9m v tm stoorwhh throne lwiy itanry 29 ww high school news buttonville notes assembly last thursday was most interesting mr williams baptist church minister show ed slides and gave a talk on his work as a missionary in africa jlr williams spent seven years teaching and preaching among the africans along the mozam bique border on friday evening the boys basketball teams were guests at boys athletic night in jlirkham our midgets defeat ed markham by a score of 17- mrs kchel walker pase t the sympathy of this comj more illness in this commun- unity is extended to the famjity mrs englishs music pupils were mike paul 5 points and iv and relatives of mrs rachel had a holiday last week when brian likes 3 points the jun- v widow of the late jas i she was kept in with a severe lors played well but the game i walker whose death occurred j cold john craig is around ended with the score 330 in i at t markham nursing home again after a bout with pneu- favour of markham stouffville s on prfdav january 23 1959 monia and wee caroline auex ntfsz w3s 2er er s walker wis a member home again from a few days 18 points ot communitv ior many visit to ne hos sick the girls basketball sched- vea ar sne and her husband children where she was taken ule began on tuesday both raised their familv on the farm with a aiim now owned bv ma ray me- 1 the douglas hood family is tavish three daughters mar- 1 happy to baye the stephensons ried and settled in this area marion jack and tora on mrs h paterson rachel the a thelr horae taco late mrs fred tennvson ir- saskatchewan tommy is four browns corner united church annual meeting junior and senior teams played at woodbrldge cherryhill fellowship at john madsen folk school no 7 highway on wed feb 4th at 8 pm at 8 pm guest speaker rev gerald gregson ah are welcome betty madsen it was an interesting evening ih at browns corners united jsf j ss church on tuesday of last week i m 2w r ct when members met to assess mes m sh r mctav- the work of 195s early in the year the congre- cne and the late mrs l a hood eva other children are sarle of pidgetown viola mrs a harrington of st thomas ruth mrs boadway of union- ville the late estella and roy also surviving are 18 grand children and 21 greatgrand children the funeral service was from the dixon funeral home markham on monday of this week at 2 pm with inter ment at buttonville cemetery mrs walker was in her 90th year sincere sympathy also to mr harold wright and his family in the passing of his father after a long illness ourthoughts are with these friends who have suffered bereavement a spoffords specials nylons nylons 60 51 45 gauge hosiery asst shades sizes 8v2 to 11 59c warm hosiery clearance ladies partwool or rayon and cottan asst colors and sizes 19c look real savings 25 wool snuggie vests sizes med and large 69c 50 wool vests strap or short sleeve sizes med or large 119 wallpaper bundles at great savings florever plastic tiles opportunity counters re 22c t0 ciear 10c no 1 assortment 10c congoleum 2 yds wide no 2 assortment 49c specials to clear 69c sq yd no 3 assortment 98c f teen months eld now and this is his first look at buttonville and his grandparents home local members of junior far mers turned out in numbers to attend the annual dance held this year at newmarket high school on friday evening of last week music was provided by don gilkes orchestra and the mistress of ceremonies was anne constable a buffet supper was served following the danc ing while we shiver in subzero temperatures some of our neighbours are hieing to the south latest migrants were jack and gertie robinson and milt and mary sherman congratulations to miss reah scott and mrs e walton who celebrated birthdays last week many happy returns young people of york pres bytery held a skating party at cedarena on friday evening of last week and among those at tending were irene watters sandra russell betty patter son marion stephenson doro thy hood beverley burr nan cy brown and escorts it was a crisp night and the coffee and doughnuts served after skating were welcome davidson mission band mets next saturday jan 31 at 230 gallon welcomed a new minis ter to its fellowship in the per son of rev a f binnlngton who with mrs- blnnington and j his son allan is making a fine contribution tothe community the total membership roll in cluded 134 resident members and 51 nonresident there were seven who joined the church by transfer and one who entered on profession of faith one members name was removed in transfer and one was lost by death seven baptisms two weddings and one funeral com plete the vital statistics the only major improvement to church property was the acoustic tiling of the basement ceiling this project was com pleted by volunteer labour organizations functioning du ring the year were the sunday school young peoples union choir explorer and cgit wms harmony group junior harmony group and the david son mission band while the mens club books still remain open the group was inactive in 1958 of these organizations all experienced growth and each ended the year with a more sub stantial bank balance than in the previous year total church receipts for gen eral purposes were 484916 and for mm 5181454 gormley mrs c milstead mrs elizabeth mckendry of wlllowdale ia spending a wepk with her son a daughterinlaw itr and mrs jc mckendry they are attending a birthday dinner on sunday at the home of mr and mrs jas mckendry york mills in honour of mrs mckendrys 79 th birthday all family were present for this happy occasion congratulations to mr and mrs albert hawkins and mr and mrs ralph baker on the birth of their grandaughter sharon marie at the sudan int- canada lumber limited sunbeam electric power tools cashway low low prices again va chuck drill list price 2975 cashway 1979 va gear drill list price 2795 cashway 1688 delivery service at very reasonable rates arranged jig saw list 4650 cashway 2765 6v2 blade saw list 7295 cashway price 5695 sanders also available aluminum storm doors 2875 buy two for only 5600 1 ill m n i t h ping pong tables 2740 complete viny asbestos tile 13 each erior nursing home at jos nig eria africa on friday january 23 mrs hawkins received the cable from mr and mrs hay hawkins on friday the teacher and pupils of ss 7 whitchurch chartered a bus on thursday afternoon and went to queensrtlle rink for a skat ing party everyone enjoyed the afternon mr and mrs o campey and john are holidaying in florida they were delayed a day in leav ing as all flights were cancelled from malton on wednesday be cause of weather conditions mr douglas tribbling bad en operation at shouldlce surgery thornhill last week miss vera doust of kitchener spent the weekend at her homo here mr and mrs harrey honsber- ger of vlneland spent the week end with mr and mrs frank harvey rev ce hunklng spoke on sunday morning at the united missionary church in markham rev e prosser of port hope spoke at the gormley church home mission sunday was ob served at all united missionary churches to ontario the ladles trio rendered two selections in the morning service miss mar ilyn harmon spent the week end in toronto a driver on one of the gorm ley readymil trucks had a narrow escape on friday after noon when his truck was hit by a northbound train at the gorm ley crossing the whitcliuroa conservation club has opened a contest to all schools in the township these projects are to be display ed and judged at vandorf early in march worthwhile prizes and trophies will be presented to all schools entering the home and school meet ing of ss 7 and 6 whitchurch mill be held on tuesday evening feb 3 at ss no 7 whit church there will be a debate la home and school worth- mr and mrs london sleekier while visited mr and mr george french on wednesday afternoon mr peter steckley had supper on thursday with mr and mrs french on friday mr and mrs fren ch entertained mr and mrs henry steckley for supper ish wm palmer e fuller and h coleman elders appointed were messrs g h baldwin and h steffler the clerk of srsslon is mr n r reid the recording secre tary is mr john brown and the treasurer is mr w a crair church trusteesare messrs j f donaldson d e hood and j e brown the annual report was compiled oy messrs w brumwell h steffler ross hord and n r reid euchre series 3rd game friday evening at buttonville hall there were 12 tables of euchre players for the third game of the present series la dies prizes were won by mrs alice brown mrs jewitt and mrs irene wray gentlemens prizes were won bv mesesrs j curtis h trimble and wes clark and what do you know mr hill won the lucky draw mrs maclver and miss e trim ble won the freezeout from miss cora brodle and mrs cook the fourth game of the season will be played the first friday in february l1twtttmhhhhuuul parkside christian youth centre second anniversary banquet monday feb 9th 1959 at 7 pm speaker rev ken campbell special music for tickets phone stouffville 204w4 or 223w gmtlmmmltwil a ol iii m small european mmk cars kg north american cars luxurious 6passenger roominess inside i 3 feet shorter outside the selection of a farm tractor during the sinter months many farmers think about the purchase of a new tractor and attend farm equipment shows where the latest models are dis played what are some of the factors that should be consider ed in buying a farm tractor there are two main consider ations first the type of trac tor and second the make and model there are three main types of tractor threepoint tri cycle suitable primarily for rowcrop cultivation but some times less stable across rolling land than other types four- wheel type generally more sta ble on rolling land than the 3- polnt tricycle type but generally not as adaptable to rowcrop cultivation and finally the tracktype or crawler type use ful on steep slopes and on loose and wet soils but probably not as versatile as the other two types all types can be obtained in a large range of sizes only a few companies make all three types of tractors many make the tricycle and 4wheel types and a few companies make only the track type the local dealer is an impor tant factor in the selection of any tractor the farmer who in tends to buy a tractor should consider the local dealers re- liability reputation for prompt and adequate service and hi- facilitles for undertaking major repairs there is some advantage in buying a type and make ot tractor that is common in the area since normally spare parts will be easier to get service work should not be unduly diffi cult and the tradein value of the tractor may be higher it may also make possible the ex change between neighbors of equipment which is developed to be used with the particular make of tractor all tractors made today are good machines but a farmer should weigh carefully his re quirements and the features of any tractor he considers buying in order to make sure he se cures the tractor best suited to his particular operation the jark by studebaker i 1 l itsiu x p m r wfr t roxy management and labour rela tions in the pulp and paper in dustry have been harmonious thirteen paper mills and 35 paper machines manufacture fine paper in canada evenings deen opes theatre markham ts- 115 pm thur fri sat jan 293031 senior prom jill corey paul hampton a warm wonderful story of campus romance and the big dance the law and jake wade technicolor robtl taylor richard widmark mon tues wed feb 234 the naked sun james craig barton maclane filmed in the wilds of florida in flaming color the tunnel of love doris day richard widmark from the bold blushing stage hit j ft anon tanner jr p wjfi w fr park theatre stouffville bchkdtjlih fob 3anih of fevruary 9 stjxday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday 10 colors to choose from see our colonial board wall panelling only 109c per foot or 349 per sheet fir plywood 3 solid 1 side 262c foot mahogany plywood j 316 x 4 x 8 sheets 3 69 cash and cabby pbices canada cashway fir plywood 3 factory grade 257c foot lumber limited brooklkin cashway lumber brooklin ont jet no 7 12 highways phone brooklin 209 store hours week davs s am to 6 pm sats 8 am to 5 pm i 2 3 4 mardi gras tarring pat boone tommy sands and gary crosby theatro rented no show this evening 6 7 villa starring brian keith cesar romero thundering jets litarrlnr rex reason 8 9 10 men in war fttarrink robert ryan and aldo rat 11 12 fiend who walked the west utarrinjt hugh obkiav 13 14 7 brides for 7 brothers tarring jane powell howard keeij 15 16 17 barbarian the geisha thurlnjt johx wayne 18 19 fraulein marring metj ferrer dana wynter 20 21 king of the wild stallions mnrrlnft george montgomery diana brewster 22 23 24 lafayette escadrilfp adalt entertainment utarrtnje tab hlnter etchtka choreatj also ski town usa 25 26 nice little bank that should be robbed tarrinjc mtctcet roonet tom eweiji 27 28 the delicate delinquent tarring jerry lewis for fine entertainment for the whole family visit the park theatre stouffville 1 one show only monday tuesday wednesday thursday it eg inning at 7 so telephone 01 two shows friday saturday evenings only matinee 8aturdav at 200 pm