tut s the stoutfyltlf town twrfiy jusiry 13 jw laremont and pickering township district friends of mr arid mrs chas i kcnabb will regret to lesrnj that mr mcnabb suffered a broken pelvis recently and is presently confined to the portj ferry hopial mr mcxaob is i now living at coopers rest home in mount albert the forj mer residents vere onetime op- j erctors of the corner store a miniature freeforall broke but in the stouffville arena on j friday nigh at the conclusion of the broyghamciaremont hoc key same ken middleton of oarerront ard john byers of stouffvihe iverc the main- par- 1 ticipants cord and bob todd members of the brougham team were also involved byers s e- j reived a nasty gash 6n the face before the combatants were finj ally separated claremont won the game 43 the next regular meeting of the claremont business and community association will be i held in the community hall on monday feb 9th at 8 p m fa- j eryorein the village is invited o attend other dates are as foilows march 9 april h may 11 june 8 julv 13 august 30 sept 11 oct 19 nov 9 and dec 14 mr f li sherry returned re- cently from a motor trip to vir ginia mrs sherry remained wth their son dr barry sherry of waynesboro virginia loiter this month mr and mrs sherry plan to motor to texas for a holiday trip sleigh ride the public is invited to an oldfashioned sleigh ride on sat urday evening jan 24th the horses and sleighs will leave from the vicinity of the com munity hall at 730 pm and will return later to the hall to enjoy an old tyme dance the outing is being organized by the scout and cub groups and if successful the annual cam paign for funds will be with drawn if snow conditions are not favourable tractors and wagons will be used mr and mrs arthur bates were visitors on sunday with mr and mrs don hedges mr and mrs ron brown and family have taken up residence in oshawa the saturday night dances in the community hall have been cancelled for the winter months mrs len lye has been on the lick list for the past week mr ues evans son of mr end mrs elmer evans was married on saturday afternoon in goodwood united church his bride is the former bever- leyanne mcquaker daughter of mr and mrs wm mcquaker of goodwood v i meeting ian 21 the womens institute will meet in ihe community hall on wednesday afternoon januarv jst at 2 oclock the roll call for this month is different uses for salt miss viola for syth is the convener of the pro pam mrs b scott will dem onstrate different kinds of cheese mrs john button of stouffville will show films on her trip to mexico the lunch committee is mrs j peddie mrs a fryer mrs william evans and mrs earl beare the ladies auxiliary of the canadian legion held their first meeting for 1959 on thursday ceiling jan 8th with the in stallation of officers the installing officer was past president josephine derusha x2w officers are as follows president ethel murray 1st vice norma benson 2nd vice phyllis desjardins secretary irene hollingsliead treas arvilla lehman sergeant-it- arms jessie mcguire execu tive committee kay madill josephine derusha evelyn car- ruthcrs social convener mar garet benson flower commit tee norma benson press re porter arvilla lehman the golden age club will be held on tuesday jan 20th at 230 pm in the community hall a good attendance is re quested in order to make plans vr the year the claremont library which has been an associate library is now a school area public lib rary x welcome to claremdn and not h twp council gives tar collector tree hand in choosing bailiffs home of signs of safety a safety council has been keevil has done much to make points to one of four safety j man with the ontario ber of school crossing guards organized in claremont with- both the children and adults slogans that have been posted will in recent weeks the group in the village more safetv at the 4 entrances to clare- baiel lea and the dept an elmer safety bag will headed by chairman clare conscious pretty marie lynn mont arrangements have of i ransport to tram a num- be ereced soon at the school residents oppose expansion of cobalt bomb plant in e rouge attend watch night service the congregation of first baptist church aurora was joined by members of the con gregation of the claremont bap tist church in a new years eve skating party and watch night service highlight of the evening was the inauguration of the baptist jubilee advance programme which is a five year programme f advance leading up to the observance of the third jub ilee year in 1961 this is a con tinentwide effort being observ ed by some twenty million bap tists of which the rev dr t b mcdormand general secre tary of the baptist federation of canada is chairman the rev john carnegie pas tor of the claremont baptist church presided at the console of the organ of the aurora church during the evening mr and mrs carnegie sang a duel in addressing the com bined congregations mr car negie urged the people to re member the principles set forth by their lord and called upon them to be loyal to jesus christ as the sovereign head and lord of the church refreshments were served by the aurora bypc members who had spent considerable time and offoit in decorating tiie hall and preparing the food they were greatly encouraged by an excellent attendance and the spirit of fellowship which jo conspicuously characterized the entire evening the pastor o the aurora church rev j c macfarlane extended thi fiectings of the aurora con- pegation in welcoming the claremont guests to aurora supporting a fortyname peti tion a large delegation of east rouge residents appeared be fore pickering twp council on monday night to oppose any ex pansion of a cobalt bomb assem bly plant on pine ridge road according to the townships re cently imposed zoning bylaw the area has been classed as residential present businesses may remain hut no additions will be allowed by council we are desirous that the by law should be enforced said mr james carter a member of the delegation we would like to know the feeling of the 1959 council on the matter councillor edgar james con tended that to dale the bylaw had not been contravened mr allan robertson operator of the plant has been in business since 191 1 feel that there is no expan sion of business until the owner obtains additional machines and employees said councillor james councillor harry ash- ion suggested that a solicitors opinion should be obtained if its not a breach of our bylaw i feel that he has every right lo move into his new building he said dep reeve mrs jean me- pherson praised mr robert sons work and his place of business she said that she had personally inspected his prem- ises and could find nothing ob- jectionable she informed the j members that she had contact ed a number of neighbours and 1 none disapproved if he was raising chickens or creating a 1 nuisance 1 would be the first i to object she said i would i permit him to do this type of work in my living room its the thin edge of the wedge pointed out mr carter i a direct violation of hie town- ships bylaw mr carter noted i that although mr robertsons i work was a humanitarian ef- i fort it should be practised in i another area im terribly im- j pressed at the sudden turn of events this is the 1959 council said reeve sherman scott per- haps the members now take i a different view on the matter it was agreed by motion that council should obtain legal ad- i vice on how the situation fits the township zoning bylaw reeve scott speaking on the motion said that council could take no action at the present time and were merely request ing a solicitors advice if the bylaw is contravened we will uphold it regardless of our personal point of view he said to invite former teachers pupils to school centennial a meeting regarding broug ham school centennial was held on friday night january 9th at the school and committees were formed to commence work on a celebration of the schools 100th anniversary in june mrs howard malcolm was ap pointed to head an open com mittee whose work will be to compile a list of former teach ers and pupils who will be con tacted regarding ihe celebration in due lime school records were located dating back to 1s59 and the gathering examined them with a great deal of interest as they outlined in general their suggestions for the forthcoming centennial observance ross knox who is chairman of the school board was appointed by the meeting as chairman of ihe centennial committee and bob masters the secretary one of the plans for the cele bration was an antique display and robert miller was appoint ed to be in charge of this ven ture and it was agreed that he would need the cooperation of the community to carry it through successfully the dis play will include ancient ob jects used in the homes and shops during ihe past hundred years household utensils and articles tools works of art old implements or their accessor ies old reports and local papers pertaining to this districts ac tivities the feeling of the nicot ic was that some of these art icles were preserved in many of the households of the dis trict and that residents would be willing to include them in tie display under the guidance of mr miller there can be no doubt that they will receive in finite care and attention the work involved in plan ning such a celebration is end less and will require the efforts of the whole community older jesidents are asked lo supply the secretary with addresses of i former school pupils and teach- i ers if they can and everyone is asked to attend the next meet- i ing on thursday january 22 at the schoolhouse at 8 oclock the celebration will be held for two days june 20 and june 121 on the saturday to observe the schools birthday and on i sunday to remember the old christian church now gone but which was built in is59 the cemetery board will be dav programme green river mr and mrs b draper were guests with mr and mrs j stevenson of whitevale on sat urday evening mrs j da vies spent a few holidays with her friend mrs prilchard of iong branch mr and mrs a pearse enter tained mr and mrs m philips and family one evening recent ly- mrs e forsyth and mrs v ireson of markliam were recent cillers at the home of mr and mrs r hamilton mr and mrs j davies holi dayed with their son and his family mr and mrs s davies of toronto prayer meeiing will be held at the homo of mr and mrs o beelhv of markliam on tues day january 13th at 8 pm a vote of thanks is given to mr binsted and his class for the splendid way they conduct ed the sunday school on sun- day last next month the adult class will be in charge mr shane was a recent visi tor with his daughter mrs w chafen and family the modern theory seems to be that a dollar saved is just a good time lost shoot fox near pickering school police chief reg parker shot and killed a fox last week near vaughan willarri public school the fox bleeding from nu merous porcupine quills was spotted on no 2 highway by a truck driver who reported to police that it was heading to ward the school principal john tickle was notified and herded the 200 playing children into the school chief parker and another officer went to the school and began searching south toward the highway for the fox which they found near the schoolyard fence since there was no indi cation the fox may have had contact- with humans or other animals it was burned without undergoing rabies tests over 300000 persons visit conservation areas atha mr and mrs murray dunkeld spent wednesday evening last week with mr and mrs bob haslam in stouffville mr and mrs f robb and george spent last wednesday evening with the carruihers family mrs ray macdonald visited a total of 319554 persons visited the conservation areas administered by the metropoli tan toronto region conser vation authority during the past vear it was announced by dr g ross lord p eng authority chairman the areas visited include the boyd near woodbridge albion hills near bolton heart lake near brampton and greenwood near pickering among other i items revealed by dr lord in a yearend report concerning work carried out by the au thority are the mtrca now owns a total of 2351 acres of conservation lands in the 950square mile area in and around metro tor onto these are located at heart lake glen haffy albion hills cold creek boyd dalziel and her daughter in stouffville last week friends of mr howard baker are sorry to hear of his illness we trust he will soon be feel ing better again edgeley oakbank community pond uxbridge glen major greenwood and claremont a total of 31 houses have been purchased plus three other properties in the lower high land creek floor plain area at a cost of 200000 this area has a perennial history of flooding every spring and the authority plans lo turn the land into a conservation area and green- belt construction has started on the channel improvement to the black creek from scarlett rd to the humber river and it is expected to be completed early in may stream recording gauges at summerville and woodbridge have been completed and are now in operation the pioneer village at edge- ley ill north york township is under construction the village when completed will serve as a link with the past and will be come ontarios first authentic pioneer community it will con sist of ahout 20 buildings and is being developed into a typical crossroads community pickering township tax col lector ernest baker has been given a free hand to select any firm of bailiffs that he deems satisfactory the motion was supported by dep reeve mrs jean mrpherson council lor edgar james and council lor violet swan councillor james contended that mr raker was quite satis- tied with the work of bailiffs murray and co he noted that since he had abandoned the um of the firm collections had tak en a considerable drop he in- i formed the members tint the collector was now sending out the final tax notice by registered mail in a motion passed by the 195s council the bailiff firm of murray and co were suspended from handling further delin quent accounts after four resi dents issued protests i feel that township residents have become more tax con scious said dep reeve mrs jean mcpherson she noted that anyone who found it impossible to pay their tax debts could work out some arrangement with the collector mr baker has been very fair she said i dont favour the use of bailiffs but if residents wont meet their obligations some method must be employed she said reeve sherman scott charged that the bailiff company was a firm of ill repute he said that when they appeared be fore council they couldnt pro vide the members with straight forward answers they gave us the run- around agreed councillor ross hawthorne its not a question of any bailiffs said reeve scott we are interested in only the one firm the reeve informed council that he wasnt critical over the use of such collecting agencies but was not pleased with the actions of murray company greenwood the annual sunday school meeting will be held in the sun day school room on friday night of this week jan 16th at s oclock the congregational meeting will he in the basement of the church on monday jan 19th all secretaries and treasurers are asked to give a report of the years work refreshments served we are sorry to report that mrs i mclean has been under the doctors care of late hope she may soon be well again mr wm brown jr was at brookiin united church singing a solo at their morning service miss sandra lambert of to ronto was a visitor at the mil ton pegg home on the weekend the evening wa met on wednesday night at mrs ger ald hennings sorry lo hear that mrs har- brougham mr and mrs jno nlghswatv der of green river visited mrs- w gray one evening last week mrs geo gray and mrs mat- j thews visited friends at fair- view lodge on thursday after- noon mr and mrs grant glover and family visited with her par- j ents mr and mrs h malcolm one evening last week mr and mrs gordon todd and little daughter also mr and mrs ken beer and sons had dinner on sunday with mr and- mis 1 a beer mr and mrs bent and fam- ily of oshawa visited her mo ther mrs w hamilton on sun day afternoon mrs dawson visited her dau ghter mrs mairs and family on sunday mrs sharp spent the past week with mrs j davis mrs lemmon left on sunday for little britain where she ex- peels to spend some time with friends the weekly euchres started again on tuesday evening after being closed for the holidays the following were winners mrs h plaxton mrs j davis mrs w carlton mr owen gray mr h plaxton and mr ross carlton birthday prize went to mrs j davis the regular meeting of the womans association was held on wednesday evening jan 7 at the home of mrs l t john ston with a very good attend ance as this was the annual meeting the reports of different committees were given which showed a very good year in 58 the program was in charge of mrs k paseoe who gave a very interesting paper on the eski mo at the close a dainty lunch was served by mrs l t johnston and mrs e johnston an invitation was received from mrs cresswell to hold the feb ruary meeting at the manse at claremont mrs m lemmon returned home on saturday after spend ing the holidays with friends in toronto miss e perry of pickering spent sunday with her parents mr and mrs geo perry mr jno harvey of london spent the weekend with his par ents al and mrs harvey old short is under the weather may she soon be out again the farm forum meeting was held at the e pegg home i on monday night claremont at the euchre held in the legion hall on monday evening the prize winners were as fol lowsladies 1st verna dra per 2nd sadie hardy mens 1st sandy goden 2nd myrtle loyst lone hand prizes laura reynolds rowena lehman laurkntian vista sport sedan here it is the most desired pontiac model of all the 4door hard top now brought to you at a lower price than ever before notice the amount of glass the rear window stylishly sweeping around the rear scat gives you compictcsafcr vision the windshield wraps right around to the sides and curves high into the roof lets you read overhead signs and accenting this look of luxury is the eyecatching extension of the slim trim roofline like the- other popular laurentian model shown here the new laurenfian vista brings you all the wonders youvo waited for a general motors value iautntlan 2dfvt sfdtltt ijutlfntian 4rmt sedan lauiucnttan 9 paucnger laumntian 6 pajungtr safari station wagon saan station wagon on display now at your chas cooper ltd phone 10 claremont ont phone 104 neil patrick motors ltd phone 372 rlouftvillc i