9 historical survey of the weekly newspapers of the county of york 4 rr t i n cartoon capers contest last weeks results winner mrs eileen arundell stouffville correct title boy sounds just like my husband suggested title be careful what you say the grand prize winner will be announced next week glen major sept 5 mr and mrs claude sim- monds and family returned to toronto after spending the sum mer at their cottage here all the children of the com munity are back to school there are 2 new beginners linda john son and peter buzek miss mabel baker of water- down spent the weekend with mrs um piss and edgar mr and mrs howard langille and hoys spent last week in portland maine with mr ian- gilles sister recent visitors with mr and mrs e gates were mr and mrs tom oakley mr and mrs hamilton mr and mrs odon- nell mrs henry and daughter mr and mrs wm lebriton mr and mrs tom patterson and daughter mrs tom patterson sr and mr and mrs um gates jr and family mr and mrs joe jones spent saturday with mr and mrs charles fiss and monday with mrs wm hopkins and family miss lois delaney returned home on sunday after spending the summer with miss shirley jones mr karl buzek has gone on a trip around the world mr alec hingston and boys visited sunday with mr and mrs j a hingston several from here attended port perry fair on monday mr and mrs allan jones and daughter spent sunday at the jones miss hazel jones spent sun day at her home mrs t risehrough and betty spent the weekend in wallace- burg precast approved septic tanks sidewalk slabs coloured patio slabs porches and steps curbing concrete products phone brooklin 155 collect calls accepted essss3s3s3a3s3s3s3ss3s38333s33s33s33335333s3i opportunity this area canadian company operating on a national scale has immediate opening for ambitions men or women to manage local business dealing with some of canadas largest chain stores can be handled in spare hours at start if desired honesty and depend ability more important than past experience our liberal financial assistance enables rapid expansion this is a business on a high plane for high type men or women of character only applicants must have approx 170000 which is secured and good references these openings will pay you exceptionally high monthly income immediately and rapidly increase as business expands prefer applicants aspiring earnings from 1000000 to 2000000 yearly no high pressure men wanted as so sfaaasg required if yon can qualify and have necessary cash write today giving phone number and particulars for local interview write manager po box xj 125 station it montreal quebec the delightful mellow weather of late summer and early foil makes for pleasant travelling and this is an ideal time for that adventurous sightseeing trip to interesting places in canada and the united stctes a wider choice of accommodation is available when the midseason hubbub is over now is the time to travel by train canadian national railways suggest where to go picturesque minvoka late of bays georgian boy bracing ontario highlands distinguished laurentian resorts glamorous vancouver victoria seattle scenic jasper national parle fascinating california historic montreal quebec ottawa exciting new york city atlantic city bustling detroit chicago mep itet pacos tov 0oilcv to rvi pct aiv fv dwp lv hc- fccoc fc y fot pen ccobe pec f c coat f tce wi ppop ect c ii th ccfdflb9 c ay o rral give yourself a treat and go by train cocef your for information end riervcfonj go cnr this survey written by jean i mcfau is part of the york pioneer a publication of the j york pioneer and historical so- ciety and is being presented in the tribune in two instal ments one group of pioneers about whom little has been written is that of the fourth estate the j editors and proprietors of the little weekly newspapers which flourished and failed with such i rapidity during the early period of our history information ab- out them is scant and full of i contradictions and unresolved mysteries but our of the con fusion there emerges a story j full of interest which throws a revealing sidelight on thisj facet of pioneer life one sees their desire to maintain a dignij tied high moral tone to direct their readers religious thinking j but at the same time a strong sense of their duty to point out the faults and misdemeanours of their political opponents with the greatest candour at the same time they were continual ly plagued by the difficulty of collecting the subscriptions ow ing them one editor gave vent to his feelings by publishing a quotation from one josh bill ings as follows what is an editor an editor is a mule whose i bizness is to investigate a mis- j paper he writes editorials j grinds out poetry inserts deths j and weddings sorts manu scripts keeps a wastebasket blows up the devil steals mat ter fites other peoples battles sells his paper for a dollar and fifty cents a year takes while beans and apple sass for pay when he can get it razes a large family works nineteen houy- out of twentyfour noze no sunday gets dammed by eerybotiy lives poor dies mid dleaged and often brokenheart ed leaves no mutiny is rewarded for a life of toil by a short but free obituary puff in the nus- paper the newspaper history of york county begins in 1798 when the upper canada gazette established in 1793 in newark followed governor simcoe to the new town of york on the north shore of lake ontario during the next thirty years there were other attempts to found news papers some more successful than others the observer lasted from 1820 to 1831 the weekly register from 1822 to 1826 the famed colonial advocate was printed by william lyon mack enzie from 1824 to 1834 the united empire loyalist lasted for three years from 1826 to 1829 the canadian freeman from 1825 to 1834 the christian guardian had the longest life of the early papers from 1829 well into the twentieth century from 1830 on more and more weeklies were begun more of them succeeded and in 1836 toronto saw its first daily pa per the royal standard as far as we can discover the first newspaper published in the county outside of toronto is one whose name has been forgotten it was printed in the little set tlement of markham sometime around 1829 by henry william peterson but when he died his son could find no copy of the paper among his fathers belong ings henry william was the son of a lutheran preacher rev john dietrich peterson of qua- kenbruck in the kingdom of hanover in 1795 when the boy was two years old his father emigrated to america by the time henry william was out of his teens he had already edited and published several periodicals both political and religious in the states of pennsylvania and delaware about 1826 the peter sons came to canada and like many other settlers moved about a good deal at first for a time henry william worked with mr gurnett on the gore gazette at ancaster from 1827 to 1829 at least the rev peter son the father was in markham where his son published a small newspaper henry williams j son another henry william wrote in a letter to m teefy of j richmond hill in 1sq1 my fa- ther believe did print a small sheet for a few months in markham more 1 think for his own private amusement than anything else he came up to berlin waterloo immediately after leaving and printed and published the canada museum in german lor many years it isreported that he returned from a visit to the united states in 1831 bringing with him the heavy press and other printing material and arriving finally in berlin after an arduous journey by canal boat and ox team the canada museum begun soon after was said to be the first germanlanguage paper publish ed in upper canada and also j the first paper established westj of ancaster mr peterson was j also the proprietor of the first paper published in guelph the wellingtonian and guelph her- 1 aid 1s12 he forsook the pub fishing field when his new duties as registrar of the county of wellington took him to guelph in is 13 there he remained until his death in 1s59 newmarket incorporated as a village just one hundred years ago in 1s57 was the first settle- merit in york county outside of toronto to support a weekly newspaper the new era be- gan publication on february 5th j 1852 the proprietor was g s porter a printer born in nori wich england who had come j lo canada about nine years be fore when times were hard in j london he had begun a new life as a store clerk in newmar ket and had advanced until he became proprietor then he add ed a printing plant and began to publish a fourpage newspaper devoted to news agriculture science morality and amuse ment apparently he did not consider his new enterprise a success for in 1853 he sold out to erastus jackson and mr a henderson he then set sail for melbourne australia in 1913 he celebrated his hundredth birth day in phillipstown new zea land in an interview printed at that time in the otago daily times he said of his newspaper venture in newmarket it was not a very wise thing to do they were not a literary people and they never paid in spite of his gloomy views however the era did not decline and die in 1s54 mr jackson became sole owner and the paper re mained in the jackson name until 1934 erastus jackson was a liberal and for many years the era was regarded as the party paper for that district blackett robinsons history of york tells vis that in 1875 how ever the era opposed the lib eral nominee and the party be gan a new paper of their own the history of 1885 describes the newmarket era it changed its name in 1861 as one which though of liberal tendencies is nonpartisan although it was the first weekly paper to issue from the smaller municipalities of york it is also one of the halfdozen still being published today in 1854 a second weekly began publication in newmarket the canadian independent if must never have flourished for little is to be learned of it it is classi fied in the holtby myers direc tory as cong which may de note that it was a religious pub lication of the congregational- ists on december 19th 1855 a third weekly newspaper made its appearance in the village of newmarket this is amazing when we remember that the village had not yet been incor porated the north york sen tinel under a moultbee was devoted to politics literature public improvement and general intelligence we find no further trace of his newspaper after 185g there is at sharon temple a memorial to william lockhart printed in 1856 by the north we build homes large and small and buildings of ail kinds repairs and remodelling good materials and workmanship guaranteed our house designing service is at your disposal k w betz construction co suuffville out phone stouff 195 york sentinel the latest num ber in the provincial archives is dated november 13th 1856 but there is nothing to indicate trial this was the end it may have fallen victim to the difficulties encountered by mr porter newmarket had at least three other weeklies before 1900 the courier began publication late in 1867 under g m binns it was a fourpage issue publish ed in the conservative interest in 1876 however it was pur chased by thomas ratclift and a mr oliver at this point the courier changed both its name and its political complexion be coming the north york refor mer this was at the time when the new era previously a staunch liberal paper refused its support and the liberals were forced to acquire a paper of their own the history of york gives a good share of cred it to this reorganized paper for the reform party victory in the district at the time of the pro vincial election in 1s7s and the continuing increase after that date of support for the liberals in the riding of north york at the end of 1878 thomas ratcliff became the sole proprietor the north york reformer seems to have ceased publication in 1s9 one further newspaper the newmarket express and weekly advertiser began in the late nineties was known in 1901 as the expressherald of newmar ket and sutton and finally was incorporated with the newmar ket era as the era and express in 1942 just as the earliest weekly in newmarket was the one to sur vive so it is with markham we may except mr petersons small attempt as more of a hobby than a business enterprise in 1851 this settlement was a village of irom eight to nine hundred in habitants it was not incorporat ed until 1872 but its newspaper life began on july 3rd 1856 with the publication of the markham economist it too had four pages and claimed to be a fam ily newspaper devoted especially to the interests of the country for many years its publisher was david reesor a member of one of the earliest families of markham christian reesor had settled there in 1801 like many of the early publishers david reesor took a prominent part in the affairs of his munici pality in 1860 when he chose to run for election to the legis lative council of canada we find him being sharply criticized be cause his newspaper office had accepted the contract for the township printing while he him self was reeve of the township he must have been a man of high reputation for he was nevertheless successful in the election in 1867 he became a member of the senate of canada on june 30th 1864 the economist was suspended the editor ex plained the situation in the col umns of his paper as follows it is not now intended that its publication shall be discontin ued but that a recess shall be allowed until all outstanding dues are collected it will then be issued again it may be in another form but it is certainly intended to continue its publi cation from october 25th to december 1st of that year it was replaced by the weekly ruralist and economist a jour nal of agriculture education temperance the arts etc etc this was a small fourpage is sue replaced on december 8th by a larger format it is inter esting to note that the paper was sent free of charge to min isters of religion this rural economist its name varied greatly from time to time ap parently ceased on may 31st 1s66 whereupon on june 14th of the same year the economist itself resumed publication markham had one other week ly during the nineteenth cen tury the sun it began in 1s81 under george j chaunccy who was also at one time the post master of markham village it was a conservative paper but in 1916 it united with the econ omist to form the markham economist and sun which still serves that area today business directory auctioneers audley sept 5 mrs c irvine and daughter lorna visited recently at the u blake home mr and mrs lester love of juliet illinois visited mr and mrs mac hedge one evening last week mr and mrs geo izatt lin da and wendy visited georges brother mr and mrs arch iz att of oakville on sunday mr and mrs irvin puckrin and dennis enjoyed a motor trip last week to algonquin park and owen sound coming home by way of niagara falls bloomikgton mr j williams mrs thomas mrs j assinck and daughters were recent visitors at santas village the september ladies aid meeting was held thursday eve ning at the home of mr and mrs c lemon with mrs douj gherty in charge and mrs p brown took the devotional mrs c lemon and mrs e i lemon conducted a program in which mrs tate gave an inter- 1 esting synopsis of her summer as counsellor at sunshine camp mrs d burnett played a piano solo and mrs tranmer gave a talk on signs as it was the word used in scripture texts for answering the roll call hostesses were mrs e bur nett and mrs tranmer mr and mrs a v storry vis ited at mr m roses ballan- trae sunday many happy birth day returns mr storry our bloomington public school opened on tuesday with an en rollment of fiftysix pupils there are nine beginners mrs tate and mrs d burnett are the teachers in charge mrs v wagg and miss bet ty woodland were in toronto over the weekend ringwood at 1110 am and 730 pm on sunday sept 15th will be the harvest home services rev wm pape on furlough from ja pan will he guest speaker and a quartette from long branch will be singing we would like to meet you there we would like to record our appreciation of a basket of flow ers placed in church on sunday morning by an unnamed donor as well as those brought faith fully each sunday mr and mrs bruce stouffer and family of cannington were at the church service on sunday morning and afterward had din ner with her sister mrs walter vague and family mrs gordon holden spent a few dajs in chatham with her daughter and soninlaw mr and mrs bob mccianahan and came home with them when they came on friday to attend a wedding in oakville coons in the cornpatch seem to be the topic of the conversa tions in our neighborhopd some of our faithful attend ants were conspicuous by their absence at sunday sviool and church service on sunday while there were several visitors to encourage us miss donna hisey sang a solo and miss ruth fox and miss shirley steckley a duet would you like to help place vegetables fruit and flowers in the church on saturday after noon your help and donations would be welcome then too we would be glad for your presence at the harvest home services on sunday sellers atmnson pb alo joiw ph sto jss l1cevsto auctioneers ad sale managers 0er 30 years experience sales conducted anywhere spe cializing ia farm stock furni ture and property sales ai sales personally listed and ad vertised bills prepared and posted at no extra cost out rate are most reasonable for thla complete service vhleb really pays off no aale too bg or too small ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario farm stock implements house hold furniture real estate sales our specialty at fair and reasonable rates dual service for the price of one millken po pb ax 3s9s1 markham po ph mark 346 prentices have been established auctioneers slnco is90 a s farmer licensed auctioneer york cty uxbrldce pickering townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty address oormloy po telephone gormley 53 h ambulance service b y r ambulance 24 hour jervico ambulance taxi richmond hill richmond hid ttj 4lno tu 41103 b y cnbs it cnbs brierbush hospital lay and nikhc service maternity medical and surgical member of the allied private hospital association government licensed slain street east stouffvillo chiropractors a dead glacier one tnat thaws before it reaches the ocean is as brittle as glass yet as pliant as toothpaste the artichoke belongs to the same family as thistles sunflow ers lettuce salsify and chrys anthemums the artichokes forerunner cardoon a giant thistle was cultivated for its leaf shoots before the christian era the powder puff beauty salon jov oxeill open tuesday and thursday nights closed monday for appointment callstouff 105 after hours call stouff 08wl marie jack hairdressing second street stouftvillo permanent wavino hair styling and shaping phone 381 joy beauty salon a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville tuesday and friday 9 to 12 am wm s baird dc doctor of chiropractic xray hrs 1012 24 70 and by appointment wednesday excepted 337 main st x markham ont telephone 701 optometric e a grubin r0 optometrist plcton stouffvillo at stouffville office on the fol lowing mondays and tuesdays september lrttli and 17th oct 21 22 nov 18 tt 10 phones 80j2 nni 25j1 garnet v gray r0 optometrist wm birkett residence main st west 3 doors west of albert st phono 40j2 for appointment hours f am to 500 pm every tuesday evoutiig by appointment i although commonly called a nickel the fivecent piece con tains only 25r nickel the bal ance being made up of copper permanent waving individual stylinjr razor shaping mrs verna austin prop phone stouffville 98w2 william st north the five leading commercial produce s of bituminous coal j mired almost 50 million tor ir 3936 or nearly is percent of the years 500miiion ton total accounting and income tax services william e davis accountant j formerly with dent national reverse taxation division suite 50t fi2 richmond st w fmpire 4dm1 cu collect stouffville machine tool works telephone 253 rear of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machinery machinery repairs stouffville floral roses wedding bouquet funeral designs cut flowers phone 70w dental neil c smith lds dds graduate of university of toronto osce oter canadian bina of commerce telephone istn stoufjrlue e s barker ids nns honor graduate of university of toronto office over harolds oriu ihono 27lw stouffville medical dr s s rall physician and surseon xray office cornr of obrien 4 main phone 195 coroner for york county drs mitchell smith physicians a surgeons xray phone 230 rlouffville office hours dally 912 am 1 pm 7 9 pm wednesday office closed in am sunday office open 2 s tim legal robert w mcyey barrister solicitor 102 rouge crest drive 355j i markham toronto phone 339 phone em 35101 donald c hindson barrister s solicitor stouffville office hours tuesday 1 pm to 9 pm thursday 1 pm to 530 pm friday 700 lo 90 for appointment stouff 795 hedges rlllg over snowball markham barber shop phono oof stouttvllle phone ofl funeral directors l e oneill stouffviiae funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day or nlrht phone stouffville 9swl j w dixon funeral director private ambulance markham kindness courtes service telephone 90 mnrkhnm ontario insurance birkett son general insnrnncn affency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable companlei at reasonable ratea prompt service phones 259wl and 259wj ken laushway general insurance phone 270wl 2701 stouffville ontario fire automobile liability v g alsop insurance agency fire life auto casualty main si knst stouffvlllf ihono stouffville 228w fred m pugh general insurnnre phono stouffville 38w2 men not machines make money investigate thfi advantage of keyman or partnership buiinetl insurance with your mutual life of canada representative accountants john c wyli fl license public accountant auditor spofford block stoufftllie telephone office 235 residence s15j1 william h couper chartered accountant toronto 151 1077 a arenue itoad hldson t2 urn ate wainut i3s4