neck and clothes peg drum sticks can be made in a similar way nests of tin cans can be made from cans of different sizes from babys soup can to the lar gest size of fruit juice or tomato can on the grocery shelf pro viding the can opener does a perfect job not leaving any rough edge a little child will have a good time just handling these cans making a castle and fitting themlnside each other doll furniture can be made from lightweight wood or from heavy cardboard a fruit basket can be converted into an attract ive cradle with the handle mov ed toward one end a little girl i loves a basket bassinette with i rockers or a wooden box dolly 1 bed with spool legs a circular baby cereal box can be cut out for a small dolls cradle puzzles are fun and can be made by pasting a brightly col- oured picture onto heavy card board or thin board use a cop ing saw or a sharp knife or scissors for cutting cardboard into large irregular pieces in different interesting shapes keep each puzzle in a box of its own if there is any dan ger of the pieces of two puzzles gettting mixed up when two children are playing with them use crayons and color the backs of the pieces with a distinctive contrasting shade another thing which can be used in a childs play are milk bottle tops these form wheels when fastened with a paper fas tener with a head and two prongs spools should be saved not only for legs for doll fur niture but to thread together for a spool man paper plates can be converted into circular wall pictures homemade sew- ing cards can be made bv a clever mother macaroni can be broken into short lengths tint ed with vegetable dye be sure a child uses a blunt needle to string these into a necklace or bracelet a small child needs super vision and occasional help when playing before handing a child even blunt scissors or a blunt needle or any other special piece of equipment show him how to use it and warn him to be careful have a cupboard to store play material neatly help the child if necessary get it out do not interrupt his play to give him directions unless it is absolutely imperative be on hand to give a little encourage ment and assistance in putting his play things away and clean ing up any clutter insist that the play material from one ac tivity be all put in its place be fore some new interest is begun one thing at a time is a good rule for even a small child to learn copyright for office supplies and business machines the stouffville tribune we build homes large and small and buildings of all kinds bepoirs and remodelling good materials and workmanship guaranteed our house designing service is at your disposal kwbetz construction co ltd stouffville ont phone stouff 200 free polio vaccine clinics for adults will be provided by physicians of york county medical society in cooperation with york county health unit time 730 pm to 900 pm district schomberg richmond hill king cy markham village mount albert newmarket ballantrae union ville keswick thomhui sutton aurora oak ridgeslake wilcox stonffville woodbridge nobleton pefterlaw location community hall 50 yonge st north masonic hall veterans flail community hall ftl bayvlew avenue ballantrae school veterans hall united church united church health unit 49 yonge street south oak ridges legion hall health unit arena wl han community hall date hon 1 june mon 1 june tuea 2 june tues 2 june wed 8 june wed s june thur 4 june thur 4 jane mon 8 june moil 8 june tues 9 june tue 9 june 1959 1859 1959 1959 1959 1959 1959 1059 1959 1959 1959 1959 wed 10 june 1959 wed 10 june 1959 thur 11 june 1959 thur 11 june 1959 tues m jane 1959 be wise immunize n

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