Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 7, 1957, p. 2

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fc 1 the stooffvttle tmbuni thmitf fefawy 7 1957 the stouffville tribune established 1888 a v nolan son publishers liember of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the ontarioquebec newspapers association member of the audit bureau of circulations authorized a aeon6aia mall postosce depu ottawa printed and issued every thursday at stouffville ont in canada 350 elsewhere 450 c h koub pubfaie its thomij auodtte edfar lets have no obstacles now that stouffville has a good subdivision agreement whereby most of the main costs of develop ment are shouldered by the subdivider there should be no hesitation about keeping local building on the move likewise the proposed annexation should be pressed forward with all speed several portions of this land has been purchased some with a view to industrial development stouffville council should get along with the annexation proceedings as quickly as possible the town has had a reputation in the past some of it only partially justified of being skepticalminded of industry and of hindering instead of helping any wouldbe industrial developer to get started lets put an end to such ideas now with our good subdivision arrangement and the completion of a sewerage system we want- industry and want it badly and should lean over backwards to help it get established there should be no hesitancy about inviting in dustry to come or making known our fine resources we have the water the sewers and the hydro lets put out the welcome mat hold your fire we are fast approaching budget time for another year within a few months another tax rate will be struck for stouffville and for the surrounding town ships its no doubt therell be wailing and gnashing of teeth in many quarters if the mil rates go up again such reaction is inevitable among taxpayers who have seen nothing but increases over the last ten years just give the matter a little thought however before you blow your top at your elected representatives you see higher mill rates are not entirely the fault of the councils much as we would like to use them as the handy scapegoats on which to lay the blame a great deal of this tax money has to be raised for other people to spend more than half of it for the school boards and another sizeable slice for the county this county money is earmarked even before its collected the school boards the park board the planning board all have a hand in fashioning this unpopular tax rate although council invariably bears the brunt of the criticism some of these other boards like council find that their hands are somewhat tied school boards must carry out the recommendations set down by the department the teachers call the alary tune and the board must pay the piper what about the sewers you say true this is direct tax brought on by council necessitated by the demand of the ratepayers who voted by aseventyfive percent majority to have the money spent when its all figured out council has not been too rash in its moneyspending stouffville must go along with the times and apparently the times dictate spending money on a scale that would have staggered our fathers tight money problems the bank of canadas tight money policy is running into mounting criticism few people question its effectiveness as a means of curbing inflation but many doubt if in the present circumstances it is the best possible way of dealing with the inflationary problem premier hugh john flemming of new brunswick thinks not whatever the dangers of inflation in central and western canada his province like the rest of the maritimes is sorely in need of economic development yet it is as difficult today to borrow money for economic development in the maritimes as it is in the rest of canada mr flemmings criticism is that the tight money policy fails to distinguish between the special economic needs of the various sections of the country as he puts it it is about as sensible as a man with ten children feeding them all castor oil regardless of their individual needs ontarios premier frost raises a different objec tion the ontario government is in the midst of a huge capital works program including the new hydro development on the st lawrence river the tight money policy wjiich includes higher interest rates has made it much more costly for the government to borrow the money it requires to finance this capital program mr frost feels the tight money policy disregards the essential nature of provincial and municipal devel opment the provinces and the municipalities he declares are the right arm of this countrys develop ment cut off the right arm and then see what you are left with it will be noted that the criticisms mentioned here come from conservatives and they are directed against the policy of the liberal government even so we do not think they can be dismissed on political grounds the fact is that tight mbney policy is a very blunt instrument for performing a delicate antiinflationary vperation the danger of inflation today comes chiefly from the amazingly high rate of business investment in plant and equipment business is so expansionist- minded that there is not enough skilled labor and steel and certain other key materials to satisfy demand obviously some form of control is needed to temper the demand and tight money by restricting the supply of credit for business investment is one way of doing it tight money however does more than curb busi ness expansion it is retarding essential provincial and municipal works programs it is slowing down housing at a time when housing is still scarce there is not shortage of consumer goods and automobiles but if the credit squeeze is extended much further it is bound to affect consumer buying the danger in this is that in trying to slow down business investment in capital plant and equipment we may slow down the whole economy even if this pitfall can be avoided is it necessary to blanket the entire economy with tight money when the primary object is to slow down one sector capital expansion one alternative would be direct government controls were the government to alio- 1 your garden and mine tea air ire iwy admired year fathera mnstaefco year mother a too for uu4 matter etfe the test of monotony i was riding with a friend in his car one morning when he said my wife gets me down i asked him what he meant and he replied i lead a busy life and meet twenty or thirty men daily and when i get home i want my dinner my evening paper and i dont want to talk we went over the situation and i admitted he had a case but there was another side to it generally his wife was alone all day doing a dozen and one things which by repetition had become monotonous after a long day she wanted the news of happenings she hungered for color and interest for monotony can be trying and her desire to talk and listen to her husband was the most natural thing in the world after a while my friend said i guess you are right and i am somewhat selfish i had forgotten how drab her life often is he was a very decent fellow and had not meant to be impatient the test or the gray roads is one which many find most trying more people fall victims to the tiresomeness of life than to its tears wrote percy ainsjvorth the tragedies of life do not always occur in the storms of life beneath the gray skies of monotony and beneath the sunlessness of routine very sad things happen for a large number of people life is made up of duties which by repetition have become so monotonous that they lose interest and become dispirited a workman in an english factory told the writer that he had done the same thing dally for thirtyeight years it was a simple task that a boy of ten might have done after an hours practice it called for no initiative or originality there was nothing required but to keep on going through the motions when the element of surprise goes out of life the test of monotony begins and for many it dampens their religious life as children we used to put our hands over playmates eyes and cry open your mouth and shut your eyes and see what somebody sends you and the enjoyment of such a game lay in the thrill of surprise half the pleasure of the christmas season is that besides giving and receiving gifts the air of mystery and secrecy is everywhere dr joseph parker once declared if we had no changes we should have no prayers when men become accustomed to things he said they lose the sense of wonder and soon after that the sense of reverence few take the trouble to watch a sunrise because it is so common men view with complete indifference natures most dazzling spectacles for no other reason than this they are so used to them seedtime and summer autumn and winter pass with such unfailing regular ity that men cease to be stirred by them monotony has made agnostics of many men and atheists of others it is so much easier to believe in god when life is exciting and colorful even if sorrow is the cause of it god seems more real in the crisis than in the commonplace the hebrew people rose to great heights under persecution but sagged i woefully in less eventful days in genesis there is the story- of young jacob fleeing from home after he had deceived his father and wronged his brother he travelled what must have been in those days a great distance and then from sheer weari ness fell asleep god visited him in that sleep and when he awoke jacob cried with astonishment with incredulity surely the lord was in this place and i knew it not- how many times there are when startled by amazement that god has been near an unsuspected presence unsuspected because life had become humdrum most or us need patience and understanding nothing is settled by irritability we need the grace of god for every day living our quotation today is by dr john watson let us be patient with one another we are all having a hard time for parents only your childs teetk i am going to visit the dent 1st with my child next week a mother said shes just three but i want her to go with me and become acquainted with the dentist and his assistant then when she is older and has to go to his office to get work done she wont be frightened a friendly visit of a little child to the dentist does pave the way for a happy relation ship later the child looks on the dentist as a friend the shiny new equipment and the big chair fascinate a childs eager mind in the long run be- by nancy clearer cause it will likely eliminate panic later this early visit js worthwhile parents want their children to have attractive teeth because they add to a childs appearance many youngsters have a charm ing smile displaying a perfect set of teeth healthy teeth well formed and in their correct place help in pronunciation never laugh at the first grade child who has lost his baby front teeth and is lisping your amusement may make him selfconscious if a child loses a permanent front a friend of ours takes a dim view of our cherished foliage plants my idea of a plant he says is one that simply bursts into glorious big crimson or pur ple blooms of course he must be think ing of the gloxinia and for those of us who in any degree share his feeling it is good news that right now and indeed through march tubers may be potted up and in a few months will behave just as the man says the gloxinia is the more spec tacular cousin of the african violet and is indeed a beautiful plant with its rosette of soft furry leaves and its jewel- colored blooms the large cup- shaped fiowers are in a great variety of colors solid or mixed including shades of scarlet blue pink crimson deep violet and white like the african violet they may be grown from seed or propagated from offsets or by rooting leaves however you will get flowers much earlier by planting the tubers get good ones the new varieties produce wonderfully large and brilliant flowers from a large tuber you may get as many as thirty wide open bells of glorious colour the gloxinia came to us from brazil where it thrives in warm moist shady places let us try to provide similar conditions use an open porous soil per haps a mixture of three parts good soil one part sand and two parts peat use a five inch pot or larger placing the tuber so that its top is just at the surface of the soil keep the soil moist using tepid water apply at the t pot rim never on the plant for better growth use a balanced plant food in solution every two weeks j during growth and blooming it requires as well as a warm moist atmosphere s good light but not direct sunlight it can- not tolerate a draught give it plenty of room as the large furry leaves break easily gloxinias are easily carried over from year to year after the flowering period gradually reduce the watering until there is no further sign of growth pull out the dead stems being careful not to injure the crown set the pot on its side in the cellar until next january at that time bring it into a warm room and resume watering it is not necessary to repot it at the time that your plant is thriving it would be interest ing to root a few leaves use the same method as for african violets place the entire stem of the leaf in soil verrolculite or sand keep out of the sun and water just enough to keep the soil damp when growth is es tablished transfer the tiny plant to a pot of loose moderately rich soil as you do this you will notice that a small tuber is already formed in six months time it may be an inch or more in di ameter it looks as though you will have gloxinias from now on the resources of the horticul tural society are at your service questions may be addressed to box 709 richmond hill you will be most welcome at any of the monthly meetings c february 8th 1925 forty below zero was regis tered in beaverton one night last week this is the lowest record says the express the heavy snow storms and windy weather of last week put the automobile trucks off the road and made the going rather hard in places for horsedrawn vehicles it is now impossible to drive a car from stouffville to ringwood where the pitch holes are as regular and deep as the waves of the sea eighty carloads of products were shipped from stouffville station during the month of january this means that many thousands of dollars found their way into this district and largely into the hands of our farmers which will ultimately reap a benefit to the business people as well mr sam mckuen of mill st is in possession of two fractured ribs as a result of a fall mr mckuen was carrying a cord- wood stick when he stumbled over the sawhorse with the painful result its not unusual for horses to throw men and fracture their ribs and sam who has worked around them all his life says he never antici pated any such treatment from a sawhorse at least i a committee of the board of i trade are working on plans to raise 1000 for the purpose of wiping off the mortgage on the park property and making needed improvements towards making the grounds into a town park more tangible results on the part of the stouffville baptist church congregation toward the building of a new church was in evidence this week when a quan tity of gravel was deposited on the new site at the corner of obrien avenue and main st on a lot which has been vacant for many years back this prop erty has been in the hands of the baptists for some time but it was felt that building should not continence until such times as the financial aspect of the undertaking could be reason ably handled while no plans are yet prepared the building committee reckon on a struc ture that will cost around 14- 000 and of this amount 8600 is now promised reeve william jackson of new toronto was elected to the wardenshlp of york county by acclamation at the inaugural meeting of york county council tuesday afternoon last week mr jackson who is the 64th warden of the county was nom- cate steel for example it could slow down expansion and direct it into the channels that would do the most good for the nation in theory controls would seem to be a more suit able instrument in practice they would probably create as many new and different problems even so if threat of inflation continues much longer the government may have to consider some form of direct controls however unpleasant they may be to some tight money may be justified as a temporary measure but if continued too long it may create more problems than it solves star weekly tooth in an accident for the sake of his speech it should be quickly replaced by a false one dentists know that unless a false tooth is put in where a permanent one has been not only speech is affected but the child cannot bite or chew so well the teeth on either side of the space are apt to grow a bit crooked the opposite tooth in the other gum above or be low the space may grow too long if the damage is not re paired semiannual visits to the dent ist should be a must in every family schedule the dentist is a professional man who can ad vise puzzled parents about spe cial mouth problems they may mention two new developments in tooth care that are almost too recent to be ac curately evaluated the use of fluorine in water and the action of ammonlated tooth paste pre- continucd on page 4 15degree average january coldest since 1948 january this year has been the coldest since 1948 weather records show the average tem perature was 15 degrees six degrees below the january 1956 average of 21 average temperature in 1948 january was 14 degrees in that month the mercury was below zero eight times 20 be low on two occasions during the past month six subzero read ings were recorded one 12 be low january 1945 was colder at an average of 12 degrees mildest since that time was january 1950 when the mean was 27 degrees average maximum tem perature during the past month was 21 degrees and average minimum 10 inated by reeve william gra ham of york township and sec onded by reeve w a edwards of mimico now parade page whether you like to rock around the clock or prefer your music in a mellow mood the telys new hit parade page will give you the only accurate hit parade lineup in this area plus disc jockeys choices and inside stories about your favorite stars every friday in the telegram mv tka tlr wlrrtpn fororlt nmlnb fr r dlhrnr lelmhon im ssoli etder iron hi mlr o yt itriit saturday excursions toronto tfy cnr low fares every saturday to and inc april 13 tickets good going and returning same saturday only excursion fares from allandale aurora barrie black water bradford 245 120 250 200 100 holland landing 150 lindsay newmarket ieterhoro stouffville sunderland uxbridge 270 183 300 110 205 103 corresponding fares from intermediate point ptotfettoh at your fingertips safety in lhe automobile is optional at no extra cost ko mechanical safety device can replace the protection of careful driving last year traffic accidents claimed the livosof more canadian than ever before someone was injured every 8 minutes a car was damaged every 48 seconds automobile insurance claims rose to mora than one hundred million dollars ono result of this is higher automobile insurance rales because what is paid out in claims musl bo brought in by piomiumi but evon mora important is the fact that you hold your life and tha lives of olhera in your hands when you got behind tho wheel of a car safely pays dividends auves lives helps to lowor your insuranc costs be careful alt canada insurance f i all canada insurance federation on bhf of men an ooo ewnpmtttig compsnim wtltttg tin automabti mf cmimjqt inmtntk

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