jpoint system meant tm curb delinquent strikers sunday school lesson the new point system with partmental action and to secure is 1539 such points will be de- which the provincial govern- the cooperation of all drivers ducted from the accumulated ment hope to curb delinquent in the safe courteous use of total on february 1st 1901 drivers is being introduced into the streets and highways it is ontario on feb 1st many ques- a means of correcting the driv- tldns axe being asked as to lng habits of the dangerous dri- whal the point system means vcr before it becomes necessary how it will work and what the to suspend his driving privilege penalties are for this reason it seeks to improve drivers ra- the tribune is publishing this ther than punish them it will week a list of possible questions serve to protect the safe sens- point scale offense no of point criminal negligence involv ing use of a motor vehicle 12 care or control of a motor vehicle whiie intoxicated 12 care or control of motor ve hicle while ability impaired 12 which may be in motorists ble drivers and will attempt to obtaining drivers licence by i minds on the operation of the correct those who are reckless fraud or misrepresentation 12 failing to stop at scene of j an accident 5 racing 5 exceeding speed limit by 30 mph or more 5 new system and irresponsible what is meant by the new when will the system be ln- polnt system for drivers in augurated ontario it comes into effect february- it is a programme under 1st 1959 which certain point values are will points be assessed for assigned to each conviction reg- convictions that were registered istered for a moving traffic law before the system comes into violation the courts report the eflect convictions to the ontario dept no points will only be assess- of transport where the points ed for convictions registered or s s are assessed and accumulated after february 1st 1959 i failing to report an accident against the ogerating record how lonr will points of the convicted driver i i 10 mph or under tern will be concurrent with the unexpired portion of any sus pension applied under any other authority ie if a drive- were convicted of careless driving and the magistrate suspended his licence for six months and such conviction brought his to tal point score to 12 or more the three month suspension un der the point system would run concurrent with the six month suspension applied by the mag istrate so that the total sus pension would not be in ex cess of six months if an appeal is entered against a conviction will points be jesus calls forth faith mark 9229 matthew 1714 18 lesson for january 4 golden text jesus said if thou canst believe all tilings are possible to him that believeth mark 923 the stoiotyhie to8unc irvasdty derat 31 tf3 fc 7 exceeding speed limit by i sessed more than 10 mph and no points will be assessed un less than 30 mph 3 less the conviction is sustained failing to yield right of way 3 on appeal where the depart- falling to obey a stop sign ment has recorded points prior 3 to receiving notice of an appeal 3 such points together with any record how lonr will points be ac- exceeding speed limit by suspension which may have i cumulated i 10 mpjt or under 2 been applied as a consequence why is the point system be ing introduced in ontario the purpose of the point sys- two years they will be deducted tern is to provide a uniform me- from the record ie if three thod of segregating the persls- 1 points are assessed for a con tent vioiaters for special delviction registered on february points will be accumulated i au oiher moving violations 2 thereof will be removed unless over a two year period after i wl more points assessed and until the conviction is sus- for soma convictions than for tained on appeal others if a person is convicted of experience has shown that it two or more offenses arising arm and hearty new years greetings to our many friends youve made us happy by your patronage and our wish and pledge is thai ne win always try to make yon happy we thank you sincerely and we hope that 1959 will bring yon good cheer and good luck- schells food market stourtvllle ontario 2e sincerely hope that yan i wfflholdthekeyto bg tnoch happiness and good i health in the new year ahead ssi j m farquharson real estate stouffville district high school night class in millinery instructed by mrs d w hope new equipment for blocking hats has been obtained and is in use those interested in joining the class may register at 8 pmltuesday january 6th at the high school classes are held each tuesday evening from 8 to 10 pm fee for the remainder of the vear consisting of 13 nights is ssoo york county- soil crop improvement association annual meeting town hall newmarket wed jan 7 1030 am door prizes 930 am to 1030 am quiz panel time is money guest speakers dr tv e tossell 0ac field husbandry dept new developments in hay pasture crops dr b c matthews 0ac soils dept soil management 1 free lunch at noon r j darlington maple president w m cockburn newmarket sectroas is reasonable to assume that accidents and violations are cor related points are therefore as sessed on the seriousness of the violation as related to the acci dent potential the points have been carefully determined af ter a study of accident causes in ontario and an appraisal of a two year research study made by the university of north car olina for the american associa tion of motor vehicle adminis trators when will suspension of the licence of a driver be mandatory and how long will the suspen sion remain in effect a driver will be suspended when he accumulates 12 or more points within a two year period suspension will be for a period of three months will any points be deducted from the record of the driver following reinstatement all points accumulated will be deducted from the record upon reinstatement the oper ating record will however be retained for future reference if the driver accumulates an other 12 points within one year he will be suspended for six months is there any additional penal ty when a driver is convicted of driving while under suspen sion yes vhere there is a convic tion registered for driving while under suspension an additional six months will be added to the previous period of suspension will drivers be warned before their records show they are coming close to 12 points yes when the point total of a driver reaches 6 he will be sent a written notice advising him of the record which he has accumulated when his point total reaches 9 he will be notified to attend before an offi cial of the department for a personal interview where will a driver be re quired to attend for a personal interview the interview will be held in an urban centre as convenient to the home of a driver as pos sible he will be notified well in advance of the time and place what will take place at the interview the purpose of the interview is to give the driver an oppor tunity to show cause why his licence should not be suspend ed the review officer will- dis cuss the record with the driver and endeavour to find the cause of the record accumulated and how it can be improved the driver may be required to sub mit to a road test and a written test with respect to his ability to drive or if some question arises as to a physical or men tal disability he may be requir ed to submit a certificate from his doctor if the review officer feels that the driver realizes the seriousness of his past record and will attempt to improve his driving habits he will be placed on probation on the understand ing that any addition to his rec ord during the probation period will result in suspension if however the attitude of the dri ver is such that it appears that he docs not intend to change his habits immediate suspen sion will be recommended what will happen to a driver who falls to attend for interview when requested to do so his drivers licence may be suspended until he does come in for the interview as required does the point system take away the authority of the courts to suspend a drivers lie- out of the same incident will points be assessed for each con viction no points will only be as sessed for the conviction carry ing the greatest number of points and if the points are equal they will be recorded for one offense only if an ontario driver is con victed of a traffic violation in another province or state will such conviction be recorded on his operating record in ontario when a report is received that i ing with such people verse 20 they brought him unto him straightway thej spirit tare him he fell on the ground and wallowed foam- j lng as though to demonstrate i 1 his control over the poor boy and t2 his exasperlion atj the prospect of exorcism casti i ing out of evil spirits the devj the lesson as a whole h drove the wretch into a coni vulsion an insane loss of i approach lo the iesson i control and grovelling despair j our lesson is in two parts the verse 21- he asked his fa- transfiguration of christ mark ther how long is it ago since 9213 and the driving out of this came unto him and he an evil spirit verses 1429 the said of a child humanly contrast between the two scenes speaking the situation was al- may be emphasized the efful- j ready hopeless but now it is gent radiance of the saviours glory on the one hand and the abject misery of a demonpos sessed boy on the other the great artist raphael has paint ed a masterpiece highlighting this contrast but the continua tion the close association be tween the two events merits dose scrutiny the transfigured christ is also lord of demons disease and despair four items stand out in bold relief first the vision of the trans figured son of god mark 9 3 this was a reminder of seen as impossible with men the evil was more deeply root ed than appeared on the sur face it was chronic verse 22 it hath cast him into the fire and into the waters if thou canst do any thing have compassion and help us the internal suf fering was intense enough but the external consequences were deadly the fathers sole re course was to christ was even he able to intervene with any hope of success verse 23 jesus said if i thou canst believe all things who he actually is and a pre- are possible to him that bellev- view of his coming glory the eth the meaning is if thou i brilliance of the light on mount hermons snowcapped slopes was overwhelming the lord jesus is indeed the light of the world the three disciples were granted a fleeting glimpse of his essential nature second the visitors moses and elijah mark 946 moses represented the law elijah represented the old testament prophecy both law and pro phecy pointed toward the mes- before you drink an ontario resident has been convicted in another province or state of a traffic violation such conviction will be made a part of the operating record of the driver and the usual number of demerit points may be as sessed against his record when a person forfeits bail given upon a charge for a vio lation will points be assessed yes points will be assessed in the same manner as if a con viction were registered can a motorist clear his rec ord of points by careful driv ing yes points are deducted two years from the date they were recorded a driver who has ac cumulated several points can therefore have same removed and reduce his total to 0 by careful driving is the point system in opera tion in any other provinces or states yes over twenty provinces and states are operating a sys tem similar in many respects to the ontario system now can a driver escape the assignment of demerit points against his driving record by driving safely and obeying the traffic laws canst as though our lord were gently repudiating the ex pression of doubt belief opens the door to limitless possibili ties for it taps the resources of divine omnipotent power verse 24 the father of the child cried out with tears lord i believe help thou mine unbelief the tears were evidence not only of prolonged mental and physical strain but i also of incipient heartfelt faith siah and payed the way for his the ma erao as well as stouffville coop stouftviue ontario sound instruction taught by up- to- date methods our chil dren mr bothwell says are being forced to waste valuable time memorizing golden texts encc upon registering a convicj just as their grandparents tion j did and undoubtedly under- no the point system does standing liltls of the meaning not take away the authority of behind the words the magistrate to suspend upon j there are he says few ap- registration of a conviction for pealing programs for children example where a conviction is beyond the age of 13 even sunday school rooms in basements doomed sunday schools in canada are clearly failing in their function the reverend william c both- well anglican chaplain at the university of toronto charges teaching standards are far below those in our day schools all too prevalent is the idea that anyone can teach sunday school and alas they do he declares the average canadian sun day school offers only 800 min utes of christian education a year instead of receiving debate between scribes and dis coming see luke 2427 john 546 galatians 324 the topic of conversation on the mount was the decease greek exo dus which he should accomp lish at jerusalem luke 9 31 when the mighty forces of law prophecy and divine incarnation converged what more appropriate theme could engage their attention than the redemption soon to be achieved at calvary peter sought to in terpret the visit in terms of time and tabernacles he did not understand that eternal is sues of life and destiny vvere at stake third the voice from heaven mark 97 at the threshold of golgotha the father once more put his seal of loving approval upon his dearly beloved son no humanly inflicted pain or death could alter the divine identity of christ study pe ters testimony concerning the voice 2 peter 11618 fourth the vicissitudes of life mark 91429 mountain experiences are uplifting but down in the valley are the peo ple with their suffering and needs the world is waiting for a word of power comfort and assurance from those who have sojourned with the saviour in the heights of fellowship and consecration verse by verse mark 914 he came to his disciples he saw a great multitude about them and the scribes questioning the descent of christ to the valley was on the day after his trans figuration see luke 937 he joined the nine disciples the other three accompanied him on the mountain the argumen tative scribes religious leaders copyists lawyers who oppos ed him and the inquisitive milling crowd verse 15 am the people when they beheld him were greatly amazed and sal- uted him the words imply unusual astonishment and per haps the awe of expectation the amazement of the crowd may have been due 1 to the timeliness of the saviours ar rival or 2 to the lingering traces of glory on his counten ance after his transfiguration verse 16 he asked the scribes what question ye with them the question was not prompted by ignorance our lord knew that his vicious an tagonists had been mocking the disciples they were unable to drive out a demon even in their saviours name he was simply getting without delay at the root of the obvious confusion verse 17 one of the multi tude answered master i have brought unto thee my son which hath a dumb spirit the helpless father stepped up and answered the question the volitional life was responding to the saviours summons to faith help thou mine unbe lief ie to the extent that my faith is inadequate bolster for tify it verse 25 jesus rebuked the foul spirit thou dumb and deaf spirit i charge thee come out of him and enter no more into him two further facts are given concerning the demon he was unclean and made the boy deaf as well as dumb the i is emphatic in the greek the victor over the demon was at hand the com mand was positive imperious and final contrast matt 12 4345 verse 26 the spirit cried and rent him sore and came out of him and he was as one dead satans messengers obey the saviours voice the demons final frenzied effort was over whelming it seemed as though he had destroyed the body he could no longer inhabit verse 27 but jesus took him by the hand and lifted him up and he arose he did not simply elevate a limp body that would fall when the helping hand was removed he imparted new strength to the helpless emaciated frame verse 28 his disciples asked him privately why could not we cast him out christ and the twelve were now in a of transfiguration with the 3 house separated from the disciples but he knew enough crowd the disciples 1 had no about the master to feel that desire to confess their inability j if anyone could help him this publicly 2 they wanted a j was the one quiet reasoned explanation of i third the disciples defeat their deficiency j dwe on the words and they verse 29 he said this could not mark 918 here kind can come forth by nothing i were nine men who had been but by prayer and fasting with christ for months and cases of extraordinary need de mand strong faith which lays hold of god in prayer and ex hibits its reality by selfdisci pline and fasting is omitted who had been granted power for this very purpose nine men now the cause of a fathers bewildered frustration the ob ject of the scribes contempt in some of the original manu- 1 and doubtless the theme of scripts but selfdenial implies jesting on the part of some of devoted faith a prerequisite to the crowd nine men who prob ably had even pronounced the words of exorcism perhaps in answered prayer the heart of the lesson the casting out of the demon the saviours name nine men j whose effort had dismally fail- mark 91429 is a tale of dejed moniacal fury divine power efr fourth christ no do not disassociate this fectual faith five points are stressed by the author first the desperate plight of the victim read again mark 9 17 18 2022 the poor boy was under the domination of the devil he was deaf dumb and emaciated spasms of agony overcame him epileptic seiz ures clenched his jaws self- control had disappeared when convulsions gripped him he be came a wallowing foaming pit iable wretch moreover his con dition was chronic no one but the son of god could possibly deal with such a hopeless situa tion second the fathers tender concern doubtless he had al ready tried ineffective reme dies now he had heard of the lord jesus with loving eager ness born of desperation he brought his boy to the saviour he had not been on the mount scene from the transfigura tion the lord of glory the theme of old testament revela tion and the everlasting son of god moved triumphantly onto the stage the divine command was uttered and the demon with a final show of exaspera tion and power left the boys body which he had so long con trolled the christ of transfigu ration splendor is the christ of compassionate omnipotence fifth the supreme necessity of faith the heart of the sav iour was grieved at the faithless ness around him see mark 919 he elicited faith in the fathers heart why is faith so important faith in christs person work and power taps the resources of divine aid all things within the heavenly fa thers loving plan are within the reach of the outstretched arms of a vital faith registered for careless driving the magistrate may order sus pension for any period up to two years regardless of the point score of the convicted per son where a three month mv pension is mandatory under the point system and the nisgls- trate has ordered suspension as a result of the conviction which j brought the point total to 12 i which suspension will apply thethice molh pbi of suspension unucr the tuiiit sj though it is perhaps in his teens that a child most needs the guidance a sunday school can and should give mr bothwell deplores the fact that sunday classes are tucked away in cubbyholes of basement rooms often too ciples centered around the case of his dumb epileptic demon- possessed son verse 18 he teareth him he foameth and gnash- cth with his teeth and pineth away i spake to thy dis ciples that they should cast him out they could not note the awful ruthlessness of the demon who seemed to gloat in the painful paroxisms of its vic tim the lads pitiable plight foaming at the mouth clamping his jaws steadily weakening as the results of his spasms and the impotence of the disciples verse 19 he salth o faithless generation how long shall i be with you bring housework is so much easier with electricity electricity helps to do household tasks more efficiently with much less effort and yet it costs only a few cents a day dozens of modern electric appliances are waiting to help you live a more pleasant comfortable life and because so many of them are completely automatic youll have more time to devote to your family small illlighted and inadequate- him unto mc our lords re buke reveals 1 the basic rea son for the disciples failure the tcrlbes bickering and the crowds idle curiosity lack of those tim now exist in the maj faith and 2 the rvulent long- i jdiiiy of our churches he adds suffering of the saviour in deali ly equipped the devil himself couldnt have planned worse quarters for christian teaching than the safe clean modern way public utilities commission stouffviue ontario