Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 21, 1957, p. 14

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th m the stouffvue tri8une tkny march u t957 classified miscellaneous i miscellaneous cnfd we do custom killing lo curing and smoking of meat i for farmers oboyles meat i market ph 35 stonff 4slf well tile jo i 36 immediate delivery 27tf lorne baker son concrete product newmarket twinlng 50781 canadian cancer society richmond hill district unit for information films talks welfare and services call richmond hill to 41494 thornlitll av 51305 j maplo av 52008 lnionville 230 markham 82j 27tf stouffvillo 4dj3 ready mixed concrete for footings floors patios etc gormlev readymixed concrete limited phono gormley 5601 stouffvillo 320 stf trenching sjptlc tanks tile beds ornamental ponds bnck-flll- lng and grading 50tf arnold brillinger stouffville box 03 ontario phone 214 sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drains cleaned and repaired 24 honr service o stttnden lstf richmond hill ph tu 4125 electrical wiring installation service repairs oil burner service leslie leonard ph 7s0 stouffvillo 13tf for rent hay grain help wanted 1 cars for sale i sale register room for rent on church st board if desired phone 3 for rent 75 acres good pasture well fenced water shade is 50 phone pickering 32srj 433 for sale no of bushels of hired man wanted for gen- timothy seed excellent saaa- eral farm work levi fretx pie ph claremont 33s05 for rent selfcontained apartment all conveniences 3 large rooms adults main st east ph 63wl aurora pa 74163 stouffville 65130 j e guthrie electrical contractor oil heating specialist vacuum cleaning 34 hour service 33tf c bunker at goodwood we deliver gravel sand fill top soiu also lawns graded at reasonable rates custom loading ph stourr 00524 sotf apartment for rent private bath heat lights and water included in rent phone 309 stouffville house for rent semi detached 5 rooms hot water part of rent in exchange for light household duties middle age or elderly couple prefer red ph claremont 30916 after 7 pm lost found found albert tnont two bags of cement johns rr3 clare- baled mixed hay for sale h woodland ph claremont 33705 quantity of good quality baled hayfor sale 1300 per ton ph clare 13w 43tf for sale baled hay torn silage feed grain donald hunter ph stouffille 60606 for sale commercial no 1 rodney and garry seed oats cleaned and treated bob tim bers ph stoutf 67910 414 garry seed oats for sale cleaned tested and bagged fred timbers ph stouffville 63731 433 quantity of good hay for sale baled lab animal farm richmond hill tu 4- 3376 baled hay straw for sale also fence rails and a large size electric brooder m spence ph stoutf 67s11 ph stoutf 66s0s steady employment for truly experienced landscape gardener ph unlonville 339 man wanted for general farm work with tractor experience state wages expected apply box 107 co tribune 41tf house keeper wanted for a modern home i adults must be good plain cook live in ph stouff 147w 1s56 studeuaker for sale champion 4door deluxe over drive low mileage window washers radio heater under- coated twotone reason for sale company car supplied apply alex henry ph 79rs markham auctioneer a s farmer phone gormley 5311 sellers atkinson ph ax 34771 stouff 363 transportation ken cla rke prentice ph ax 35987 markham 34 wanted gipls wanted experienced or to learn operating pressing and finishing on neckwear and blouses apply monday to ladles wear ltd over iga wanted gardener and handy man cottage avail able mrs w m harvey rri goodwood ph stouff 67030 articles for sale quilry heating station road pickering gas oil aircomlltioninj units coal gravity furnaces sheet mctil work eavestrouirhine 43tf 1 year free service parts easy payment plan local agent r a hall telephone stouffville 02wl chalk refrigeration sales service commercial farm household guaranteed repairs on all makes phono king 103w 1tf 34 honr service anywhere electric wiring houses farms and cottages wired wall plugs switches electric water heaters ranges toasters irons and other appli ances repaired k h middlcmlss lstf phone 367 stouffville piano tuning repairs s hoffman formerly with gerhard helntz- man phono lawrence barkey appliance repairs 8tf stouffvillo phone 55w3 all orders promptly attended to lost a boys pair of skates and boots jimmle hill ph stouffville 39w3 lost on saturday evening high school boys wrist watch timex on main st between bowling alley and 9th conces sion finder please phone mrs mortimer 54sj3 stouff ville after 6 pm estray will the person who removed the old pontiac car from the back of ted spences garage at beaverton please get in touch with the 2 boys who left their skates in the car last week you may write or phone collect pefferlaw 6211 ron hales or postal address rr2 cannington reward offered 433 bulldozing ami drag lining specialists in grading cellars and ponds e van derkooy 49tt rhonc gormley 5537 real estate rodney seed oats for sale commercial no 1 cleaned treated and bagged eldred king phone 62s0s stouff ville 413 convertible carriage and other baby items also gate leg table claremont 30515 garry rodney seed oats for sale grown from regis tered seed cleaned treated clifford l winger ph gorm ley 5217 432 20 tons top quality mixed hay 6 tons oat straw will deliver murray acrcman lot is con 3 markham phone richmond hill turner 4- 2236 422 d n booth and goldkind son call your dealer for pedlar people barn stable equipment roofing supplies also stable cleaners stan thompson sons stouffville 01204 3026 we but all kinds of toultry 13tf highest prices paid for lire poultry 427 manning ave toronto phono wa 25260 or call booths ph 123 stonfl or 80wl fietstk servicea i prevent chimney fires use flro chief chemical chimney cleaners to eliminate soot and scale from your stoves and pipes the smaller the flame the more soot and carbon for use in oil coal and wood fired units for sale at 28tf stouffville claremont farmers coop 100 acres for sale with 65 workable loam soil balance in pasture and buslx with some good timber trout stream full length of farm frame six- room house with new furnace and cistern two barns and pig pen driving shed build ings pretty well all new roofs 50 acres adjoining with 40 acres workable loam soil bal ance bush and pasture with good gravel pit 1 mile south of blackstock and la miles east phone blackstock 6813 price 150 acres 18000 or can be purchased separate taxes 100 acre apply to orr venning rri burketon ont 413 plant reliable pioneer hy brid seed corn produced by the corn belts oldest commer cial hybrid corn breeding company choose hybrids and kernel sizes available call or see us jack morgan phone claremont 33610 4311 seed cleaning our new plant now open daily for cleaning grading treating buffing etc deliveries taken bulk or bag ged by appointment only charges nominal 414 w a jones son phono 203 brooder house for sale lloyd armstrong lot 10 con 10 larkham mortgage for sale on country home 400000or best offer box 10 the tribune odd shaped potatoes for sale john bosworth mount albert ph 21401 432 highest prices paid for all kinds of live poultry norm davis ph mark 741 36tf good healthy dog wanted w lowe richmond hill turner 43376 422 wanted painting decorat ing carpenter ork contact ed knight ph 67304 a dog kennel wanted must be in good condition bob kerr ph stouffville 67903 metronome wanted in good condition reasonable phone 107w mrs dewitt work wanted paper hang ing painting work wanted phone stouffville 460j1 after seven 43tf wanted to rent for oc cupancy may 1st house in or close to stouffville 3 adults bert jackson phone 153 the stouffville tribune electric stove for sale al most new automatic timing ph s2j4 stouffville choice young beef by the quarter cut and wrapped for the freezer s a stouffer ph stouffville 64706 404 piano for sale lonsdale up right reconditioned like new 28500 john scholten kin- sale ph brooklln 646r31 stouffville sand gravel limited are prepared to supply your requirements of crushed gra vel sand concrete gravel pit run delivered or at the bin v tf plnnt phone 125 office phones 370 12 in stouffville one 8- roomed brick house 4 bed rooms oil furnace 3piece bath hot water tank in base ment recreation room gar age all in first class shape we also have some good buys in 5roomed bungalows also some good farms from 100 acres to 170 acres in diff erent districts and priced ac cordingly phone or see ira d rusnell 342v stouffville thos oakley real estate richmond hill when buying or selling real estate farms residences business properties contact george w allison rcgd real estate broker phone 244 31tf the seed you sow will determine the crop you harvest commercial no 1 garry oats for sale cleaned and treated proven by oac to out yield rodney by 15 and to have twice the straw strength of rodney also 40tf good mixed baled hay 2000 per ton and baled straw ron b ross ph stouff 217 for sale double bed springfilled mattress bureau also franklin heater bargain ph claremont 30916 findlay super oval coal or wood cook stove for sale in excellent condition phone lsjl claremont carpenter work wanted new homes kitchen cup boards tile floors alterations repairs and recreation rooms free estimates phone pr 3- 5051 414 wanted old fashioned iron toy bank or toy soldiers coloured glass oil lamps marble top table ph tw 52974 or write box 11 co the tribune 43 we are always in the mar ket for a limited quantity of good quality table turnips free from water core and worms art steckley stouff- ville rr4 phone gormley 5675 39tf for sale a number of front quarters of beef at reduced price order this week s a stouffer 64706 432 clean dry firewood for sale all kinds free delivery taylors sawmill rr2 aur ora avenue 54231 438 implements blackhawk halftracks for sale used 16 to fit ford or ferguson apply alex henry markham ph 79sr oil burner for sale for brood er or cook stove fess space heater both in good condi tion ph 62806 sto 432 beatty stanchions com plete also galvanized water tank reasonable ph gormley 5216 floor loom for sale leclere 27 bench books yarns value over 20000 bargain 12500 phone claremont 63j2 j 422 dead stock dead and crippled farm animals removed promptly for sanitary dis posal 200 service charge for each call telephone col lect to stouffville 255 or toronto em 33636 gordon young ltd tf m nash paying best cash prices for all kinds of live poultry phone stouff 64j3 36tf bookkeeping services small accounts invited f hnyward 408 phone 00 claremont carpenter work wanted alterations and cupboards a specialty 30tf wm gkeenburx phono 29w2 stouffville hot water tank for sale complete with stand cover heating element and thermo stat control 2 yrs old 20 phone 67504 c ttl for prompt and efficient service call stouffville radio television centre main street stouff 124 49tf shoe repair tour shoe repairs can all be handled at georges shoe repair full or half soles and all types of repair all kinds zipper work done all types new shoes for boys and men for good health keep your shoes in good repair located in the holden block 27tf main street stooffvuie 30cvstsosstcsrss3cwc3bht3c3w floor covering all types tiles inlaid linoleums plastic walltowall carpets the new sisal covering expertly in stalled free estimates 3stf spoffords stouffville phono 101 3kxvmcsc363c3e3scwt3w36s when buying or selling real estate consult ira d rusnell stouffville ontario phone stouffville 342w representing 13tf thomas oaklet real estate broker ph richmond hill av 54161 for sale mh lorun power lift grain and fertilizer drill like new 11 rawluk new market ph tw 56831 international farmall a tractor for sale with imple ments excellent condition w morris ph 64931 stouffville ford tractor for sale with side mounted mower in very good condition lab animal farm richmond hill tu 4 3376 for sale 2 holstein cows due april 1st 2 reg ayrshire cows due mar 25 electric brooder 500 size good condi tion j w foster black- water ph port perry 92r2 for sale deluxe custom- built chesterfield and match ing chair silk brocade cover ing down filled cushions practically new claremont phone 36 all models cars trucks wanted for wrecking highest prices paid used parts tires etc forsale b a auto parts tu 42230 1 mi north of no 7 highway on 3rd line of markham twp mailing address 17tf b a auto parts rr3 gormley co m j acreman for all your real estate problems consult electrical equ1pment tv radio repairs to all makes washing machine parts a service bulldozing ffptclalizing in landscape plan- nlnj and farm ponds bascimnt excavation and all types of grading ihiaguxk whkx nkckssary art steckley phone gormley 5675 clare preston head operator 32tf phone 65428 70wn and counmy srrcmiisrs residential land business commercial 43tf appraisals exchanges mortgage services thone office 10o res 201j 317 cockshutt 30 tractor for sale good condition live pow er takeoff pulley no heavy work ph 93w2 cliff morga- son edward street stouff ville 432 for sale letz grain grind er near new with an extra set of plates also a cream separator with motor in good condition elgin hastings ph 63715 myers sprayers tractor mounted piston pump spray ers all types tank sprayers for orchards row crop and weed spraying phone crome bras 256w4 mount al bert 439 for sale car radio with aerial 20 hp gasoline engine kick starter 20 hot water tank 22 gal with strap- on j element and thermostat 10 ph 472w 200 rafters various lengths and sizes barn timbers in lengthsto 36 ft pine siding 3000 ft extra quality 2 inch dressed pine 6000 ft extra quality suitable for making doors frames steps etc priced right phone gormley 5216 miscellaneous chtd ralph elms painting paperhanging interior and exterior free estimates 434 work guaranteed call after 6 pm gormley 5310 for sale case forage har vester corn and hay fronts near new case forage blower with unloading attachment also two forage boxes equip ped with unloading mechan ism hugh gregg claremont ph claremont 30100 e h neville sons votir admiral dealer mala st stouffville fbone340 17ul precast septic tanks approved for your area septic installations trenching jfc ditching fabricated concrete specialties ltd stouffville 290 lstf well drilling pump installed fast service frank gerrits aurora rr2 3tf thonc parkvleiv 75272 radio radio and television repairs at reasonable rates sparton and general electric radiotv sales and service hifi record players records tape recorders and tapes scarfes 4 3tf thin paints smith radio- electronic service stouffville phone 376wl new holland leads the way i see the now models today the completely new haylixkk os from hitch to chute the hay- liner 6s is the greatest little baler ever built a brother to the famous 66 flow action feed an exclusive 20 more feeding capacity 50 less power required to dricc the all new gear case and many other fea tures your dealer will show you see the baler of the future selfpropelled ioov now on display also the 35 rolobar rake a new line of power mower- available with stem crusher visit your dealer soon and look over the high quality and low priced gras land equipment on display do as other farmers are doing order your new holland baler now or tradein your old baler for a good deal 433 h p- rawluk don mill rd newmarket phone twining 51121 mhf new holland nov idea sain service used building material for sale large quantities of used doors and windows various sizes used lumber hardwood flooring building boards 2x8 etc suitable for garages cottages hen houses etc morton bros ltd main st mt albert this material must be sold to clear a ware house 42tf dead stock dead crippled animals hogs calves sheep horses and cattle picked up promptly g r elson 38tf plione collect 541 uxhridco 24 hr service 7 days a week wanted logs timber land hardwood preferred h m kyte blackstock phone 20 or 31tf bruce rolling mt albert phone 04w c cats patkixssl7dectb0ted rwra uwi mew am tcb stwxt oik wocis new appliance bargains gurney range 4burner brand new full warranty regular 19900 our price 14900 limited number youngstown kitchen sink regu lar 116 for 7900 real bargains in general elec tric inglis automatic dryers hendricks hardware appliance tradeins gibson refrigerator about 9 cu feet in good condition only s900 hotpolnt 4burner range just traded in from a good home only 4900 general electric 3burner range 23 inch model modern ap pearance only 6500 used wringer washer your choice of two at 1900 hendricks hardware for nursery stocks of all kinds in quality prleet and experience try vans nurcrlcs and landmape designer contractor growers of evergreen roses hedg ing- stock flowering shrubs orna mental trees shade trees trult trees bulbs bedding plants see vans tulip beds this sprlm on the aurora stderoad on con 6 lot 20 i information can be obtained only to customers manager a vanderpol prop buy 10 dollars worth of nursery stock get one rose bush or flowering shrub or a delphinium clump free 4310 most sioirrville out township of markham tenders tenders will he received by the township of markham to supply two police cruisers bidder to make allowance on trade in of two 1956 pontiac coaches further specifications and particulars may he obtained from the chief of police muni cipal officers gormley rr2 bids to be filed with the un dersigned on or before march 30 1957 the lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted 432 clarence wideman chief of police friday mar 22 extensive auction sale of 1st class dairy cattle 45 head holsteins fresh cows and springers pigs new holland baler new fer guson manure spreader corn picker mh 44 tractor near new john deere tractor mh combine hay grain etc this is a good sale the cattle are all good size heavy producers and most of the implements are near new and modern on lot 7 concession 3 markham twp south of no 7 highway at dollar the property of d a robinson sale at 1230 pm terms cash no reserve as farm sold ken clarke prentice auctioneers saturday mar 23 auc tion sale of holstein cattle fresh cows and springers cockshutt tractor hic trac tor farm stock implements furniture etc on lot 7 con cession 6 markham twp on kennedy highway just north of hagermans corners pro perty of william beech sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve farm sold james smith clerk ken clarke prentice auctioneers saturday mar 23 auc tion sale of 150 acre farm 50 head of high grade hol stein cattle number of fresh and springer cows bred heif ers arid calves w6 mccor- mick tractor with torque am plifier lights and pulley 1 m years old case combine 6 ft with wisconsin motor allis chalmers baler mccormick power mower 7 ft new wheel tractor trailer 17 ft new full line of good ma chinery hay and grain note this is a good herd of hol stein cattle all vaccinated plan to attend also offered for sale subject to reserve bid i50 acre farm good working land new barn 150x55 steel stables 7room brick house on a good road the property of david edwards lot 15 con 14 reach twp 1 mile east of saintfleld sale at 1 pm sharp terms cash geo edwards earl innes clerks reg johnson auc tioneer tuesday mar 26 auction sale of tractor fertilizer drill pto sprayer and boom com plete milking machine chain saw 40 used staunchions water bowls eze flow spread er hay etc on homey farms at lot 1415 con 10 mark ham township 1 mile north of no 7 hy the property of h sauer note these are a good lot of implements the holstein herd was sold last summer the farm has been rented no reserve terms cash sale at 130 pm r e faulkner clerk sellers and atkinson sales mgrs and auctioneers wednesday mar 27 auc tion sale of holstein spring ers brood sows landrace hog chunks poultry and im plements including ford trac tor ford implements bale elevator new pto baler new siderack combine seed drill spreader milking machine bt litter carrier track complete little beav er electric hammermill grain baled hay baled straw large pile of rotted manure t the property of v c speers at lot 4 con 9 markham v4 mile south of box grove farm sold no reserve sale at 1 oclock terms cash faulkner woods clerks sellers and atkinson sales mgrs auctioneers wednesday mar 27 auc tion sale of chevrolet car household furniture dishes garden tools etc on wash ington st markham village property of john daniels no reserve house sold sale at 2 pm terms cash ken clarke prentice auctioneers thursday mar 28 auc tion sale of shorthorn and hereford feeder cattle 2 john deere tractors now holland baler modern farm machinery and equipment farm stock implements hay grain etc on lot 18 con 8 on hgy no 48 1 mile north of markham village property of elmer h burkholder sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve ken clarke prentice auc tioneers transportation available leaving goodwood 730 am arriving at markham road 401 at s am arriving 400 4 401 at s20 am leaving tor onto at 430 pm ph sloaff 555j1 43tf live stock holstein cow for sale due in a week ph stoaffville 66s10 labrador puppies for sale purebred 5 weeks old black ph stouffville 368 berkshire boar for sale ready for service ph mark ham 366wl2 fresh close holstein cow for sale call after 6 pm albert davis ph 61105 12 pigs for sale 7 weeks old roy brignall ph claremont 55j2 for best in chicks order today from mlchells poultry farm claremont ont thone markham 366 41tc yearold collie for sale lassie type registered good with children john scholten kinsale ph brooklln 646r31 for sale 3 vaccinated hoi stein heifers springing close due j barry stouffville ph 361 6 sows for sale 2nd litters bred 2 mos 1st litter raised 10 pigs each a masters goodwood ph 551vl heifer calf for sale suitable for calf club born jan 25 sire lonelm texall summer set stanley b watson mark ham rr2 ph stouff 60513 reg holstein heifer for sale sire roeland reflection sovereign due may 9 also reg yearling heifers tom hastings stouff 64900 for sale 11 pigs 6 weeks old quantity of rodney seed oats and 100 bales of mixed hay roy zellcr ph stouff 62110 purebred yorkshires for sale bred gilts open gilts and young boars from out standing dams and sire t ixwndes keswick ont ph queensville 33913 414 for sale 30 pigs 100 lbs and up purebred hereford bull 2 yrs 1 holstein springer 2nd calf good robt wright con 6 lot 33 pick ering twp r m chick ranch former ly chatburns start your re- placement flock now with a well known leghorn chick we also deal in dekalb chicks and hybrid corn prices on roquest box 1151 aurora ph parkview 74311 township of markham notice the township of markham in vites tenders for the raising of approximately 500 pheasant day old chicks will be supplied please file your bids on or be fore april 1st 1957 at 12 oclock noon any tender not necessarily accepted 432 chas hoover clerk gormley rr2 thursday mar 28 exten sive auction sale of farm stock dairy cattle brood sows pigs implements trac tor thresher side rake ham mer mill fertilizer drill spreader hay grain hens furniture dining room suite etc at lot 31 rear con 3 east owlllimbury 24 miles north of queensville the pro perty of frank perry terms cash no reserve as the owner giving up farming sale at 1 pm clerks faulkner and woods sellers atkinson sales mgrs and auctioneers thursday mar 28 auc tion sale of farm stock and implements hay grain etc property of lloyd st john lot con 6 brock twp 3 miles west and 1 mile north of sunderland at valentine 30 head of high grade hol stein cattle number of fresh cows cows due sale time springers yearlings etc 65 good breeding ewes cheviot suffolk starting to lamb april 16 this is a choice flock of sheep pigs hay and grain mh tractor no 30 excellent shape mh manure spreader on rubber new mh 13dlsc seed drill fertil izer drill new mh side rake new full line of ma chinery farm sold no re serve terms cash sale at 1 pm geo edwards clerk reg johnson auctioneer friday mar 29 auction sale of new holland baler mh 26 self propelled com bine modern and hone driwn implements litter carrier i water bowls piping hay grain etc on lot 24 con 4 north york twp west of yonge st on kecle first lane south of steeles ave on cast side property of oman bowes sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve farm sold ken clarke prentice auctioneers tuesday april 2 hoi- steins fresh and springers feeder cattle tractor imple ments including 2 tractors combine mcdcer baler new holland forage harvester for age wagon side rake swather cultivator for ford tractor 3- furrow tractor plow power mower mh frontend loader baled hay grain furniture etc at lot 15 con 3 brock township 1 mile east of blackwater the property of willis jarvis note thcs are an extra good lot of trac tor implements faulkner woods clerks farm sold no reserve terms ensh sale at 1 pm plnedale wa will have a refreshment booth reg johnson w d atkin son auctioneers wednesday apr 3 ex tensive auction salo of hol stein cattle feeder cattle chunks sows 3 tractors com bine fertilizer seed drill power mower bale elevator 12 ft swather manure sproad- er 10 ft packer chisel plow lever harrows 1way disc doublo disc side rake 50t baler hay grain etc at lot 23 con 2 markham twp 4 mile south of elgin mills victoria square slderoad the property of floyd per kins note this is a good lot of stock the implements are new or nearly new extra good be sure lo see these implements smith yoods clerks sale at l pm seller atkinson sale mgrs and auctioneers thursday apr 11 auc tion salo of farm stock and implements 50 head holstein grade cattle including fresh cows springers and heifers mckco forage harvester self unloading box case tractor model dc4 ford ferguson tractor forage harvester wa gon new tractor manure spreader on rubler case at lot 27 concession 4 whit church on don mills rd 3 miles cast and south of new market property of geo w smith the above cattle are all vaccinated and bred to maple bulls no reserve giv ing p farming sale at 1 pm terms cash alvln s far mer auctioneer saturday apr 13 impor tant auction sale of mil com bine 60 case forage har vester with motor case blow er unloading automatic wa- gon boxes or racks ford trac tor and equipment no 40 cockshutt tractor 35 head of registered holstein cattle automatic electric bulk milk cooler new reg yorkshire brood sows hog etc grain furniture etc on lot 27 con cession 3 king twp on the schombergaurora hgy 2nd lane wt of 3rd concession on north aide property of aubrey wood sale at 1130 am tcrm cah no rwervo as farm rold ken clarke prentice auctioneers

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