r vol 6s no 20 the tribune stouffytlle ont thursday october 17 1s37 twelve pages town assess men three million doliars n ew measure under the new measured system of assessment the total assessment for stouffviue has increased this year to more than three million dollars the actual figure is sol12s78 this is approximately double the 1956 assessment which was sl7o059000 on the 1957 roll residential assessment makes up the largest amount s2 343100 business and commer cial assessment amounts to 799778 including business assessment of 214613 homes themselves are valued at 819s0380 and the land on which they are situated and including vacant residential lots at 8331725 court of revision public notice is being issted this week that a court of revision to hear appeals against this new assessment will be held on october 29th the members of the court are ratepayers entirely independent of council and other municipal offices to date only about a dozen appeals have been received population climbing the population of stouffviue has climbed to 2511 according to the latest records just compiled by the assessor this is 168- more than in 1958 the largest age group in town is between the age of 20 and 59 and making up 1141 members of the population there are 254 children three years and under and 43s of school age from 6 to 16 it is also interesting to note that in town we have 275 persons 70 years of age and over the local population has been increasing at the rate of approximately 125 residents a year over the last ten years local plannin discuss industry with professional school plans for ed dept approval the stouffviue public school board spent some hours on thursday night with architects jackson ypes along with in spector h s hauman looking jover the initial sketch plans i for the new stouffviue public school a copy of these plans will be on display in the win- dow of the stouffviue tribune various alterations and sug- gestions came from members of the local board and inspector mailman these plans with pro posed alterations were to be presented to the dept of educa tion for approval on friday stouffviue planning board spent some time at their regular meeting on thursday night dis cussing the possibilities of in ducing industry to locate here a lengthy reply was received markham oks shopping centre on recommendation of twocn the snowball barber shop and midtown garage should any industrial building proceed in this section this amendment has been ii department hands for months planning hoard markham town- from the industrial branch of and planning board is favorable j ship council approved a large the dept of planning and dp- to the change town council shopping centre to he erected on 1 elopmem to a recent query must also put their stamp of a six acre site fronting on yonge from the local board on the approval on the change and then street just south of richmond possibilities await the departments final de- members of the stouffviue cision board are all of the opinion that any iieu with the toronto start goodwood drainage this week the longawaited goodwood j drainage project will be started hill the supermarket will be operated by dominion stores the proposed plan of develop ment calls for an extension of church street from richmond hill south into markham town ship while a service road will act as a buffer between the shop ping centre and yonge street there will be two entrances onto yonge street with tiiis number horses still plow top picture shows linda jarvis holding horses shown bv her father herb jams winners of first prize at the horse show of the south on tario plowing match on wed nesday thieves break into iga store take safe door in real mystery fashion slick lend in each case the doors of thieves broke into ratcliffs iga the salei have been remove early sunday morning removed the door from the safe and made nnd taken awa the aurora off with the saturday receipts has bgcn entered on three en undisclosed amount of cash occasions the breakin artists entered because of these recent thefts through the front door of the locai poiice have been store on main street apparently with a duplicate key they re- lcular a to this store moved the door from the safe n u n patrols but saw which is under light right in the saturday night front display window leaving pollcp b tnat the hpfts only a couple of bolts on the completed very speedily floor the door and complete ming only slight chance fo lower picture shows ed timbers with second place team in horse show plan two new school sites in markham stouffviue municipal council it replied secretary storey of and the public utilities com- j the local puc mission met on wednesday eve- j thats not so ning in special session and placi ed the case of their disputed recvp thls matter u never preparation of this bylaw have account before mr ireland ont brought before the commission- h morons mo hydro commission supervisor j meetings at any time industrial commission is just j so much water down the drain since they believe that metro is primarily interested first and foremost in locating industry in the city area the opinion was expressed i this week according to mr stan jlhat conferring with a pro- slack road superintendent- of bcln reduced to one at a later i fessional industrial developer uxbridge township the scheme date j would be the most profitable will cost an estimated 36000 and reeve daniels and secrej mr slack said that the work it is expected that two artifi- lary corner were authorized to will be completed this fall and j rial ponds will be constructed arrange such a meeting j will take care of the runoff in in the hamlet in order that the zoning bylaw completed spring of i93s the metro present water level of local the stouffviue zoning bylaw conservation authority have wells might be retained they which if passed will replace the 1con working with the township will also serve as a means of present land use bylaw and j council oil itfie problem fire protection will conform with the towns official plan was completed on thursday night the local board returned the j i spent some months on the admits error the hydro commission repre sentative admitted that the let ter setting forth the arrange ment for payment of the hydro installations for the towns sew erage- pumping stations at the westend of town was ambig- i thought you people were in business to sell power said councillor laushway not at a loss replied secretary storey acting chairman of the com mission reg stouffer said that had numerous meetings and con ferred with metro planning rep- reseniatives the bylaw is now ready for presentation to the municipal council if given the green light by council it will proceed to come before the municipal board and a public hearing will be at a special meeting of picker- quested through his solicitor ing township council on thurs- that the bylaw be amended and on victoria st regar ireland stated that while it was lock assembly was taken away by the thieves leaving no trace no other goods were touched in the store and there was no mali cious damage to the safe fingerprint experts from the york county police headquart ers checked the doors and safe on sunday night but failed to uncover any prints the theft was not discovered until sunday afternoon by mr ratcliff iga stores in this area have been a target for the same gang now for some months and stores at markham and aurora have been entered prior to last week- across the street apartment dwellers to notice anyone or passing motorists only the bills were removed here and consider able rolled change was untouch ed one small bundle containing as much as 50 was not disturb ed local police stated that roll ed change could he incriminat ing should suspects be appre hended the store here is covered by burglary insurance this is the second major breakin in stouff viue this year a loss of two thousand dollars being register ed at the local coop earlier at a meeting held thursdav of i uou anc tha cou i thought the matter was now last week between markham see how had been interpreted i ciear to everyone township planning board and b council representatives of the board of the account received by trustees of school area no 1 council called for some s300 markham and vaughan an more in payment than author- agreement was reached on the ized by the hydro commissions i not the bcst jt was p ade location of two new school sites letter quate for the needs there and to serve the southwest corner mr ireland told council that j it was the i of the of markham township j the puc had a lot of capital in- 1 pumping station that made it reporting on the joint meet- vested in these lines which necess to rebuild ing at mondays meeting of would only draw a small load secretary storey said that the markham township council and not pay for themselves in puc snou nave been notified planning director r forrest many years stated that 12 and not 50 class- if there was more to pay i rooms are required to serve the hen we should have been told area the board will eventually so declared councillor lehman j build two new 21 room schools reeve daniels knew about instearl of three 14 room schools it was felt two schools of a larger size would he more eco nomical than three smaller ones the trustees will end negotia tions for the 105000 eight acre site in the longe heights sub division and concentrate in se curing new sires near the pres ent henderson avenue school and in the elgin street area of thornhill it was evident there had been held on the bylaw before it be- day evening of last week it was that permission be granted to a misunderstanding and he comes law agreed by the members present remove gravel from his farm e and princess pen to jfer sia i st0uffville united church to mark 65th anniversary stouffviue united church will mark its sixtyfifth anniversary this coming sunday oct 20th rev stanley paisley ma of thornbury will be the guest speaker both morning and eve ning mr paisley was formerly a minister in this area and rev douglas davis has invited his congregation to make this anni versary a family occasion the local choir will provide special amendment proceeding to proceed with an injunction t more than 50 residents from ihe the local board has now re- against mr w h godfrey lot area were also present and bit- reeve daniels argued that ceived a reply from the dept i 13 concession 5 on the grounds terly opposed the request coun- the hydro line had to be rebuilt o planning development on that he has violated the town- j cil unanimously rejected mr on victoria st regardless mr controversial zone amend- ships greenbelt bylaw and is godfreys application mr john ment for the mill st north area operating a gravel pit in a re- j desbrisay solicitor for mr the department has received stricted area the resolution was godfrey threatened court ac- from metro a recommendation j moved by councillor sid pugh lion stating that he believed it that all homes on mill st west and seconded by councillor rob- j could be proved that the town- side be reverted to residential ert stewart the case will be ships greenbelt bylaw was not land as requested by the local i heard by a judge in the su- valid planning board as well as all j preme court chambers toron- land belonging to mr ed wil- to this week mr h b burritt of what was neededmonthsbe- llams which bg at the top and mrs e phelan residents end of the street and comprises in the greenbelt area were pies- area 0n ordrs j the reeve some four and a half acres the ent at the meeting the townships bvlaw fnfo-ce- land belonging to mr h schell on sept 16th mr w h god- ment officer mr a j thornpi running from the top end of frey owner of 150 acres of pro- kon witnessed the removal of fore mr ireland suggested that the puc should absorb the labour costs of 56 for installing the transformers but it was left to council to pay the 257 disputed in the bill for line work on oct 2nd two loads of gra vel were removed from the god frey property in the restricted mill st south would remain as petty in the greenbelt district j gravel council then issued mid industrial and council would be south of no 7 highway between served the writ against mr ood- asked by the dept of highways greenwood and brougham ap- j j the p to provide a wider access belpeared before council and re- a pim e and princess contest open to junior farmers and other rural young peaple is bes ire sponsored by the ontario federation of agriculture the objective of this contest is to create interest on the part of young people in the aims and activities of the federation of agriculture and to increase their general knowledge of agri culture at their meeting on september 16th the directors of the junior farmers association agreed to support the federa tion in promoting this contest and encourage juniors to par ticipate the prince and princess con test is open to young people be tween the ages of 16 and 29 participants must live on a farm although ihev may he working examination questions will he based on material contained in a brochure available from the fcdoracm copies will be for warded immediately a county us ministers here for conference one hundred and four minis ters and their wives from the j musical numbers united states are in stouffviue this week attending the three- day interconference minister ial convention in the united missionary church nearly fif teen states are represented in indicates how many candidates eluding ohio indiana and wash- istered for the compe- inglon this is the first time the conference has ever been held stouffviue and is quite an have re tiion in each county a promotional committee is being set up to manage the county competition the chairman of this committee will he appointed by the federa tion of agriculture and it is suggested that the junior far mers will be represented on the evening committee the promotional committee will appoint a judg ing committee which might be composed of a representative of the county federation of agriculture a newspaper or radio man the agricultural while this will be the 65th anniversary of the present chu rch building the first methodist congregation which later built the present church began some fifty years earlier in 1841 records show that rev ed ward sallows a young me thodist minister occasionally undertaking for the local min preached in the old school house ister rev f huso and hk at stouffviue after twelve years staff the visitors are billeted of occasional service a regular in gormley markham and stou1 mssl was 0 with rev ffville and meals are served at cornelius flummerfelt as minis- the church at noon and in the tcr two years later in 1s65 the school house was bought and the conference began o n remodelled tuesday and wil conclude this eor nineteen years it was thursday night i known as the methodist church in 1872 this building was found to be insufficient to meet the away from home employees of repieemaiive and a a county or provincial fedora tion of agriculture are not ehg ible rhool principal or school inspector it is being suggested that each two wellknown athletes der ek arburkle and vern ferguson paced uxbridge to the inter- high school field day champion ship held recently derek cap d the jr needs of the growing commun ity and a brick edifice was erected at a cost of sio00 after twenty years the church which had come to number nearly two hundred members was forced county provide a prize for the tured the jr championship each contestant will be asked winning prince and princess in while vern was tops in the sen- lo m another lorwarrt move write an examination to test the county competition ibr class and the present building uas county winners will go on t a zone compoiition and winner to his knowledge of farm organiza lions and agriculture in general a total of so marks is being given for the written examina tion in addition contestants will appear before the county judging committee to make a speech 3 to 5 minutes on the nual meeting of the ontario topic why the federation of federation of agriculture first agriculture is important to on- prize for the winning prune tario farmers tnis osi inter and princess will be a fee trip view will account for 0 marks j to the annual meeting of tftcj there will bo sent to toronto to canadian federation of agiicul- compete in the final competi- uirc which will be held in moni tion whir will ho hold in the king edwaid hotel on novem- lier 6th at the time of the an- erected in 1s92 the charge be came an independent circuit un der rev mr gee slouffvilles first public school stood on the present church site y it was at about the same time uither information that the presbyterian church real in january other prizes are being arranged for contact either mr herb arbuc- also erected their present ohu- kle or mr huntiy mckay at the rch building the first record of ontario federation of agricul- student ministers being sent to iuc office i09 huron s to stouffviue by the presbyterians rorto telephone wa 1 6646 i being in so9 appsssauce an ageold custom was re vived at rallantrae last week when a large quantity of ap plesauce was cooked over an oren fire on the property of mr eii shank mr shank right stirs the brew while mr garnet wiliiamson icer- trc and son john of markham watch attentively the 32- gallon copper kefic is more than 100 j ears old it wis brought here from pennsyl vania bj mr shanks grarl- parcntk staff photo h