vol 69 no 43 the tribune stout fviixe ont thursday april is 1959 fourteen page tempers flare at ballantrae school meeting reject addition 14449 iect addition on thursday evening 193 property owners in the ballan trae district lined up to cast their ballot on the question of a new oneroom addition to the present fiveroom building the project was defeated by a vote of 144 to 49 checking the voters names is eric had- field left and albert rick- erby a ratepayer mr bill simpson extreme left pre pares to cast his ballot markham tp council to consider selling water to- vaughan c schoo is renamed markham township council in session monday promised to give favourable consideration to a proposal from vaughan town ship council that they supply water to the steeles avenue west area between yonge st and bathurst st councillor b ralph of vaughan council who attended mondays meeting said they had been petitioned by their residents on the north side of steeles avenue for water but the existing facililties are in adequate and vaughan is unable to meet the request mr ralph estimated there are 60 to 70 homes in the steeles avenue area and that the requirements would not be heavy the vaug han township well on bathurst street serving the crestwood road area is already working at full capacity councillor j macneil chair man of the water committee re ported that the committee and engineer have already made a survey of the available supply in water area no 1 and that markham is operating at a sur plus of 100000 gallons daily councillor ralph stated vaug han is planning to lay a water main down yonge street to the limits of the spring farm this year reeve w l clark while agreeing that the two townships should cooperate on the matter suggested council might be crit icized for selling water outside the township after refusing to extend the limits of water area no 1 for the benefit of its own residents mr clark stated john street and the arnold subdivi sion were two areas where re- continued on page 10 six oneeyed motorists fined at vandorf rr the name of stouffviues main st public school has been officially changed to summitview public school through the means of a name contest recently the name chosen for the school was hillcrest however an official protest from the board of the hillcrest public school 6th concession of whitchurch township resulted in the stouffville board reconsider ing their decision the new name was second choice in the contest and was approved by the board at a meeting last week after consideration of ttie rural schools protest hillcrest public school whitchurch was a name es tablished there more than threequarters of a century ao and the rural board be lieved that confusion could result from both schools bear ing the same title it was evident from the dock et of cases in vandorf traffic court on tuesday that special attention is being given to driv ers operating with only one headlight there were no less than six such cases on the doc ket five were convicted and one dismissed as the officer could not be on hand when the case was called fines in each of the other cases was 55 and costs fulled to stop vyaulos valitis charged with failing to heed a stop light was fined 19 and costs or four days traffic was approaching from the opposite direction and he was told by the court that he was creating a traffic hazard martins coppins was fined s14 and costs on a similar charge of failing to stop at a stop street winston fierheller charged with speeding did not appear i kmm liies k mk yeor zml i hugh w beckett resident of stouffville for the past twelve years passed away in the brier- bush hospital on sunday april 12th mr and mrs beckett who marked their golden wedding anniversary in february of this year hae been residents of clark st mr beckett was born in scar- boro the son of richard and margaret beckett he attended box grove public school where his parents resided while he was but he was fined s19 and costs a small boy the couple lived on the evidence of the officer laying the charge find in aaarkham oaor ysb and william of markham the funeral on wednesday the body of a willowdale death was caused by suicide afternoon was conducted from medical doctor was discovered i strychnine poison had been the dixon funeral chapel with in a wooded area near the 5th consumed by the deceased interment in elmwood ceme- police found a convertible tery markham sports car parked in the ditch nearby the right front tire was sunday visitors with mr and for a short time at ellesmere and farmed for 25 years at mel ville prior to coming to stouff ville mrs beckett who survives her husband was the former louie thomas there also sur vive one sister elizabeth mrs j r miller of cashel and two i wylie deputyreeve wallwork brothers charles of unionville never did complete his point it was standingroomonly in the ballantrae public school on thursday evening of last week as an estimated 325 residents filed into the building to support or reject a proposed oneroom addition to the five room structure the project was turned down by a majority of almost 3 to 1 the final count showed 49 favored the scheme while 144 opposed it a total of 193 ballots were cast vote illegal mr geo anderson was selected as chairman of the meeting mr horace crovhurst was appointed recording secretary public school inspector adams informed the ratepayers that due to irregularities in a previous vote the dept of education had declared it to be invalid the oneroom addition was defeated at that time by a thirtyvote majority speakers interrupted chairman anderson had difficulty in keeping the meeting under control as speakers were continually interrupted at one point the chairman threatened to expel a ratepayer if he persisted in talking out of order the chairman opened the heated discussion with a charge that the meeting was totally unnecessary he contended that the vote conducted at a previous ga thering was perfectly legal the whole thing is a lot of hog wash he levelled i think the chairman should resign countered mr- jack wylie a ratepayer hes out of order chair man anderson pointed out that he had requested an opportunity to speak before accepting the position and his request had been granted had two votes mr herb simpson a ratepayer charged that two votes had been conducted at a previous meeting he said that the first vote was scrapped but a second one was perfectly legitimate he charged that the inspector was present at the meeting and witnessed the vote then informed the ratepayers that it wasnt done pro perly its the dirtiest lowdown piece of business ive ever seen he said lets put it to a vote interrupted mr wylie you be quiet wylie shot back mr simpson you balled it up the last time lets vote on it repeated mr wylie stick you head in the lake countered an anony mous ratepayer mr simpson informed the gathering that two private letters had peen sent to cottageowners in tor onto he said that some were unsigned conflicting figures at least three sets of attend ance figures were produced one party stated that the present en rollment was 167 pupils with the attendance reaching a high of 195 it was admitted that the attendance figures varied daily the fault lies with the per sons who rent their cottages to- yearround residents said mr anderson they fill the school with children chairman ander son said that some consideration should be given to the permanent landowner who was bearing the brunt of the schoolcost burden mr frank cartwright a rate payer said that 61 of the stud ents in the school came from the musselmans lake district he said that an expected enrollment of 175 pupils was likely for the new term in september we dont want a school and we dont need a school an place he said enforce legislation a number of ratepayers sug gested that definite steps should be taken by council to halt the rental of cottagehomes to year- round residents deputyreeve clifford wallwork informed the meeting that council intended to enforce legislation to regulate the use of cottages the informa tion brought considerable ap plause from the gathering al though permitted to address the audience depreeve wallwork was repeatedly interrupted we dont want to hear the deputyreeve chimed in mr ok high school addition markham township coun cil has approved an addition to the stouffville district high school to cost 125000 this amount will be less 22- 000 of available money left from the previous building program mr albert king markham township representative on the stouffville board appear ed before council on monday night and explained the new expenditure the new deben ture will provide for the lar ger cafeteria at the school which is being made available under the increased govern ment grant system major portion of the expenditure is for additional classrooms dickson hill girl recovering from miss doris steckley daughter of prof and mrs j c steckley of stouffville is currently visit ing with family arid friends in this district miss steckley is en joying leave of one month from her post at the canadian em bassy in djkarta indonesia fifteen year old nancy rob ertson of dickson hill is re covering in the toronto general hospital from injuries received in a twocar crash on no 4s highway south of ringwood on sunday afternoon she was a passenger in a northbound auto driven by john robertson 19 he is in the york county hos pital newmarket the other vehicle was driven by wesley kemp of brockville he his wife pauline and three children clifford 11 melody s and daniel s months all were injured the driver received a broken jaw the collision attracted a huge crowd of sightseers and traffic for a time was confined to a single lane police chief frank edwards of stouffville assisted the vandorf detachment of the opp in keeping the cars mov ing first reports at the accident scene gave little hope for miss robertsons recovery she never lost consciousness however which was a prime factor in her present satisfactory condition she will be confined to hospital for a time nancy is a grade nine student at the stouffville district high school both cars were badly damaged the department of transport has given final approval to the application of the cnr to close down the goodwood sta tion uxbridge township coun cil and others had protested but the fact that the goodwood operation was an expense rath er than an asset to the railway carried the weight the application to remove the station building has not been given final decision coun cil was advised on monday school arbitration council of uxbridge town ship is opposed to the proposal for a union school section no 17 with pickering township the application states upon re quest of the ratepayers of school section no 6 requesting that the ratepayers comprising the west onehalf and east onehalf of lot 1 con 1 the west half and east half lot 1 con 2 and west half of lot 1 con 3 uxbridge township for a union school section with the whole of school section no 17 pickering township the council goes on record as opposing the request edgar johnston was named arbitrator to represent uxbridge township concession of markham town ship early sunday afternoon he had been dead for at least ten hours mr geo guest of scar- boro made the discovery pc don dukes pc allan chad- wick of markham twp police dept and pc chester gilliatt of markham village conducted nn immediate investigation a post mortem at the scarboro general hospital has proven j only 36 years old flat and the hub cap was miss- j mrs lloyd moyer church st ing his doctors kit was inside j were mr albert heise roy and the car the keys were in his alma of gormley pocket wiren police first arrived on tea bakc sae the scene they suspected foulj the wa ol christ church play there were no marks anglican will hold an after- however on the body he was noon ca an1 llome baking sale on saturday april is from 3 to 5 pm 20 fulltime teachers for public schools next sept stouffviues hillcrest and or- increased two hundred dollars 200 days chard pk public schools will last year from 2700 to 2900 kvar r r require a total of twenty full- will remain the same as will be time teachers and one parttime i the increment which is 200 for stouftville public schi teacher beginning next septemjthe first three years and then ceived a 53c grant during the bcr there are presently eight- 300 ecn teachers on the staff both the maximum salary was in- schools are expected to bo near- 1 creased from s5200 to s5500 a lng capacity again by the end maximum of 5300 offered by of 1960 the board was rejected several chief alteration in this year si pieted the cumulative sick new salary contract is the pay- i jj remains to be agreed ment of 200 for each years ex- up0 teachers presently re- perience to be paid for fivecelve 20 days per year for a years rather than just 3 years maximum of sixty days they fbe minimum salary which was i have suggested a maximum of current year and despite the fact that two and a half new teachers plus the salary boost will mean an increase of 20000 in costs for next 4rason addi tional grants are- expected to onset the expenditures by a large degree according to board chairman cec hendricks the board was able to keep the maintenence costs of the public schools to less than a thousand dollars above 195s the budget would have shown only about a 700 upswing had it not been for the addition of stouffville municipal council the debenture payment on the will convene in regular session new school this thursday night higher taxes chairman anderson said that an addition to the present seiiool would constitute an increase in taxes let us not kid ourselves he said the money must come from somewhere he noted that similar conditions exist through out the entire dominion no wonder with our present immi gration programme he said he suggested that in spite of any decision a similar problem would undoubtedly arise again in five years time will this vote be legal ques tioned one ratepayer it all depends who wins joked chairman anderson mrs k rogers suggested that the ratepayers should plan for the future and not wait until they were forced to embark on a building project mr ernie stanton suggested that a com munity hall at musselmans lake could be equipped for emergency use it was moved by mr ray jones and seconded by mr thos mccracken that the question should be put to a vote it was conducted by messrs eric had- field albert rickerby horace crowhurst assisted by irene crowhurst and jennie watson board chairman mr kim ro gers and inspector d adams were also present although some ratepayers complained that their names should have beer included on the prearranged list the vote was orderly and quiet dozens of persons re mained in the school until nearly midnight to hear the final result isd ssffos 18 mh farm one hundred and twenty beef cattle were saved by hired hands on the masseyharris farm con cession 5 markham township when fire destroyed two feeding barns during the early hours of tuesday morning the cause of the outbreak is unknown the fire was noticed by a neighbour who notified the man ager mr bill sutherland he aroused eight employees by blaring his car horn at the six main residences fire brigades from unionville and markham were summoned to the scene they were hampered in their efforts by a shortage of water the unionville siren atop the community arena which is operated automatically from the buttonville police station fail ed to function due to a power failure pc don dukes used the siren on the township crui ser to awaken some members of the brigade the unionville switchboard operator also made personal calls to their homes the fire trucks siren was also utilized on tuesday april 14th mrs joseph kirk a resident one mile south of dickson hill in mark ham township marked her 90th birthday the occasion was cele brated by a family gathering at the home of her son reg of north markham in spite of her years mrs kirk is still very active she assists with many of the routine household chores and enjoys quilting and watching television hockey games and wrestling bouts are two main attractions which she seldom misses much of mrs kirks past and present life has been centred around the church this winter she has missed only two serv ices in peachs church and last year she established a perfect attendance record at the age of 14 she played the organ in the christian church at mark- ham she continued this work at peachs and also conducted a sunday school class for a time she is a life member of the peachs wms she has been connected with the society for 30 years mrs kirk was born on sta tion street markham village the daughter of josepheus ree- sor and mary kellington her parents operated the wellknown henry michell farm she is the last surviving member in a family of three boys and fivel girls she attended the franklin street school one of her old classmates is mrs bert ferrier of north markham following her marriage to joseph kirk the couple enjoyed a honeymoon train trip to oril- liaii on their return they took up residence in richmond hill they lived in toronto for a time and later moved back to mark ham she has resided at the present kirk home on no 48 highway for the past 50 years her husband passed away 20 years ago mrs kirk is proud of her family of three sons harry and garnet of toronto reg of north markham and three daughters eva mrs wil paisley of be- thesda freda mrs g seebeck of markham and elva at home she has ten grandchildren and eleven greatgrandchildren although mrs kirk wears glasses her eyesight is good i always read the tribune she remarked she remains indoors much of the time throughout the winter except for an occa sional trip to ringwood for gro ceries and to church on sunday i havent got an ache or a pain anywhere she joked hard work has kept me go ing she explained the trib une offers congratulations to this fine markham twp lady and wishes her many more years of continued health and happiness s edgevale motors ltd was the successful tenderer for tha new stouffville police cruiser which council purchased this week five tenders were re ceived for the new car with edgevales price on a new ford being the lowest figure with an allowance given for the present cruiser the price to the town will be 150600 the new crui ser will be white with black lettering and the necessary po lice equipment highest tender was 199500 in misbnp roy desmond andrews a fif teen yearold etobicoke youth was accidentally shot and killed while target shooting in a gra vel pit north of stouffville the accident occurred on sunday afternoon the 303 enfield rifle was dis charged as it fell to the ground while the victim and his bro ther were reloading another gun the youth was rushed to the uxbridge cottage hospital by dr blair mitchell of stouff ville bvit died fortyfive minutes later coroner dr t e len nox of uxbridge will order an inquest classified advs cannot be accepted after 10 am wednes day contributions to the current easter seal campaign being con ducted locally by the lions club have now mounted to over 1- 300 send in your donation to day bits joseph kirk 9