holiday in mexico canadian pacific airlines to rontomexico city vancouver- mexico city nonstop flights aboard dcgb empress air liners provide holidaybent canadians with an opportunity to visit the fabled land of the aztecs the white sands of acapulco beckon beach and surf enthusiasts and the mex ican divers provide daily thrills for tourists as they risk their lives in high dives from rocky pinnacles into the pa cific ocean pottery decoration at puelba by native artists and the ruins at tula are extra attractions for the visitor cp photo holsteins among gift animals to turkey twenty canadian holsteins are amongst ashipment of 192 head of cattle that are being sent as- a gift to turkey by a tjsa organization known as heifer project inc the ship ment will consist of 50 female calves and 12 bulls of each of the holstein jersey and brown swiss breeds also five here bingo every saturday night legion hall stouffville 35tt 8 pm sharp jackpot special games door prizes admission 50c everybody welcome under auspices branch 459 canadian legion ford and five angus bull calves the calves will be used to start a foundation herd oper ated by the government near ankara the bulls will also be used at this ataturk farm and in addition will be distributed to villages of the country for cross breeding with native stock for a period of 7 years ata turk farm will pasteurize and give free 10 percent of the milk obtained to needy children and expectant mothers who cannot afford to buy milk twenty per cent of the heifers from these animals will be given to refu gees and other needy village people of turkey who have had prior training and education with regard to handling feed ing breeding and supervising livestock also for a period of seven years service of the bulls from these cows as well as the original bulls will be made available without charge to vill age people for crossbreeding with their native cattle the remaining progeny will be used to develop breeding herds on the ataturk farm and other state farms these ulti mately to be used for the pur pose of improving the livestock in the villages of turkey they will form the nucleus of a na tional livestock improvement program the twenty head of holsteins including four bulls and sixteen heifers secured in canada were purchased by h j fretz and sons stevensville in the niag ara peninsula all are well bred individuals the dam in each case having completed an excellent record of performance produc tion test heifer project inc is spon sored by a number of usa churches it sponsors an inter- faith relief and rehabilitation program that sends contributed live stock and poultry to war ruined and agriculturally un developed countries the pur pose of this program is to help meet the nutritional needs of hungry people by supplying the type of assistance which meets the immediate problem of hun ger and malnutrition but yet has the long range potential for supplying food requirements for the months and years to come since 1944 8826 cattle 7307 goats 1325 pigs 530 rabbits 264860 chicks 287280 hatching eggs 47 horses 200 packages of honey bees 449 sheep 3000 tur key poults have been shipped to 39 different countries holsteinfriesian assn n expansion of stouffville health office during 1957 njoy uhf channel wbuf buffalo now only 4950 installed complete with converter single or all channel and antenna excellent reception for the top stars and programs sid caesar life of riley groucho marx lux video theatre dave garroway ir twenty one steve allen hitparade -a- tennessee ernie perry como many others it pays to buy from a servicing dealer stouffville radio tv centre television radio appliances phone 124 sales service new location main st west the health of the people of york county continues to be good- during the past year the health units part in maintain ing this good level has been a holding the line action no new services were started in 1956 apart from opening a branch office in aurora next week and a proposed expansion of stouffville branch office no other new senices are planned for 1957 last year it was drawn to your attention that there was an increasing urgency to safeguard water supply in quality and quantity particularly for built- up areas further light has been thrown on this subject during the past year but we should not consider ourselves out of the woods yet it remains to be seen whether the ontario water re sources commission may yet plan an important part in assist ing in the supply on an eco nomic basis of good quality water to the aurora newmar ket south lake simcoe area and the yonge street front of markham and vaughan town ships the private home owner in the rural area is by no means overlooked in the water picture water testing of private wells on request in rural areas am ounted to 426 water tests taken in the year regular checks on sanitary quality of municipal water sup plies in the eight public water systems were carried out regu larly to ensure continued safety for the large number of consum ers served by these municipal systems it is noted that many complaints are regularly receiv ed regarding taste colour and sediment in certain localities continuing reassurance from the health point of view that these particular municipal wat ers continue to be safe for con sumption and that the waters physical defects are outside the immediate field of public health does not appear to completely satisfy the complainants they are then referred to the water works superintendents in their local area for further considera tion of what appears to be an economic problem rather than a health problem a word of commendation should be said to the 14 muni cipal mayors reeves and coun cillors and their planning boards for the close cooperation they have given the health unit in ensuring close supervision of waste disposal and plumbing installations and for future pro vision of the same on a private or municipal basis in new sub division developments check ing of plans advising and as sisting contractors builders and owners and providing supervi sion of installation continues to be a major time consumer for the sanitary and plumbing in spectors even though there has been a levelling off in building activity in the county municipal waste disposal con tinues to be a local problem residents of newmarket and of communities downstream from that town should be somewhat ringwood mrs fred steckley church service at 1115 am on sunday feb 24th we were glad to welcome as visitors six young men at the evening ser vice the pastor brought these men with him christian endeavour prayer meeting was held at the home of mr and mrs cliff morgason last monday night and this week is to be held at mr and mrs herb yakeleys home we seem to have missed the excitement and right at our own door of a plane landing in the field north of mr frank atkin sons barn on sunday feb 10th it was miss xetta lawreson ar riving in style to visit her par ents mr and mrs ed law reson then we hear that an other plane was down this week end in mr warren raes field but the circumstances arc not happy as in the case of the other landing as three men in this one were killed all were mar ried and left families the steckley sisters and sis tersinlaw and miss ada grove attended a quilting at mrs norman steckleys on wednes day feb 13th it was fun there was so much snow fell on thursday that the christian endeavour union skating party at cedarena had to be cancelled but an enjoyable time was had at ratcliffs pond by the mem bers of the sunday school on friday night mr and mrs victor brown and family of erin mr and mrs harold steckley marilyn and kevin gary is home from hospital now and was favored with grandma and grandpa bo- don as baby sitters while be had to stay hom- miss shirley stcrkloy and mr george gower had sat noon dinner with mr and mrs fred steckley the occasion being a surprise birth day party for dad mr and mr j focklcr en tertained on sunday for their daughter and sonrlnlaw mr and mrs thomas bullock it was their drat wedding annivers ary mr mervln brnwnsbtser epent sunday with hi slter and husbind mr and mrs ros vasncind his father mr henry brownsberger who celebrated his nlnctyfirjt birthday lut month mr and mrs robert filyerl and mr and mr- clifford mor- 1 gases visited mr and mr bruce j stoucfer and family of canning- j ton on sunday discouraged with the rate of progress toward adequate sew- age disposal facilities for new market while this view is con fined to public health it is of course true that communy eco nomic health and public health are interdependent the lack of adequate sewage disposal facili ties in newmarket is certainly a millstone delaying healthy economic growth there should also be particu lar concern about the continuing lack of municipal sewage dis posal facilities in the yonge st front area of markham and vau ghan townships in this well- defined area of urban develop ment along yonge street north of steeles avenue which is des perately needing municipal sew age services the people are ap parently being denied the neces sities of adequate health protec tion because they are too close but not close enough to metro politan toronto unfortunately the problem seems to be the im mediate concern of planning offi cials although it would appear to have long ago slipped through the stage susceptible to plan ning in a local sense and became developed community sewerage problem desperately in need of action to protect the community from the hazards that are rife in sewage seeping in to the ditches roadways and streams the village of woodbridge is in the horrible position of being soaked in sewage with little hope of being washed clean as long as woodbridges balance be tween assessment and debt re mains much the same the vill age apparently must continue to wallow in septic tank effluent as long as this unsanitary con dition continues the village will not likely be able to improve its assessment picture perhaps this is a situation where the hypo thetical banker to salvage his original investment must plunge in further before the red ink will change to black and the hazards of seepage will be chan ged to the glow of health garbage collection and garb age clumps throughout the coun ty have been under scrutiny dur ing the year most municipali ties have some provision for gar bage collection in builtup areas the most notable defect is the grossly inadequate supervision of dumping operations and ir regular maintenance of dump sites many dumps or dumping operations are operated private ly or by concession from muni cipal councils unfortunately it appears that private enterprise tends to do a poor job of garb age dump operation it is recom mended that municipalities ac cept more direct responsibility for garbage dump operations in order to check any worsening of a growing public health prob lem polio vaccination of children in public schools separate schools high schools and private schools in the county is almost complete in 1955 there were 5200 children in grades 1 2 and 3 given two doses of salk vac cine in 1956 this was increased by another 12636 children in re maining grades third doses are now being given to those who already have had two doses new entry and stragglers are getting the first two doses and all high school students are being offered two doses an additional 13541 children by next april if vac cine supplies continue to arrive an estimated 20000 preschool children down to 6 months of age will be offered salk vac cine a special word of apprecia tion should be said to the many practising physicians in the lo cal communities who have as sisted in the polio vaccination program a tabulation of some of the highlights of the years work is before you to outline in part the broad scope of your health units daily activities the ad vent of polio vaccine in 1955 and the urgency to inoculate as many children as possible in the most susceptible age groups has taken a great many hours of public health nursing staff time a shortage of trained pub lic health nurses during 1956 reduced the public health nursj ing staff in the field from 15 to i 11 or almost 25 reduction i since the middle of last year these two factors produced a sharp decline in the amount of j public health nursing time de voted to the vital fields of mater nal health infant health and school health which are the foundations of a healthy popu lation as you know infant and ma i ternal mortality rates are re ferred to by welfare experts as the measure of civilization on tarios infant mortality rate is excessively high ranking 6th be hind national rates for sweden new zealand the netherlands j australia and norway we need to do more on a local basis to combat this poor record of in fant deaths in addition in york county we are still not engaging in a practical mental health pro gram in a field that is economi cally sound since the investment of a few preventive dollars is now known to save taxpayers money in the long run since it costs the taxpayer over 1000 per annum to keep mentally ill patients in hospital another serious gap in pre venting costly and unnecessary illness and death is the lack of sufficient effort directed toward accident prevention accidental death is the sixth biggest cause of death in the whole popula tion and the first cause of death in youth and young adulthood most of these deaths occur fol lowing accidents at home and for the most part could be pre vented another almost unscratched field in york county is the main tenance of health and wellbeinj for the aged and infirm apart from those elderly people al ready in york manor every ef fort should be made to assist incapacitated citizens to return to a profitable and productive ex istence as we live longer there are more of us in the older level of life and up to the present we have very little organized public health program to pre vent our senior citizens from be coming early liabilities on the community an effort in this direction should now take the place of yesterdays fight ag ainst contagious and infectious diseases which are now well on the wane the concise financial state ment for 1956 from auditors re port which is before you indi cates a technical surplus of 90103 this represents a bal ance between funds expended and funds received if the board of health had had a full staff for which it budgeted at the be ginning of 1956 it would have expended about another 7000 the board of health is budget ing in 1957 as shown on page 2 several items that appeared in last years budget but were not used are again included this year these include provision for opening an aurora branch office provision for adjusting ac commodation in the newmarket headoffice provision for a base line number of public health nurses provision for replace ment of automobiles and rou tine additional office equipment deferred due to disruption of head office by fire this year the board is budget- ting for a full staff including 17 public health nurses which is york countys full quota in terms of our eligibility for 100 federal health grants last year we received only 28497 in conditional federal grants out of a possible 39000 due to shortage of staff this year we will be eligible for almost 50- 000 on condition that we have basic staff adding to this the estimated contribution from the province of ontario 76256 and the estimated plumbing inspection revenue 1552400 we have 141500 or 65 of the total budget leaving 76256 or 35 as the county of yorks share the stouffvilli trjeune thursday february 21 w57 page 5 woo help yourself by putting your money to work in the united cooperatives of ontario debentures at 5 1 guaranteed always at par 2 available in any denomination 3 may be used as collateral 4 redeemable on demand for good reason 5 every debenture registered 6 interest paid quarterly on 5000 or more limited offer only inquire at once your investment is backed by almost s9000000 in assets and yearly volumes of approximately 60000000 for further information phone your local coop and ask for george timbers phone 269 or 122 he will arrange for ted sherwin debenture fieldman to call on you m liquor vote in newmarket the saar a 991squaremiie region between france and ger many is one of the most dense ly populated parts of europe heavily industrialized it im ports about 90 percent of its food ft momm wnti western canadas important oil fields today the date for a plebiscite un der the liquor licence act in newmarket has been set for wednesday may 1 a bylaw au thorizing the holding of a vote on the question are you in favor of the establishment of government stores for the sale of liquor and naming the date was passed by council on monday feb 11 at first reeve edward wright- man refused to support the by law claiming it made him state he approved the establishment of liquor outlets in the town but when it was explained that the bylaw only authorized the holding of the plebiscite and set the date mr wrjgnfman sup ported it the mayor d r violet macnaughton and coun cillor rome paynter approved it fortieth annual conference of the brethren in christ church n to be held dv in the heise hill church markham district gormley ontario february 23 and 24 1157 beginning 10 am both days lunch provided theme preparation for heaven speakers bishop henry a ginder manheim pa and elder george c shaffer stayner ont come and bring others with you a welcome to all by neil patrick fogs and car deals the worlds most famous fogs i suppose are tbom experienced in san francisco london england and bj bridegrooms some of the stories they toll nbout london fog nrc just about as thick as the fogs uieinselves an old friend of mine just returned from kuglnnd brought back two slmjfgy smog stories that he swears nr true ho couldnt sec through them at least two cockneys were making deliveries in the london dock areas when a sudden fog dropped and they pulled up their truck to see where they were one of them got out and stepped into water up to his knee terrified he cried that they weir right on he edge of the dock they dared itol move until hie pea soup lifted they stayed there all night when the fog lifted in the morning they found they had parked beside a horse trough my friend also solemnly swears hi wife was standing on a corner during a san franekeo fog when she let out n terrible scrcarn somebody was trying to mail a letter in her well those famous fogs arent really as thick as some of the blankets of confusion ive seen dropped over car advertising in some big cities lately all you need to do is walk into a car dealer they try to tell you and hell he overjoyed to lot you have a car for the prie of an ire cream cone there i an easy way to judge true car prices the difference between the total price im paj ntl he tradein allowance i- you guide thats the important price it your money foggy talk about sensational price slashing can hide the actual price youre paying ask for the amount youll actually have to pay thats the price we always give you without any sleightofhand juggling how would jou like n car with a 51 gallon gis lank a hhriry reading lamps and a cocktail bar m the bark 7 well we havent got one oh the lot hih ill tell you about it next week yry inspired by the leduc dip the end of 1956 western can- covery a decade ago oil men ada had almost 10000 produc- began a seppedup explora- ared tion program that has result- ed in many important discov- nan 50 a ne mc cric3 in western canada by of the leduc discovery