the stouftvttu tribune thanitr march 1 59 ttgt 13 this sundays message jesus christ lives jesus christ lives easter luke 241353 them troubled terrified and at- j lege frighted supposing that a spec- j verse 35 they told what lesson lor march 29 golden text this jeans hath god raised up whereof we all are witnesses acts 2 32 ithe lesson as a whole approach to the lesson the resurrection of christ from the dead is ock of grlbraltar of our chris- ian faith a solid substantial oundation for our confidence ind hope the son of god arose n the body in which he suffcr- sj he lives forever our glor- ous redeemer risen lord and roming king of the ten postresurrection ppearances of christ describ ed in the new testament five iccurred on easter sunday o the women to mary magda- ene to simon peter to the two ellevers en route to emmaus ind to the group of disciples in jerusalem the last two of these ippcarances are described in iur lesson each experience reveals two utstanding facts ter was invading the privacy of their assembly second both appearances of cnrlst reveal his loving pa tience and willingness gently to dispel his disciples misgivings in each case he referred them to the prophetic portions of the old testament verses 27 44 45 and led them gently to a positive faith in emmaus he disclosed his resurrection ldent- jesus i breaking of bread and the i when he appeared before the jerusalem gathering he pre sented his wounded hands and feet as resurrection credentials ate a piece of broiled fish and honeycomb and carefully ex plained that no mere ghost had flesh and bones the disciples were to be his things were done in the way how he was known in breaking of bread what ex citement as the two believers shared their experience with the jerusalem group christs characteristic demeanor and conduct as he ate with them in emmaus had revealed his blessed identity as the risen sa viour verse 36 as they thus spake jesus himself stood in the midst of them saith un to them peace be unto you john adds that the doors were shut john 2019 christ sud denly appeared in the midst of his own a resurrection mir acle peace be unto you this was no mere salutation it was an echo of our lords beau- gospal heralds to the ends of tiful bequest of peace see chap the earth their doubts must 1427 his resurrection gods yield to faith their skepticism to certainty their fears to joy before they could proclaim the good news with power and ef fectiveness verse by verse luke 2433 they rose up the same hour returned to jerusalem found the eleven gathered and them that were with them without seal upon his atoning work guaranteed the peace which he had promised verse 37 they were terri fied and affrighted supposed that they had seen a spirit they thought that they were looking on a spirit it was one thing to hear from others that christ had risen but suddenly to behold him hot emerging from the dim beyond but actual ly in their midst at arms length was overpowering had repeatedly warned them of i arrlvedhe teths 1 i vvif lis approaching death and as- 1 the ten 11 shnles td wv yc tr suved them of his coming resur- 8ffig gsggem rived late this is the gather- asked 1 because christ had described in john 2019 t- ci willi u1c11i itluluul nit t i finishing their evening meal e about eight miles away ured them of his coming resur- ection eg matt 1621 he lad illustrated both events by n appeal to the story of jonah matt 1240 he had asserted hat his resurrection would ake place on the third day af- er his death matt 1723 yet o staggering was the actual tesurrection that the disciples imply could not believe it our ord rebuked his followers on he emmaus road o fools nd slow of heart to believe luke 2424 and when he lat- r stood in the midst of the dis- iples in jerusalem he found ing others besides the apostles had also joined the company verse 34 saying the lord is risen indeed and hath appear ed to simeon the resurrection tidings cleopas and his friend brought to jerusalem were al ready known by the disciples there the appearance to simon peter is mentioned in 1 cor 15 5 no details concerning this meeting are given the disciple who thrice denied his lord was granted an unusual holy privi- nvvvn vvvvv sswv stouffville united church choir will present the crucifixion it stainers sacred easter cantata good friday march 27th at 815 pm in the chu rch auditorium you are all invited to attend l previously told his disciples to keep their hearts untroubled john 141 27 and now they were to obey his words 2 he would calm their fears by using expressions similar to those he had used before his death and thus identify him self to his distraught followers as indeed the lord they loved verse 39 behold my hands and my feet that it is i my self handle me and see for a spirit hath not flesh and bones our lord was infinitely patient considerate and compassionate to gaze upon and touch his res urrection body and particularly his wounded hands and feet would prove 1 that he was no incorporeal ghost 2 that he was their very crucified sav iour that the disciples obeyed is suggested in thomass sub sequent words john 2525 and johns later assertion that his hands had handled the word of life john 11 verse 40 when he had thus spoken he shewed them his hands and his feet this would confirm their faith the resur- rection was no dream the lord jesus was raised in the body in which he suffered the marks of the nails proved that the person now with his disciples was actually the crucified re deemer verse 41 they yet be lieved not for joy and wonder ed he said have ye here any meat as they had doubt ed for lack of evidence so now cdt f00d pussnboots 15oztins 3 pork beans vancamp 20ozsize 2 salmon clover leaf sockeye wi 47 toilet tissue purex 4oiis 47c instant milk pet tei package 37c pedf een giant 15oztins 2 35 boneless hams svvply il 59c fresh pork liver i 29c we have a good selection of freshkilled boiling fowl capons ducks for easter schells food mopkeff free parking phone 220w free delivery they were incredulous for sheer joy what had happened was too good to be true but the lord would strengthen their faith even further he asked if they had any food not that he hungered but that he would grant them indisputable evi dence of his resurrection verse 42 they gave him a piece of a broiled fish and of an honeycomb this was part of the disciples ordinary diet ex- fishermen could be expected to have fish for supper palestine was sometimes called the land flowing with milk and honey honey was a staple item of food verse 43 and he took it and did eat before them this is a mystery we readily accept the body of christs resurrec tion glory was the same as that in which he died yet different it was sown in mortality and raised immortal 1 cor 1553 it was related to its previous state yet transcended it the risen saviour both entered through closed doors and ate broiled fish verse 44 he said these are the words which i spake unto you that all things must be fulfilled written in the law of moses in the prophets in the psalms con cerning me thus at long last our lords prophetic intimations concerning his resurrectionsee matt 1621 were fulfilled this was the glorious event toward which his words had been point ing but more the entire old testament spoke prophetically concerning his ministry which would culminate in resurrection from the dead the hebrew can on was technically divided into tthe law the prophets and the holy writings hagiogra- pha the psalms were the ma jor portion of the holy writ ings verse 45 then opened he their understanding that they might understand the scrip tures perhaps this gift of spir itual insight was the result of their reception of the holy spir it john 2022 at any rate the disciples were now made to re alize not only that the messiah would arise from the dead but that the scriptural prophecies had been fulfilled in christs resurrection verse 46 and said thus it is written thus it behoov ed christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day both the passion suffering and resurrection of christ were part of the eternal will of the father revealed in advance to the writ ers of the old testament and now come to glad fruition in the presence of the disciples the third day how often the lord jesus had previously announced this element verse 47 that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name be ginning at jerusalem dr luke also wrote the book of acts here he condenses what he later describes in greater detail acts 138 on the basis of the gos pel of the crucified risen son of god men were to repent have a change of mind place their trust in the saviour and have their sins forgiven verse 48 and ye are wit nesses of these things the disciples who beheld their risen lord were to spread abroad the good news starting where they had seen him in jerusalem a witness is one who knows the greek word for witnesses is martures whence our word martyrs the heart of the lesson three sublime truths concern ing our lords resurrection are emphasized by luke remem ber that the author was a physi cian accustomed to dealing with physical reality the first truth is the histori cal actuality of the resurrection and thus its evidential apolo getic value in the proclamation and confirmation of the gospel christ was very careful to prove to his followers that he was really alive he did this in two ways to begin with he reminded good friday service stouffville memorial christian church 11 am organ prelude mr clarion baker speaker rev mr kent of emmanuel christian church toronto special music a missionary offering will be received sponsored by the wms of the conference of christian churches wont you join us rfrfrfrjfrfrfrxfrfrfrfrfraaa christ church stouffville anglican easter parade of the latest fashion news in dresses suits coats and costumes especially styled to fit and flatter you youll love the more- feminine look of these beauties the youthful vibrant colors the fine fabrics see them here maundy thursday celebration of the holy communion at 11 am good friday let us keep good friday as a holy day and not just another holiday 3 hour devotion 12 am to 3 am at st philips unionville easter day celebrations of the holy communion 730 am st philips unionville 830 am christ church stouffville 1000 am christ church stouffville 1130 am st philips unionville james d tiller rector r- 3marguerite shoppe stouffvtlle phone szsv them that throughout the old testament predictions had been made concerning him law prophets and writings had all prophesied his career the writ ers had announced in advance his resurrection as well as his death hence he asked ought not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory verse 26 and hence he explained these are the words which i spake unto you while i was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled but second to clinch the mat terto prove that the old test ament authors had predicted correctly and that he was truly alive he stooped to the dis ciples incredulity and gave them a physical incontrovert ible demonstration that he was no disembodied ghost he show- 1 ed them his body and ate with them he was their loving ris en living saviour his resurrec tion was not fancy but fact why did the lord jesus take such pains to prove his resur rection because it is a guar antee of his identity as the son of god and upon the rock of his deity the superstructure of our faith is built later the dis ciples thoroughly persuaded that their lord was indeed rais ed from the dead and that they had seen him in his risen body preached the resurrection as a fact of history which they had personally witnessed acts 1 22 232 315 the second truth luke strexs- is the transforming power of christs resurrection phil 310 the disciples on the emmaus road were sad and disconsolate i thoroughly discouraged and de- sparing the risen christ joined them and all was changej their hearts burned within them when they realized whoj their companion had been i christ church anglican rt 3 d tiller hector easter day march 29 830 am celebration of the holy communion 10 am celebration of the holy communion 10 am junior sunday school 11 am senior sunday school maundy thursday march 26 11 am celebration of the holy communion 4 pm junior auxiliary 430 pm junior confirma tion class 730 pm lenten service 815 pm important vestri meeting at the parish hall goal friday a3 hour devo- tion will be held at st philips unionville 12 am to 3 am you are urged to attend tues mar 31 9 pm hobo box social to be held at the club room of the veterans hall ladies box lunches to be auctioned off you are in vited to join the fun see special bulletin for holy week services united churcn stouffville rev douglas davis easter sunday sunday school 945 am junior to senior 11 am nursery to primary 11 am morning worship plan to take part in that great world wide halleluiah chorus singing christ is risen 730 pm choral service and film portrayal of the resur rection story in josephs garden thursday apr 2 230 pm the wms will meet in the church auditorium for the easter thankofferinf service mrs h f price vice presi dent of the toronto confer ence branch of the wms is guest speaker worship con ducted by the bethesda aux iliary soloist mrs j r hammond monday adr 6 8 pm youth rally in newmarket united church speakers rev and mrs frank muir second mark1iam 11akur mix fellowship baptist churches rev itruce llfecj sunday march 29th 1959 second markliam prayer service each wed i pta sunday next bible school 10 am gospel service 11 am young peoples so pm baker hill prayer servica thurs t pm sunday bible school 1s0 pm service 230 pm all are welcome u churchill musselmans lake bible school sunday march 29th 1959 10 am bible school special easter service at 11 am 1 everyone welcome bloomington christian associated gospel church mr e n simmons minister sunday march 29th 1959 10 am sunday school 11 am worship service 730 pm evening service ringwood christian church sunday march 29th 1959 10 am sunday school 1110 am 730 pm worship service mr martin reif speaker 8 pm monday missionary ce prayer meeting gormley united missionary church rev c i hhiikiiis minister sunday march 29th 1959 s45 am broadcast dial 1310 special easter services tuesday to sunday each evening at s pm except saturday communion service good friday morning at 11 am sunrise service sunday morning at 7 am stouffville united missionary church rev arthur walsh minister easter sunday march 29th 7 am sunrise service speaker rev c e bell of markliam 10 am sunday school 11 am 730 pm the easter message in song and sermon 630 pm young peoples thurs s pm prayer bible study easter services at the stouffville baptist church rev t williams pastor bible teacher and evangelist good friday at 8 pm followed by communion sunday march 29th 1959 10 am bible school all ages 11 am easter message 730 pm evangelistic easter message wed 8 pm prayer bible study thurs i pm childrens ser vice vivian mccormack memorial church rev umce hisoy pastor friday 8 pm good friday- service sunday march 29th 1959 1030 am sunday school special easter program 730 pm evening worship tues 8 pm prayer meeting thurs 8 pm young peoples you are welcome it h w 4 j v- vr j ju r j s brethren in christ church helse hill gormlcy pastor rev win vnndcrbcnt sunday march 29th 1959 10 am sunday school 11 am worship service 730 pm evangelistic wed 730 pm midweek prayer meeting united church melville charge rev davison sunday march 29th 1959 easter sunday 10 am peachs 1130 am melville- 230 pm bethesda reception of new members at all services good friday 11 am joint service in melville church the lords supper will be observed alton a christian united missionary church her dow snrgcnnt pastor sunday march 29th 1959 1030 am sunday school 730 pm service wed 8 pm prayer service united missionary f church i rev c e bell minister 1 sunday march 29th 1959 fj dickson hill 945 am easter service 1050 am sunday school 730 pm evening service wed 8 pm prayer biblj study markhast 10 am sunday school w special program miss eileen i lageer speaker 11 am easter service 730 pm evening service fri mar 27 1030 am special goo friday service rev a walsh speaker t a living christ in a living man- is a living sermon y stouffville memorial christian church 11 am good friday special service with rev mr kent of emmanuel christian church toronto and clarion baker al the organ sunday march 29th 1959 10 am sunday school 11 am morning worship 730 pm gospel service wed 730 jr choir practice z wed 800 sr choir practice thurs 8 pm prayer blbl study i come and worship with ua h st james presbyterian church stouffville rev d r mckllllcan ila bd sunday march 29th 1959 10 am morning worship worship with u ft saturday evening g parlcside youth centre saturday 8 pm youth nally a real treat is in store for you one hour of special easter music by the mixed choir from niagara christian college also ft good film will be shown sunday 630 am easier sunrise ser- vice at the youth centre followed by breakfast at 8 am j sunday evening fireside at 915 tho tfc mixed choir will present the can- taia the meaning of easter a real wel- come awaits you at all these meetings harry edward director