savings too 4j have a way of growing and just like her junior depositors account your savings account will grow with regular deposits the canadian bank of commerce jwojtf than boo branches throughout canada stouffville branch f w todd manager claremont branch h t green manager n239c halfpast teen a bugg form sold for 400000 2r new variety of grass seed good here in the period between 1700 and 1825 snuff was used almost to the man in both europe and america the era has been call ed the great snuff age swiss watchmakers can trans form five dollars worth of high est quality imported steel into 50000 worth of watch hair springs when you reach out for that cheapest package of grass seed for the lawn this year remem ber that fewer than 20 grasses of 4500 species in the world are suitable for eastern cana dian lawn purposes the reminder is issued by j h boyce of forage crops division of the canada dept of agriculture who deplores the tendency to go for the cheapest seed he says the saving of a few cents at the sowing stage can lead to the loss of many dollars in renovation costs at a later date recommended for eastern lawns are kentucky blue grass both commercial and merion roughstalked blue grass creep ing red fescue chewings fescue and some of the bent grasses notably colonial reputable seed firms sell mixtures of these dur able species and mr boyce esti mates that by paying perhaps an average of 10 more to seed a lawn with good seed consider able cost is saved in later main tenance and renovation he also urges good soil prep aration and fertilization canadian national railways has paid 400000 for a 100acre farm on the northwest corner of keele st at highway 7 the farm belonged to alfred bagg jersey cattle breeder and will become part of the 1185- acre marshalling yards for the cnrs ssooooooo toronto by pass prices have ranged from si- 200 to 54000 an acre depending on location rail spokesman said he said the cnr bought a considerable portion of the land needed announcement march 11 of the cnrs plan for a 32mile by pass to relieve downtown rail congestion apparently has boos ted property values two years ago mr baggs son norman sold his 102acre farm immedi ately to the south for 200000 according to the father it has been resold for approximately glorify your homes surroundings planned landscaping makes a truly wonderful difference and its amazing how modest is the cost pick your shrubs from our hardy fullrooted nursery stock wide selection unionville nurseries ltd garden centre 14 miles east of unlonvllle on highway no 1 phone 95 de soto if you want luxury and adventure this is your kind of car this brilliant new de soto and look at the wonderful ideas that help make it so the finest combination of agile highspirited v8 gopower and safe smooth stoppower ever mounted on a single chassis fingertip driving ease for the controls you use most torqueflite automatic drive new de soto heating system inspect the fresh new fashion and features that are de soto only then ask h price we promise to turn your head de sotoward if you want the toughest bestlooking truck for your kind of job put a new 59 sweptline dodge to work for you and you can expect your jobs to be a whale of a lot easier big new luxurystyled cabs are comfortdesigned clutch pedals are hydrau- lically actuated for much easier operation brake and clutch pedals are suspended to give you more footroom well be happy to help you select the dodge truck for your job from this handsome new sweptline all the way up to 49000lb max gvw power giants see them nowl dodoe trucks stop in aad testdrire tbe raloepacked dodgetbe imriit and spirited de soto or a sleek strapping new dodge irack uday keysojv motors lid 400000 he said mr bagg said he was given until may 1 i960 to vacate his property he said his farm had gone for the highest price as it was strategically located on high way 7 where propertv in recent months was selling for 1000 an acre meanwhile opposition to the bypass mounted in every com munity along the route fiom toronto township cr the west to pickering on the east in face of the mounting storm a company official said the cnk would go ahead with its plans we will meet with inone who has a real or fancied grievance and go into the matter thorough ly said the rail spokesman the opposition is iuite vocal but quite a few propertv own ers have left the meetings we held with the groups and have gone directly to see our real estate people he stated movie camera club the final meeting of the mov- iettes for the 195s 59 season was held monday april 6th the group met at the savarin for dinner and afterwards saw the journey at loews kvervone agreed it was a full evenings enjoyment a wonderful oppor tunity to show our prowess in the art of gastronomy and an excellent movie to wind up the camera clubs activities all of us are looking forward with anticipation to our next season we believe our weekly meetings have been most bene ficial and hope to prove that bv our films next fall while we do not wish to have our members go to the expense of purchasing any auxiliary aids to induce spe cial features we hope to give some recognition to films of out standing excellence or novelty we join in expressing our thanks to the masonic hall board for permitting us to use their excellent facilities for out- meetings we also wish to ac knowledge our sincere grati tude to the tribune for their kindness in publishing our week ly bulletins finally to those movie fans in the district who were unable to join us for various reasons we hope to have the pleasure of your company next fall we know you will enjoy the films and in the experiences of the other members obtain many useful hints to improve your own home movies also the good fellowship among the mov- iettes makes every meeting worthwhile on that account alone the stouffville tribune ttdy aprl 16 1959 p 5 village of stouffville pr daylight saving time pursuant to a resolution passed by the stouffville council on april 2nd 1939 daylight saving time shall be adopted in the village of stouffville during the period from 200 om april 26th 1959 to 200 am october 25th 1959 garland lehman keeve god save the queen water works operator for water works system village of markham duties to cany out under supervision the operation and maintenance of this project works schedule normal duties will cover a normal fiveday week witli saturday and sunday visits to the plant necessary qualifications good general understanding of machinery maintenance and preferably grade 10 education previous water works ex perience desirable but not mandatory electrical experience an advantage benefits pension plan workmens compensation paid vacation after one year of service where to apply application forms may be obtained from the clerk- treasurer village of markham and are to be submitted to director of plant operations ontario water resources commission kasl block parliament bldgs toronto ontario prior to april 30 1959 theres a difference though- youre wideawake to the future a future for your family as bright and sure as you can make it thats why you should arrange now for a lowcost mutual life of canada family income policy if anything takes you out of the picture your family is guaranteed a substantial monthly income until the time you would have reached age 65 in addition at that time your wife or heirs will receive the full face value of the policy on the other hand if you live to age 65 you may receive a monthly retirement income or a substantial cash sum the family income policy is a wideawake investment youll like talk it over with a mutual life of canada man soon it89 ninety years of leadership in mutual life insurance 1959 stouffville phone 390 m fked m pugh stouffville ontario ph 5w