1 open tuesday and fri evenings until 10 pm spoffobd s holiday togs or cottage ah our summer dresses are group priced to clear m group i printed cotton sun dresses and short sleeve sizes it to jo group ii printed poplin chambrae ravons sizes 11 to 3oy group iii nylons cottons slubs sizes 13 to 24 v group iv polished cotton bemberg nylon fine ging ham sizes 12 to 48 group v better dresses- fine cottons jersey slubs etc sizes 13 to 18 s399 j599 699 799 999 ladies slacks navy denim sizes is and 20 139 oven mitts assorted colors 39c bed spreads chenille type doublebed size 10 lovely shades 499 ladies nylons 51 gauge 15 denier first quality i assorted shades and sizes 66c needs at great esmond blankets plaid for couch or car 54x72 319 bed sheets subs of better quality si x 96 499 fine weave cotton muslin first quality si x 99 towels 699 stripe kitchen hand towel 29c giflavrapped terry towel set 49c gift towel set 2 face cloths 99c large size bath towel 3 colors 79c multicolor face cloths lie 8 days only july 17th to 26th reductions ladies swimsuits reduced now for quickselling catalina and other popular makes group i glazed and printed cotton sizes m l 399 group ii elastizcd fabrics new styles lovely shades 14 to 20 599 group iii catalina and artist models high shades and stvles sizes 16 to 12 799 999 group iv oversize elastized or brocaded ravons 101214 799 beach bags rubberized taffetta and plastic assorted shades 179 i h come in and browse around p covering is our specialty halter tops fine assortment colours sizes 8 to 14 ladies sml lounger line padded or boned blouses sleeveless h plain or str black sizes 119 119 fine quality broadcloth plain or stripe wht pink blue red black sizes 32 to 38 free estimates on laying all types of covering rexoleum 2 yds wide 55c sq yd congoleum 2 yds wide few patterns only g9c sq yd congoleum 3 yds wide remnants greatly reduced florever plastic tiles 15c tile inlaid linoleum 2 yds wide 175 sq yd harding axminster rugs 69 x 9 4995 scatter rugs 27 x 52 some oriental designs s599 meet your friends at spoffords printed cotton pyjamas and few only rayon and cotton weave sizes sml 449 summer sport caps ladies assorted styles and colours 39c each skirts new styles lovely patterned cottons sizes 12 to 18 298 5398 ladies cardigans wool for cool days or evenings red blue gray navy sizes 14 to 20 398 3a remember shle dates july 17th to 26th thursday thru saturday ockees teenager triple roll sox fancy weave while sizes 9 to 10 vs 59 clearances nylonrayon or cotton mesh assl shades and sizes 69 longlength dressy nylons pink blue while in group sizes 6vi to 8 childrens specials m including sizes 2 to 10 bathing suits satin printed cotton 246 199 printed cotton swimsuits asst colors i to 1 ix 298 rayon slip pantie outfit 2 to s white only 39c sun dresses printed cotton 4 to 6x 189 cotton dresses printed or plain 2 to 10 69c sunsuits jerseys boys or girls 29c flowered print pyjamas sizes 6 and 12 only 69c fancy weave rayon gowns size 6 only 69c cottoncrepe pyjamas sizes s to 14 159 overalls navy or beige sizes 4 and 6 only 49c denim slack navy size 12 only 49c rayon nylon reinforced f q white and asst colors sizes 9 to 11 i c plastic teaaprons assorted colours and patterns ruffle trim jljc ladies panties briefs or pantie styles rayon or satin f sml j adies rayon gowns tailored styles in white pink blue sizes sml 149 wilipilpg bundles jl29 ladies slips nyloncrepes or satins counter soiled sizes 32 to 40 tailored or lacetrim in lot 89c and 129 china and giftware clearances english bonechina cups saucers 79c glass sherbet plates pressed pattern 39c plastic trays assl colors 49c swedish cut glass tumblers or juice 3 for 198 fine cut class tumblers or juice 2 for 198 special counter of assorted china glassware flowers pictures formerly up to 498 to clear 198 i