Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 14, 1957, p. 2

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frjjj 1 the stouffvuit tobuhe twttfay horembtr m 1957 che jstouffuilic tribune established 118 a v nolan son publishers member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations astbomed u secondcum mail poatsffice dept ottawa issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada s350 elsewhere s450 c h nolan publisher jas thomas associate editor our editorial comment laff of the week hard to find as stouffville continues to grow and dozens of new citizens make their homes here every year it is becoming increasingly hard to find residents when making deliveries of ioods or seeking to locate persons for one reason and another many new streets have been added in town in the last five years and we venture to say that the names of thee streets and where they are located is totally unfamiliar to hundreds of local resi dents to say nothing of those who visit from out of town we are suggesting that it would be a good idea if our houses were numbered as they are in larger cen tres a few homes at the westend are already numbered but a complete job of every house would certainly be a great asset and most helpful in manv instances time to take off the gloves stouffville council is agin faced with a police problem one of several which has occurred in the last year and a half officers continue to resign regularly every few months this performance is not only costly it makes for poor service and is gen- erallv undesirable the retiring officers all have the same story that of unsatisfactory working conditions with a chief and qne constable council has now been fully advised of the troubles which have occurred under this arrange ment and it will be up to someone soon to get down to brass tacks and set matters right so that we can stop this continual parade of new men here today and gone tomorrow stouffville is a small town and we would think should be policed on a cooperative basis with two con stables of equal footing the local policing is certainly not difficult and we believe that its time to take off the gloves either have our chief of police give a satisfactory explanation of why no constable will stay on the job for more than a few months or else seek a new system of policing entirely residents are continually asking whats wrong and we believe theyre entitled to either a satisfactory ex planation or a change in systems readers find advertising in newspapers most useful a recent survey covering 7000 people reported by dr geo gallup of the american institute of public opinion shows the real potential of newspapers as an advertising media some of the conclusions resulting from the gallup survey were as fol lows advertising is news to most readers the majority of those inter viewed said they found advertising a most useful feature of the news paper asked whether they would pre fer their newspapers with or without advertising the vote was overwhelm ingly on the side of ads a similar vote resulted for advertising in ma gazines but by a smaller majority the exact opposite opinion was found in the case of television and radio the survey also found that only one person in ten who receives a newspaper fails to read it the theory that newspaper read ers want to make up their own minds that they want only the bare facts is refuted by the facts of the sur vey readers it was found like to be told what is important and what is not important they want help in understanding the news and recog nizing its importance hazardous driving days are here since we had occasion to travel the roads in this local neighborhood on saturday night we were reminded that the hazardous days of winter driving have once more arrived driving particularly north of stouff ville was particularly hazardous on saturday night as the rain and then snow left the highways with a slick coating of treacherous ice every year we hear the same old story of serious traffic accidents because drivers are forgetful of the fact that snowbound and icy surfaces on roads demand more care in driv ing these conditions are varied in their character falling snowflakes restrict the visibility and add to the perils of the road and as a result the possibility of traffic accidents is in creased modern snow removal equipment makes it possible for motorists to use our highways all the year round but the use of this equipment does not entirely remove the added haz ards of driving under winter road conditions during this hazardous period then one would expect that the law of selfpreservation would be suffi cient to cause motorists to exercise additional care on the highways every driver should be anxious to protect himself and his fellow citi zens when the roads are icy and snowbound and when visibility is poor if motorists will take the ne cessary precautions to protect them selves from winter driving hazards everyone else will be protected at the same time for parents only do you avoid nagging i have to make junior mind and thats why i speak to him over and over again about what he knows very well he should do one mother defended her self but does nagging produce the results which are needed no of all the ineffective methods of getting obedience nagging rates among the low est jimmie develops a sort of deafness as a protection against his mothers constant flow of words if jimmie is an active vigorous boy nagging will often increase his resistance to par ental control on the other hand if jimmie is a quiet introspec tive youngster he may retreat into his own dream world and thus remove himself from his mothers unpleasant remarks she may wonder later why he seems so unsure of himself nagging never yet helped a child think well of himself ones own good opinion of ones self is essential to happy living nagging is the very worst vice of all in child training an outstanding authority said recently do you agree with this nagging is a fairly com mon procedure in many homes a guest of one family invited for supper counted sixtyeight different nagging remarks made to a nine year old between six oclock and his s oclock bedtime perhaps you occasionally resort to nagging yourself if you never nag you are an exception al parent indeed it is not conducive to an at mosphere where learning is easy instead of an eagerness to improve the undesirable emo- 1 tlons of hostility opposition orl evasion are the product of nag- 1 gins if parents would only re- by nancy leavei call their own childhood days they would be able to describe very few changes in behaviour for the better or real accomplish ments which came from their parents nagging them i there is no parent who would want to be given the label a i nagger mothers especially who 1 are with their young children all day long find this a fre quent pitfall why is this the case talk is cheap is an old i english proverb a critical i faultfinding attitude on a mo- thers part creeps on her almost unawares when she is in poor health or toward the end of the i day when she is weary some- times a nagging mother is one who is too ambitious for her child too eager that he should be a shining light the noise of children the neverending household tasks worries about the rising costs of food and other necessities tend to get mother down her own tension or anxiety or an noyance is often a much greater factor in her nagging than her childs naughtiness she feels unable to deal capably with her childs actions but is convinced that she should do something so she talks at him if parents arc convinced that nagging is useless as far as the childs behaviour is concern- ed and a mistake on their part what should they do they should agree on a consistent form of discipline and instead o f much talking discipline themselves so there is little talking what procedure should they substitute here arc some practical suggestions do not make so many demands on a child so that he is always following directions cut down commands to a minimum and make them brief and clear be sure you have your childs at tention before giving him an order then and only then tell him what you want expect obedience and insist that your child carries out your request dont repeat it if he refuses to cooperate isolate him until he is willing to comply with your wish last but not least fa thers and mothers can help each other by remembering the law given in the talmud he who talks too much commits a sin copyright the world outdoors by mike bennett another hunting season is upon us and before it is over needless loss of lives will result from accidents involving guns somebody didnt think was loaded it happens every year in small towns and big ones in the country and in tenement houses regrettably the victim quite often is a child too young to understand the danger of playing with guns how do these accidents hap pen only through carelessness despite the fact that it is a foolish practice many people keep loaded pistols or shotguns i in their homes they hide them lock them up or otherwise put them out of the childrens reach but children have the uncanny ability of getting into things and discovering places and few things hold more fas cination for them than firearms the natural thing for a child to do when he discovers a pistol or gun is to imitate the action he sees on tv and in the movies he points the weapon at some- one and pulls the trigger and jomebody is hurt or killed i but the unloaded gun li just vaga- g gragyyras- new books in library in our mail box stouffville tribune dear sirs fiction the moon by night packer the sound of thunder caldwell rs- v the lovely day smith j sandv was a soldiers boy s wv either shee chickens or tristrams salvation bird through a glass darkly norris the stars make room jones stouffville ont thus safeguard them against nov 7th 193t hungry animals that might hap pen to come along dogs are in telligent but are not supposed to have as much sense as human beings yet call at most any of these farms and you will notice that their houses are equipped with all the latest gadgets plus giant an7 her cewsist iffiffisss the blue cup and other stories chute the dog who wouldnt be mowat fenceless creatures the only sensible thing to do would be to put up proper fences ad heir housetops indicating that they do not lack much in the way of comfort but mention good decent fences to them shucks thats too expensive i spoke to your boss ton fot jonr job back top got raise and im the new office manager rangement persons who were we have strong suspicion unemployed for short periods against these complalners of no small tempest richardson ql f wou st vered do iv is an eas wa 8 or by default vaizey 5 control was the speakers next in a price for maybe a few falroaks yerby top r to tne prob dopey or illconditioned crit- the doctors husband selfert j 0i sudden demand for beds ters ha perhaps might not doctor in love gordon note elsewhere as a result of make siooo otherwise the hollywood murders queen j such a pan dr xeilson said i we read that in australia for unseen enemy london the biggest curtailment to this instance farmers protect their a matter of pride mathewson in ontario is a shortage of flocks against marauding wolves below the salt costaln i beds etc by erecting special fences the wind in vhe forest i outpatient diagnostic services can done t why not j fletcher were touched upon bv the speak- heie and thus stop blaming th sing out the glory carroll er he that diagnostic m1 poor dogsas if they did not the ledger of lying dog j outslde the hospital are suffer enough as it is weekley not in l1ie at present mrs dolores devereu time and the hour spring j timc js not goin j j shelved it will be brought up gaelic the traditional lang- when we have a workable plan uage of scotland and ireland from the tribune files nov 12th 1025 i the americans have refused to allow any more potatoes to enter the american market for the present this is likely to re- j duce prices locally which have fast been going skyward last j nonfiction new guide for toastmasters and speakers prochnow fullness of days halifax blomidon rose wright detail atlas of the province of ontario canada tomorrows giant hutchison the path of destiny raddall mission completed sir basil embryi he concluded his speech with has taken firm root in the new the comment that the whole world more people on cana- thlng is the result of very ser- das cape breton island speak ious thought on the part of gaelic than anywhere else in many the world mental illnesses the doctor stated that as yet j the program did not include i i nursing homes commission jtwj with the ontario premier lasted 14 hoxirs he stated this gives some indication of the interest and enthusiasm of provincial politicians he touched on various phases week at goodwood ihey reached 01 the proposed program say- 325 a bag 1 is there is no point in having membe are aware of the prob- fortyfour dollars and eighty- a program for a few we tried 1 of vne agin but are not five cents was the gross receipts to develop something that would 1 sure tnat nursmg homes are the received by the poppy day col- look after everybody we felt answer to this lectors last saturday in aid of w had to bring everyone in the plan be manda- i the stouffville war veterans j regardless of age and condition ory qr compu h next j the distress cases which are 1 proposed coverage i asked the simple answer to aided by the veterans are wor- insurance coverage should j this is to make it applicable to thy of a much handsomer collec- 1 provide for care in both mental i all however continued dr lion than this but the day was an rb hospitals the speaker neilson we hope people come very- cold and wet which hinder- emphasized we are making it in to this pun themselves ed the young ladies in their part available to everyone who if the plan will be compulsory of the drive t belong in the plan can go to employed groups of 15 or the book of knowledge 20 m f at present there are more dr neilson stated that volumes is the latest addition 22000 persons hospitalized for through the prepayment ar- to the books of reference at the public library it is an al most perfect encyclopaedia of information in simple language on any question the young folks or others may wish to consult and is beautifully illustrated solemn and impressive was the service held in the auditor ium on sunday afternoon last when the war veterans met to honor the memories of their dead comrades the occasion is an annual event and despite the chilly weather a goodly number turned out to pay their respects the sermon was preached by the rector of christ church anglican who took for his text i am the resurrection and the life saith the lord stouffville and surrounding territory is sending a large num ber of hunters into the wilds of northern ontario for the annual deer hunt john davis ed davis and harry swain were the first to return arriving back in stou ffville tuesday with a deer each which is the allotment allowed each hunter under the games fisheries act others who have gone north are chris arm strong harvey baker rolph flint and frank baker who constitute a party proposed hospital plan designed for all dr john neilson a senior member of the hospital services commission recently told dele gates to the 12th annual co operative medical services fed eration convention in cornwall that the basic hospital insurance plan must be reserved to the hospital services commission he said this means that no existing plan for basic hospital care can continue when the gov ernmentsponsored ontario hos pital services commission comes into operation on january 1 1959 the speaker told delegates that when the scheme is brought into effect in 1959 there would be nothing to equal it he stated that the cost of premiums would be 210 per person per month and 420 per family per month dr neilson mentioned meet ings held during the past few weeks with members of the government one such meeting as dangerous the average hunt er of experience is careful to unload his gun when he leaves the field to check it again bej fore bringing it into the house but once in a great while this j routine is upset for some reason and a dangerous loaded weapon j is the result this may happen only once in a lifetime but that one time can be the occa- 1 sion for a serious or fatal acci dent there is no such thing as being too careful with guns or pistols if you own a case keep the weapon in the case except when you are using it in the field store weapons in a safe place preferably under lock and key or as far out of the reach of children as possible check and double check your gun af ter each hunting trip what is freedom in nearly every backward nation the cry for more freedom is heard and the agitation which we so often regret is in the main a mark of progress and a demand for higher standards of living men want to shake off their chains in nearly every country the men and women who have sought to bring greater freedom to the people have been honoured if not during their lifetime then soon afterward when the poet swinburne referred to his own country as our chainless land he was paying a tribute to freedom which finds an echo in every heart we read with horror of conditions in any age or nation where human freedom has been denied in isaiah 566 there is laid down the kind of re pentance which is acceptable to god it must not be a vague meaningless ritual but rather a practical reforma tion of character cruel injustice and oppression must cease and the people be given deliverance from all that fetters men unfairly moffatt so many centuries before christ a hebrew prophet saw that there were conditions of life which fettered men made them little better than slaves and he said that true religion would abolish such bonds there is much to be thankful for in modern life mans ingenuity has invented a hundred ways and means of increasing physical comfort and appealing to aesthetic taste yet life today makes heavy demand on us all perhaps heavier than we realize some years ago when dan crawford reached england after spending twenty- two uninterrupted years in the heart of africa his friends were keen to know how he felt about the many changes and improvements which had taken place during his long absence one man said to him i should like to have seen your eyes open with astonishment and in credulity at these things what really gave you the greatest surprise dan crawfords answer was an un expected one the greatest difference i see he said is that with fill these great changes and improvements human happiness and serenity have not increased there are fewer smiles than when i left mens faces are tense and strained there is more fear and less freedom the value of that comment was that it was fresh and impartial he missed the geniality he saw the anxiety it is natural when talking of freedom to think of political conditions the jews of christs day were continually writhing under the roman yoke they bit terly resented foreign domination and over and over again some enraged patriot led his compatriots in rebellion they wanted to be free from caesars rule and many of their uprisings were put down only after much bloodshed and so when they recognized that jesus was a spiritual leader they talked of freedom and slavery they boasted of their right to freedom because they were abrahams seed jesus reminded them that the real slavery was the slavery of sin everyone that committeih sin is the bondservant of sin and the bondservant abideth not in the house for ever if therefore the son shall make you free ye shall be free indeed revised ver sion slavery does not so much refer to external political conditions as it does to errors thatdegrade the mind and still more passions of sin that imprison and fetter the soul this is the cruelest and most savage tyranny and is the fatal bondage of the soul when peter healed the lame man at the beautiful gate of the temple it filled the man with gratitude and with joy and he leaping up stood and walked into the temple walking and leaping and praising god here is the emancipation which religion brings and whatever form the deliverance takes it is accompanied by grateful praise heathenism has no hymnbooks no songs of praise there are weird chants pensive longings of un satisfied souls but no exuberant songs there have been systems of religion which have not made men glad which have been a burden to them true religion brings rapture because it brings spiritual freedom our quotation today is a saying of jesus the i truth shall make you free wanted more cream shippers for best results ship your cream to stouffville creamery we pay two cents more per pound butterfat for cream delivered to the creamery to have our truck call phone ls6w stouffville creamery co cold storage lockers for rent precast concrete approved septic tanks sidewalk slabs coloured patio slabs porches and steps curbing brooklin concrete products phone brooklin 155 collect calls accepted s3s3cs3c3cjcsksacjcxsmcsjc3 village of stouffville nomination the nomination of candidates for offices of reeve deputyreeve and 3 councillors to compose the council of the corporation of the village of stouffville for the year ad 1958also 3 public school trustees 1 cemetery commissioner 1 public utility commissioner will be held in the veterans memorial hall stouffville friday november 22 1957 from 730 io 830 pm est if more candidates are nominated for he respective offices hereinbefore mentioned than are required to fill the same the election will be held on monday december 2 1957 from the hour of 10 am till 8 pm and no longer in each of the four polling subdivisions that is to say polling division xo 1 tn council chambers compristxo nil that pan of tho mtinfrtimlity nf fh village of similtvillp on the south f4 of mnin slrcct hunt oast of the wvst if of victoria stroct to the vvcm of ih kom sfcle of park driro uowl turner deputy returning oflwr frederick yea mans poll clerk polline division no 2 k ross davie store comprising all that part of the municipality of siouff villa on the north side of main street lying ent of rlp vsr of william street to the ivct of the east hie of park rrjte north k ross darin deputy returning ofllrer mary davln toll clerk oiling divisio tsivo all that i comprising all that part of the municipality of stnuffrmla on the north tide of main street lying west of the east side of william street to the west corporation limit and on th south side of main street lying west of the east nlde of victoria street west to the vest corporation limit a i thompson deputy returning ofllrer jack garrett poll clerk polling division xo j public school building comprising all that part of t e municipality of stoiifrvllu on the north side of main strr lying ejit of the west mdo of park drive to the kast corporation limit and on th oiith sde of main street llng east of the west aide of pnrk drive eam to the kast corporation limit norma n raker deputy returning ofllrer kveljn lehman poll clek stouffville november 0 1057 ralph e corner returning officer

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