Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 31, 1957, p. 5

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petition asks dissolution v j of markham school area acting quickly on receipt of i signed petition from ratepay ers residing in the markham portion of school area no 1 markham vaughan markham township council unanimously greed monday to set up a three- member committee to investi gate the possibility of dissoi- ing the present school area and of establishing in its place a new area to serve markham township children only the pe tition containing over 100 names was presented to council by a twomember delegation com posed of messrs e r axclson a resident of highland park blvd and n s hall a resident of steeles ave east the three- member investigating commit tee set up by council will be composed of former reeve al fred lemasurier former plan ning board chairman c j lau- rin and mrs k james council lor for ward 1 a great deal of thought and consideration has certainly gone into this report stated coun cillor mrs james in supporting the petition any plan to dis solve the school area will to a large extent depend on vaughan townships feeling in the mat ter the present school area was established in 1951 to serve n area adjacent to yonge st nd located in both the town ships of markham and vaughan mr atkinson stated he had good reason to believe that a similar petition is being circu- j lated in vaughan when queried last december by markham re garding a possible dissolution of the school area vaughan stated they wanted more infor mation on the final effects of any such move before render ing a decision in supporting the petition reeve w l clark felt the pres ent increased township popula- j tion made it advisable for mark- iham to take whatever steps are j necessary to control its own education a similar problem j exists with our high school dis trict where we have the rich- mond hill district high school j board attempting to administer secondary school education in a large area embracing four j municipalities stated reeve clark the richmond hill dist- rict high school board is a large unwieldy body composed of some 13 representatives from the municipalities of vaughan markham woodbridge and rich mond hill mr atkinson thought it might prove acceptable if the school area were composed of an equal number of representatives from each of the two townships and with a neutral chairman you will always have trouble as long as you attempt to cross municipal lines stated deputy- reeve d deacon the clerk was instructed to inform vaughan township of the petition greenwood the ypu held their meeting at the church last sunday night with miss audrey hopkinspn in charge of the program last sat urday night they enjoyed a to bogganing party at the home of the president len waltham farm forum met at rev and mrs moores on monday night wh 8mm to ii fruit teujt smtomb 9bwsfwwswb5i h sihbflai sb- the forums on the results of is friday night feb 8th ross disney and mrs c mc- their discussions for the last t evening auxiliary of the taggart plans were discussed three broadcasts wms held their first meeting lor sending a blanket to hun- mr and mrs clarence bur- of the year at mrs ross jack- i 80- general business followed roughs of brooklin were visitors mans on wednesday jan 21 and luncn was sei- with fred and mrs byers last miss b mclean led in the wor- j sunday afternoon ship service theme being forj ap 100000 new the euchre at the school last he is our peace the program fridav night was well attended entitled program conservation cases of tuberculosis are being mr i mclean is the president on philippines and indochina reported annually at the rate of for the season and mrs wm was capably taken by miss b one every five minutes wl jfwrwlot tsmhf tfcntfcy 9 wt fag s when the index of textile in dustry wages is adjusted to the index of retail prices it shows that canadin textile workers now enjoy 65 percent more buy ing power than in 1939 elvis presley furniture has made its debut lets hope it isnt as wobbly as fjvis legs tip for canada the american automobile association repre senting united states motorists has called for higher txves oa heavy- commercial trucks to re duce the portion of highway costs borne by motorists a mailmans best friend is tht man who doesnt have one sunday school lesson mission of the twelve lesson for february 3 matthew 935 to 1042 golden text the harvest truly is plenteous but the labourers are few pray ye therefore the lord of the harl vest that he will send forth labourers into his harvest matt 937 38 i is matthew designated the pub lican simon the canaanite is indicated by luke as the zealot zealotesh he came from a group of fanatical national ists thaddaeus is called judas the lesson as a whole approach to the lesson we are still in that section of matthews gospel in which the king is presented in his pro cedure after the great declara tion of the principles of the kingdom in the sermon on the mount chaps 5 6 7 we have 2 chapters full of activity the authority of the king is vindi cated again and again through miraculous works in many realms there is an increasing tempo until we come to a state ment descriptive of all those days and jesus went about all the cities and villages teaching and preaching and healing but for all the strenuous pace there were still great sections of the country unreached it was time for expansion our lesson brings us to the appointment of the apostolic band for this pur pose and to the chapter contain ing the instructions which the lord gave them before they went forth on their first mission this is the second great body ot teaching in the gospel which we call the promotion of the kingdom chap 10 verse by verso matt 935 and jesus went about teaching preaching and healing the triple minis try of christ during his itiner ations was teaching preaching and healing the word for prea ching here means heralding making an authoritative pro nouncement which calls for sub missive response like a royal proclamation compare acts 33 30 31 verse 36 moved with compassion because they laintcd as sheep having no shepherd the multitudes did not spell success to jesus but need so his reaction was not a swelling pride but a stinging pain he had the eyes and the heart of a shepherd john 10 in verse 37 the harvest plenteous but the labourers are few strange that he should think in terms of sheep and speak in terms of harvest was it because the disciples were not yet able to enter into his feel ings as a shepherd verse 3s pray ye therefore the lord of the harvest labourers into his harvest who is the lord of the harvest wd instinctively think of the lord jesus himself but he doubtless was inviting the disciples to pray to the father rather than to himself praying was part of their preparation for going chap 101 called his twelve disciples he gave them power if they were to be laborers together with him they must be empowered to do his work these were the signs which would lend authority to their words and mark them as sent by him who wrought simi lar signs verse 2 simon andrew james john the list is also given in mark 31619 luke 61116 acts 113 in the latter case judas iscar- iot is of course missing in all four lists peter stands first but andrew is named along with him only in matthew and luke in the three gospels james pre- cedes john but in acts john is named right after peter with james following verses 3 4 philip kv tholomew thomas mat thew the publican james tharidoeiis onlv in thj list the brother of james by luke son of james in asv the greek simply having judas of james judas is marked as the traitor in all three gospel lists i verse 5 go not into the i way of the gentiles these were instructions for a single mission although they contain many abiding principles which must be applied today we need discernment to see what is tem porary and what is permanent verse 6 but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of is rael this was in keeping with our lords own primary appoint ment as minister of the circum cision rom 158 and with the general principle to the jew first rom 116 verse 7 preach the kingdom of heaven is at hand preach is the same word used of christ in 935 and the theme is the same see 32 417 verse 8 heal cleanse raise the dead cast out devils- freely give these men were extensions of him self the signs marked them as his ministers and validated the message which they preached in his name verse 24 the disciple is not above his master servant lord this reverts back to the treatment our lord declared they would receive at the hands of men vs 17 18 22 master here is teacher and servant is bondservant verse 25 the disciple as his master the master beelzebub how much more them of his household we should not ex pect better treatment than our lord received beelzebub more correctly beelzebul was regard ed among the jews of christs day as the prince of the de mons or satan the heart of the lesson the lord jesus lived a stren uous life one has only to read matthew 935 with understand ing and imagination to realize the tremendous pressure of such a ministry the strength ex pended in the threefold work of teaching preaching and heal- ng in city after city and village after village must have been al most without restriction to the work for which he had come in to the world but it is when the spirit of inspiration draws aside the veil and gives us a blimpse into the heart of jesus christ that we see the meaning of it all some men are borne along on a tidal wave of excitement which en ables them to accomplish great feats of endurance the sight of the multitudes is the token of success and the wine of success exhilarates them with jesus however it was not the success or the publicity that carried him along the multitudes for him spelt need and the deep com passion of his soul was as a mighty compulsion driving him on his great shepherd heart looked out upon them as sheep so badly needing the care of a shepherd restricted in his bod ily presence he longed to reach more and more so he appealed to his disciples to pray that the lord of the harvest who hid sent him would send others al so the prayer was answered in deed praying prepared tiese dis ciples to be themselves the an swer to their prayer so they found themselves being commis sioned to go forth to a like min istry as they had seen him per form endued- with the prwer to do it and instruct in the prin ciples which should direct their endeavor natural restmaftress year after yearregulakl sold for 50 once again drastically reduced during seedtizm i anniversaryjsafe imagine saving nearly 20 on the regular year- round price of a famous sealy natural rest its buttonfree no buttons no bumps no lumps healthfully firm handsome decorator designed cover prebuilt borders for nonsag edges you cant buy a finer quality more lux uriously comfortable mattress for the money save now for a limited time matching boxsprinq3995 dluvlu pcculi 76 anniversary twin bed ensemble with buttonfree mattress complete headboard mattreis box spring and steel frame va tot a tmltsd dm onfy a washable tufted headboard sealy buttonfree mattress tod box spring all eorered in the une charming decorator designed protincul print plus a sturdy steel frame posturepedic no longer need 70a itiiter the torture of paszual morning backache or oe preeioua rioep bectom vou dont t the firm auppoxt tour body pd the sealy poaturepedie world nrit tad only nut tretu deaigned in cooperalioa with leading ortho- eoc adjust your body poature leu jyoi leep in health pedic lurgeoc adjust your body to correct tleeptng poature leu yoi iecp in healtnal c wooderfully reiretbed out to afaapfna on a tooaoft mattraaa i oonrfort awake complete uattmm vtf jo4atlm tf ttyaer wiftlan ootfmte ta pvrchaaad fci aa acohvwwtjiwaw l e oneill furniture main st stouffville ont phone 98v

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