hot 1 tmt syotfrryiui tmbwff husky bd f 1958 established itm a t nolan son publisher member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorlikj u mcondelua mall poatofflc dcpu ottawa issued every thursday at stouffville ont canada 350 elsewhere 450 in c h nolan publisher jas thomas associate editor our editorial comment overnight street parking according to the st marys journalargus that town has the same problem as stouffville trying to curb residents who try to make a parking garage out of town streets the journal points out that it is possible the majority of local citizens are unaware that there is a bylaw prohibiting allnight parking it would only seem to be common sense and those who violate the law and neglect to remove their cars from the street do not deserve too much sympathy the law was originally introduced here because of the con stant trouble which snowplows had in negotiating the streets at night with cars parked here and there the st marys bylaw has been in vogue for many many years and reads in part no person shall park or leave standing any horse or any vehicle whether attended or unat tended on any street or highway betwaen the hours of four oclock in the forenoon and eight oclock in the forenoon on any day during the snow- plowing season so move that horse off the street son the journal concludes pioneer problems many of the ordinary home con veniences we enjoy today in such thincs as light and warmth were real problems for the first settlers in stead of a simple flick of a switch to provide illumination by electricity the pioneers considered themselves fortunate if they had tallow candles to provide even a dim light many depended on wicks set in oil in sauc ers or more frequently still on the blazing logs in the open fireplace the coal oil lamps which came later were a vast improvement even the eightday sulphur match and its simple method of pro ducing fire was unknown to the pio neer the only way known to them was the primitive one of rubbing two sticks together and producing fire by friction a somewhat tedious pro cess or with a flint a heavy jackknife and bit of punk if the fire went out the settler often preferred to go to a neighbors house for live coals ra ther than start a fire in this difficult way speedcrazy world hiawatha was a piker compared to the modern paleface according to longfellow swift of foot was hiawatha he could shoot an arrow from him and then run forward with such swiftness that the arrow fell behind him queer stories are heard regular ly these days remember the one about the test pilot who was flying a new type plane and testing the armament on it he landed with holes m the wings seems he shot the cannon in the nose of the plane and the plane was going so fast it caught up with the shells and two of them exploded in the same plane which had fired them three seconds after firing the plane intercepted its own line of fire if that isnt cockeyed wed like to know what is its no wonder modern living creates indigestion ulcers cancer frayed nerves ill temper neuroses and fanatics what remains for the mind of man to do now is to try to emulate the airplane and its bullets there was a time the spiritual growth of the nation was able to keep pace with the scientific understanding so great are the scientific strides in re cent years we have fallen behind spiritually our minds can grasp sputnicks rockets guided missiles we oan contemplate with complete rationality trips to the moon space travel but we cant catch up to our selves spiritually so few of us can grasp the simple truths taught by an uneducated carpenter many years ago we cant sift out candidly the plain facts that right is right that we must love one another in spite of the faults christianity has not fallen be hind christianity has not failed man in his speedcrazy world it is man who has failed christianity elmira signet nearly 3000000 people used ontario parklands nearly three million people used parks established by the ontario department of lands and forests during 1957 w b greenwood chief of the depart ments division of parks told the annual meeting of the nor thern ontario tourist outfitters association here recently the dept took over some parks formerly operated by the dept of highways mr greenwood reported that there are now 115 parks in operation for 44 of which vehicle permits are issued in 40 overnight camping is allowed 39 are maintained and no charge is made for their use nine are under development and 23 are reserved or negotiations are un der way by which they will be taken over in 1954 mr greenwood said the budget for public parks was 15000 in 195657 1700000 was spent on improvement alone and in 195758 estimated expen diture is 2250000 last year 35 parks were provided with flush toilet accommodation 21 with picnic shelters and fifty miles of road were built to pro vide access in 1957 also 72700 picnic tables were provided for the use of travellers as compar ed with 2000 the previous year more than 120000 people walked the nature trails estab lished in connection with the nature museums in such parks as algonquin and quetlco average stay in the parks where camp facilities were pro vided was 23 days mr green wood said he reported that ontario parks have become increasingly popular with residents who can not afford to stay at outfitters or hotel camps in the north or who prefer to rough it on their own the visitors pay 75 cents a night or 4 a week for camp sites and can reserve the sites for only two weeks with a possible two weeks extension if space is available they are provided with free firewood and cooking facilities and in some cases may obtain electricity at an additional cost of 25 cents a day most of the parks are oper ated by rangers from the de partments staff who thus have an excellent opportunity to teach visitors something about life in the wods the necessity for care in preventing forest fires and the value of proper conservation measures according to department rec ords few visitors do any serious fishing being seemingly con tent to go out on the lakes and rivers to pick up one fish for dinner efforts are being made mr greenwood said to establish parks at distances of about 100 miles apart and later if neces sary the government would study the advisability of provid ing boat liveries at some of the camps some delegates felt that the tourist picture in ontario was changing with less emphasis on hunting and fishing and more on family entertainment in round table discussions camp operators said some of us are beginning to feel that fishing long recognized as one of our main attractions should be push ed into the background and that we should advertise other enter tainment features which are wanted now to investigate county hospital operation an investigation of the oper ation of york county hospital has been requested by york county council a recommen dation was forwarded last week from the warden and commis sioners to the dept of welfare that a representative be sent to the hospital to make an in vestigation regarding the effl- ciency of operations the pro- vincial appointee has been ask- ed to check with county audi tor j boundy regarding the hospitals accounting county commissioners wil liam clark reeve of markham township and roy pollock reeve of north gwilllmbury township introduced the reso lution a man who thinks he can walk under an umbrella with a girl is apt to be all wet early files from our february 28 1924 his honor judge widdifield came out on monday to hold division court but he found the people all law abiding and with out legal difficulties for him to solve last week the sutton line of the cnr was storm bound from tuesday until saturday afternoon no trains passing that way of any kind owing to the big snow and wind storm rural mail routes from stouff ville were more or less tied up all week for the roads were filled mountains high with snow monday the weather mod erated and good headway was made towards making roads passable again a horse race will still draw the masses we saw a bit of one on main st the other day when george watson and peter wideman staged a little get away much to the enjoyment and amusement of a goodly number of onlookers wide- mans macbrino carried off first honors at the toronto ex hibition and he wasnt going to take second place from any dark horse on the road the pair went through main st at a rate which would easily at tach a number to any animal watsons bay mare is said to be no stranger to the track and certainly she travels well if these horse fanciers would an nounce a similar brush in ad vance we can promise a big crowd of onlookers pitch holes are said to be particularly bad and plentiful on the roads in this section just now due to so much snow some of them are deep enough to take a horse up to his ears while in places they are so close together the horse and dri ver lose sight of each other while the driver is emerging from one hole the horse is dis appearing into the next dip butter is selling on the mar ket at from 33c to 37c a pound and eggs are 25c a dozen at a meeting of the stouff ville war veterans held on wednesday evening last it was decided to donate to the stouff- vtlle board of trade the sum of 25 to be used for toboggan slide purpose only m lyes gods east wind when someone tsked thomas carlyle from what university he had graduated he replied the university of hard knocks it is repsonably certain that many of the worlds greatest benefactors have spent a lot of time in the same school they owed their purpose and resolu tion to the obstacles they met and overcame i once heard a millionaire tell a group of friends about his experience as a newsboy he said i have had a tough time and was often discouraged but i know now it was good for me i learned to meet the public and when rebuffs and insults came i took it on the chin and kept on going many a man with such an experience decides to protect his own children from such hardships and sur rounds them with luxuries he never knew as a lad he has them driving expensive cars while still in their teens what happens in mast cases they pathetically laci the strong qualities of their father as one writer puts it they recline in slippered ease and are smothered by their fathers success one of the best stories we know is told by dr frank boreham in his book rubble and roseleaves on the east coast of england near the dogger banks there are many little fishing villages where for many genera tions hardy fishermen reap the harvest of the sea and send it on to london and other cities there is no scarcity of fish in the nearby waters but the fishermens troubles began after the fish were caught the fish when on their way to london were kept in large tanks with perforated sides so that the water from the 3ea could flow in and out and thus the fish were kept fresh there was however this drawback once securely in the tank which was lowered into the sea the fish ceased to swim around and simply lay limp and listless when delivered at billingsgate londons famous fish market they did not appear as appetizing or fresh as when they had been first caught although they were still alive all fishermen had the same trouble all but one there was one fisherman who managed to get his fish to market in excellent condition he handed them to the delighted merchants healthy lively and firm as when they were first caught naturally the dealers were all anxious to buy from this man and to pay him the highest price other fishermen marvelled at his success and vainly guessed at the secret of it that went on for several years and all their guessing was in vain just before his death the old fisherman instructed his daughter to pass on the secret to the other men she told them that her father used to drop a catfish into the perforated tank this kept the other fish in a state of excitement a perfect ferment of agitation and alarm they never got a chance to lie there and become limp and listless as did the fish in the other tanks the catfish wouldnt allow them to be lazy it was constantly on the go and kept them on the go there is something worth remembering in that story there are few people perhaps none at all who do not have something in their lives which irritates and annoys we say there is always a fly in the ointment yet these things are often beneficial in the long run we once heard a great teacher say every boy ought to be compelled to study at least one subject which he heartily dislikes many would sharply disagree with that man but we feel sure he was right having to meet difficult and sometimes unpleasant experiences gives us backbone and purpose and resolution our quotation today is by hugh black better gods east wind with its lessons than the worlds sickly sweetness february 28 1924 we understand the pasteuriza tion of milk is likely to be a topic before the council at next meeting if the present milk bylaw is kept enforced in regard to the sterilization of bottles etc we should have a very safe milk supply without pasteuriza tion stouffer and schell proprie tors of the stouffville planing mills have purchased a 15 hp electric motor and expect to take hydro power in a few weeks or as soon as the neces sary machinery is installed recent contributions received by the board of trade towards the erection of toboggan slides amounted to 4750 contribu tions of labor were made by joel nendick g saunders sid schmidt harry burgess sam armstrong and h j malloy lloyd turner who purchased a w lehmans ice cream and confectionery store in the col- 1 lard block is having the prem ise- painted and generally im proved before opening for busi ness the masseyharris company were given three weeks in which to put a separator sold to ralph connor of stouffville in per fect order according to a deci sion given in the division court in toronto last week mr con nor refused to pay for the sep arator on the grounds that it did not work properly the com pany held that the separator was not at fault i advice to the lovelorn is the oldest syndicate feature in news papers most of us could live quite well on our incomes if ottawa didnt skim the cream off them rags still make the finest paper rayon is made from wood rings are rings but saturns rings are snow infrared spec trometers ultrasensitive to invis ible infrared light rays were used by a prominent american astronomer in making the dis covery to parents only angry parents the irritation which parents sometimes display toward their children very often steins more from fatigue than from the fact the child has misbehaved every parent becomes tired at one time or another and what more natural than to vent peevish ness on the nearest object the child very often such fa tigue or anxiety concerns an unsolved problem in which the child has not the slightest con cern yet it is punished perhaps unwisely for a condition for which it was not responsible and over which it had no con trol children can be terribly aggra vating at times and often this condition is manifested at a time and place where punish ment cannot be administered if your reactions to your childs behavior ire occasionally viol ent you have lots of company when you find your own off spring annoying and even pro voking at times you are not an unnatural parent you face a problem similar to that of count less mothers and fathers anger can arise in a patent or a child of any age and it is often over a comparatively mi nor thing some parents and children at certain ages seem to be allergic to each other dif ferences in outlook and habits can be exceedingly annoying in a home parents feel re sponsible for directing their chil dren in sensible behavior chil dren of all ages long to be independent and be their own bosses but adolescents want to be treated like grownups even by nfiqr letvtr though they lack the experience of adults it is during this period of ado lescence that explosions of wrath by parents and children are likely to occur parents have good reason for feeling there are some mistakes too tragic to risk such as trusting the young lad with the family car a boy wants to drive a car to impress his girl friend parents are dubious about their sons driving skill in an emergency is it any wonder there are so many fixed battles over use of the family car the family council has been a real help in many homes in preventing anger situations from arising or from becoming common occurrences in other homes time for talking things over at regular intervals be tween a parent and child has proven its worth before an ado lescent has the use of the fam ily car that adolescent should agree to certain rules these are safeguards against accidents and they forestall too great a drain on the family budget these regulations he must ob serve or the use of the car is denied there is no magic formula for avoiding all friction but part of the problem of being a parent is to be able to look at a prob lem objectively good mothers and fathers try to find a solu tion which is fair and satisfy ing for both parties compro mise is always better than ang ry dictatorship the strain of modern living often tends- to make parents langstaff post office to close soon it has been announced that it is the intention of the fed era government to dose lang- staff post office march 31st this means that som 300 fam ilies receiving mall in this dis trict will be without the postal j service they have enjoyed for many years at present no decision has been made as to how the three hundred families now receiving mall at langstaff will be given mall service it is possible they will have to use the thornhlu post office or some arrange ments may be made for rural mall delivery quick to anger many adults ex perience difficulty in controlling their tempers but because they want their children to show the effect of good discipline they must demonstrate at all times that their anger can be con trolled few modern parents desire to play the role of angry parent it is unpleasant damaging to health to peace of mind to family happiness tnese situa tions may be avoided to a large extent by parents thinking ahead trying to foresee situa tions which might lead someone to lose his temper they also should try to remove the cause of disputes through mutual un derstanding and cooperation a close association which will make for better family living can be fashioned centuries ago in proverbs 16 verse 32 a wise man wrote this good advice which is still true today he that is slow to anger is better than the mighty and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city copyright this badge serves all canada the rcmp provides a challenge to qualified young men who are willing and able to meet the demands of a law enforcement career the prime requisites of a member of the royal canadian mounted police are intelligence loyal- t ty integrity and courage service requirements frequently entail long hours inconvenience and personal danger service benefits and advantages include a certain prestige good comradeship a measure of adventure and satisfaction through service to canadc you are interested in a career in the force tome of the qualifications are aget between 18 and 30 years height between s8 and 6s british subject or canadian citizen unmarried good physical condition ability to pass an education teat based on a grade x level if you feel that you possess the basic qualifies horn you art invited to apply at the nearest rcm police office or write tot the commissioner rcm police ottawa