Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 16, 1959, p. 2

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r 9t 2 the stouffyiue tribune thandty ajri vi 1959 3 tnuffmlie f rifiint c h a- v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association authorized a crmurn mill pcotofflc depw ottawa member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stooffville ont in canada 350 elsewhere 5450 noun mfclts us thomas edrtoc our editorial comment we dont want it you can have it the narrowminded attitude tak en by our southern urban neighbors or thornhill in markham township and dunbarton in pickering town ship with regard to the proposed route of the new cnr bypass has caused some ill feeling among the more rural residents of the two muni cipalities the complainants have wasted few words in stating that a more northerly alternate route should be improvised one would tend to conclude that it would be perfectly all right for the rail line to cut near or through john browns farm but such a scheme is strictly taboo if it ventures close to jim smiths building lot or bungalow at a recent meeting of markham township ratepayers it was agreed that an alternate route should be considered by the cnr this sug gestion has been supported by coun cil we would state that if such an alternate line could be constructed in midair or underground it would be an excellent suggestion since this cannot be the case the bypass must naturally trespass on or near some ones private property it would be ridiculous to think that any alter nate route would not be met with an equal amount of resistance in pickering township reeve sherman scott has stated bluntly that he would favor the cancellation of plans for the proposed line but does not favor an alternate route to replace the present scheme council lor edgar james has echoed the reeves feelings on the issue their views on the matter brought dis gruntled mutterings from a dunbar ton delegation which was in attend ance at a recent meeting it may just be another instance where the squeaking wheel will get the grease provincial election in the offing while premier frost continues to maintain an uncommunicative silence on the question of an election it is generally accepted that the present government will go to the people this summer the government has taken a solicitous attitude in some depart ments which is indicative of an elec tion and a move to curry public favor liberals believe that when the election does come the conservative government will plan a campaign based on the premiers personality and popularity and his appeal the conservatives are evidently ready to trust in the premiers reputation and their past performances to return them to power the liberals while having been practically defunct in ontario for some years are showing signs of re juvenation and their recent conven tion was oozing with confidence they have been able to persuade a number of younger men to come forward as candidates ccf leader donald macdonald noted recently in an address a quick ening of political interest across the province but not with special appli cation to his party his oneman per formance in the sessions just ended succeeded in angering the usually placid premier but did gain some support from those who believe the government has been in power too long it would seem then that the scene is set for a provincial election of more interest than the last couple have had in this atmosphere the premier will be forced to act soon or leave himself open to the suggestion that he isnt anxious to test the strength of his famed personality will it be too late at least one member of the en gineering staff of the ontario de partment of highways placed a rec ommendation before the department that a stop light was necessary at the hew ringwood corner to date no ac tion has been taken what residents are wondering is whether or not the highway dept will wait until there has been a fatal ity at this bad corner before install ing the light already traffic is piling up at this corner on weekends and by summer time it will be a real tick lish problem for the traffic from high way 47 to converge with the traffic from 48 this is the junction of two heav ilytravelled provincial highways one now having a through run north and south unless a light is installed at this intersection accidents are a cer tainty and fatalities a strong possi bility stuffed birds a generation or so ago it was a common sight to see a stuffed owl or some other bird sitting in a prominent place in the parlor in those days such ornaments were quite popular stuffed owls would be sitting with a bland expression on their faces there would also be bright plumaged birds and animals such as gray squirrels and of course there would be the antlers of deer and moose these would be found not only in private homes but in lobbies of hotels etc the stuffing of these birds and animals was quite an art and the man who could do it would be kept busy they were amazingly lifelike and often attractive but they tended to become somewhat motheaten and us ually great dustcatchers the same applied to rugs made of skins of calves colts or wild animals nowadays such stuffing is limited to trophies of sportsmen who wish to retain visible proof of their prowess as a huntsman or fisherman in the earlier days stuffed animals and birds were regarded as ornaments rather than as evidence of the conceit of man income tax hike starts july 1 higher income taxes will fall on every taxpaying individual and company this year for the individual the in creases will start july 1 for the company they started jan 1 finance minister fleming an nounced thursday night in his budget speech that the old age security tax which is applied on personal and corporate income and commodity sales will be in creased to three from two per cent the increase applies to per sonal income july 1 to corpor- ate income jan 1 and to com modity sales immediately on personal income the in crease is a maximum of 30 a year to 90 from 60 i upper level is boosted on top of this mr fleming j boosted personal income taxes ii two percentage points for all taxpayers with taxable income f more than 3000 a year that is taxpayers who earn more than 4000 a year tils increase will fall on 800 000 of canadas 46000000 tax- payers corporations making more than 25000 a year will pay 47 instead of the present 45 per cent on the amount over 25000 j for regular income tax effective jan 1 the rate on the first 25000 remains at 18 percent the com bined regular and old age sel curlty taxes will be 21 percent on firms earning less than 25- 000 and 50 percent on firms earning more than this amount in the current fiscal year mr fleming plans to raise an addi tional 245000000 in taxes of this 32000000 will come from increased sales tax 69000000 i from increased personal income i tax 52000000 from higher cor- iporatlon tax and 42000000 from increased excise taxes in a full fiscal year the addi tional revenue will amount to 352000000 in this order s129- 000000 from personal income tax s93000000 from sales tax 84000000 from corporation tax and sf00o00o from excise tax moderate increase mr fleming described the personal income tax increases as moderate for instance he said a married man with two children of family allowance age making 4000 a year will pay 208 tax including personal and old age security tax com pared to 194 in 1958 a married man with two chil dren of family allowance age 16 or under making 5000 a year will pay 390 in a full year compared to 366 in 1958 a married man with two chil dren of family allowance age and earning 200000 a year will pay tax of 125286 compared to 121308 in 195a mr fleming also made a ma jor change in exemptions taxpayers will not be entitled to deduct for income tax pur poses medical expenses paid un der the federalprovincial hospi tal insurance plan iiaff of the week i hlo betnc watched wfaea rn moulting in lots of families mother picks up where the kids leave off the eternal question many years ago when a young minister i went to see a very sick man in a remote newfoundland settlement it was more than fifty miles from the nearest railway which ran only occasionally the people were kindly and hospitable but through no fault of their own extremely limited in educational advantages the poor man was suffering from some disease i did not understand and was in constant pain he suffered so much that his face was actually twisted out of shape in his distress of mind and body he had often wondered if there was a god of mercy and infinite love these misgivings he had passed on to the neighbours and so the word got around that he was a doubterplater some said he was an atheist this stigma deeply hurt him and his devoted wife doubt about the goodness and even the existence of god is a very reasonable thing some of the finest and most sin cere people who have ever lived have been assailed by doubts confronted with bitter experiences and deep disappointment they were staggered and bewildered this is the theme of the book of job as cruel misfortunes fell upon him he began to wonder whether there was any scheme in the world and openly voiced his concern he was for a time a sceptic a reverent sceptic bwt still a sceptic there have been millions like him if i may turn aside for a minute i should like to say that i have known scores of highminded sceptical men and women whose downright sincerity has deep- ly moved me the friends of job were little help to him many of their answers were smug and complacent they even implied that his misfortunes were divine punishment the picture is dra matic and almost cruel in its realism surely nothing in the world hiirts the cause of true religion more than the smug and silly answers some make to men wrestling with doubt the best tiling that can be said of these men is that when they saw how great was the affliction of job they sat upon the ground seven days and seven nights and spake not a word with him for they saw that his grief was very great i have buried a good many babes and little children dur ing my ministry and nothing has exasperated me more than to hear neighbours say to the bereaved you loved this child too much so god because jealous took it away could any thing be more callous or cruel then some years ago a man and his wife visiting niagara falls one sunday afternoon in winter were standing on a piece of ice when it snapped and drifted down the gorge to destruction several people wrote to the local newspapers pointing out that these people were pleasureseeking on the sabbath day and invoked divine displeasure it is hard to believe that in this day and age man can have such conceptions of the god that jesus revealed infinitely tender and loving the problem of suffering is as old as hu manity i revere and respect my brethren in the ministry most of them are sincere and intelligentmen bufwhen i hear a man saying believe in christ and everything will be per fectly clear all mysteries will be solved i feel he doesnt know what he is talking about jesus never professed to solve all mysteries all he did was to put a key into the hands of his followers to open and understand the love of god and to know that in spite of all suffering god is gracious he creates a mind and disposition of heart which makes it possible for us to accept the will of god with deepest faith in his wisdom and goodness cardinal newmans beautiful hymn suggests a christian frame of mind one of faith and trust i do not ask to see the distant scene one step enough for me our quotation today is a saying of jesus lie that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life marshall mcmurchy heads york county civil defence warden william hodgson has announced the appointment of marshall mcmurchy aurora as civil defence coordinator for york county the position has been made vacant by the resig nation of john perry reeve of vaughan township mr perry said that a fulltime coordlnat- or is required and asked that a reappointment be made mr mcmurchy was reeve of vaughan from 1952 to 1956 and warden of york county in 1956 last june the mcmurchys mov ed to aurora where they live at 40 victoria st they have five children civil defence is something that must go ahead mr mc murchy told the banner wed nesday and my first job is to inform myself about it he said that he will be attending the arnprior civil defence college for a course in may some months ago reeve per ry asked york county munici palities to appoint coordinators for their own jurisdictions to date seven of the 14 municipal ities have done so the cobalt bomb which was developed by canadian scien tists is proving to be a most useful tool in the radiation treat ment of small deepscated can cers officials of the canadian cancer society announce for parents only resolutions for parents of teenagers by nancy cleaver that witty writer mother ox two girls betty macdonald in onions in the stew confesses that she doesnt know the an swer to adolescence her one piece of advice is to hang onto your sanity and pray from her own experience she states ad olescents do not hate their par ents they merely feel absolute contempt occasionally coated with condescending pity for them this seems a rather sweeping verdict although it agrees with the comment of a speaker who remembered when i was in my teens i came to the conclu sion that i must be adopted i fill his obligations as such it is the duty of every father to explain to his teen age bov facts of life and his debt to so ciety as a man if the father is unable to cope with this task the family doctor should be con sulted so that the two can sit down together behind closed doors and have a mantoman chat it is likewise the duty of every mother to explain to her adolescent daughter the funda mental truths about life im pressing upon her the right and wrong choices keep the doors of your home open to your childs friends if uai i mui ik auopiea i open 10 your cniia s menus 11 considered myself so clever and his home life is wholesome and both my parents so stupid that enjoyable he will not seek the it just seemed impossible to me haven of pool rooms that i should have been born encourage church attendance into my family here he will find manv attrac- teenagers no longer accept tions awaiting him such as their parents as they are and clubs parties and at the same consider them just right in time he will acquire a code of the way a small child does no morals and ethics which are ex- in every home wherever there tremely vital in regard to his is a high school son or daughter present and- future relations there are points of conflict or i with people places where idoas and ideals instill within vour child a of the two generations clash parents who have spent years telling their children what to do suddenly waken to the not love for his countrv see that his energies are utilized in red cross work and other patriotic movements of high calibre a suuuwiij waveii 10 ine not movements oi nign calibre a too pleasant truth that children busy child has not time for have very definite ideas of the immoral practices ways which fathers and mothers this may all seem very ideal- should act directly or indirect- istic but are there not many ly they tell their parents of practical ideas and ideals here their standards for them which would make our homes a few years ago a 16yearold happier places for our teen- american youth presented a i agers decalogue for parents to a copyrighted youth congress to 250 delegates i cv representing 176000 adolescent ethical a b cs school students they approved granddad says it and these ten suggestions like a rose in a bowl are worthy of careful reading here are pointers of interest tor any thoughtful father or mother cultivate the friendship of your child take him into your confidence be his buddv not his policeman remember you were a child yourself show your child the right way by ex ample make him proud to be your offspring make it your business to know the whereabouts of yaur child at all times but dont allow him to feel haunted ix a child errs it is chiefly be cause he has never been shown the right way hence dont pun ish him to excess but show him where he has faltered show him the right way with kind ness disciplinary action should not be shifted from one parent to the other as exemplified by the commonly heard phrase just wait till your father comes home threats of this nature soon become so weak they go unheeded dont give your child the im- 1 wiws ana joy pression that he is a nuisance i f how wondrous to see when adults are present make a man tall like a tree him feel that he is a vital mem- stand stalwart in the beauty ber of his family unit and that of integrity you are counting on him to jful- editors mail april 8 1w dear sirs after reading last weeks front page article about the basement flooding on falrview ave- i must point out to the tribune that they have heard only one side of the story- i take particu lar offence to the statement in some cases council members were more willing to help out residents than the residents themselves we only received help from the township after making re peated phone calls to evenone remotely connected finally a power shovel was sent which cleared one half of the roads ditches then left incldentallv if someone had used the neces sary foresight and had the cul- verts cleared a week previously no they were not too frozen flooding would have been neg ligible as the water would have been able to flow- freely away i suggest the people respon sible learn from this and tae measures to control similar oc currences next spring after all it is not easy to be reasonable and understanding when vou have two feet of water in the basement coming back in as fast as it is pumped out and garbage cans toys etc float ing around sincerely erik and shirley hansen sending out its perfume whereer it is placed be it cellar or room showing its virtue in beauty and grace just doing its duty wherever its place with its radiant beauty to waken and cheer its presence is sensed by all who come near o that i could live like a rose on a vine and through cloud and sunshine show forth the divine no struggling or straining just doing my best to be a good neighbour whateer be the test as i steer my barque on the river of life through pitfalls and dangers through trouble and strife may i like a rose to humanity show some virtue still shining though silent and low and accept as my lot whatever annoys and sense the divine in my sorrows and joys mtd canadian scientists at mcglll university and elsewhere are ex perimenting with the effect of hormones in cancer growth some researchers believe that an imbalance of the endocrine ductless gland system mav have some bearing on the growrth of malignant cells rowers say everything you want to say express your warmest sentiments in the lan guage of flowers we have superb floral wreaths to suit every occasion perfectly stouffviile floral flowers for all occasions teiephone 70 stelco tory began with incorporation in 1910 in the 49 years since then stelco has made 34422000 tons of steel paid 933000000 to employees paid 244000000 to government in taxes spent 1765000000 for materials and services invested 330000000 in plant and raw material sources the above figures show how stelco has contributed to the wealth and progress of canada the steel company of canada limited jhohtreal ganahoque ha rooty toronto to western canada to winnipeg saskatoon edmonton jasper and vancouver supff tfik oirtmenta as connnaim wot fafot two wwtiooiii tcnracent

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