p5 6 the stouffiui thtukl tamy itnr 29 1959 want ads give a little money a big chance to go a long way miscellaneous we do ccstom killing o caring and saoklnf of mat tor farmer obojrle meat market ph 3 stoos u canadian cancer society richmond hill dutrtet can for information filma talk welfare and lenrlcea call richmond hill to 4sm3 lnlontllle 230 mnrmiam iso ltf stoofftllle 0a electrical wiring installation serslce repair oil burner serrfce leslie leoxahd pa 780 sioocttih tjtf excavating trenching grading weepins reds a specialty hrlte timrers im clare ta717 47tf custom killing curing smoking meat for farmers we are prepared to pick np and deliver 23tf scheils meat market stouffvillc phone 220 well digging cleaning repairs all kinds of compressor work 17tf r kloostcrmnn ax 30131 ted debdcr at 25072 finch ave arinconrt rr1 miscellaneous enfd village burner service ph stonsvllle 740wl for s4hr service industrial commercial residential 19u chain saws iel pioxeer chain saws wright superrebel saws repairs to all makes rentals carl walker sales service hon mills kd victoria square ph gormley mis 31tf business opportunity you can make monet rait ing chinchilla the industry is on a found basis actire market for pelts breeding stock for a reasonable invest ment you can build a business at home stonehouse chin chilla ru 3sc06 ill had dington ave toronto 12 if radio electric wiring houses farms and cottages xired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges toasters irons and other appli ances repaired k h mmdlemlsi ltf phone 367 slouffvihe n goldkind son we but all kinds of poultry 13tf highest prices pnid for iito poultry si frasernnod ave toronto ph ru 17s51 collect or ph hu 11358 collect radio aro television repair at reasonable rates sparton and general electric radiotv sales and service hifi record players record tape recorders and tapes scarfes ittt thix paint smith radio- electronic service stouffviiie phone 82 live stock i articles for sale 1 chunks for sale average 155 ltu ross tsompeon uzbridge rri ph uxbrldge 257r3 pullets for sale reedy to lay cecil vanderkooy stouffviiie rri ph isjwl after 6 pm i holstein heifers for sale due very soon peter fintel- man ph gormley 583 after pm 3 choice yorkshire tow for ale tecood litter rear due also 14 good chunks ph markham 767 purebred yorkshire bred and open gihs for sale young boars also a few select land- race boars apply t t lowndes keswick ph 2s8j1 queensviue 306 skyline chicks are backed by years of hatching exper ience two outstanding lay ing strains to choose from hyline hybrid canada leading profit making layer 4 skyline linecross leghorns tops in leghorn breeding sky- line chicks are delivered to your door for further infor mation contact our representa tives willis taylor phone stouffviiie 554wl or bruce taylor phone 97602 stouff viiie 2411 mcclary range for sale good condition ph gormley 54s0 fairisle knitter for sale phone gormley 52t9 for rent apartment for rent on albert st heat supplied phone stouffviiie 4 storm windows for sale 5s x 30 ph 161 or 228 slightly used chain saw for sale is blade ph 114 stouffrille 332 brooder house for sale in good condition ph gormiey 5635 2 snow tires for sale 800x15 new 4000 john watson ballantrae ph stouffviiie 499 15 cu ft freezer for sale floor model to clear 29000 stouffviiie coop clean dry firewood for sale free delivery taylors sawmill telephone avenue 54131 314 pullets ready to lay rir cross ls 24 wks old price 200 ridlkr mills ltd newmarket 24tf ph twining 52300 paving driveways expertly paved evans fuels paving division newmarket twlning 54231 free estimates eltf shoe repair your shoe repairs can all be handled at georges snoe repair foil or half soles and all type of repair am kinds zipper work done all types new shoes for boys and men for good healtb keep your shoe in good repair located two doors east of cxr tracks 48tr main st stouffviiie phone 743j c bunkers sand gravel pit at goodwood for cement gravel concrete sand stone 011 and choice top soil we deliver 16tf phone 5521v 1 stonffvllle ross hetherington electric custom house industrial wiring pole line installation alterations small repair jobs ge appliance service phone stouffv1lle 155j or 283 10lf sanitary contractor scptlo tanks pumped drains cleaned and repaired 24 honr service o stunden lstf richmond hill ph to 41845 chicks for sale honegger layers dayold chicks or started pullets 3f r m chick ranch phone parkvlciv 74311 time to order groves chicks in leading american strains a govt registered hatchery- ames incross hybrids white and brown egg hansons and babcock white leghorns crelghton bros strain cross white leghorns sussex x ri red ri red x sussex wairen ri reds leghorn x ri red also popular broiler crosses arbor acre w rock x vantres vantress x nichols we also sell started pullets ask for prices order now for delivery on preferred dates groves poultry farm rr2 markham 343 fhone stouffviiie 772j3 childs crib for sale good condition with a new spring- filled mattress ph 11j after 6 pm tropical fish aquariums supplies and live foods 3 rouge st markham for in formation phone markham 345m tape recorders revere tape recorders from js995 to s2s450 popular practical inquire about them from car man lewis pb markham 149 or the stouffviiie tribune ph 152 18tf winterseal aluminum doors installed city prices call us for a free estimate stouffeks crest hardware phone 00 oil furnace general elec tric hot air furnace complete selfcontained large sizo unit together with approximately 100 feet sheet metal duct es pecially adapted to large audi torium or garage quantity of used water pipe and electric conduit pipe with fittings glenn rateliff ph stouff 202 miscellaneous enfd bulldozing ij and drag lining specialists in grading cellars and ponds e van derkooy 49lf phono gormley 8537 stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirements or crushed gra vel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at tbs bin if j plant phone 123 office phones 370 4 120 floor covering all types tiles inlaid linoleum plastic walltowall carpet th new sisal covering expertly in stalled free estimate jstf spoffords stouffviiie bulldozing specializing in landscape plan ning and farm ponds basement excavation and all types of grading dragline when necessary art steckley phone gorsiley 5678 clare preston head operator 32tf phone 65428 sewing machines all makes repaired jack rbnnie 342 phono 50j claremont furnace work tinsmithing furnaces installed and serviced call us now for free estimates stouffeks crest hardware phone 00 frank bolton plumbing heating and oil burner service rr3 stonffvllle ont phone 484 27tf alex wallace heating furnace vacuum cleaning sheet metal eavestroughlng etc denier for pease iron fireman clnre hccla oil coal and gas markham village on no 7 hwy phone markham 8101 8tf unclz mm phone 101 jmtw precast septic tanks approved for yonr area septic installations trenching a ditching fabricated concretb specialties ltd stoaffvllls 190 llf dominion rentalls we have obtained the services of expert mechanics all types of mechanical work on garden equipment motors outboard and chain saws etc all part carried in stock bid phone ax 80871 free chain saw anyone purchasing new ihc pioneer chain saw from us between jan 1st 1959 and april 1st 1959 is eligible to win a new saw the holder of the lucky ticket will receive absolutely free a new model ra pioneer saw this draw will be made only from the sales of the un derslgned between the above dates trades will be accepted on any make or model draw will be made at 9 pm april 3rd 1959 at our store oliver reach son uxbrldge ontario phono 111w 3310 3room basement apartment for rent oil heated clean latelv decorated call stouff viiie s7w4 3room heated basement a- partmect for rent on ninth line below stouffviiie js0 a month phone 94102 stouff viiie 32tf 4room bungalow for rent kitchenette bathroom oil- heated west end of town for particulars m rellly 4 folcroft ave apt 12 toron to 13 phone am 74170 be fore 1 am or after 6 pm wanted attention mr m nam pays cash prices for all live poultry ph sto 64j3 stf electric pump required by parkside christian youth cen tre for hooding ice ph 204w2 stouffrille work wanted general house work one or two days a week apply box 1s3 c0 the stouffviiie tribune wanted to rent extra large house suitable for nurs ing home in or around stouff viiie apply box 182 co the stouffviiie tribune young married man with 1 child requires apartment or small hou3e in stouffviiie apply to manager dominion stores stouffviiie employment wanted part- time work fridays saturdays and sundays experienced in farming phone roy white stecles ave milliken rr1 ax 3373s 342 highest cash price for live poultry norm davis ph 741 markham 32tf lost found found white crocheted bby shawl at corner of elm and falrview ave stouffviiie ph i55w3 stouffviiie personal why feel old feel year younger ostrex tonic tab lets revitalize thousands past 40 only 60c at all druggists help wanted reliable mature woman wanted for occasional baby sitting afternoons or evenings ph stouffviiie 379 married man wanted with general farm experience house light and heat supplied yearly employment rlngwood farms ph 147w 342 sale register auctioneers w d atkinson phone stouitvllle 303 a s farmer phone gormley 8311 ken clarke prentice ph ax 88887 markham s40 premoving sale clearing many paint lines at i price come to stouffville coop for bargains sewing machines electric 2 cabinet models drop head both have forward and reverse and automatic bobbin winder tradein accepted terms 175 weekly phone unionvnle 275w or write harwell distributors unionvlllc ontario transportation transportation wanted to downtown toronto arriving 8 am leaving not before 5 pm ph stouffviiie 92616 dead stock dead and crippled farm animals removed promptly for sanitary dis posal 200 service charge for each call telephone col lect to stouffviiie 255 or toronto em 33636 gordon young ltd tl dead stock dead or crippled horses cattle and hogs picked up for disposal with winch truck phone collect uxbrldge 841 mt albert 70v woodvliio 32rll ed peconi prop i stf real estate building lot for sale choice building lot 75 ft x 200 ft in the village of brougham close to sohools postofilce stores and bus lines a nice level lot excellent building site in an area of good homes for further particulars phone pickering 242r2 or dunbarton temple 92546 plumbing sinks toilets baths parts supplies installations new work repairs pipe cut and threaded up to 4 furnaces cleaned consumers gas dealers pittsburgh paint dealers stouffville plumbing heating store on main st ph day 405 night 8wl or b48j1 4tf see the new thermx catalytic portable heaters nonexplosive no flame no fumes proven safe for aeroplane cabs ideal for truck cab fish huts brooders construction huts car or small bus keeps motor warm at night interior in daytime fuel consumption as low as 1 quart per 24 hours 33tf call gordon c smith stouff 087 for demonstration person wishes to join cai pool employed at john inglls near exhibition grounds hrs 8 to 4 phone stouffviiie 693w 33 farm investment properties 3 4tf j m farquharson real estate broker gormley 5107 ba 57711 transportation wanted arriving at wexford heights lawrence ave e before 9 am returning 5 or 6 pm ph 26j evenings transportation wanted from no 48 hwy and 17th ave markham to arrive at king and university by 815 to 830 am returning at b oclock ph stouffviiie 96204 after 630 pm produce choice young beef for sale by the side or quarter cut wrapped for freezer ph 94106 stouffviiie s a stouffer 334 off shaped potatoes for tale 50c per bag or 10 a ton john boswortb ltd cedar valley phone mount albert 14sw 11tf beef pork for fale by the quarter or half cut and wrap ped for freezer we ateo do custom killing fretz bros ph96408 or 96402 stouffviiie electrical equipment tv a radio repairs to all makes washing machine parts a service neville appliances your admiral a iwrey organ dealer main st stouffviiie luouc 340 17u cars trucks 1955 ford fairlane for sale automatic ph stouffviiie 693j after 6 pm 31 model a coupe for sale in good condition 15000 or best offer ph stouffviiie 207j implements buying selling rural urban property contact m j harlock manilla 21rl3 or harry jermyn whitby mo 83323 j a vondette real estate 104 dundns st w whitby 4u for all your real estate problems consult town and coowir xffcmusts residential land business commercial 4 2tf appraisals exchanges mortgage services phone office 100 res 20ij 817 when buying or selling real estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison rcgd real estate broker phone 244 11tf thursday feb 5 auotion sale of farm stock imple ments hay grain quantity of household furniture the pro perty of clifford rae at lot 34 con 3 scott twp 2 miles north of zephyr 21 head of cattle fresh springer cows number of young cattle four brood sows all due 34 chuuks and weaned pigs 450 bales of hay 1200 bus grain small quantity machinery and a large quantity of furniture in cluding 21 rca victor television refrigerator wash ing machine etc no reserve as owner is moving to tho states terms cash sale at 1 pm geo edwards clerk reg johnson auctioneer saturday feb 7 auction sale of good household furni ture electric range appli ances player piano dishes utensils kitchen effects 2 new gents bicyuies garden tools etc at lot 22 concession 6 vaughan twp miles north of maple sideroad known as the julian farm property of george old sale at 130 pm terms cash no reserve pro prietor going to england ken clarke prentice auction eers wednesday feb 11 clear lng auction sale of tractor im plements including tractor pto baler side rake pto mower tractor spreader man ure loader hy duty spring- tooth cultivator double disc seed drill 15m farm trailer hammer mill bale loader pa- pec forage harvester rubber tired wagon also furniture some antiques baled hay the property of frank burkholder at lot 24 con 9 markham 3 miles south of stouffviiie note these are good imple ments farm sold no re serve terms cash sale at 1 pm faulkner woods clerks w d atkinson auc tioneers saturday feb 14 auc tion sale of farm stock imple ments cattle hogs ihc super a tractor pto lights with hydraulic scuffler plow full line of farm implements quantity of grain and hay also household furniture at lot 23 con 9 whitchurch the estate of the late william beach no reserve farm is sold terms cash lloyd turner clerk a s farmer auctioneer coming events the regular meeting of the ioof will be held in the masonic hall monday evening february 2nd bingo every saturday night in the legion hall stouffviiie sponsored by the canadian leg ion branch 459 and ladlea aux iliary 14 games for 500 each 3 special games and jack pot admission 50c starting at 815 sharp 21tf the wa of the claremont united church is having an oyster supper and program on thursday feb 5th in the sun day school room of the church commencing at 530 pm adults 125 public school children 60c 342 nurserykindergarten winter picnic this saturday 330700 parkside youth centre pot luck supper for all whose fam ilies have been connected with the school choice of outdoor and indoor program silver col lection at eupper skating 25c and 15c for those 12 and under come for all or part time nurs ery school phone 107w pms please village of stouffville notice the regular meeting of the stouffviiie council whiten would normally be held feb 5th at 730 pm has been postponed until wednesday feb 11th at 730 pm 342 r e corner clerk ss no 10 markham twp school meeting notice a meeting of the ratepayers of ss no 19 markham town ship will be held in the school house on tuesday feb 3rd at s30 pm for the purpose of hearing report asked for at a previous meeting regarding general repairs to the school trustees of ss 19 markham pickering twp tender for truck tenders will be reelved by the undersigned until 1 coon monday feb 9 1959 for pur chase of one truck gvw rat ing 15000 lbs specification may be picked up at the muni cipal office brougham lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted j s chapman road superintendent township of pickering stouffville stockyards sale prices jon 24 beet still in good demand with prices strong pigs quality extra good de mand just fair slippery back roads lessened the supply good dairy cows top of 27260 1st calf heifers 200220 fat cows 18c stockers 25c veal s3 hhc 2532 hbc 1525 hereford bc top 4 0 old hogs 4060 top so sows 6578 small cks 1012 demand fclow best sellers med cks 13- 20 selling by weight is becom ing more popular each week make this your weekly market why not 7 others do this week special sale jan 31 sellers atkinson pollard faulkner auctioneers township of whitchurch tender for two trucks sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 1200 oclock noon thursday february 10th 1050 for the following equipment one 3ton dump truck with steel box and hoist also one v4ton pickup truck with tradein allowance required on a 1953 iton chevrolet which may be inspected by ap pointment with the road super intendent tender forms and specifica tions may be obtained from the undersigned at the municipal office vandorf ont lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted 342 ernest davis road superintendent rr4 stouffviiie ont canada sealed tenders addrs4 to the undcriimol and andorud tender for addition and alterations federal building stouffville ont will be received in the office of the secretary until 300 pm est wednesday march 4 1859 plans and specifications can be seen and forms of tender obtained at the offices of the chief architect department of public works ottawa ontario the district architect 3s5 yonse street toronto ont and the post offices at oshawa and stouftville ont to be considered each tender must be accompanied by a security in the form of a certified cheque or bonds as specified in the forms of tender tenders must be made on the printed forms supplied by the department and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein the department through the chief architects office or through the under signed or through the office of the district architect at toronto ont will supply blueprints and specincaton of the work the lowest or any tender not necessar ily accepted robert fortier chief of administrative services and secretary department of tuhlic works ottawa january 23 1959 142 liftings wanted seed plant reopening feb 2nd cleaning 20 cwl grading 10 cwt treating 09 cwt by appointment earljfdisrount 10 to february 14th 5 feb 16th to feb 2sui i bradford fertilizers ford tractor parts and service delivery new com bine and engine complete guaranteed lint 2100 only 1450 ch or terms moffat motor mt albert 21010 markham uxrrldgr whitchurch pickering we are on a selling spree and need homes and small farms with or without build- injj 491 i hrher quality loveit cost i now available in bilk at 10330 off list your local order office w a jones fir son our sold signs tell the story thos n shea markham 710720 ax 37071 phone 2633 3ill in the supreme court of ontario 200 iaw stamp mont ay the lsth day of january ad 1953 it g bbistow master between janifi baruss rr ritvalds jankus pufntiftt melville boyle defendant order upon th application hj counsel on behalf of the plaintiffs for an orer pr- rnittinjr ubtitutiotal icrviee of the writ of summona herein in the irestnct of counsel for the plaintiffs and upon rating the affidavit of max demon vworn on the 13th dar of jnury 19s9 filed and upon bearnir counael for the plaintiff 1 it is ordered that service of a true copy of the writ of summons in thfo srtlon and a true copy of this orcvr hy ithlihin this ordr together ith the notire therein indorsed onre a wetfc tn- the wjraj tirtvedlncr th glh day of fehrxsry 1sp in the stouff- l ttl ttbun neafippr puhlihj at soiffijv ontario shall v- cod tni ilttritt irvir of h id writ f summons uton the defendsnt herein 2 and it is further ordered that the defrndant melville boyle do cntrr an appearance to the tm writ of summons at central oftie at oizoode hull toronto rn or before the 17th dr of february 1s5 h c bristow master notice the plaintiffs claim is for dant3cs for prroni injuries and ohr daosce to the plaintiffs by reason of the neslent operation of a motor vehicle owned and orrld by the defendant on lflu 10th m7 on ezllnton avenue in the nlty of marvhsm rftad tor- hip of scarborough county of yorv sheriffs sale of lands in the supreme court of ontario to wit under and by virtue of wri of fieri facias to ma directed issued out of the supreme court f ontario wherein joseph tarnowsvy it plaint t it and industrial tannins company limit ed is defendant 1 have seised and tsjtca under exccutioa and will offer for sale by public auction in my oflc in the court house in the town of whitby m the county of ontario on friday feb ruary 20th 1859 at 2s0 oclock in the afternoon all the right title interest and equity of redemption of industrial tanning company limited to in and out of the following lands nsmely all that mesuage or tenement situate lying and being in the town of uxbridge in the county and province of ontario and being composed of 1 part of lot no 227 in block cc and part of lot no 127 in block as shown on the last recorded municipal plan of th said town of uibridge and may be more particularly described as follows that is to say commencing at a point on the east side of toronto street north eauerly two 12 chains and fiftj-thrc- 551 links from the south west angle of said lot no 227 in block cc thence north easterly alontr the easterly limit of aaid toronto street two 2 chains seventy 70 links to a post thence north easterly following the cur vature of an existing fence as shown on plan annexed to a deed nude by one george whelcr to one isaac gould dated aucust 19th 1ss5 and registered in the registry afflce for the county of ontario as no 1214 for the town of uxbrldge a distance of two 12 chains twenty 20 links to the corner of the fence surround ing the dwelling house now known as the graham house which point is sixtysix 66 links from the said house thenee north westerly fiftyfour links 54 to a poit planted in the western margin of the aaid mill race one ll chain ejghtysfe 186 links to a post planted in the said western margin ot the mill race thence westerly in a direc tion at ritiht angles to toronto street alxtyalx 66 links to a point in the east limit of toronto street nine chalna eighteen is links from the south west angle of said lot 227 block cc thenee north westerly along the east limi of toronto street one 1 chain sevenly- nine 79 links to the north west angle of lot 127 i in block s thence north eiyhly 80 degites east alone the aotith side of dominion street two 2 chain thirty 30 links more or less to the eastern bank of the creek pasting through said lots thence southerly following the course of the eastern bank of said creek ten 10 chains fortyfive 45 link more or less to the northern limit of lands conveyed to one pemberton by deede registered in the registry office for the county of ontario as no 113z and 1096 for the town of uxbridge which northern limit is distant sixty feet 60 measured northerly at right angles from the north limit of brock street thence westerly parallel to the north limit of brock street to the east ern limit of that portion of the lot known as the market house lot which la de scribed in deed wheler to hannlng registered as no 900 for the town of uxbridere thence north easterly alonr the said east limit of the msrket house lot one 1 chain fiftyfour 54 links fore or less to a post at the northeast angle of said market house lot thence south seventyfour 74 degrees west along the rear of said market house lot seventynine links 179 to the place of beginning save and except that part of said lot 227 block cc described ss follows i commencing on the east limit of toronto street at a distance of nine 9 chains eighteen 18 links measured north east erly in a straight line from the south west angle of lot 227 ikuf e north essterly along the east limit of toronto street seven 7 feet nine 9 inchest thence easterly at right angles to tor onto street fortythree feet six inches 48 6 thence southerly parallel to toronto stret seven feet nine inches 7 9 to a stake thence westerly at right angles fortythree feet six inches 436 to the place of beginning 2 all of lot no 127 in block s aa shown on the municipal flan of the town of uxbrldge 8 all of lots nos 21 2 27 and 28 in block 4 according to the last muni cipal plan of the town of uxbrldge 4 all that portion of block it accord ing to the municipal plan of the town of uxbrldge lying north of the canadian national railway formerly grand trunk railway together with all lttsors right title and interest in the streets adjoining the said parcel together with all equip ment chattels fixture tools machines and goods used in connection with the tanning and wool processing factory situate on the aforementioned premises dated at whitby this 7th day of no vember ad iocs 343 sheriff county of ontario arthur welsh at least 90 percent of the wood used in making paper would make at best scrap lum ber the stouffviiie tribune classified advertising rates articles for sale livestock for sale real estate wanted cars for sale lost found etc cash rate 3e per word 1st week 2c extra consecutive weeks with a minimum of 75c 1st week 50c for extra consecutlr weeks must be psld week of intertlon if charged an additional 25c will i be added a charge of 26c will be made for all replies directed to this office notices coming rvkkts cards of thanks 3c a word with a minimum of 100 births engagements marriages fl00 per insertion in memoriams floa minimum for 4hn verse plus 2ic tor each additional 4iine display classifieds 1135 per inch with a minimum of one inch additional consecutive insertions at 100 per inch all clissifled ads must u fn this otee not later than ix oclock noon wednesday send cash stamps or money ordsrs ari sate caoey clip thla oit tor reference i