Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 26, 1959, p. 7

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the classifieds are your best buy in memoriam byam in fond memory of mrs irene byam who passed away april 26 1930 and eihel byam march 27 1957 elva and pere greenfield bowmanville notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of donald br1l- lincer lewis late of the village of stouftville in the county of york gardener de ceased notice is hereby given pur- auant to the trustees act that all persons having claims against the estate of the abovenamed donald brilllnger lew is who died on or about the 29th day of january ad 1959 are hereby required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitors for the administrator full particulars of their claims duly verified on or before the 3rd day of april ad 193 after which said date the said administrator will pro ceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the par ties entitled thereto having re gard only to those claims of which he then has had notice dated march 12th 1959 garland frederick lehman esq stouftville ontario administrator 413 mccullough button solicitors for the said administrator stouffville ontario coming events bisgo trerj saturday nuht in the legion hall stoaffrine pomrared by the canadian les ion branch 459 and ladles aux iliary 1 game for is00 each 3 anecial games and jack pot admission 50c starting at 15 sharp iltf euchre in goodwood town hall on wed april 1st april 15th and our mammoth will be held on april 29th with lucky draws watch for later announce ment on the prizes sponsored by goodwood l03a admis sion 50c at the club room of the vet erans hall tues march 31 at 9 pm all christ church anglican members are invited to don their oldest rags and join in the fun of the hobo box so cial ladies are asked to pack a lunch for two which will be auctioned off fun entertain ment and prizes dont miss it in six rrjonths a watchs bal ance wheel turns as many times as an auto wheel would in cov ering 175000 miles but a good watch can last from ten years to a century if given proper care the stouftville tribune classified advertising rates articles for sale livestock for sale real estate wanted cars for sale lost found etc caih rale 1c per word lit wek 2c extra ronaecatlva wrcli with a minimum of 75c lit week koc for extra consccatlra week miut b paid week of insertion if cbarsed an additional 25c will be added a chxree of 25e will be made for all repltea directed to thla ofllc notices cominr events cards of thanks 1 a word with a minimum of f 100 births engagements f marriages 1100 per iniertlon in hemoriams 1100 minimum for 4line eerse plm eoc for each additional 4line ver display classifieds ii 25 per inch with a minimum of one inch additional conxecutlv inxertfoni at 1100 per inch ad claiilfled ada muit be in thla office not later than 10 am wednesday bend cash atampa or money order and aave money clip thla out for reference cards of thanks tot of whitchurch tender for gravel sealed tenders plainly marked gravel tender will be received by the undersigned until 12 oclock noon thursday april 2nd 1959 for supplying crushing hauling and spreading on any road in the township of whitchurch and to be applied to the satisfac tion of the road- superintendent approximately 30000 tons of crushed gravel more or less same to pass through a x screen and to consist of not less than 65 stone also price per ton loaded on township trucks at pit a certified cheque of s50000 must accompany each tender lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted 412 ernest davis road superintendent rjt4 stouffville ont our sincere thanks to all our friends and neighbors for their cards letters and acts of kind ness during our sudden bereave ment a special thanks to rev mr pick the rebekah lodge and to mr and mrs dixon and staff henry michell family in the midst of our sorrow we wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our many relatives friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown us in the loss of a dear mother ida reesor a special thanks to all donors of the beautiful floral offerings and bibles the reesor family my sincere thanks to relatives neighbors friends the united church wa and garrett even ing auxiliary for cards flowers and gifts received on my 90th birthday mrs ellas ida j hoover my sincere thanks to all who remembered me with cards gifts of flowers fruit and acts of kindness during my stay in hos pital and since coming home art wood my sincere thanks to all who remembered me with cards and letters and peachs church sunday school and wms for flowers and plants during my stay at western hospital harold peach we wish to take this opportun ity to express our thanks to the folk in this community who so kindly remembered us with cards flowers and gifts on our 65th wedding anniversary mr and mrs a j sheffer stayner ont balsam ml zion sirs b jamleson mrs b jamieson spent a few days last week with her daugh ter mrs dick ward at clare mont mrs f noon of gravenhurst is visiting with her sister mrs r day mr and mrs lewis jones at tended the masonic banquet at brooklin last friday night miss audrey tiibn of oshawa spent the weekend with mr and mrs allan carson on good friday at 200 pm there will be a special church service and there will also be a special service on easter sun day at 230 the merry homemakers will meet next saturday march 28 at the home of miss mary jean jamieson communion service was held last sunday and miss phyllis jones was received into full membership of the church the active service class met last wednesday night at the home of mrs lewis jones rev t fleetham gave a talk on easter april 1 was set for a date to have papers left at the church for paper drive quite a number have been sick with the flu the mission band will meet next saturday at the home of mrs r jones bloomington mr and sirs g fisher john and elizabeth of windsor were weekend visitors with mr and mrs e baker mr and mrs ireland of tor onto were guests with mr and mrs r foote mrs graham of ballantrae spent last week with mr and mrs n storry mr l tranmer and miss green of mt albert were sun day visitors at o tranmers mr and mrs wallace and di- anne of ajax were sunday guests with mr and mrs e nesbitt mr g burroughs and miss helen burroughs visited mr m burroughs on sunday they moved to their home in the east end of stouffville some time ago but unfortunately mr bur roughs has been in hospital with a brokeh hip he is now able to be home on weekends while undergoing therapy dur ing the week our group of five young peo ple on the bible quiz were the winners by over 1000 points and will participate in the final match against hagerman on april 5th we wish to express bur sin cere thanks for the many acts of kindness and sympathy shown us during the illness and passing of a loving father charles bril- linger the family i wish to express my sincere appreciation to all the merchants parishioners and friends who so generously contributed to the success of the annual st pat ricks social march 17th a special thankyou to a wonder ful convener mrs harry van noort assisted by mrs donald way mrs john lynn and mem bers of the st patricks cwl sincerely cwl president mrs robert p dare atha mr and mrs ellis melton are happy to announce the gift of a daughter a little sister for lloyd mrs ernie carruthers was taken to the county hospital newmarket on monday after she unfortunately fell on the ice and broke her ankle mr and mrs james melton from burketon are spending a few days with their son mr and mrs ellis melton mr and mrs stew martin from newmarket mr and mrs ernie carruthers were sunday dinner guests with mr and mrs gordon wagg stouffville sorry that ruth ann carru thers is on the sick list again euchre results last week ladies 1st mrs nooks 2nd mrs r sheridan con esther cogar gents 1st les ogden 2nd h thomas con bill grove door prize mrs g ham mond and mr l slack the value of the forests ol canada is beyond calculation pine orchard mr and mrs j murray and mr carter were sunday guests at the reid home mrs harold evcleigh of aur ora spent last week with her father r chapman master danny mcclure spent the weekend at meaford and thornbury with relatives mr and mrs douglas hope mr and mrs howard mcclure attended the holstein breeders banquet at markham on thurs day night miss eva dennie was a re cent visitor with her sister mrs white and family of stoufiville district the wi met at the home of mrs douglas hope on tuesday the program was on health mrs carl link was presented with a lovely cup and saucer prior to her moving to listowel john hope entertained the la dies during lunch with several selections on his piano accordi on the school children had a holiday on friday owing to water in the basement mrs wesley lundy spent the weekend with mr and mrs white of meaford on friday evening friends and neighbours of patsy boake ga thered at her parents home to shower her with gifts and good wishes in honour of her mar riage this week cedar grove i everything iwciguanteep at omiwtarn delicious nutritious 0 bananas 2 3 lbs or more in every box firm ripe cello no 1 tomatoes minimm m p produce from the famous indian river florida marsh seedless no 1 large size 80s 35 19 bed grapefruit 649c easy to peel juicy california sunkisf oranges 97c grocery excellent for cooking pure aluminum foil reynolds wrap 29c make a delicious cup of tea blue ribbon tea bags pkg of 100 69 come in and see our complete selection of baby foods neinz 3 29c children love it in sandwiches squirrel brand peanut batter 35 features adds zest to salads kraft miracle whip salad dressing i 43c a real treat party treat 30 bis rossette cookies 29c soft absorbent interlake white cross toilet tissue 8 99c paas easter egg colouring kits small pkg 15c lge pkg 39c frozen food ready to bake swifts premium beef chicken turkey meat pies 3 for 95c meat devon brand sliced rindless dominion frozen concentrated 1 orange juice 4v79c caldwells skinless side bacon lb p 63c weiners mb p 43c open tiij 10 thursday nite closed all day friday looci satisfaction at your fiukxdiy dominion stoitk value effective at juur siooittuio dominion store nntll 0 pm saturday march 28th 1959 dominion stoitks ltd mhab9hshhhhhhanhhbn9ewinn last thursday night the trustees of cedar grove school were the guests of the mark- ham township council at but- tonville it is at these annual meetings that the council in cooperation with the public schools inspectors ofllce pre sent to the trustees the up-to- theminute news and develop ments of provincial and muni cipal grant structures this enables the trustees to deter mine the monies that can be ex pected from these sources when budgeting for the coming year two interesting bits of informa tion were presented at this mee ting the first and not necessar ily the most important was that due to sections of acts be ing amended and repealed ef fective the lsf of january the township grant will be discon tinued on the face of it this was a startling announcement but when it is examined closely it means that the township will no longer levy for this amount and instead the local school sec tion will therefore on the next tax bill the township levy will be lower by 25 mills and the local school section levy will be up 205 mills the second bit of news picked up at this meeting was that the township planning board is again talking in terms of town ship school areas in markham twp a pamphlet was distribut ed to all trustee boards for them to study it is not a pro posal for them to accept or re ject since this is a decision that only council can make split ting markham township into school areas would be a major project one which would take years to perfect with a great deal of careful investigation into the merits of those already formed zlon sunday school will be holding special easter services at 130 pm rev pick will speak and the children will be taking part parents and friends are invited to attend church will be at 230 as usual so many telephones have been rerouted or had their num bers changed this week its hard to know who will answer when you give a number but stick with it eventually both subscribers and operators will have it all figured out number to call for your news for the paper is now 914w3 community club meeting will be held on monday evening in the school roads are so bad this seems like the most access ible spot mrs beare spent a very en joyable week in ottawa visit ing her daughter joyce the wms will hold their april meeting on the 1st at the home of mrs lloyd taylor at 230 pm results of the last euchre brought top honours to mrs george carr and ben lotton seconds went to mrs bea thom son and jack williams boobies to mrs ed williams and ed wil liams are you holding april 17th thats the night of the big dance in aglncourt sodbust- crs and all the trimmlns victoria square sirs w sandle bridal shower on tuesday evening of last week over fifty neighbours and friends gathered in the victoria square community hall for a miscellaneous shower in honor of mr and mrs harry barber jr patricia buckland who were married recently many beautiful and useful gifts were received by the happy couple harry and his bride thanked everyone for their gifts and the kindnesses shown them re freshments were served at the close and everyone left wishing the happy couple many long years of married life together w a luncheon the march group of the wa held a st patricks luncheon in the sunday school room on wednesday of last week to which the ladies and preschool children in the community at tended the tables were beautifully decorated in the st patrick mo tifs with centrepieces of bowls of chrysanthemums following the luncheon the regular meeting of the wa was held with mrs m jarvis as chairlady the scripture les son was read by mrs c story the lesson thoughts were tak en by mrs alan chadwick mrs jack rumney was soloist and was accompanied at the piano by mrs jim barker mrs a f binnington introduced the guest speaker who was mr d c read of the john howard so ciety toronto he outlined the work his society does mrs l mumberson took charge of the business portion girl guide cookie day the brownies from the 1st gormley pack will be calling at your door from march 30 to april 4 to take orders for the girl guide cookies each box contains 24 cookies creamfilled and made by the weston bis cuit company please do not give the brown ies any money until may 9th on which day the cookies will be delivered there will be a small prize given to the girl who sells the most boxes also a prize to the winning sixes brownies there will be no meeting of the brownies on march 28 be cause of the easter weekend but the brownies are asked to come and bring their cookie order sheets back on saturday april 4th pussywillows butterfly co coons milkweed and partridge feathers were brought for ob servation by jean kelly mari lyn stacey mary miller karen chadwick and irene crane wms quilting the wms is very grateful to the ladies who assisted at the quilting in the sunday school room on monday of last week there were twentyone present in the afternoon working on four quilts the wms has received quilttops and linings etc one quilt complete knitted goods and other articles and donations for supplies which is appre ciated and will be sent to 100 simcoe st distribution centre early in june mrs geo brands is the supply secretary good friday service there will be a good friday service in the victoria square united church at 11 am this robt ross of rr 2 gormley service is for the whole charge and gerald bedford of scarboro the stourtyille truuxl thursday mirth 25 w5 ho i weidon s a complete easter outfit tip top tailors exclusive suits dress shirts forsyth shirts ties latest designs yl fed tfie pig visit our shoe department new spring styles for your family we1d0n shoes and mens wear store main street stouffville phone 172w charged with stealing relief cheque following an intensive inves tigation by pc gord hepple- ston and pc cliff cox of mark ham twp police department two young men have been charged with stealing a wom ans relief cheque from her mailbox the speaker will be rev c g higginson ba bd of rich mond hill united church spe cial music church news the sermon theme on sunday was friends of the king a nursery class was begun at this service and will continue every sunday from now on it is for the children of ages 2 to 5 years mrs f walker was in charge of it on sunday if there are parents in the com munity who would like to at tend the church service but feel that they could not take the children just bring them to the nursery class as someone will be there to look after them there will be special easter services on sunday march 29 the sermon theme will be mary magdalene and the risen lord special music everyone welcome mens banquet the annual mens banquet sponsored by the victoria sq committee of stewards is being planned for friday evening april 3 in the sunday school room guest speaker will be mr j m fraser of streetsville neighbourhood notes birthday greetings to wayne mortson for march 26 when he will be fifteen years old to les lie hart for march 28 to linda sanderson who on march 30 will be five years old to anita orr who will be seven years old on march 31 to mr jim smith for march 31 congratulations to mr and mrs herman mortson who on march 23 celebrated their thirty- eighth wedding anniversary to mr and mrs albert tatton who on march 27 will be celebrating their second wedding anniver sary to mr and mrs stanley boynton who on march 30 will be celebrating their 38th wed ding anniversary mr and mrs bob wilson of uxbrldge spent a sunday recent ly with mr and mrs p w willows air and mrs andrew forson beverley brcnda and cathy of rlngwood called on mr and mrs ralph boynton one day last week mr and mrs carl steckley of scarboro had sunday evening dinner with mr and mrs clar ence steckley mrs ivan crampton and baby shareno of toronto are spend ing a few days with mr and mrs cecil nichols and family lsrt charles starkey mmc radio station newport nova- scotia called on them on sun day park everyone who isi interested in the park and the park com- mittccs please meet in the vic- i loria square community hall were remanded when they ap peared in newmarket court on monday another youth paul cooney of scarboro has been charged with uttering all three suspects have served time at guelph the relief cheque was stolen from mrs connie ekelman con 7 markham the amount was s6000 mr ekelman resides in stouffville the cheque was cashed death death of gordon smith the funeral of the late gor don smith of stayner ont was conducted on tuesday march 24 from the ebenezer united missionary church death oc curred on march 21 as the re sult of a farm accident de ceased is survived by his widow the former annie drudge of box grove and four children birth williams to florence nee hicks wife of fred a wil liams on march 24th 1959 at york county hospital new market a son jeffrey thomas rug repairs binding fringing alterations n i broadloom all colours eggs for needy families an anonymous resident of pickering township has offered to donate twenty dozen eggs per week to some needy families in the municipality mrs d crich- ton informed the tribune of the unusual offer this week the eggs will be presented to the pickering red cross branch they will select the deserving families on tuesday evening march 31 at 8 pm it is hoped that as soon as the snow disappears work will begin on the park the chain is the lifeline of a barn cleaner mm paving 17th avenue markham township council has agreed to proceed with pav ing two miles of roadway 17th avenue between the 2nd and 3rd concessions it will bo necessary to raise the roadway near the fraser gee farm to accomplish this a multiplate culvert will be used with a 100 ft headwall the tender of armo drainage metal products was accepted for the multiplate culvert pric ed at 5370 and the tender of rosco metal roofing for the headwall at a cost of 54400 both tenders are subject to the approval of the dept of high ways 1 from 895 sq yd installed wall to wall including 40 oz under felt gripper tackless and chrome to tile or room size rugs 795 sq yd 40 oz felt included we show samples in your home h anderson son est 30 years member toronto betteb business bureau write for appointment f stale phone no 84 lappin ave toronto 4 phone le 61718 jgbmkm ofor 10 year hm cornell barn cleaned stan thompson rr3 stouffville phone 91 90 j slouffv joocxxocxooaaoocxkoooocxxkxa easter used car specials 1957 ford coach 6 cylinder gray heater windshield washer one owner 20000 miles 1956 plymouth savoy sedan red heater really clean 1955 buick century sedan red and black automatic electric windows radio power steer ing power brakes heater windshield washer oil filler a lovely car to drive 1954 dodge royal sedan automatic power steering power brakes radio heater wind shield washers cheap transportation with everything 1952 pontiac sedan 8 cylinder healer this car is really built no rust used trucks 1955 chev 4ton chassis cab 2 speed axle heater 82520 tires one owner good shape 1955 chev sedan delivery full width stat undercoat deluxe wheel heater 1949 chev 3ton 7 x 14 body 82520 tires 2 speed axle heater edbro 6 ton hand hoist chas cooper ltd phone 103 claremont ontario phone 104 ooqcxkoooooooocxxxxoooqooocr

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