the stouffviue tribune twiy may 29 1958 h tj final drive red shield appeal the salvation army red shield appeal is still under way the donations are very responsive but if there are still further donations we would appreciate same the objective is 240000 and to date as reported by the local headquarters in si 60000 your donations are mail all contributions to uxbridge we have much appreciated the salvation army box 122 uxbridge ontario thank you pine orchard mr and mrs r steven and family of toronto were sunday visitors with mr and mrs rae mrclure mbss beverly downey has been home with chicken pox our sympathy is extended to mr and mrs ray lundy in the death of their new baby boy mr and mrs howard mcclure were sunday guests with mr and jin s evans of sharon mr and mrs harry brammar and laurene also mrs j lundy spent sunday with mr and mrs cordon stevens at sharon we extend our sympathy to mr and mrs albert ijoake and family in the death of mr byron boake who passed away at his sons home here thursday mr and mrs jack franklin and children of toronto were vjsltors with mr and mrs rae mcclure one day last week friends and neighbors met at the school friday evening in honour of mr and mrs ross stouffville district high school requires the services of a lady to supervise girls physical education classes each afternoon commencing september 2 1958 classes will begin at 1 00 oclock each week day and duties will consist of supervising physical education classes teaching health and coaching girls basket ball teams for more information apply to w e duxbury principal telephone 386 or 319 armitage and harry who have recently moved to newmarket mr dewitt showed some inter esting films and then all enjoyed a singsong with mrs wood at the piano mrs allan cody read the address and miss reld pre sented the armltages wlth a beautiful lamp and harry with a little gift also the ladies then served a dainty lunch and coffee congratulations to mr and mrs hoover on their recent marriage the bride was betty daughter ot mrs orville brlllin- ger a gloom was cast over our community on saturday when word was received mr jim hope had suddenly passed away from a heart attack while cutting the grass in the cemetery mr hope had lived in this community for almost 50 years always taking an active part in community affairs and in the union church and sunday school our sym pathy goes out to mrs hope his daughter betty mrs j sheridan and son douglas and their families engagement mr and mrs viotto pennanen of stouffville wash to announce the engagement of their daugh ter ruth eleanor pennanen to mr william james maxwell of greenwood ontario the wed ding will take place in the unit ed missionary church stouff ville the 14th day of june 1958 at 3 pm bml grow harvest and protect say forester farmers planning for future research loo plays big role in modern forest development montreal fifty years or more for a single crop thats how long it takes for most trees to grow from seedlings to maturity during their long growing pe riod trees just like a farm crop must be tended and protected when the crop is mature it must be harvested if it is not the trees will be wasted as they rot in the forest or fall prey to in sects wind storms and disease these are the facts of forest management about which profes sional foresters and woods oper ator talked at the 40th annual meeting of the woodlands sec tion of the canadian pulp and paper association held recently in montreal the woodlands section of cppa plays an active role in the management and protection of the forests working commit tees of the section participate in research projects investigate new protection techniques and help design new logging equip ment forest management as it was discussed at the meeting is more than a conservation and protec tion program it is creative it includes and makes use of advanced scientific research it provides the continuing and overlapping cycles of natural re- seeding growing and harvesting that will bring forth sustained annual crops to enrich canadians and the nation commenting on the future of canadas forest resources in his announcement of the montreal conference w a e pepler manager of tbe section said over the next twentyfive years canada will have the exciting opportunity of doubling its out put of pulp and paper and at the same time increasing by son- ocr cent its output of a forest researcher upper left examines hybrid poplars at a commercial forest plantation on manitoulin island in ontarios loke huron these trees were planted as cuttings in 1955 by the following midsummer when this photo was taken they were more than six feet toll careful breeding produced these omoringly rapidgrowing trees which may be reody to harvest in ten years lower left eight foot pulpwood logs are loaded for delivery to a pulp and paper mill they are part of the onnuol harvest from canadas woodlands right a fir tower symbol of forest protection stonds out against o clear summer sky forest protection also includes insect and disease control other forest products most of this output will earn money for canada through sales abroad in terms of wood volume mr pepler continued tbe na tions forest resources are suf ficient to sustain such an output but such extensive forest devel opment will naturally create some problems for forestry offi cials and woods operators he said that is why- the wood lands section and its members throughout the pulp and paper industry continually strive to improve all aspecti of their forest management and harvest ing operations our concern u for future as well as for imme diate harvests bssiooanes to get salary raise i 51 baxter brand pork beans 20oz tins sf 1 lynn valley canned peas 10 oi 100 mitchells culverhouse cream style eon 15oz tins sweet treat crushed pineapple 15oz clarks fancy apple sauce 5 20z tin 100 tomato juice y 20oz tins 1 box of 400 kleenex 3 boxes 100 granulated sugar 10 s 100 lynn valley waxed beans 20oz tins 100 clover leaf cohoe salmon 3 12 lb tins 100 aylmbr fancy tomatoes 5 100 golden dew margarine 4 s 100 bayvibw solid tuna fish 5 100 carnation canned milk 15oz tins 100 meat special produce special by the piece beef bologna 3 100 cuban ripe pineapple 3 01 s 79 all merchndix sold k unconditionally kunnnttel to rive loocj sitifi tlon values rffiyllve tliurmiiy friday v- saturday slay 20 to 81 the united missionary church has decided to raise the annual salaries of some of its 155 mis sionaries the decision was made at the annual meeting of the foreign board in bethany church kitchener missionaries do not receive a salary but are given an allow ance to cover living expenses all missionaries receive the same amount whether serving as doctors nurses teachers pas tors or evangelists the allowance for missionar ies in africa was raised from 700 to 750 and for those in asia from 750 to 800 allow ances for missionaries in south america and mexico are not be ing raised at this time first in several years the increases granted were the first to be given mission aries since the close of the sec ond world war rev q j everest board pres ident from south bend ind praised the missionaries for their sacrificial spirit they are not laboring for money he said but for the souls of men c w cressman kitchener who is the general treasurer pointed out that many of the missionaries could be command ing large salaries if they were to labor at secular work here in canada board members all agreed allowances for children re main the same but the special additional allowance for chil dren at school was increased from 100 to 150 rev and mrs paul mast of la porte ind will be sent to brazil this summer rev rob ert hale of james river alia will go to nigeria rev and mrs ronald byers of sarnia will go to india they are graduates of emmanuel bi ble college kitchener rev and mrs wayne speich- er of argos ind will go to ni geria budget increased a budget of 300000 was set by hie board for the coming fis cal vear this is an increase of 32000 over the past year board members pointed out that members of the united mis sionary church will have to in crease their contributions for foreign missions by 12 percent during the coming year rev ward m shantz of kit chener superintendent of the ontario district said the time has come when the denomina tion needs a stronger work in canada and the united states to support its rapidly expanding foreign work percapita giving of members in the united missionary church for all purposes last year was 15796 an oflering of 300 was re ceived toward the rebuilding of the home of dr and mrs paul yales in nigeria their home was destroyed by fire last week they are members of bethany church additional locals stouffville fire brigade was called out to gormley on sun day when fire broke out on the property of m n karageorgis flames from an incinerator sit ting near the garage caught on to the frame building and it was soon enveloped however the wind was in the right direc tion to keep the flames away from other nearby buildings and with the help of the local if your faucets need polishing use a half lemon after the juice has been squeezed out wash and rinse and polish with an old soft cloth to clean out a slender vase fas ten a piece of sponge on a stick and push it down into the vast this is also good for decanters and bottles pearl handled cutlery can be polished with very fine salt rub this weeks kfcire rink lady shortcake i serves 68 1 cup heavy cream whipped 2 tablespoons confectioners sugar la cups sliced fresh strawber ries 1 teaspoon grated orange rind 3 ounce package lady fingers fold confectioners sugar strawberries and grated rind into whipped cream place layer of lady fingers in wax paperlined loaf pan 81 x vjf x 2 spread half of cream mixture over lady fingers make another layer of lady fin gers and cover with remaining cream mixture top with lady fingers chill 3 to 4 hours in vert on serving plate andslicc to serve most of us get what we de serve but only the successful are willing to admit it with a chamois cloth after the salt treatment black specks from silverware often difficult to polish off yield readily to a paste made of whiting and olive oil polish lightly with a soft cloth linen can be bleached easily with lemon juice dry in good sun light repeat the treatment if the linen needs more bleaching when you want to remove grease from a skillet cover the bottom with boiling water and add a tea spoon of washing or sal soda boil until the grease dissolves and the skillet wiu yield easily to xuds cleaning weeds in the driveway can be pulled but its best to kill them by placing dampened salt over them brigade the fire was confined to the one building mr and mrs harold pat terson and mrs eliza widdi- field of barrie visited on sun day with mr and mrs jos d winterstein also mrs reg win- terstein of cornwall is visiting with them this week markham twp police are in vestigating the theft of a pig and six geese from the proper ty of mr wm morris 7th cone of markham the loss is esti mated in excess of 30 darcy forsyth son of mr and mrs jos forsyth east end stouffville suffered a shoulder separation when involved in an accident with his bicycle on sat urday afternoon the young lad was treated at trie scene by dr donald smith of stouffville following a meeting of rate payers in ss no 8 whitchurch hillcrest it was decided to change the site of the new school the property selected is on the winterstein farm 6th cone home decorating lecturer thealtona womens institute invite all ladies of the district to attend a lecture on home dec orating in the stouffville united church basement on wednes day june 4th at 2 pm the speaker will be mrs eleanor brown simpsons home furn ishing lecturer topics cover most of the practical problems from how to choose a paint colour or a lighting fixture to how to correlate older furnish ings with new eleanor brown was born in new york city is an honour graduate of the parsons school of design and new york uni versity obtaining a bachelor of science degree in education mrs brown has been associated with the robert simpson co for the last ten years and is staff trainer for the home furn ishing personnel mrs brown is simpsons in terior decorating lecturer and over a period of years has ad dressed more than 60000 la dies she is always ready to answer audience questions on home decorating and furnishing problems afternoon tea will be served nohody should care if you dis agree if youre not too disagree able doing it kelvinator refrigerators e n g i n e e r e d f o r s p a c e deluxe model k 48h10 illustrated above contains 52lb frozen storage spnee with 10 1 cu ft rapacity beautifully styled and tastefully appointed this model features the new magiccycle fully automatic defrosting height 59 q width 2sy depth 30 available in beautiful custom colors or lustrous while models from 23950 up see them now at stouffer hardware stouffville phone 96