Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 16, 1959, p. 8

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ft 8 the stouffyiue tribune tinndiy apr 16 1959 claremont pickering tp news use of secret police system in twp charged by dunbarton man an irate dunbarton resident ed the ratepayer that he had not edward hannah appeared be- been singled out the reeve love pickering township coun- pointed out that neighbours on cil with a volley of charges and surrounding properties had to complaints at a special meeting be considered on monday night he charged i for the past six years my the township council with oper- 1 business and family life have ating a secret police system been interfered with he char- he said that when he telephoned ged the townships bylaw has the municipal office to request no place in canada he contin- information on charges laid by ued this isnt italy he charg- the bylaw enforcement officer ed that the entire bylaw was of he was ignored he said he had fascist origin already paid two fines in court if the township wants to for failure to clean up his prem- control my property let them jses buy it and pay the taxas he this is a diabolical scheme j said he charged that the bylaw he said he noted that an equal j officer had ordered him to move jy unsightly condition existed 3 tons of steel in 6 hours he near his premises but no char- claimed that it was an impos- ges had ever been laid against sible request he admitted that the owner why am 1 the he paid a fine of 1150 in court goat he asked it was cheaper than to fight reeve sherman scott inform- 1 for my rights he concluded claremont distriet wedding williamson bilcox on march 26 at s30 a wed ding took place at the home of mr and mrs williamson for their son ronnie to miss bev erley bilcox of ajax by the rev a e cresswell of clare mont united church after lunch was served the happy couple left for a honey moon trip to buffalo ladies auxiliary the regular monthly meet ing of the ladies auxiliary to the canadian legion was held thursday april 9 with com rade president ethel murray in iwms was held thursday af ternoon april 9 in the sunday school room of the united church programme was in charge of mrs h johnston and mrs f hollingshead guest speaker was mr cresswell his topic the journey into easter they entertained members from the baptist circle mr and mrs w lehman vis ited with mr and mrs herb oliver on sunday at aurora keep in mind the final euchre of the season april 27 at the legion hall draw to be held that evening a number of ladies from cla- still rejected by council cut 20000 from public school debenture in spite of a s20000 cut in the original debenture appli cation for a new ten room public school addition in the west rouge pickering township council members turned thumbs down on a request for s250000 as presented by no 2 area board chairman mr fred hunt at a special meeting on monday night the original application was for 270000 the biggest cut in costs was in the construction of the building it was dropped from s225000 to s20s000 architects fees were lowered from s13500 to 12480 grading sodding paving etc was cut in half from 6000 to 3000 chairman hunt stated that due to delays the school would not be com pleted until nov 1st there are definitely no frills in this school he said ward 3 councillor mr harry ashton was still critical of the new estimate he charged that one part of the school area was being given rural education while the westerly sec tion was receiving bigcity type instruction and accommoda tion he agreed that extra classrooms were needed but he wished them to be constructed as economically as possible dep reeve mrs jean mcpherson noted that there was a considerable difference in the per room cost of the pro posed west rouge addition and the vaughan williard school which was built in 1956 chairman hunt replied that construc tion costs had increased considerably since that time he noted that the vaughan williard school was still not com pleted councillor edgar james agreed that the board had made adetermined effort to cut down the cost from their original figure dep reeve mrs mcpherson contended that the per room cost was still high its a 240000 decision agreed councillor ross haw thorne councillor ashton charged that two proposed subdivisions in the west rouge area were being used as excuses for the large school addition he noted that the subdivision had never been passed by council by a unanimous vote it was agreed that the estimate should be returned to the area board for a further reduction department rep suggests playground program remont wednesday afternoon the chair favourable reports l apr g attended the summary were given by the different con- 1 day of the rug making course veners com rose bates zone held in uxbridge legion hall commander from bowmanvillc t ladies who had taken the made her annual visit com course had their manv beauti- bates said she was pleased with iu rugs on display about 71 our auxiliary and pointed out the smaller auxiliaries were more friendly therefore you social nan nour louowea i ing in tne community nan ua- f n find more harmony among them mr and mrs jack norton en- remont on april 6th members nqst ufeen klver com bates presented com ren- joyed a weekend visit with mr i of the park board and various j nie with her past presidents an mrs johnston at goderich representatives of other organi- the green river community badge com rennie asked the mr and mrs lloyd pascoe rations were present mr kall shocked on monday april members to give the new presi- and jackie visited on sunday vizely acted as chairman i 6th wnen was learned that dent and officers their continued with mr and mrs ken dopking mr vizely pointed out that mr wm t e pug a lifelong cooperation plans were made a malvern j the purpose of the meeting was resident of the district had mr eilbeck representing thei rugs were displayed a short i community branch of the dept af t nl c j programme was planned and a of education attended a meetj will i ruqil rsitflgfj for a social visit to bowmanville legion members are requested to meet at the four corners on april 28 at 7 pm have you ever thought of the guide and brownie moth- to study ways and means of im- 1 passed away suddenly in his ers la are repeating the play proving organized recreation in j sleep death was attributed to three bright girls at the j the village for children teen- a heart seizure he was 62 brougham community hall on agers and adults the deceased was born near april 24 anyone in the commu- mr eilbeck suggested that a i whitevale in pickering town- joining the legion or its aux- who missed seeing this i planned playground programme ship and had s all his life iliary ii you were in the serv- 1 mystery comedy which was could be considered for the in the immediate area he was ices you can belong to the le- well received in claremont now months of july and august for identified with the green river gion a lady if closely related j j your chance a note to out- boys and girls between 5 and 12 i baptist church besides his wife to a service man or woman oftown organizations this years old he pointed out that j the former vesta v turner- may join the ladies auxiliary group worked very hard on this such a programme would be he is survived by two sons da- the canadian legion has hun- play and are willing to put it on operated by the recreation co- vid on the home farm at green dreds of branches all over can- i any other community that ismmittee under a qualified in- ada one of its many aims is to interested this is an easy way structor he suggested that fin- strive to carry on what thousixor your organization to make ancial aid might possibly come ands of our men and women ser- money phone mrs rennie at i from the township and other in- ving in the armed forces did for 56j for further particulars us the claremont branch will welcome any qualified memberl at any time you care to join legion meetings 2nd wednesi day of the month auxiliary meetings 2nd thursday of the brougham terested organizations it was pointed out that all river and daniel in toronto he has one sister mrs ed mac- phaden of toronto the funeral service was con ducted from dixons funeral chapel markham on wednes- organizations who during the day afternoon april 8th at 2 year make use of the park and pm rev fleischer of green the community hall should as- river baptist church was in charge the pallbearers were- sist financially in the upkeep of the premises it was noted messrs lloyd greig waldie crossland alex gray hugh month all meetings are held called n mr and mrs that both the hall and the park in the legion hall i a j gray one day recently i crea a heavy financial bur- michel james hawthorne and we are happy to report that i mrs lemmon returned home on the park board i wm michel mrs len lye is showing signs j saturday after visiting with of improvement in her illness friends at little britain the community wishes her al mrs matthews visited friends 1 speedy recovery n toronto during the weekend the golden age group will we are glad to know mrs g hold their last meeting for this is abie to be home from season april 21 at 2 pm in the ul hospital and is now recuper- community hall the guide and brownie mo thers la will hold their month ly meeting at the home of mrs norma benson on april 20th at ating at her home here a number of ladies journeyed to uxbridge on thursday after- 1 i- t i u j noon to attend the achievement l to ot uxbrrdge day of the womens institute sco f combining 8 pm all mothers guides rug making contest there ijg and brownies and any interest- were seventh rugs on display sd t cd persons are welcome and here were some beauties l l nf 7 smhd commit the recreation committee showing much skill and work hutlrizedtrshvfththe mr and mrs jno nighswan- tee autn to deal with n the committee also agreed that the rate to be charged for the use of the tank truck to outside municipalities would be are planning a dance friday april 17 for the youngsters 10 t3fc sanctioned their action in the to 15 years these dances are mrs w f and other friends purchasc of a truck well supervised and the chil- one uay last weeh dren are being taught manv mr and mrs thos english different types of square danc- vlsltc with lindsay friends ing bv mrs helen vizely re- ov tllc weekend froshments will be served ad- v and mrs v a knox vis- nr firc f ir son 25c 1 1ci with their son george and s10 st hour and 8 tot tr and mrs wm gliddon ar- enniskillen on sunday each additional hour also a rate ri jd home saturday afternoon a er a three weeks holiday in v b giris f rida l for the play the dr and mrs tomlinson and t bright girls to be pre- graee cooper left on sunday 5 b the claremont guide april 12 for a vacation in eur- mothers in the pickering twp ope at brougham on fridav ve are sorry to hear that mrs eve april 24th it is being howard pugh is in scarboro sponsored by the joy rebekah general hospital we wish her a speedy recovery the sympa green river the sympathy of the com munity is extended to the fam ily of the late wm pugh who apri 17 for m youngsters 9 w calledon favlekr pugh wasa wet known farmer of this district having lived in the community all his life he is survived by his wife and two sons david at home and daniel of toronto master bruce and miss janet pearse visited on saturday with their aunt at stayner the wishes of the commun ity are extended to private carl white as he leaves by plane from malton to his training base at victoria bc pleased to hear that mrs j hood is improving quite satis factorily and it is hoped she will soon be able to come home a very pleasant time was spent at the home of mr and mrs m draper when a few friends and relatives had a birthday party for mr benson draper on saturday evening last a number of friends and rela tives gathered in the sunday school room of the church on friday evening when a miscel laneous shower was held for mr and mrs marinoafter some thy of the community is extend ed to mrs cramm on the loss of a brother and sister in new foundland a reminder to the pupils of the united sunday school from ont county boys win seed judging competition of 175 per hour for each o the four firemen these rates are to be effective immediately insure employees uxbridge council agreed mon day evening to take out a group life insurance policy on the township employees the policy is placed with the crown life insurance co community centre in connection with the pro posed conversion of the good wood township hall into a co mmunity centre council was advised that a grant of 25tc would be available on the work of renovation with the maxi mum amount being 5000 the matter was discussed at mrs lehmans class up for a i jr choir practice to prepare for 1 the ontario county team won a special mothers day service the annual junior farmer seed practice to be at 230 pm we judging competition held on i some length the orange lodge are pleased to report mrs jean tuesday april 7th in conjunc- organizations who wish to see drake is progressing favour- ition with the central ontario the matter hustled along wish ably after her operation she i spring show in the memorial some definite word council games the bride and groom op- expects to leave the hospital in arena peterborough agreed to request the dept of ened the gifts and after thank- a few days and go to a rest i the award was the agrico agriculture to address a meet home to recuperate j trophy and was presented to ing and the various organiza- mr and mrs george blake the winners at the banquet pro- lions and to develop a plan at were in to visit mrs jean drake vided for all the contestants by this meeting date of the meet- in the hospital on saturday the central ont spring show ing will be announced later the golden age group met there were 59 contestants rep- pay for new truck at the home of mrs williamson i resenting the counties of on- road supt slack presented ing all for their kindness the committee in charge served a lovely lunch a sincere thank- you goes to mrs w binsted and mrs c postill for their help in making this shower a success on sunday morning the sun- on tuesday afternoon april 6 tario durham peterborough an extensive road expenditure day school was in charge of the there was a good attendance i victoria lennox addington account for the month amount- 1 primary dept the children are with five tables of cards lunch hastings northumberland and ing to 1266190 this included i to be congratulated for the man- was served with the help of i prince edward i an account from patrick motors j ner in which they conducted some of the patients at the rest the top three contestants from stouflville of approximately this service also special thanks home ontario were the winning team 10000 for a new heavyduty for the story told by mrs shank mr and mrs grant taylor and they were ross stevenson truck general accounts passed visited with mr and mrs wm i sunderland rr 1 lloyd wil- for payment amounted to 1- gliddon sunday evening to en- son uxbridge rr 2 and lawrie 5s606 joy the movies taken on the taylor pefferlaw rr 1 gllddons florida trip the ontario county team green river mr jim mcgulre was confined j were coached by h l fair ag- miss grace michell spent a which was thoroughly enjoyed by all mr and mrs l pegg and family visited with mr and mrs b c mitchell and family of malton on sunday late malcolm forsyth was active in municipal politics albert hockley wins potato championship to his home with the flu lastlriculturil representative and very pleasant holiday with her mr and mrs benson draper alvln h blades assistant rep- aunt and uncle at london re- v ere sunday guests of mr and the regular meeting of the i rescntative uxbridge ccntly mrs j stephens of whitevale mr malcolm forsyth one of members at that time were dr pickering townships most act- ralph brodie and albert raw- ive and enthusiastic municipal son he was a charter member leaders passed away suddenly i of the claremont union ceme- at his claremont home on mpn- tery board from 1908 until his day morning he would have i recent death he was a member been s2 on thursday on the first board of trustees during his colourful political when claremont was declared a career which extended from police village he served in this 1901 until his death the late mr capacity for nine years forsyth held almost every ma- the deceased advanced into jor office in both the township township municipal life in 1921 1 mr albert hockley clar-e- of pickering and the police vill- 1 when he was erected to council i mom rr won lne potato age of claremont he was in- 1 he held the deputvreeveship championship at the central tensely proud of his municipal from 1923 to1926 and was i h- record he was one of the town- reeve of pickering for a three ships most noted historians j year term from 1927 to 1929 his compact officelibrary car- 1 while in this office he was in- ried records dating back to early strumemal in obtaining the hy- pioneer life in the municipality dro service for claremont vill age he was active in the south ont liberal association the late mr forsyth started ontario seed show at peterbor ough with his entry of katahdin potatoes his entry of sebago potatoes was givep reserve championship the central ontario spring show in peterborough was quite mr forsyths interests were a successful event this year en- varied he was a charter mem- i tries from ontario county were ber of the ontario county plow- placed as follows mens association and was act- earlv potatoes 1st harold ive in cattle judging competi- j norton claremont champion tions at rural agricultural fairs 2rd harold norton claremont he was identified with the clar- 3rd ivan norton goodwood ernont baptist church late poiatoes lst alber the late mr forsyth was the hocklev claremont reserve son of daniel and rachel for- championship 3rd harold xor syth he was one of a famrly of plan to hold swim program in jane an organized swimming pro gramme is planned for childly and teenage boys and girls in claremont during the month of june the project was discussed at a regular meeting of the rec reation committee held at the home of mrs hollingshead on april 7th mrs vizely presented an interesting report on the red cross instructors swimming course- mrs vizely recently completed and passed the re quired tests the project will be financed by the recreation committee plus donations from other inter ested organizations each pupil will be charged a small fee to cover the cost of instruction and transportation any contribu tions may be forwarded to mrs jack warxl seetreas t4ie aim of the recreation committee is to teach every child to swim and receive les sons in water safetv at the bottom of the municipal ladder and climaxed his career by being chosen warden of on tario county in 1929 in 1901 he was elected to the claremont public school board an office he held for thirty years he was a board member when the continuation school was estab lished in claremont other five in 1s9s he was married to the late lillian cooper to the union were born three daugh ters viola claremont georgina of oshawa and mary deceased a sister mrs f c madill re sides in thistletown the late mr forsyth operated a farm at claremont until 1946 he lived ton claremont 1th ivan nori ton goodwood potatoes 4h club lst doris hockley claremont 2nd janet hockley claremont 3rd joe norton claremont sth lloyd johnson uxbridge reg garry oatslth milton parkin brooklin 7th russell morrison beaserton 10th h retrred in the village smce that q westney pickering time the funeral service was held from the claremont baptist church on wednesday after noon at three oclock the regu lar pastor rev j carnegie was in charge assisted by a former minister rev geo davison the pallbearers were messrs ralph madill herbert forsyth samuel seaver dr robt sea- ver dr john button and chas clark honourary pallbearers were messrs walter ward james coates harold cooper and donald hedges interment was made in the claremont un ion cemetery plan to use surplus funds to build mew fire hall messrs jack norton and roy ward appeared before picker ing township council on mon day night to request approval to use surplus funds for the erection of a new fire hall in the police village of claremont at the present time there is approximately 6600 in the sur plus account mr ward acted as spokesman mr ward also requested the approval of council to erect the fire hall at the rear of the com munity hall he pointed out that the present structure would be too small if a new truck was purchased reeve sherman scott stated that fire protection was one of the matters that could be han dled by trustees in a police village he also agreed to the use of the property at the rear of the community hall provid ing it was agreeable with other members of the community centre board and the trustees mr ward said that only one party had objected in a motion by councillor ed gar james and seconded by councillor miss swan it was agreed that the trustees might make use of surplus funds to erect a new fire hall claremont euchre results at the euchre held in the le gion hall monday evening win ners were as follows ladies lst jean evans 2nd verna draper cons prize thelma nokes mens lst cecil redman 2nd myrtle loyst cons irene red- shaw door prize- sandy go- den wi meeting the claremont wi which was to have met on april 15th will meet on wednesday april 22nd at 2 pm in the commun ity hall late wm h ellicott was lifelong resident of brougham mr wm h ellicott son of the late harry and emma pow ell ellicott entered into rest at his home on april 6 a large circle of neighbors friends and relatives gathered to pay their last respects at the united church brougham from which the funeral service was held on thursday afternoon rev cress well of brougham church and rev h lackey of warkworth officiated bringing words of comfort from the 2nd chapter of lst corinthians the 23rd psalm and st john 14 and speaking very highly of mr ellicott and how he would be missed in all church and community activi ties mr ellicott was in his 82nd year and had lived in this com munity all his life the beauti ful floral tributes spoke highly of his memory he was a mem ber of brougham ioof lodge who conducted a service at the funeral parlors on wednesday evening he was a member of brougham joy rebekah lodge he leaves to mourn his loss his widow maud barrett elli cott two sons wallace of tor onto and manson of brougham two daughters audrey mrs jas ravey of brougham and myrtle mrs ronald ford of highland creek seven grand children and three greatgrand children there is also a bro ther randal t ellicott and a sister mrs w a knox both of brougham interment was in brougham cemetery the pallbearers were messrs howard malcolm warren will son roy carter jack tweedie jas farley and levi hopkins reg rodney oats 7th mur ray dunkeld claremont sth h g westney pickering reg barley 7th r veitch uxbridge 10th milton parkin brooklin garry oats open class 3rd roy leask seagrave 4th he ber down brooklin 5th har old page uxbridge 7th walter kerry port perry 10th maus- tyn mcknight uxbridge 11th russell morrison beaverton 12th h g westney pickering rodney oats open class 4th heber down brooklin 7th r morrison beaverton sth h- g westney pickering barley open class 5th rus sell morrison beaverton 9th ralnh veitch uxbridge winter wheat 6th heber down brooklin lst ralph veitch uxbridge 2nd ivan norton goodwood 3rd harold norton claremont 4th albert hockley claremont former reeve luwa director william newman former reeve of pickering township has been named a director of the maple leaf farmers mu tual fire insurance co he will serve out the unexpired term of frank westney who has resigned following many years oi faithful service corn class open lst gor don hunter brooklin 4h club oat section 2nd keith page uxbridge 3rd j coates brooklin 6th j leask seagrave 10th alex colville sunderland 11th elliott tre- meer blackwater 12th j gor- rell sunderland 13th arnold kerry port perry 17th lloyd wilson uxbridge 19th jack robertson claremont 4h corn club lst robert hunter brooklin tobago 20 miles northeast of trinidad in the west indies is known as robinson crusoes island because scholars main tain that daniel defoe had the island in mind while writing hli now classic tale of the castaway the new 1959 automobiles can do everything but go home you can bet your last dolla alone and there are times when that with todays prices youi it would be better if they did dollar wont last on the parisienne scene we carry a full jine of quality products for th farm and home feed k seed fertilizer ar gasoline oil grease get the facts on our coop chest freezers lawn and garden supplies claremont coop phone 201 202 claremont ont i high fashion experts finally agree wonderful news at last fashion experts are unanimous in their choice of the most glamorous creation of the year its the most exciting new look in ages the 1959 pontiac parisienne daring twingrilles are the focal point of this beauty the lines are crisp clean fresh as a daisy the rear deck is sculptured out to give a lower sleeker look glass area goes up and down and all around lets you watch all the heads turning as you sweep by interiors fabulous pontiac takes fine materials dyes them all the colors of a summer sunset mixes and matches them in the most exciting color trims and combinations of the year how marvellous to show your new spring outfit off in interiors like these and just to show you its a womans world try driving this car its effortless you float along a flick of the wrist and youre round the corner a touch of your toe and you stop smoothly steadily surely tho parisienne matches your love of luxury flatters your fashion sense drive the pontiac parisienne soon it doe more for you than a hundred new hats mis

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