ftf 2 the stoortviui ttiluhf twsiy ummj 79 t5 sib tcitffmlle friinut tstajujshbd us a v nolan 4 son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association authorized u tconitua mml peeiefflee dst ovum member of the audit bureau of circulations issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 350 elsewhere 4m c h noun hubkr ias thomas ufa our editorial comment elected school boards tne advisability of electing high school trustees is being widely dis cussed in the province at the present time when so large a share of the tax dollar is going for educational pur poses norfolk county council and sim- coe town council have deliberated the matter at recent meetings with most councillors being in favor of electing trustees provided that a suitable system could be worked out the main problem appears to exist in the layout of high school districts which in many cases take in portions of municipalities it would be a diffi cult task to prepare voters lists but not an impossible one despite the complex voting sit uation councillors are speaking out strongly in support of an electoral system for trustees they are taking such a stand because of the fact that school boards are spending approxi mately onethird and in many in stances considerably more of the tax money raised by municipalities councils have a say in appointing trustees but they feel that the elec tors should be given a voice when so much is at stake voting for public school trustees has long been established in ontario a similar setup would be warranted for high school trustees in the light of the millions of dollars being ex- pended on secondary school educa tion simcoe reformer really vital statistics according to the experts on vital statistics married men hang onto life longer than their unmarried bro thers not only do they tend to stick around longer but they arent as easy prey to things like ulcers hy pertension heart disease cancer tu berculosis and pneumonia and they dont jump out of windows as often as the unmarried the list of perils they have bet ter luck in avoiding is longer than that but you get the idea for a lot of men who think they are pretty harassed around the house these findings are going to be tough to digest therell be plenty of skep tics in fact one already is on the record with life longer for the married man hah it only seems longer nevertheless men the figures are there in big bundles so when you hear that nagging voice jawing at you think of it as sweet music its your insurance policy how foolish can you get according to a newspaper report graham lount vice president of the national house builders association has suggested to the convention of that group that houses are being built too well they last too long the speaker said it is up to us to make the consumer so dis satisfied with his house that he is going to go out and buy a new one more quickly than he would have t am not recommending that we should cut quality but we should temper it with realism being in an area where there is- considerable building we must say that if there is anything we dont need its a decrease in the standards of workmanship which are all too often much too low already while buyers seem to have ac cepted the fact that they have to pay steadily mounting prices many are thoroughly fed up with getting inferior products at high cost foolhardy waste of time and materials is an indictment now against our generation the fact seems even more shocking when we realize that half the people in the world are underfed underhoused and undereducated the house builders association would do much better to concentrate on the best possible quality they can provide it is possible that sales have slowed up already because of the lack of confidence engendered in the pub lic by poor materials and poor work manship healthy business conditions are built on conscientious service it may be that suckers are born every minute but some of them live long enough to smarten up tell growers to improve product the annual meeting of the ontario county potato growers association was held in the de partment of agriculture office uxbrldge wednesday laat with milburn meek the president in the chair r e goodin fields crops branch addressed the group pointing out the necessity of the association to provide the market with a continuous supply of high quality potatoes he pointed out that the general quality of ont ario grown potatoes was good but that improvements could be made in marketing techniques he mentioned the fresh potatoes were meeting with competition from manufactured potatoe prod ucts and also pointed out that the license for the ontario vari ety had been cancelled in 1957 largely because of the poor keep ing and cooking qualities of this variety he recommended that this on tario variety be eliminated by commercial potato growers as soon as possible clarence leech south simco county spoke on the resolution presented by the south simco potato growers in connection with the proposed toll of 100 per acre to provide funds for re search and sales promotion for potatoes the ontario county group pasaed a motion supporting the resolution election of officers was con ducted by lynn fair ontario county agricultural representa tive and resulted as follows president milburn meek sand- ford vicepresident albert hockley claremont secretary- treasurer gordon rynard zeph yr laff of the week directors clarkson arnold zephyr che oldham zephyr george smalley stouffville rr 3 herb simpson stouffville rr 3 bryon kisebrough uxbridge rr 1 walter savage uxbrldge rr1 mr meek was appointed to the ontario county delegate to the annual provincal potato growers meeting in toronto jan 2s is your estate a target far taxes 9 business directory auctioneers lady deputyreeve new editor of newmarket weekly following by only two weeks the sale of the newmarket era 4 express by c a cathers to major jas baxter jack stru- thers editor has left the news paper to be replaced by mrs caroline ion mrs ion who has been associated with the era for some years was recently elected deputyreeve of new- 1 market mr struthers will seek a i position as a freelance writer or enter the public relations field from her forests canada pro duces 1200 tons of pulp and paper an hour day and night funeral directors l e oneill stouffvrjllb funeral director and embalmer coatinuon telephone serrle day or night phone stoafftllle liwl j w dixon funeral director privare ambulance markham kindness coortest service telephone 90 mat omurl this is the text of a most rej eilinz address given before members of the stouffville lions club on monday night by chris c morris manager busi- ness development of the toron- to general trusts co some of you here may not i have realized this before but canadians paid over 31c of ev- erv dollar earned in 1957 to the federal provincial and municij pal governments in the form of j taxes nearly one third of every dollar this compares with over 17c in 1929 nearly twice as much now as 29 years ago pro fits and incomes during recent vears have been at high levels and thev are all being well tax ed theresult is that of all the income tax collected since 191 i threequarters of the total am- ount has been collected in the last 10 or 11 years certainly canadas expan- sion in business and industry has heen much greater in the last 10 years than at any other time in our history however it does appear that we all work for the government but the j politician is wise he gets paid for it it is only fair however to admit that the income tax represents the fiscal expression of centuries of groping toward a better world and is the fair est and most scientifically de signed method yet devised of obtaining government revenues it represents a marked stride in both our social and our fis cal history more and more people arc helping to increase government revenues between 1950 and 1956 immigrants accounted for more than twothirds of the labour force in canada when you got up this morning there were 100000 persons sitting down to breakfast tables around the world who were not here yes terday tomorrow there will be another 100000 new faces and the next day another 100000 and the next day some start ling statistics put together by the united nations show the world population is exploding with fantastic increases it took thousands of years for the world to reach a population in- 1950 of 25 billion in just forty short years from now that fig ure will be doubled something will happen to prevent man from crowding himself off this planet but what six hundred years from now if the present rate of growth continues unchecked there will only be one square yard of land for every man woman and child in the world yes the pop ulation as well as higher in comes has helped to increase revenues for the government this heavy taxation does not seem to affect our health for in 1931 the average age of death for males was 60 and fe males 62 now it is 66 for males and 71 for females these fig ures are calculated from birth but once you reach adulthood the life expectancy is increased considerably a longer life is a prospect for todays canadians however we are not taking any chances the amount of life in surance owned expressed in terms of national income is higher in canada than any where else in the world the government levies taxes against our income to help bal ance the budget and then it is up to us with what we have left to budget the balance to do this we should familiarize our selves with all taxes that affect us and arrange our affairs in such a manner that the result would be a saving of unneces sary taxes the most important taxes that affect you are the income tax- gift tax and succession duty tax the income tax of course is still heavy but if one has more income than he requires for his current needs he may be well advised to reduce his income by way of gifts made out of capital where the testa tor contemplates making be quests in his will it might be prudent to make these gifts dur ing his lifetime if he is in a position to do so as they are then duty free provided of course they are given with a thorough understanding of the gift tax under the gift tax you can make gifts in any year to one person provided the ag gregate value does not exceed s4000 oi onehalf of your tax able income of the preceding year which was left after pay ing income tax whichever is the greater in addition you can make as many gifts as you wish to any number of persons if each gift does not exceed 1000 recently due to an amendment of the income tax act an indi vidual may make a once in a lifetime gift to his wife of his home and receive a special ex emption of s10000 which is in addition to other exemptions normallv allowed under the gift tax this may be important to you for under normal conditions you can now either place a j14000 home in your wifes name or register a 28000 home in both yoyr names you would then have reduced your estate by 14000 gifts made within the exemptions allowed are not subject to gift tax and will not be subject to succession duty provided three years has elapsed since the date of the gift under the dominion act and five years under the pro vincial art for those who have large es tates income tax may be re duced through various clauses in a will for instance if a widow had a 10000 incomj from an estate she would pay income tax on the full amount even though a portion of the in come houm be used for her childrens maintenance and sup port perhaps it would have been better if the income had been divided among the wife and children in the will or a clause included stating that af ter consultation with your wife the trustee would pay to your wife and children certain am ounts out ot the income under this arrangement your wife could receive 53000 and the children the balance your wife as guardian receives the child rens share and income tax is reduced perhaps some of you may not be aware that it is pos sible to have an investment in come of 12000 and yet pay an income tax of only 7400 this can be done if your investment portfolio contains only cana dian stocks which qualify for the 20i dividend credit which is deducted from the tax pay able if there were no canadian stocks in vour portfolio the tax would be over 2400 you can have a pension or in crease your present pension all payments made on the purchase of your pension will be allowed as deductions against personal taxable income it is true your pension will be taxed when re ceived but the main tax fact is to enable a taxpayer to av erage his income he can make a deduction from income when his tax rates are high but on receiving annuity payments he will be taxable at a time when ordinarily rates will be low for the majority of people tax rates after retirement are much lower due to decreased income and there is a higher personal exem ption ofter sixtyfive years of age retirement savings plans are operated by trust compa nies insurance companies mu tual funds and the government annuities branch if you are selfemployed you may pay we of your earned income up to 2500 if you de cide to increase your present pension you may pay the differ ence between your payments to your company plan and 10 of vour earned income up to 1- 500 under the new dominion es tate tax act which came into effect the first of the year the tax is calculated on the value of the estate regardless of how the estate is divided among the beneficiaries whereas under the succession duty act the tax is dependent not only on the val ue but also the size of each bequest and the family relation ship of the beneficiaries to the deceased in other words the new estate tax act is easier to calculate and in addition pro vides for increased exemptions for instance if you should leave a 100000 estate and your dependents are a wife and four minor children under the new estate tax act there will not be any tax this is because the act provides an exemption of 60000 for vour wife and 10000 for each child under 21 under the succession duty act you would have paid 9000 tax so we welcome the new es tate tax act however it costs more to die in ontario than any other canadian province where the testator leaves his estate outright with the exception of smaller dutiable estates it was not the intention when the do minion government entered this field of taxation that the citizens of ontario should be discrimin ated against for the dominion government reduced their tax to onehalf the amount in ontario the trouble occurs when in many cases the ontario tax is more than onehalf the dominion tax the result is that in ontario with a 100000 estate going outright to the widow and four dependents you pav 62500 more than if you had died in quebec which also has two acts and 3525 more than if you had died in anv other pro vince and for a 200000 estate you would pay 1668 more than if you had died in quebec and 6768 more than if you had died in any other province also the new act permits in surance companies to advance up to 11500 immediately on death merely by notifying the tax office and without waiting for permission to make such advance this ready availability of funds for daytoday living may be very important to a family however the ontario act restricts the amount to 2500 the result is that in ontario 2500 is the limit savings in ranks or trust companies may be released un der the dominion act up to 1500 but this is again govern ed in ontario by the ontario limit of 500 another fact is that the two acts differ substantially in prin ciple and practice and must be settled separately with the do minion and provincial govern ments this results in addition al expense confusion and delay the government of ontario should amend their succession- duty act thereby bringing their act uptqdate with the change that has taken place in econom ic conditions today and in line with the new dominion estate tax act under the new estate tax act the rate of tax is the same whe ther the estate is given immed iately to your wife or is held in continued on page 4 w atkinson rhone locffvillk w3 licensed auctioneer and sale manager sales conducted anywhere specializing in the preparation and selling ot purebred consign ments and dispersals farm aue- tlons furniture and real estate sales bills prepared and posted at no extra cot this specialized ser vice really pays off and means money in your pocket phone stouffville ss3 strength for climbing the late arthur guiterman wrote a poem in which he turns from tile easy paths of life and declares his preference for difficult things he scorns the level plains and gentle val leys and asks like caleb of old for hills to climb i want my hills the trail that scorns the hollow up up the ragged shale where few will follow how pure at vespertime the far bells chiming god give mc hills to climb and strength for climbing one cannot but admire the healthy wholesome spirit in which these lines are written there are hearts that eagerly respond whenever and wherever there is an appeal for cour age when sir ernest shackleton asked for volunteers to join him in an antarctic expedition where terrific hardships were certain he was deluged with applications the explorer him self was amazed when men occupying positions of ease and absolute security pleaded for a place in his crew for very many people the hills of life have put a terrific strain upon them it almost seems as if some were not made for steep ascents they are hesitant sensitive and easily dis couraged and their timidity is often mistaken for cowardice of some it has been said that they pass through life as one would walk over a path of broken bottles with bare feet after conducting a service in a canadian city the writer was met by a middleaged man who said i am not looking for financial assistance but i am so utterly discouraged i simply have to talk to someone twentyfour years ago i came to this country from england with my wife and two children we were so happy then after a few years my boy died and soon afterwards his sister passed on d then their mother during the severe financial depression i lost my job and sometimes i feel i just cant carry on even in such cases the steep acent must be made the hills must be climbed some of the saddest pages of history- are those which tell of men and women who sought escape from the common lot of mankind by flight or seclusion or in some other way there is no such deliverance 3ut it is here that the message of religion is most heartening true courage simply means strength of heart and this is a basic truth of spiritual religion he shall strengthen thine heart what a delightful verse is in psalm 1107 he shall drink of the brook in the way therefore shall he lift up the head one does not need much imagination to visualize that scene a weary traveller dragging himself along a high way in some oriental land the intense longing for cool water which could refresh drooping energies then the lear brook how welcome it would be thirty centuries ago the writer of that psalm understood the ministry of religion it revives drooping energies he said it redeems life from despair we all have hills to climb and we may have strength for climbing that is a simple statement but i think a true one i have known a vast number of young people devout and sin cere who embarked on the christian life and always there has beenin my heart the prayer that they might have strength to climb the steep hills on the southeast coast of england there are chalk cliffs that rise perpendicularly out of the sea a lady who for many years had lived near these white walls once dreamed that she was climbing up the face of these cliffs by means of iron holds which were firmly set in the iff on and on she climbed until with diminishing strengi she came near the top then at the crucial time her strength almost com pletely left her and in despair she felt unable in proceed one more step she dared not look below but she looked upwards and suddenly a great hand was stretched toward her and closed upon her then lifted her over to safety it was assur ance she needed for life had been hard for her and she had attempted too much in her own strength what a singularly beautiful and dramatic fulfillment of this incident is found in ezekicl 29 moffat then i looked and there was a hand stretched out to me our quotation today is by james thompson there is a great free masoncry of soirow ken clarke prentice auctioneers the counties ot tork tad ontario licensed and authorized tor the price of one mllllken po ph ax sus1 markham po ph mark 141 prentice hire been established auctioneers since 1s90 for the price of one a s farmer licensed auctioneer counties of tork st ontario farm stock furniture salea a specialty address gormley po telephone gormley sslf 59sb legal robert w mcvey barrister a solicitor suite bi4 62 itlchmond street west markham phone 339 toronto phone rm303s9 kennedy kennedy barristers solicitors notaries 07 richmond st w toronto ross kennedy prov hwy 7 locust hill markham 755 arthur a kennedy prov hwy 7 locust hill markham 832 donald c hindson barrister solicitor tuesday 1 pm to 9 pm thursday 1 pm to 530 pm stouffville office hours for appointment anytime phone markham 25 jfsin street over snowballs markham barber shop phone 23 stoufftille phone 70 david a coon barrister solicitor notary pnbuc evenings or by appointment phone gormley 5387 toronto office 12tt fito continental life bids 371 bav st toronto phone em 43321 insurance birkett son general insurance ajzeoey stoutrfllle ontario insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt sertlce phones 259wl and 2bwi ken laushway general insurance phone 270wl ft j70w stouffville ontario fire automobile liability f g alsop insurance agency ftre life auto casualty main st east stouffville phone stoufftille 228tt fred m pugh general insurance phone stouffville 8r its mistaken kindness to pro vide so well for the present theres no money to provide for the future talk it over with your mutual life of canada representative dental neil c smith lds dd8 graduate of university of toronto office over canadian bank of commerce telephone lfl7r stonffrule e s barker lds dd8 i honor graduate of university of toronto office over harolds grid ihone 274w rtootrrlll opticians mcmanus stronach prescriptionsoptician 121 1 a bay st at bloor w4 414278 357 efjinton are w ii u 693s12 see your eye physician md then your dispensing optlcisn for listings of eye physicians phone either above numbers medical bricrbush hospital day anr night service maternity medical and surgical member of the allied private hospital association 1 government licensed fully accredited under the new- ontario services commission health plan which becomes effec tive january 1959 main street kat stouffville chiropractors a c kennedy chiropractor church street stoufftille tuesday and friday to it am yvm s baird dc doctor of chiropractic xray hrs 1012 m 4- 71 m monday to friday saturday 1012 am 827 main st n markham ont telephone 701 accountants john c wylie fia licensed public accountant auditor main st stoufftille 8 stores west of kr tracks telephone 495 residence 545j1 residence rr 2 stouffville accounting and income tax services william e davis accountant formerly with dept national revenue taxation division suite 504 02 richmond st tv empire 40555 call collect optometrists e a grubin ro optometrist plcton stoufftille at stouffville office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays january 12th and 13th february 0th and 10th phones 8cj2 and 25 1 garnet v gray od optometrist wm birkett residence main st west 3 doors west of albert st phone 40j2 for appointment hours 10 am to 800 pm every tuesday beauty salons the powder puff beauty salon joy oxeiij open tuesday and thursday nights closed monday for appointment call stouff 415- after hours call stouff ostvl joy beauty salon permanent waring individual styling razor shaping phone stouffville 98w2 mrs verna austin prop stouffville floral roses fedding bouquet funeral designs cut flowers phone 70w stouffville machine tool works telephone 253 rear of cnk station electric and acetylene welding farm mwttixkhy machinery repairs